persuasive and propaganda techniques

Post on 23-Mar-2016






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Persuasive and Propaganda Techniques. September 21st. What is propaganda?. The process of spreading ideas, information, or rumor to help or hurt a known cause, political system, or view - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Persuasive and Propaganda Techniques

September 21st

What is propaganda? The process of spreading ideas, information, or

rumor to help or hurt a known cause, political system, or view

Ideas, facts, or allegations spread to further one’s ideas, one’s cause, or to damage an opposing cause

Used in commercials, advertisements, political campaigns, news programs, etc.

These messages have been carefully designed to influence our opinions, emotions, attitudes and behavior

What is persuasion? Basically, uses the same methods as

propaganda Often used in letters, editorials, articles, and

newspapers to influence the outcome of a situation or to sway someone to think as the writer does

Most successful when used with good solid facts to support the argument

It is always helpful to anticipate what questions will be asked or what opinions will be voiced that are different than yours

The Techniques Name Calling Glittering Generalities Bandwagon Plain-Folks Talk Flag-Waving Testimonial Scare Tactics Prizes or Reward Repetition

Name Calling Names, words, or tone of voice used to create a

positive or negative feeling about a person or item without evidence.

Glittering Generalities Fantastic promises that sound too good to be


Bandwagon Urges others to do what everyone else is doing.

Plain-Folks Talk The product is good for “ordinary people” who

are “just like you.”

Flag Waving Shows support for a specific city, state, country,

school, or team.

Testimonial Using the endorsement of a famous person

within the community.

Scare Tactics Uses language or pictures to frighten the viewer

into purchasing a product.

Prizes or Reward Something is being given away or can be won.

Repetition A word, phrase, brand name, or phone number is

repeated (at least 3 times) so that it is remembered by viewers.

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