plebe class of fall 2002 found to be “a good group of...

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14 Pages Vol. 16, No. 1 September 2002

Those are the words from Commandantof Cadets Col James Gillis, USMC (Ret)

about the recent graduates of the MarineMilitary Academy’s Introductory Trainingprogram. Ninety-four first-year cadets (plebes)also added a rigorous training schedule totheir already busy schedule. During their four weeks of introductorytraining, these young men learned drills,military terminology, basic military skills,followership, self-discipline and whatwould be expected of them throughout therest of the year. These four weeks culminated with a fi-nal test - the Crucible - that consisted ofseveral grueling hikes and a series of physi-cally and mentally challenging events. On 7 September, on a beautiful southTexas morning, parents, friends, teachersand staff watched as these 94 young menproudly marched on to the Iwo Jima Monu-ment Parade Grounds. After a few shortwords from Col Gillis and GySgt Larry

Plebe Class of Fall 2002 found to be “aGood Group of Motivated Young Men”

Wisnoski, they pinned the Marine Corps em-blem to their covers and, together, recitedthe Cadet Oath. Following the Cadet Oath, MajGen WayneE. Rollings, USMC (Ret), stepped out ontothe parade ground to take the Pass in Review.

Upon completion of the intro-ductory training and graduation,the 94 plebes are now consideredfull-fledged members of the Corpsof Cadets. “All of the positive resultscould not have been achievedwithout the hard work of the DI’s,SgtMaj Kinsley, Top Krauss, theADI’s and the Leadership Depart-ment. All gave up their weekendsto teach, drive buses, and to en-sure the plebes got what theyneeded,” stated Col Gillis. Gillis added that, in additionto the adult leaders, “the cadetplebe handlers were there moti-

Insidethis Issue

2Enrollment Update

3Battalion Staff & Company


4-7Staff and Faculty

8-9President’s & Dean’s List

vating the plebes, getting them to chow, teach-ing them to drill and always setting the perfectexample for them to follow.”

MMA LEADERPublished monthly by the


(956) 423-6006 (ext. 235)FAX (956) 423-4251


PAO SecretaryConnie Flores

Please address any correspondence to:MMA Public Affairs Office

320 Iwo Jima Blvd.Harlingen, Tx. 78550


Enrollment Up Again for 2002-2003 Year“The 2002-2003 registration for the

Marine Military Academy was ahuge success,” stated Admissions Direc-tor LtCol Robert Grider, USMC (Ret) . “Weare off to a great start and look forward tothe remainder of the year.” The Admissions Department reportedthat the final numbers for the fall term is407 plebes and returning cadets. With thefinal numbers in, there are young men from32 different states and six foreign coun-tries, to include Panama (1), Egypt (1), Ger-many (1), China (9), United Arab Emirates(1) and Mexico (54). Enrollment fromMexico was up ten cadets this year. “Thanks to the internet, the name Ma-rine Military Academy is drawing more in-terest from other states,” observed ColGrider. He added that of the 407 cadets,200 are from Texas. Other states that have significant num-bers are California (44), Louisiana (9), Ohio(9), Florida (9), Illinois (7), Arizona (6) andVirginia (6). Classes began on 14 August, with ca-dets learning their way around campus, aswell as learning what would be expected

from them in the class-room. The AdmissionsDepartment will nowfocus on mid-term andask that anyone whohas a friend or relativeinterested in finding aschool that is chal-lenging and oriented inpreparing young menfor the future to letthem know. The AdmissionsDepartment can bereached at (956) 423-6006, ext 25.

MMA Plays Host to Loyal Friend of the AcademyRecently, Mr. and Mrs. John Des Jarlais

of Seattle, Washington visited the Ma-rine Military Academy campus for the sec-ond time. Ten years ago, the Fourth MarDivheld a reunion in San Antonio and the DesJarlais joined a group of other veterans andcame down to MMA by bus. Both the De Jarlais were very impressedby what they saw here and returned to Se-

attle to have their will re-written to leave thebulk of their estate to the Marine MilitaryAcademy. On this return visit, Mr. and Mrs. DesJarlais found many wonderful changes in thecampus of the Academy, but they also foundthe caliber of the cadets to be just as impres-sive. “They felt a part of the MMA familyand are gratified tohave a future partin assisting us inour task of educat-ing and trainingyoung men in theMarine Corpsway,” stated Chap-lain Leo McDonald,USN (Ret), Directorof Planned Givingand personalfriend of Mr. andMrs. Des Jarlais. About JohnDes Jarlais, Chap-lain McDonaldnoted that “De

Jarlais was the right-hand man, in the right-hand squad, in the right-hand platoon, inthe right-hand company, in the right-handregiment which landed on Iwo Jima directlyinto the face of what was accurately called‘The Meatgrinder.’” He noted, “anyone inthe Marine Corps would understand whatDe Jarlais faced on the island of Iwo Jima.”

GETTING A haircutis one of the firstthings new cadetSpencer Conroy gotwhen he enrolled atMMA. Mr. Joe Handyhas been cutting ca-dets hair for almost 20years.

2002- 03 Battalion Commander and Staff Named

BATTALION STAFF for 2002-2003 are (front) Cadet LtCol Louis Harrington, Battalion Com-mander (middle l-r) Cadet Major Tyler Freeze, Battalion Executive Officer; Cadet SgtMajAlberto Pina, Battalion Sergeant Major; (back l-r) Cadet 1stLt Miguel Ancira, Battalion Ad-ministrative Officer (S-1 ); Cadet 1stLt Colin Edwards, Battalion Logistics Officer (S-4); Cadet1stLt Cesar Barba, Battalion Operations/Training Officer (S-3); Cadet 1stLt Edward Cullins,II, Battalion Public Affairs/Unit Historian.


Company CommandersCompany CommandersCompany CommandersCompany CommandersCompany Commanders Alpha Charlie Delta

Echo Fox GolfAaron Rodriquez Jared Spencer

Diego MedinaKeith AllenMichael Altiere

“A leader in AlphaCompany long be-fore becoming Com-manding Officer.Mature beyond hisyears, insightful, de-manding, compas-sionate, well spo-ken.” CWO Ed Harris

“Altiere is an outstandingcadet and was the #1

selectee last school year forhis current position. Neat

& trim in appearance,always setting the example

and a poster cadet forMMA.”

GySgt. Kosta


SgtMaj Larry Carson

“Cadet CaptainKeith Allen is a 5th

year cadet. Heknows the ropes and

uses them quitewell.”

“Cadet Captain DiegoMedina is the

consummate exampleof honor, courage and


Xavier Anderson

“Anderson is amature, dedicatedcadet leader who willundoubtedly takeCharlie Companycloser to theiracademic andprofessional goals.”

“Cadet Captain JaredSpencer is without doubta leader ofunlimited potential.”

SgtMaj Al Szczepek

SgtMaj Al Wilson1stSgt Al Thomas

Recently, in a ceremony held in PeacherMemorial Hall, the Academy recog-

nized its battalion staff for the school year2001-2002. Named as Battalion Commander , thehighest-ranking officer in the cadet corps,was Cadet LtCol Louis Harrington.Harrington is a third-year cadet fromBuenos Aires, Argentina. When asked where he intends to attendcollege, Harrington states, “I want to at-tend the United States Naval Academy,Boston College, Boston University orWest Point. I want to study business, spe-cifically international business.” He adds,“I see myself becoming a pilot for someyears in the Marine Corps, then becominga successful businessman.” Col James Gillis, USMC (Ret), Comman-dant of Cadets says, “Cadet Harrington isbright, articulate and always thinkingahead. He has a strong desire to succeedand to make MMA a better place. He ismotivated for the right reasons and the bet-terment of his Battalion. I am impressedwith his maturity and his sense of respon-sibility.” Harrington, along with the other mem-bers of his staff, Cadet Maj Tyler Freeze,Cadet SgtMaj Alberto Pina, Cadet 1stLtMiguel Ancira, Cadet 1stLt Colin

Edwards, Cadet 1stLt Cesar Barba and Cadet1stLt Edwad Cullins, set goals for themselves.Those goals include such things as improv-ing morale among the Corps of Cadets, im-proving appearance, creating an attitudein which cadets feel “whole” in their cur-rent environment and to have a great yearwith minor problems.

“Overall, this Battalion Staff is made upof some of the most “take charge” youngmen we have here at the Marine MilitaryAcademy. These young men are hard work-ing, effective leaders and always willing togive that extra effort or support for the Corpsof Cadets. I look forward to a positive yearunder their command,” stated Col Gillis.

4 * denotes new teacher



David Allen


Sylvia Cranfill*


Kathleen Charrey


Wendell Drye


Diolanda Dye

EnglishTrisha Edwards

Foreign Language

Sheila Figueroa


MMAMMAMMAMMAMMAAcademicAcademicAcademicAcademicAcademicStaff forStaff forStaff forStaff forStaff for

School YearSchool YearSchool YearSchool YearSchool Year2002-20032002-20032002-20032002-20032002-2003

ACADEMIC STAFF for 2002 schoolyear (back row L-R) Fern Ovenden, aca-demic clerk; Felicia Carlisle, registrar;Mozelle Barr, secretary to the dean;Chuck Reininger, counselor; (Seated)Dr. John Butler, Dean.

Caroline Chapman*


Lori Alexander*



2002-2003 MMA Teachers2002-2003 MMA Teachers2002-2003 MMA Teachers2002-2003 MMA Teachers2002-2003 MMA Teachers

Ruth Garrett

GermanFritz Hastings

Social Studies

John Hinkle


Gary Howard

MathTroy Kaznowski


Jackie Kyger

Computer Application

Ed Lewis


Mike Mahoney


Jim McCurdy

Social Studies

Jose Michi


Mike Morton


Charity Munoz


Lori Murray

SAT Prep

Stacey Neaville

Foreign Language

Darrell Nimerick


Mickie Pickens

Fine Arts

Robert Rhoda


Patricia Flores*


Chris Lee*


Ed Harris



2002-2003 MMA Teachers2002-2003 MMA Teachers2002-2003 MMA Teachers2002-2003 MMA Teachers2002-2003 MMA Teachers

Dr. Mary Ricciardi

Foreign Language

Tim Robinson

Social Studies/


Hilda Saldivar

Foreign Language

Eric Schmitt

Strength Training/


Jacay Seelhorst

Computer Application

Scott Swinnea

Social Studies/


Jada Thacker

History/Naval ScienceDorothy Timm


Claudia Wilson*


Michelle Wood*


Phil Senterfitt*


Tommy Watt*


Jodie Stryker

Computer Systems

College & CareerCollege & CareerCollege & CareerCollege & CareerCollege & CareerCounselorCounselorCounselorCounselorCounselorSandra WilliamsSandra WilliamsSandra WilliamsSandra WilliamsSandra Williams

SANDRA WILLIAMS works withsenior Joseph Pollard, Jr. on his essay

which is required by Texas A&M, CollegeStation Admissions Department. Mrs.

Williams works with cadets to give theminformation about various colleges anduniversities, as well as career options.



Drill InstructorsDrill InstructorsDrill InstructorsDrill InstructorsDrill Instructors

THE MMA Military Department staff in-cludes (L-R) Assistant DI 1stSgt BruceMcPeters; Assistant Commandant of Ca-dets SgtMaj Ford Kinsley; Commandantof Cadets Col James Gillis; Chaplain FredClark; Assistant DI MSgt Jesus Trevino;Assistant DI GySgt Frank Martinez; Op-erations Chief MGySgt Michael Kraussand (seated) Administrative AssistantPaula Frizzell. Not pictured is AssistantDI GySgt Jose Villarreal.

ACADEMY DRILL INSTRUCTORS for2002-2003 are (L-R) CWO3 Edward Har-ris, Alpha Company; 1stSgt Alvin Thomas,Fox Company; SgtMaj Allen Szczepek,Charlie Company; SgtMaj Larry Carson,Delta Company; SgtMaj Al Wilson, GolfCompany and (seated) GySgt KostaMaravelias, Echo Company.

Military StaffMilitary StaffMilitary StaffMilitary StaffMilitary Staff

THE SCHOOL of Leadership staff forthis year is comprised of (L-R) GySgtRaul Garcia, LtCol Robert Mills, Lead-ership Studies secretary BarbaraBean, Capt Vincent Yznaga and Lead-ership Studies Director LtCol GaryAndreson.

School of LeadershipSchool of LeadershipSchool of LeadershipSchool of LeadershipSchool of Leadership


President’s List

McCord, MHRichardson, Texas

McDougall, KSSanta Clara, California

Altiere, MLWarren, Ohio

Hanak, BDBroaddus, Texas

Caskie, AAMexico City, Mexico

Ghaffarian, NDLos Gatos, California

Ancira, MMNuevo Leon, Mexico

Faulk, JRDallas, Texas

Americus, MTampico, Mexico

Aristizabal, AKingwood, Texas

Pina, ABSan Antonio, Texas

Cadets with a second semester GPA for 2001-2002 of 3.75 or above

Burke, SMKaty, Texas

Lugo, NDPalm Harbor, Florida

Harrington, LBBuenas Aires, Arg

Li, HHouston, Texas

Miller, DAHarlingen, Texas

Bahlburg, GCPlano, Texas

Merriam, JAFremont, California

Bajsel, MAHouston, Texas

Alvarez, RRHouston, Tex

Zamora-Legoff, JAMission, Texas

Dean’s ListCadets with a second semester GPA for 2001-2002 between 3.50 and 3.74

Anderson, XOlmito, TexasBirden, JCKingwood, TexasDeng, YHouston, Texas

Ghaffarian, OMLos Gatos, CaliforniaLambuth, FWChapultepec, MexicoLang, NJFremont, California

President’s List (continued)


Runkle, HJHidalgo, Texas

Rodriquez, ADallas, Texas

Mayo, JACorpus Christi, TexasNewell, NRColfax, CaliforniaPalomares, ACCoral Gables, FL

Pham, DSugar Land, TexasPollard Jr, JWPlano, TexasSmay, TVLanding, NJ

Winney, AJWaipahu, Hawaii

Snider, AHSpring, Texas

Spencer, JBNew Orleans, Louisana

What the Marine Military Academy means to me....Editor’s Note - This is the first in a series ofarticles in which various members of the MMAfamily describe what MMA means to them. Cadet Private Craig Darby is a first-yearcadet from Copley, Ohio. He is 13 yearsold and in the eighth grade. Darby is theson of Mrs. Tracie Jennings and Mr. RickDarby. His brother, Matthew, also attendsMMA.

Leader: What are your thoughts about In-troductory “Plebe” Training. What are yourthoughts about these four weeks?

Darby: It was very hard the first two weeks,being away from home and I got a little homesick. I only had one picture from home. Also,being in your room all cooped up when allthe other cadets were out and about, order-ing pizza, going places so you just feel likeyou are being left out. Then it started get-ting easier these last two weeks. I got a lotmore pictures and a lot more mail and every-one was keeping me informed about whatwas going on back home so I don’t miss toomuch, but it’s just not the same being athome.

Leader: What kinds of things are you learn-ing in your plebe training?

Darby: Basic things like drills, salutes, march-ing, military science, how to wear our uni-forms, how short to wear our hair and all theways of the Marine Corps. In E-L classes,we learn about the ROTC Programs.

Leader: What is the hardest thing to getused to?

Darby: Being away from home…..

Leader: What has surprised you about your-self and what have you seen differently aboutyourself?

Darby: Well, when I came here I was, well Idon’t want to say I was snotty, but I hadreally no respect for others, but now that Ihave some knowledge about that, I’ve be-come a lot more respectful and I like that inmyself. It makes me feel more motivated, andI know I can get a better life, not only here,but in the future too.

Leader: What will your parents see/feel/no-tice about you when they see you for thefirst time that is different?

Darby: Well, hopefully they will see that I’vegrown a few inches. Hopefully they will seethat I am learning and that I am becoming ayoung man. I hope they see that I have thedetermination and motivation to actually dosomething with my life and that I care aboutmyself and know that I can change thosebad habits I’ve got.

Continued on page 14


MMA Sports2002 MMA Leatherneck Football Team2002 MMA Leatherneck Football Team2002 MMA Leatherneck Football Team2002 MMA Leatherneck Football Team2002 MMA Leatherneck Football Team

MMA 26 - Tamaulipas 6

The Leathernecks opened the 2002 football season with a 26-6 win over

Tamaulipas, Mexico on Saturday, September7. MMA scored first on a 14-yard pass fromParker Betts to Adam Perry. The field goalwas good by Josh Graves, who was 2 for 4on the night. After a turnover by the defense, AaronSchriver plowed in from the 2-yard line tomake the score 13-0. The defense played a solid game on thenight and was led by Most Valuable Defen-sive Player, Tyler Freeze. EmmanuelHawkins rushed for 148 yards on the nightand had an 80-yd touchdown run called back.Hawkins was voted Most Valuable Offen-sive player for the week. The final two scores were a 21-yard touch-down pass to Adam Perry and a 24-yardtouchdown pass to Cory Owens, both fromquarterback Parker Betts, who was 5 of 14completions for 105 yards. Nick Keating was voted as having the“Big Hit” of the game, while Tyler Freezereceived the “Pancake” award.

Game HighlightsMMA 25 - Lyford 35

MMA traveled to the farming community of Lyford, Texas to take on the Bull-

dogs on “Friday the 13th.” The omen fell on the Leathernecks as they leta 25-20 forth-quarter lead slip away with an 80-yard kick-off return and a botched punt snap atthe 8 yard line, making the score 35-25, Lyford. Lyford scored first on a 26-yard pass, butMMA marched right back and scored on a 19-yard pass from Parker Betts to Adam Perry. The Leathernecks and the Bulldogs tradedtouchdowns back and forth. Jacob Mayo caught

an 8-yd pass from Betts and Emmanuel Hawkinsgrabbed a 10-yard scoring pass from Betts tomake the half-time score 20-19, Lyford. Parker Betts threw for three touchdowns and168 total yards as he was voted Most ValuableOffensive Player. The defense showed signs ofbrillance as they swarmed to the ball and were ledby Most Valuable Player, Edward Barrera, whohad 16 individual tackles and a fumble recovery. The “Big Hit” award went to Will Nelms, whocrushed the Lyford quarterback and EmmanuelHawkins had a bone-crushing crack-back block

to receive the“ P a n c a k e ”award.

COACHTOMMYWATTSgives (l-r)Ryan Soqui,Jon Amourand AndrewWinney someadvice duringa time-out.



RECEIVERS - (l-r) Ryan Soqui, Jacob Mayo, Corey Owens, AdamPerry.

DEFENSIVE BACKS - (l-r) Ryan Soqui, John Marti, Jon Amour.

QUARTERBACKS & RUNNINGBACKS - (l-r) Nick Keating, EmmanuelHawkins, Miguel Sanchez, Parker Betts, Aaron Schriver, JoshGasaway.

DEFENSIVE LINE - (top l-r) Edward Barrera, Josh Gasaway, ShawnSmith, Andrew Winney, (bottom l-r) Jacob Mayo, Brad Miller, AndyAristizabal, Tyler Freeze.

MMA Starting

Line-ups 2002

OCTOBER 4 Houston Lutheran South (Away)11 St Anthony (San Antonio) (Home)25 Antonian (Home)

NOVEMBER 1 St. Joseph (Brownsville)** (Away) 8 St. Joseph (Victoria) (Home)

OFFENSIVE LINE - (l-r) Jason Berry, Adam Gilles, Tyler Freeze,Brad Miller, Xavier Anderson.

Alumni NewsWhere are they now?


‘75John T. Tamlyn - 13623Pike Road, Stafford, TX 77477; 281-499-9604(work). He and wife, Cindy with three chil-dren, Rachel almost seven; Evan, four(adopted from Russian) and Grace, almostthree (adopted from Russia) attend GraceFellowship United Methodist Church. Tomis into golf (time permitting), baseball and afollower of UT football. He was UT class of’79. Presently with RH Tamlyn & Sons, LP(President), manufacturer/distributor ofbuilding products nationally.

‘79Gregory Zingler - Backat USNA Brought us up to date on hisbrother, Gary. Greg’s quote of the day on15Aug02: “Great day to be alive”.

‘80Gary Zingler - 3011 Oak Tree Court,Marietta, GA 30066, 770-517-8271. Blessedwith a solid marriage to Cathy. Two chil-dren, Raymond and Hannah.

David Christopherson 1980 was his lastyear with us. Went from here to Allen Acad-emy In Bryan, Texas for his senior year wherehe was promoted to Cadet Sergeant Majorand eventually the Cadet Battalion Com-mander. Married now to Tammy and they”reraising David Kenneth, three years old.Graduated from Texas A&M with a degreein History and is now owner of Metro Tick-ets up in Dallas. Swappeda few very interesting sea stories.

‘81Mike Stahlman New e-mail forhim, Kim and McKenna.

Enrique Marriedtwelve years with three children, Laura 10,Sofia 8 and Andres 6. He’s working with aWireless TV Company in Chiapas, Mexicoand doing great. Children are attending theAmerican School Foundation and Enriqueis a Board Member. Several of his friendshave sent their children to MMA and it hasmade a tremendous difference in their lives.Of his cousin, Mauricio Orantes in Charlie

Company, Enrique says “His first year waslike mine, looking for a way out. Now he iseager to start with the program and take someresponsibilities”

Jose Alfredo Aguilar Living and workingin Chiapas, Mexico and doing great.

Levi Noguess - He andco-pilot flew in for a brief lunch, met withMajor General Rollings, got invited to comedown to speak with cadets and flew out.Figure this one out, they were supposed tofly into Colorado Springs. Is that loyalty orbad navigation?

‘82Steve Waugh - Scheduled to depart PrinceSaudi Air Base on 4 Sep 02 and arriving at1535 Gateway, Yuma, AZ 85364 on 6 Sep 02for reunion with wife, Myra, and sons, Phillipand Nicholas. Slated for Black Sheep Squad-ron Executive Officer and Senior Training Of-ficer.

‘83John J. McKenna - In the valleyon a business trip. Stopped by for a briefvisit with Colonel Hobbs & Tom Morton.Declined offer for free haircut.

‘86Les Simmons - New e-mail Zrk97@aol.comHis quote of the day on 29Aug02: “I sure domiss it (MMA), but I guess we all have toeventually grow up sooner or later”. Will besending out wedding invitations soon an-nouncing his forthcoming marriage to CarynClick. Caryn is an elementary Bastrop ISDteacher going on her seventh year.

‘87Albion Norman - netcourt@aol.comDaughter, Jordan will be 2 in January and heand Angela are expecting their second childin February.

‘89Matthew Watkins New e-mailaddress.

‘90Abiud Escalante - abiudesca@yahoo.comOut of touch with the Academy for manyyears but would like to contribute more toits development and keep in touch with oldfriends. Trying to contact Peter Forbes andMatthew Ray. Hopes to make the reunionnext April.

CW-3 LEVIS Noguess (right), class of ‘81, nowserving in the USA, flew in recently to see theAcademy and have 2nd mess with Gunny Ski.

STOPPING BY to visit (below l-r) Gunny Skiand SgtMaj Steigerwald recently was GordyClements, class of ‘82 and his friend.

‘91Abel Honigsblum NuVox Communi-cations, Senior Account Executive. Office,770-225-5144; Cell, 678-358-6110; FAX, 770-392-1127. Recently attended a workshop inAtlanta, GA and discovered two militaryschools recruiting there. Would welcomethe opportunity to assist MMA in its recruit-ing efforts in the Southeast or Georgia. He,Jennifer & Makale just welcomed (Last May)home, Sister & Daughter, Alexa.

‘92Daniel McKnight 13415 ParkwoodDr., Baton Rouge, LA 70816. Home: 225-275-8965; Work: 225-389-5061. Homocide Detec-tive and firearms instructor for Baton RoguePD. Keeps in touch with Bubba Rutland,Dave Chaney, Tim Page and Jason Smith.Would like to hear from Sean Healy, SpencerPadgett, Doug Monroe and Dave Voeller.Married to Gina for four years and they haveson Markham, three years old. Sent pictureof himself, Fredna, and SgtMaj Ed “longstory short, hoghead” Johnson taken on22Aug down in Meridian, MS.

‘96Matthew Brigance - We offer our most sin-cere condolences to Matt and his dad, on the loss of Matt’s motherRachel on 14Aug. Rachel was such an ar-dent supporter of MMA, as is Ron. A gra-cious lady has left an empty space in so manylives.

‘97James Parker - 5023 Camp St., New Or-leans, LA 70115. 504-899-6327. Stopped bythe Visitor’s Center recently and wanted tobe added to our mailing list.

‘01Pedro Said - pierreicles@hotmail.comStarting his third semester and says “I havea feeling I’m going to do extremely well”.

‘02Chris Oakman Startedclasses 26Aug at RensselaerPolytechnic Institute. Wona Type 1, four year Air ForceROTC Scholarship whichpays full college tuition.Passed the Cadet Orientationfour day mini boot camp forROTC with flying colors.Tells us that before he left forschool his dad kept asking“How do you feel, Son”?Chris’s response was “I feelready, Dad”. Chris’s quoteof the day: “I cannot imag-ine where I would have beentoday if it had not been forthe Marine Military Acad-emy. It certainly would not have been here”.

Travis Schendel - At-tended Blinn Junior College in July, took oneclass and came out with an “A”. Startedback at Blinn on 2 Sep for the fall semester.Looking forward to getting back up to Col-lege Station and doing well. Playing drumswith a Texas Country Band in College Sta-tion for the Geoff Spahr Band. Check himout at

Robert Shields - At-tending Southwest Texas State right nowand loving it. Might join the Air Force ROTCbut is undecided. Robert, the old Gunnysays “Jump on it like a duck on a June bug”

Andre Testman II - testmana@yahoo.comNew e-mail address.

From the GunnyFrom the GunnyFrom the GunnyFrom the GunnyFrom the Gunny

Anniversary & Birthday Ball is ap-proaching with something less than thespeed of light but will be upon us before weknow it. As far as I know HJZ “69 is themost seasoned alumni attending. If anyonepre-HJZ ’69 is planning on attending pleaselet us know.

Bad addresses continue to plague us.Should you perchance hear rumors of analumni popping up to the surface let us know.We pursue rumors of alumni existence.

Sincere thanks to Mike Forrester ’72 forhis time management skills. Don’t knowhow he does it, but attempting to continueto be gainfully employed, care for a family,contend with the EU and still come up witha sound working document for the AlumniAssociation is a daunting task.

Alumni News

CLASS OF ‘01 Tyler Harrison (left) and Nicholas Boire re-cently graduated from USMCR Basic Training in San Diego.

NICK SANTILLO, class of ‘02,checked in to say “hi” and to letall know things are going great. 13

Calendar of EventsOctober

12 SAT15 PSAT16-19 Firt Quarter Exams26 ACT

November1 Parents’ Day2 Anniversary Ball Parade

Anniversary Reception/Ball11 Veterans Day Parade

22 Begin Thanksgiving Break

December1 End Thanksgiving Break6 MCJROTC Inspection7 SAT14-15 Closed Weekend16-19 Fall Semester Exams19 Begin Christmas Break


Leader: Tell me a special memory youwill have from these four weeks that youwill carry with you for a long time.

Darby: One memory will be with GunnerHarris. If I had a problem, he was there forme. When I would get really homesick,Gunner Harris was always there for me. Ijoined the band because of him and alsoso I’m now on his better side. One timehe let me call my mom and that’s whatkept me going and it’s still keeping megoing.

Leader: Anything you want to add or want peopleto know about MMA?

Darby: MMA is not a prison. It may feel like it forthe first four weeks, but it’s really not. All thesepeople are here to help you get a betterlife…..Everyone will and wants to help you make abetter life for yourself. It’s a very good school andI’m glad to be here.

Continued from page 9

Henry J. BaronWilliam B. BoydSSgt Francisco L. Colunga, Jr.,

USMC (Ret)Col William Frankling Cappleman, Jr.,

USMCR (Ret)Marvin L. ChildersHarry E. LewisCpl Alger Corbert Libby,

KIA - Iwo Jima -Feb. 24, 1945

Mrs. Myrtle MasonLtGen John N. McLaughlin,

USMC (Ret)John S. SproattPFC Brian B. Thornton, USMC -

KIA in Korea in 1951Mrs. Dolores (Dee) Zachwieja

In Memory & In Honor ofOur Fallen Brothersand ALL who served

3rd Battalion 9th MarinesRepublic of Vietnam

In Honor ofMrs. Peggy Myers

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