population and tribes of india

Post on 17-Apr-2022






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Population and Tribes of India

By Dr Vipan Goyal

India Position & Population Statistics

Lies in South Asia North of Equator

Latitude (8*4’ – 37*6’) N Longitude (68*7’ – 97*25’)E

2nd largest arable land for agriculture (after US) Population 17.6 % of the world

Area → 3.28 million sq. km (2.4 % of world) 7th Largest in Area

Southernmost Point → Indira Point (6*45’)N St. meridian → Allahabad (82*3’)E

Kashmir – Kanyakumari → 3214 km Rann of Kutch – Arunachal Pradesh → 2933 km

Mainland Coastline → 6100 km (Mainland + A & N + Lakshadweep ) coastline → 7517 km

World Population Statistics

Population → China > India > US > Indonesia > Brazil > Pakistan

Area → Russia > Canada > US > China > Brazil > Australia > India

Religion → Christian > Muslims > Hindus > Chinese folks > Buddhists

Language → Mandarin Chinese > English > Hindi > Spanish > Russian > Arabic


Most populous → UP Largest Area → Rajasthan Male Population → 51.54 %

Least Populous → Sikkim Least Area → Goa Female Population → 48.46 %

Most literacy → Kerala Male literacy → 82.14 % Max Sex ratio → Kerala

Least Literacy → Bihar Female literacy → 65.46 % Least Sex ratio → Haryana

Census 2011


1.21 billion (17.5% of the world) Male 623.7 million

Female 586.5 million


74.04% Male 82.14%

Female 65.46% Highest Kerala > Lakshadweep > Mizoram Lowest Bihar

Highest –Female Kerala Lowest – Female Rajasthan Highest – Male Lakshadweep Lowest – Male Bihar

Sex Ratio

940 – Highest since 1971

Highest (State) Kerala – 1084

Lowest (State) Haryana – 877

Highest (UT) Puducherry – 1038

Lowest (UT) Dadra and nagar (775)

Child Sex Ratio


Highest Mizoram – 971

Lowest Haryana – 830

Density of Population

382 per sq. km

Highest Delhi > Bihar > WB > UP

Lowest A & N > Arunachal Pradesh

Most Populous State Uttar Pradesh

Least Populous State Sikkim

Most Populous UT Delhi

Least Populous UT Lakshadweep

Highest Growth of Population Meghalaya

Least Growth of Population Nagaland (negative growth)

Factors of Population Distribution in India

Physical factors such as Climate, Terrain and Availability of water

• North Indian Plains, deltas and Coastal Plains have climate suitable for

agriculture and fertile plains hence have higher proportion of population

• Mountainous and forested regions of southern and central Indian States,

Himalayan states, and some of the north-eastern states are less populated

• Development of irrigation (Rajasthan), availability of mineral and energy

resources (Jharkhand) and development of transport network (Peninsular

States) have resulted in moderate to high proportion of population.

Factors of Population Distribution in India

Socio-economic and historical factors

• Traditional settled agriculture and early human settlement has

resulted in large population in river plains and coastal areas of


• Development of transport and better agricultural development

has resulted in large population in North Plains

Factors of Population Distribution in India

Industrialization and urbanization

• Metro cities of India have high concentration of population

due to industrial development and urbanization.

• A large numbers of rural-urban migrants come to these towns

Phases of Growth of Indian Population

• 1911-1921 → Even recorded a negative growth rate

• Both the birth rate and death rate were high

• Major causes → Poor health and medical services, illiteracy of people at large, & inefficient distribution system of food

1901-1921 → Referred

as a period of stationary phase

of growth of India’s


Phases of Growth of Indian Population

• An overall improvement in health and sanitation throughout the country

• Better transport and communication system improved distribution system

• The crude birth rate remained high in this period leading to higher growth rate than the previous phase

1921-1951 → Referred as the period of

steady population


Phases of Growth of Indian Population

• Caused by a rapid fall in the death rate but a high birth rate

• The average annual growth rate was as high as 2.2 %

• High birth rate was due to better living conditions & scientific developments

• Due to increased international immigration from Tibet, Bangladesh, Nepal and Pakistan; India’s growth rate exploded

1951-1981 → Referred as the period of

population explosion in


Phases of Growth of Indian Population

• Due to decline in crude birth rate

• Due to an increase in the mean age at marriage

• Improvement in female literacy & empowerment

• Better scientific developments & access to common man

After 1981 till present, the growth rate has started

slowing down gradually

Problems due to Higher Population in India



Uneven Migration

Urbanization problems

Regional disparities

Increase in crime rate

Environmental Degradation

Impact of population growth on the Indian Economy Adverse effects on savings

Unproductive investment

Slow growth of Per Capita Income

Underutilization of labor

Growing pressure on land

Adverse effect on quality of population

Adverse social impact

Population Density

• The density of population is expressed as the number of

persons per unit area.

• The density of population in India as per 2011 census is 382

persons per square km.

• Bihar with 1102 people per square km is the most densely

populated state of India followed by West Bengal (1029) and

Uttar Pradesh (828).

Population Density

• Definitions :

• Physiological density refers to the total population divided by

the net cultivated area.

• Agricultural density refers to the total agricultural population

divided by the net cultivable area.

• Agricultural population includes cultivators and agricultural

laborers and their family members.

Modern Indian Cities

Based on the population size, the census of India classifies urban centers into six classes • CLASSES POPULATION

• Class I 100,000 and above

• Class II 50,000 to 99,999

• Class III 20,000 to 49,999

• Class IV 10,000 to 19,999

• Class V 5,000 to 9,999

• Class VI less than 5000

Modern Indian Cities • The cities with population beyond five million are known as mega


• Urban agglomeration forms in a situation when a town and its adjoining urban areas outgrowth, or two or more contiguous towns with or without their outgrowth, or a city and one or more adjoining towns with their outgrowth together forming a contiguous spread.

• More than 60 per cent of urban population in India lives in Class I towns.

India: Migration

• Causes of migration are categorized as

• ‘Push factors’ and

• ‘Pull factors’

India: Migration

• Causes of Migration

Push factors force people to migrate; for example,

unemployment, lack of infrastructure (such as hospital,

education institutions, etc.), natural disasters (such as flood,

drought, earthquake, cyclone, etc.), local conflicts, war, etc.

Pull factors attract people from different places; for example,

better opportunities for education and employment; better

health facilities; and various sources of entertainment, etc.

India: Migration

• Causes of Migration

Normally, the reason behind female migration throughout India is largely marriage related; however, Meghalaya has a reverse scenario.

Remittances from the international migrants are one of the major sources of foreign exchange.

For thousands of the poor villages of states like Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, Odisha, Andhra Pradesh, Himachal Pradesh, etc. remittance acts as life blood for their subsistence.

Tribes of India

• Officially recognized by the Indian government as

“Scheduled Tribes” in the Fifth Schedule of the

Constitution of India

• Often grouped together with scheduled castes in

the category “Scheduled Castes and Tribes”

• Eligible for certain constitutional benefits & perks

Tribes of India Tribe State

Jarawa, Onge, Sentinelese Andman

Shorn Pens, Holchu Nicobar

Palaeo Mongoloids Assam, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland, Manipur

Tibeto -Mongoloids Sikkim and Arunachal Pradesh

Mundas, Santhals, Oraons Chhotanagpur Plateau

Gonds, Kondhs Central Vindhyachal + Deccan Plateau

Gaddi, Kinner, Phangwal, Lahuli Himachal Pradesh

Tribes of India

Tribe State

Jaunsari, Bhotia, Raji, Buxa, Tharu Uttarakhand, Uttar Pradesh

Anal, Chiru, Konkanas, Kollam Maharashtra

Mala and Savara tribes West Bengal

Bhuiya tribe Madhya Pradesh

Banjaras, Moghias and Sathiyas Rajasthan

Bhil + Maldhari (Gir lions) Gujarat

Tribes of India

Tribe State

Oraon, Munda, Chero, Parchaiya, Santhal, Asuras Bihar

Bhuiya, Baiga, Dharua, Gaaro, Ho, Koli, Lodha Orissa

Bakarwal J & K

Oorali, Sholagar, Irular and Badaga Tamil Nadu

Hakki-Pikki, Korgas, Kurubas, Soliga Karnataka

Kadars, Irulars , Paniyans, Korgas, ooralis Kerala

Common Features of Tribes

Geographical isolation

live in cloistered, exclusive, remote and inhospitable areas such as hills & forests


livelihood based on primitive agriculture with low level of technology leading to poverty are generally illiterate & unaware of world’s progress

Shyness of contact Have a marginal degree of contact with other cultures and people

Have distinctive culture, language and religion

Problems of Tribal People Poverty



Dependence on forests

Excessive discrimination

Problem of land Alienation


Bonded labor

Malnutrition & other health related problems

Present Case

Nowadays, Large development projects undertaken by the government also encroaches upon their land.

Large scale displacements and unsatisfactory compensation and rehabilitation are common place, leading to further backwardness and seclusion.

Because of their diversity they lack a common voice to bargain collectively

Thank You

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