plan de negocios - english version

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  • 8/10/2019 Plan de Negocios - English version


    Name: Dulces San Juan

    Business Plan for: traditional candies shop

    New proyect

    Document Version: 3 FINAL

    Date: 2 DIC 2014

    Completed by: Juan Pablo Padilla Padilla

  • 8/10/2019 Plan de Negocios - English version


    Business plan contents

    Executive summary 4

    1 Executive summary 4

    2 Business details. 5

    3 Key personnel 6

    Vision 8

    4 The business idea 8

    5 Business goals 9

    6 What the business does. 10

    7 What makes the business different 11

    8 Legal requirements 12

    Sales and marketing 13

    9 Market research13

    10 Profiling customers14

    11 Profiling competitors15

    12 Managing market risks16

    13 Pricing 17

    14 Promotion and

    advertising 18

    Running the business 19

    15 Staff 19

    16 Premises 20

    17 Suppliers 21

    18 Equipment 22

    19 Managing operational

    risks 23

    Finance 24

    20 Start-up costs 24

    21 Profit and loss forecast 25

    22 Sourcing finance 26

  • 8/10/2019 Plan de Negocios - English version


    Executive summary

    1 Executive summary.

    Im glad to present this: my executive business plan. I been thinking for a long time about a new way to earnmoney, and what better way that give people something that they love, like candies. But I dont mean simple

    candies, I mean traditional, tasting and original sweets; those who can transport anyone to his childhood, take

    to those memories next to his parents and grandpas.

    Humans choose what we eat for several reasons: because we chose our meals are healthy, accessible and easy

    to get, but the main reason is for flavor. Had you ever wondered why you like it so much that dessert or that

    drink with sugar? The answer is: people we like the taste of sweet. Our ancestors could only distinguish between

    a food and a poison depending on whether it was sweet or bitter and so got used to prefer sweet things.

    And that instinctive liking for sweets starts from birth. Different studies in children found that, in his facial

    expressions, prefer sweet flavors, while rejecting the bitter.

    So, I decide implement this new way of selling traditional sweets, implement this new way of selling traditional

    sweets, since the profit percentage is very high, the market still has not been exploited, so there is no


    I am sure that you will be fully satisfied to see the business plan presented below and you'll want to do business


  • 8/10/2019 Plan de Negocios - English version


    2 Business details

    Company name:

    Dulces San Juan


    Pino Suarez #123, Downtown Leon, Guanajuato, Mexico

    Telephone number:

    (477) 7-15-87-64

    Legal status:

    Moral Person at SATSale of consumer goods.

    The business will: (Provide a brief description of what your business will do.)

    Its a market that isnt exploited yet by anyone, and I want to be the first one.

    Candy Shop, selling different kinds of sweets with a cultural background, because this are some typical candies, made in

    a small town called San Juan de los Lagos, at the state of Jalisco.

    Different kinds of sweets for presents, for to all the people who like to experiment different flavors of candies which are

    more traditional and help the economy of local business.

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    3 Key personnel

    Details of owner(s):

    Name:Juan Pablo Padilla

    Position/main responsibilities:CEO/ owner.

    Experience and knowledge of our industry:Store owner by 3 years ago; many familiars in this business.

    Previous employment:Helping business selling products and increasing sells.

    Key skills brought to the business:Ease of word and the power of persuation.

    Business experience and any training undertaken:Bussines course

    Academic/professional qualifications: Bachelor degree.

    Most recent salary $: $8000.00 a month

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    Other key personnel (including shareholders):

    Name(s):Paulina Padilla

    Position/main responsibilities: Manager and Administration of the store, directing employees and viewing that

    we have enough product for the sale.

    Experience and knowledge of our industry:None

    Previous employment: Administration at a shoe company

    Key skills brought to the business:Kind but with hard hand.

    Business experience and any training undertaken: None

    Academic/professional qualifications: Bachelor degree.

    Most recent salary/salaries $: $6000.00 a month

  • 8/10/2019 Plan de Negocios - English version


    4 The business idea

    Sum up your business idea:

    The main idea of this business is to be a different candy shop that offers a typical kind of candies which are

    representative of our Mexican culture.

    San Juan de los Lagos in the State of Jalisco has an amply market on the handmade candy with a traditional flavor using

    different ingredients which makes them unique.

    We would like to bring this delicious, traditional and typical candy to the great city of Leon, Guanajuato.

    The traditional candy is very popular in Mexico, because of its process and all the natural ingredients that make this

    candy a different experience for everyone.

    Different kinds of candies for presents, and to all the people who like to experiment different flavors of candies which

    are more traditional and help the economy of local business.

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    5 Business goals

    What do you want to achieve in your first year of business? (Use as many fields as is applicable and add more if you

    need to.)

    Be recognized in the local and regional area.

    That clients recognize and remember the flavor of my products.

    Make promotion by facebook and other social networks.

    Have a nice slogan and logo that represents my product.

    Where do you see your business in 3-5 years time?

    Be recognized on around the city.

    Have a lot of clients and be recognized.

    Good sells and getting bigger and bigger.

    Open new places around the city.

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    6 What the business does

    Product/service Features Benefits

    Sell: Tipical Candies Hand made Experience different flavors

    Natural ingredients Support the artisanal candy

    Mexican tradition Cultural knowledge

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    7 What makes the business different

    Your product/service is unique or different compared with the competition because: (Use as many fields as is applicable

    and add more if you need to.)

    Be different at the candy business because my specialty is a craft sweets

    Support the tradition of the hand made candy and for that reason have a different flavor

    Learn from San Juan del Rio which has a strong influence

    Get to know the natural process and how this candies are made.

    Natural procces helps to have a good health.

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    8 Legal requirements (including regulations and licences particular to your business)

    The legal and insurance requirements that apply in your business are: (Use as many fields as is applicable and add

    more if you need to.)

    1. Land Use Regulation.

    2. Federal Customer Protection Law.

    3. General Health Law.

    4. Surety.

    5. Civil Protection Regulation.

    You will meet your legal and insurance requirements by: (Use as many fields as is applicable and add more if you

    need to.)

    1. Acquiring a shop that have commercial land use, and permission to operate like a candy seller.

    2. Giving the right prices, weights and quality all the time to my customers.

    3. Informing my customers about health risks for exceed sugar consuming and informing about the

    nutritionals in the products (nutritional table).

    4. Contracting with a insurance company a surety for any situation like a Mother Nature event, employee

    theft and client injury in my store.

    5. Attending all the observations contained in this regulation like have an fire extinguisher, exit routes,

    train employees for sinister.

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    Sales and marketing

    9 Market research

    Trends in your chosen market are: (Use as many fields as is applicable and add more if you need to.)

    1. People from inside of Mexican Republic, goes to San Juan de los Lagos and other municipalities to

    appreciate their touristic attractions, which, in the case of San Juan, are The San Juan of the Lakes Virgin

    and the traditional candies.

    2. People like the simple goodies but flavorful.

    3. Nostalgic is on top. People want remind childhood flavors, those flavors that ascendants taste and


    4. Leon, is an colonial based town; in this times surge a constant need of revive that essence, searchingconsume all the traditional products produced by craftsman .

    5. People prefer a natural an craft flavor than a industrialized flavor, this apply ever.

    How you know this: (Use as many fields as is applicable and add more if you need to.)

    1. I made a market study a few years ago; by this form, I could get important information about my

    selected market and their trends.

    2. On the other hand, I need to mention that I have more than 3 years with Dulces San Juan shop, so I

    could get sure of that.

    3. I have many uncles in San Juan that are dedicated to this market since so many years.

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    10 Profiling customers

    The customer groups you will be selling to are: (Use as many fields as is applicable and add more if you need to.)

    1. Third age people and people from the ranches near to Leon.

    2. Those people that have family and/or friends in another country to which they want send or buy a

    special gift.

    3. To all people en general that enjoys tasting traditional pleasures that offer my products.

    Your customer research has shown what your customers want is: (Use as many fields as is applicable and add more if

    you need to.)

    1. Feelings identified with Mexico trough maintain and live their traditions, just like eat their candies.

    2. Feeling in our stores like you truly are in a San Juan de los Lagos candy shop.

    3. Much quality at an excellent Price.

    How you know this: (Use as many fields as is applicable and add more if you need to.)

    1. Based on my market research, I could get so much knowledge about it.

    2. The experience that I could acquire trough this 3 years in Dulces San Juan.

    Number of customers you expect to win in each group and what they might pay: (Use as many fields as is applicable

    and add more rows if you need to.)

    Group Number of customers (300customers per week) Price they might pay per unit

    1 60% (180customers) $250.00

    2 25% (75customers) $500.00

    3 15% (45customers) $40.00

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    11 Profiling competitors

    Use as many fields as is applicable in the table below and add more rows if you need to.

    Competitor name Strengths Weaknesses

    Dulces Vazquez More Selling Points (9 in Len) Poor customer care.

    Dulcerias El Payaso More capital ($) Industrialized candies

    How you can improve on their offer and/or price(s): (Use as many fields as is applicable and add more if you need to.)

    1. Buying large quantities of product I could get a better price from my supplier and I could have a bigger


    2. Making my own product, above all, make the cajeta( its my most important product)

    3. Opening new selling points.

    4. Truly, I couldnt do so much, because this traditional products are handmade and because of that, there

    are a little bit costly.

  • 8/10/2019 Plan de Negocios - English version


    12 Managing market risks

    Write down the risks you have identified: (Use as many fields as is applicable and add more if you need to.)

    1. This product doesnt have conservatives added, so have big amounts of product in the storage, could be

    a risk of lost the product.

    2. A Lot of this products doesnt have envelope(covering), so I have to keep it a showcase, otherwise, they

    may pollute.

    3. That my employees dont give the customers service like San Juan people do it.

    4. That others see my success and come from San Juan de los Lagos and become my competitors.

    How will you manage these risks so that they become less of a threat: (Use as many fields as is applicable and addmore if you need to.)

    1. Find the correct balance between Buy and Sell, so I never get product looses.

    2. Trying not to manage this kind of products, as well represent sanitary risks.

    3. Train hard my employees to give service just like San Juan sellers do.

    4. Expanding my mark as fast as possible, opening new selling points and making me the most importantmark.

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    13 Pricing

    How you can calculate your prices: (Use as many fields as is applicable and add more if you need to.)

    Knowing the price of the supplier, I need to add the cost of transfer of merchandise, local income, salary

    of employees, etc; After this, I have a base price.

    Knowing the product prices of the competitors.

    There is a rule in the world of business: You have to earn at least 40 -50% of each sale to be a good

    business man.

    How your prices compare with the competition: (Use as many fields as is applicable in the table below and add more

    rows if you need to.)

    Product/service Your price(s) Range of competitor prices (per unit)

    Cajeta $40.00 $38.50

    Ate de Membrillo $30.00 $35.00

    Alfajor $40.00 $42.00

    Cocada $70.00 $68.00

    Rollo de Guayaba $30.00 $34.50

    Jamoncillo $60.00 $68.00

    Tamarindo $7.00 $9.00

    Reasons for the difference between your price(s) and your competitors price(s):

    I buy directly from producers, avoiding thirds and higher prices.

    I prefer give people products of high quality than earn a extra coin.

    Because I buy product in large amounts, so I receive a better price.

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    14 Promotion and advertising

    How and where will you promote your product/service? (Use as many fields as is applicable and add more if you need


    The most important way to promote my products and mark is the self people; a happy customer, is a

    excellent way to promote me; they will tell their known about me, my shop and products.

    Otherwise, I need to put on my stores on very transited places, like the downtown streets, so people can

    see it quickly.

    Finally, I been thinking make some flyers to promote my business and give it up on strategic points like

    traffic lights.

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    15 Staff

    Use as many fields as is applicable in the table below and add more rows if you need to.

    Role Total cost Necessary


    Specialist skills and/or




    3 years

    Responsible,Honest, Proactive

    Sales Manager 10,000.0 2 years Organized,



    Sellers 6,000.00 1 year Active, Honest,

    Hard Working

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    16 Premises


    Premises required at start-up: 01 250,000.00

    Premises required in the future (if different): 03 750,000.00

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    17 Suppliers

    Your key suppliers and their credit terms:(Use as many fields as is applicable and add more rows if you need


    Supplier What youll buy from them Number of days credit

    Tio Juan Candies


    No credit, only


    Efren Supplies Guava roll, Rompope, Palanqueta. 30 days

    Pantera Candy


    Cocada, Alfajor(coconut sweet)

    15 days

    Don Porfirio Cajeta (caramel) 60 days

    Hector&Tere Variety of sweets 30 days

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    18 Equipment

    Use as many fields as is applicable and add more rows if you need to.

    Resource When How funded Cost per unit



    Credit 1,600

    Racks Start-


    Cash 2,400

    Scales Start-


    Cash 4,000

    Chairs Start-


    Cash 1,500



    Cash 3,000







    Cash 18,000

    Bags Alway




    Cash 500




    Cash 500

  • 8/10/2019 Plan de Negocios - English version


    19 Managing operational risks

    Use as many fields as is applicable and add more if you need to.

    Risk Solution


    Sick employee Minor injuries

    Fire and Earthquake

    Immediate replacement. First aid kit

    Train to know how to

    use extinguisher and



    Having no merchandise

    Inferior quality product

    that always

    No longer credit

    Make order with enough

    time and know other


    Know other suppliers

    Reach an agreement

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  • 8/10/2019 Plan de Negocios - English version


    21 Profit and loss forecast (Use the tabs within the Microsoft Excel work sheet to view the second year and thirdyear forecast templates. The profit and loss forecast is more detailed at the start because you should have a clearer idea

    of your profit and loss expectations.)

  • 8/10/2019 Plan de Negocios - English version


    22 Sourcing finance.


    My Capital $118,000.00Star-Up Cost $230,325.00

    TotalCredit Needed $112,325.00

    Credit Needed

    Suppliers Credit (candies) $78,627.50

    Loan (bascules, car, etc) $33,697.50

    Payment Period

    Suppliers Monthly


    Loans Monthly


  • 8/10/2019 Plan de Negocios - English version


    23 Managing financial risks (such as, sales are less than forecasted or start-up finance takes three months longerto obtain)

    The risks that you have identified for your financial forecast are:(Use as many fields as is applicable

    and add more if you need to.)


    Inferior Sales than estimated.

    2. That the product expire their caducity.

    3. An increase in the cost of raw material of sweets.

    4. Not meet all the requirements that establish council.

    How you will minimize their impact:(Use as many fields as is applicable and add more if you need to.)

    1. Work hard to cap attention of clients, so, I always have clients.

    2. Buying product in minor amounts to avoid losses.

    3. Constantly monitor the price of raw materials and anticipate buying before price rise.

    4. Been careful whit all the sanitation and legal rules to always have tranquility and safety.

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    24 Cashflow forecast (Use the tabs within the Microsoft Excel work sheet to view the second 6 months andsummary)

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