part gateway's guide to saving money on running your car

Post on 25-Jun-2015






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Part's Gateway share their top tips and advice on how to save money on running your car; including insurance costs, MOT, maintenance and fuel usage.


A Guide To Saving MoneyOn Running Your Car


3. Owning A Car Doesn’t Have To Be Expensive4. Car Insurance6. The Black Box7. MOT9. Maintenance10. Independent Vs. Main Dealer11. Fuel 13. Parking14. Cleaning Your Car Like A Pro16. Get In Touch

1. Owning A Car Doesn’t Have To Be Expensive

With the price of insurance, MOT, maintenance and general use of your car, it’s easy to think that running it is going to cost a bomb.

However, there are money saving steps that you can take to ease the annual and long term expenditure on your vehicle.

Let’s take a look at some of changes you can make.

2. Car Insurance

It may be tempting to rush into choosing a car insurance provider so that you can get out on the road, or to stick with the provider you have been with for years.

But money can be saved by shopping sensibly for a policy that’s right for your circumstances and your wallet.

Compare prices of third party providers as well as fully comprehensive using price comparison sites like GoCompare or Aviva.

Car Insurance

Here are some tips for further savings on your policy:

•Add a No Claims Bonus Protection Scheme – this can reduce car insurance premium costs by up to 60-75% (*1) •Fit approved alarms and immobilisers to avoid the need to claim on theft •Pay monthly – this means lower payments each month as opposed to a lump sum for the year.

3. The Black Box

A Black Box can be installed into your car and records your speed, distance travelled and general driving style to calculate your insurance costs. It will also help you measure how to improve your driver score and bring down the cost of insurance premiums.

4. MOT

You should have your first MOT test when your car is 3 years old, and then annually after that.

To avoid wasting your money on an MOT that is likely to fail, let’s take a look at the most common causes for failure.


According to Money Saving Expert (*2), here are just a few of the top reasons a car will not pass its MOT:

•Lights – 19% of MOTs fail due to a bust light bulb. Check every light on your vehicle is working before your MOT. •Suspension – Apply weight to each corner of your car and then release, if it quickly settles back then your suspension shock absorbers are fine. If not, then they will need replacing.

•Brakes – If your brakes feel loose or the handbrake has no resistance, a mechanic will need to fix them before your MOT. 10% of MOT’s fail on faulty brakes.

5. Maintenance

A well looked after car is less likely to fail its MOT.  Whilst there are some elements you can take care of yourself, such as basic fixes and checking fluid levels, it is best to consult with a dealer on the more complicated checks and repairs. The RAC claim that the cost of car maintenance is rising (*3), but savings can still be made by considering the benefits of using an Independent dealer.

6. Independent Vs Main Dealer

The Independent Garage Association (*4) have discovered that by using a trusted and regulated independent dealer instead of a main dealer, you can save up to £40 an hour. Main dealerships delegate pricing based on head office corporate decisions, whereas independents are connected to their community and rely more on return business, so they carry out high quality work.

7. Cutting Fuel Costs

Fuel prices are forever on the rise. Reduce your spend by considering these tips:

•Drive at the speed limit – speeding will consume the fuel much faster. Driving at 65mph instead of 75mph can reduce fuel cost by 13%, whilst driving at 55 would save 25%. (*5) •Maintain your vehicle’s efficiency by consulting your manufacturers guide – these will list commonly overlooked aspects such as dirty air filters and underinflated tyres.

Cutting Fuel Costs

• Car share where possible, and only use your car when necessary. • Eliminate any extra weight – keep items out of the boot if they are

not needed, and clear out your car of any mess regularly.

8. Parking

Parking tickets can ruin your day, so do your best to ensure you are parking in the right place and have paid for a ticket if needed. If you do receive a parking ticket, pay within 14 days as the amount is often reduced.

If you feel it is unfairly issued, you can appeal to your local council.

9. Cleaning Your Car Like A Pro

To avoid the need to splash out on a valet, there are ways that you can make your vehicle shine.

•Use wet wipes for dash trim •Scrub the carpets with a stiff brush •Hair conditioner containing lanolin acts like car wax, at a fraction of the price

Cleaning Your Car Like A Pro

• Use a soft terry cloth to soak up excess water after you have washed your car – this will help avoid water marks

 • Use rubber gloves to remove

pet hair – pop them on and give your interiors a good rubbing. The hairs will lift and stick to the gloves. Then slide them off and soak them to remove the fur.

10. Get In Touch

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