part 1: background genomic · –...

Post on 07-Oct-2020






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Karin Verspoor, Ph.D. Faculty, Computational Bioscience Program University of Colorado School of Medicine

Sequence Alignment & Search

With credit and thanks to Larry Hunter for creating the first version of these slides.

Lecture Overview

• Goals: – Understand pairwise sequence alignment

algorithms – Be able to utilize tools for sequence search based

on alignments

• Motivations: – Basis for retrieval of sequence-indexed database

information – Similarity among genomic (amino acid) sequences

is a core indicator of homology

Part 1: Background Genomic Databases

• Gene and gene product (e.g. protein) databases are often organized by sequence – Genomic sequence encodes all traits of an organism. – Gene products are uniquely described by their sequences. – Similar sequences among biomolecules indicates both

similar function and an evolutionary relationship – A “located sequence feature” (place on a chromosome) is

unambiguous and biologically meaningful – Closely related to the molecular concept of a gene.

=> Biologically meaningful database keys

Searching sequence databases

•  There are large sequence databases available – NCBI Entrez Gene, UniProt

•  Starting from a sequence alone, find information about it

• Many kinds & sources of input sequences – Genomic, expressed, protein (amino acid vs. nucleic acid) – Complete or fragmentary sequences

• Goal is to retrieve a set of similar sequences. – Exact matches are rare, and not always interesting – Both small differences (mutations) and large (not required

for function) within “similar” sequences can be biologically important.

Sequence search & alignment

• Database organization is focused on efficiency • Sequence search doesn’t match the traditional

database model perfectly • Alternative:

– Start with dynamic programming (a central idea in computational biology)

– Then explore approximations to it (BLAST)



• Homology is an evolutionary relationship that either exists or does not. It cannot be partial.

• An ortholog is a homolog with shared function. • A paralog is a homolog that arose through a

gene duplication event. Paralogs often have divergent function.


Evolutionary Relationships Homology vs Similarity

• Similarity is a measure of the quality of alignment between two sequences.

• High similarity is evidence for homology. • Homology is an inference from similarity. • Similar sequences may correspond to

orthologs or paralogs*.

* Or, possibly, they derived from common selective pressures rather than a common ancestor. Or, the organisms were exposed to a common virus. Or, …

Part 2: Sequence Alignment Pairwise Sequence Alignment

• Sequence similarity depends on an alignment. • What is an alignment, and why might it be

significant? – An alignment is a mapping from one sequence to

another. – Biological alignment maps together elements that

are likely to have arisen from a common ancestor

• The existence of an alignment with many matches is an indication of homology


What complicates sequence alignment?

• Evolutionary changes • Genetic variation

– Mutations (e.g. SNPs) – Copy number variation – Duplications, inversions, translocations, segment


•  Insertions, Deletions, Substitutions

What counts as similarity?

• Similarity can be defined by counting positions that match between two sequences

• But which positions? Allowing “gaps” makes a difference in the number of matching positions

abcdef abcdef abcdef- ||| || | | |||| abceef acdefg a-cdefg

Not all mismatches are the same

• Some amino acids are more substitutable for each other than others. Serine and threonine are more alike than tryptophan and alanine.

• We can introduce "mismatch costs" for handling different substitutions.

• We don't usually use mismatch costs in aligning nucleotide sequences, since no substitution is per se better than any other.

Many possible alignments to consider

• Without gaps, there are are N+M-1 possible alignments between sequences of length N and M

• Once we start allowing gaps, there are many more possible arrangements to consider: abcbcd abcbcd abcbcd ||| | | ||| || || abc--d a--bcd ab--cd

•  This becomes a very large number when we allow mismatches, since we then need to look at every possible pairing between elements: there are roughly NM possible alignments. Aligning length 100 sequences this way is impractical

Avoiding random alignments with a score function

• Not only are there many possible gapped alignments, but introducing too many gaps makes nonsense alignments possible: s--e-----qu---en--ce (sequence) sometimesquipsentice

• Want to distinguish between alignments that occur due to homology, and those that could be expected to be seen just by chance.

• Define a score function that accounts for both element mismatches and a gap penalty

Match scores

• Match scores are often calculated on the basis of the frequency of particular mutations in very similar sequences.

• We can transform substitution frequencies into log odds scores, which can then be added together.


An alignment score

•  An alignment score is the sum of all the match scores of an alignment, with a penalty subtracted for each gap.

• Gap penalties are usually "affine" meaning that the penalty for one long gap is smaller than the penalty for many smaller gaps that add up to the same size.

a b c - - d a c c e f d 9 2 7 6 => 24 - (10 + 2) = 12

Match score

Gap start + continuation penalty

Alignment Score

Global & Local alignments

• A global alignment includes all elements of a sequence, and includes gaps – A global alignment may or may not include "end

gap" penalties. And.--so,,.we.ripe.and.ripe And.then,,.we.rot-.and.rot-

• A local alignment includes only subsequences, and sometimes is computed without gaps.,,,

Local vs. Global alignments

• Local alignments can find shared domains in divergent proteins and are fast to compute

• Global alignments are better indicators of homology and take longer to compute.

Finding the optimal alignment

• Given a pair of sequences and a score function, identify the best scoring (optimal) alignment between the sequences.

• Remember, exponential number of possible alignments (most with terrible scores).

• Computer science to the rescue: dynamic programming identifies optimal alignments in time proportional to the sum of the lengths of the sequences

A brief aside on Computational Complexity

• A key idea in computer science: How much work does it take to solve a class of problems?

• How do we measure complexity? – Relative to problem size – How long does it take?

• Clock time versus operations • Order: O(?) notation • Worst case / best case

– Other resources used (particularly space)

Dynamic programming

•  The key idea is to break the larger problem down into smaller sub-problems which are solved, the results stored, and then combined.

• DP is usually applied to optimization problems. •  Here, we start aligning the sequences left to right

– Once a prefix is optimally aligned, nothing about the remainder of the alignment can change the alignment of the prefix.

• We construct a matrix of possible alignment scores (NxM2 calculations worst case) and then "traceback" to find the optimal alignment.

•  Called Needleman-Wunsch or Smith-Waterman


Dynamic programming alignment

• Each cell contains the score for the best aligned sequence prefix up to that position.

• Start by filling in initial gap and first element to first element match score

• Use arrow to indicate path to that alignment Align ACD to AACADCD: (match = 5, gap start = -5, gap continue = -2)

Continue filling in optimal path scores

• For each cell, have three choices for how to get there from the last optimal alignment (match, gap sequence 1, gap sequence 2).

• Best score(s) are selected, and arrows added indicated route. – From -5 align As

• -5 +5 = 0

– From 5, insert gap • 5 + -5 = 0

– From -7, insert gap • -7 + -5 = -12

- A




-- AA

--A AA-

align As insert gap insert gap

Optimal alignment by traceback

• We “traceback” a path that gets us the highest score. If we don't have “end gap” penalties, then take any path from the last row or column to the first.

• Otherwise we need to include the top and bottom corners


Parameter Selection

• The optimal alignment between a pair of sequences depends critically on the selection of the score matrix and the gap penalty.

• These sorts of generic “inputs” to a program are called “parameters”.

• How do we pick the ones that give the most biologically meaningful alignments (and alignment scores?)

How do we pick match scores?

• For match scores, two main options – PAM based on global alignments of closely related

sequences. Normalized to changes per 100 sites, then exponentiated for more distant relatives.

– BLOSUM based on local alignments in much more diverse sequences

• Each matrix has versions aimed at different evolutionary distances.

• BLOSUM62 is NCBI’s default. BLOSUM45 may work better for more evolutionarily distant sequences.

Picking gap penalties

• Many different possible forms: – Most common is affine

(gap open + gap continue penalities) – More complex penalties have been proposed.

• Penalties must be commensurate with match scores. Therefore, the match scoring scheme influences the gap penalty

• Most alignment programs suggest appropriate penalties for each match score option.


Searching for optimal scores

• One possibility is to try several different match score and gap penalties, and choose the best

•  In general, this is called parameter space search and it is important in many areas.

• Problems – requires a lot computation – we need some principled way to compare the


• Use significance testing to compare...

The significance of an alignment

• Significance testing is the branch of statistics that is concerned with assessing the probability that a particular result could have occurred by chance.

• How do we calculate the probability that an alignment occurred by chance? – Either with a model of evolution, or – Empirically, by scrambling our sequences and

calculating scores on many randomized (and by assumption unrelated) sequences.

•  Incorporated into BLAST: “E-value”

Part 3: Search Linear search

•  Test query against each target sequentially

•  Worst case, query matches last target and you have as many tests as targets (size of database)

•  Average case, test half the targets. •  Linear in the size of the database



Indexed (binary) search

•  Create a sorted set of keys that point to entries

•  Start in the middle, then figure out which half

•  Eliminate half the database each step, so need log2 steps at worst

•  Need to build the index (takes space and time at each database update)







Hash tables

•  Map each query to an arbitrary number with a “hash function”

•  Use those numbers as an index into a table

•  “Collisions” can happen, but are rare

•  Constant time lookup, no index construction

Hash table 1. CGATA 2. GCCCT 3. CGTAA, AGAGA 4. 5. ACTGA 6. CCGGA 7. TTAGG 8. TTACG

f (TTACG)= 8


How to define a hash function

• Basic: must map keys to a number that is within the size of the table

• Desired: minimize collisions • So: similar keys should lead to different hashes • Good general method: map key to a number, and

then take the remainder when divided by a prime number. Specialized hash functions can be better.

Hash tables are the basis of most database lookups.

Approximate searches

• Recall the needs of sequence searches: – Not looking for exact match, but “similar”


• Database search methods only help us find exact matches. – Hash tables particularly bad at “similar” because

we need similar keys to map to different hashes

• First, need to define what is “similar”, then find efficient ways to search for similar sequences.

Part 4: BLAST

Basic Local Alignment Search Tool


• Dynamic programming solutions to alignment problems are relatively slow, and don't lend themselves to efficient database search. – Time complexity proportional to the size of the database.

• Need some way to search a large database to find sequences that have an inexact match to a query sequence

•  BLAST: an imperfect approximation to DP. DP finds some distantly related sequences the approximations don't

Sequence search basics

•  BLAST is 50-100x faster than DP •  Proper use is similar to DP:

– Use appropriate substitution and gap scores • BLOSUM62 is good for weak protein similarities • Use PAM30, PAM70 or BLOSUM45 for better results on more

similar sequences, BLOSUM80 for most distant

– Use low-complexity (repetitive seq) filters and filter out human repeats (ALUs, etc)

– If searching for coding regions, always translate nucleotide to amino acid sequence.

How BLAST works

•  Break sequence into overlapping “words,” by default of length 3. – Sequence of length n makes n-m+1 m-size words ABCDE →


•  For each word, define ~50 other words that are similar (use substitution matrix + threshold T)

•  Repeat for each of the n-m+1 words, giving about 50*n words (out of 203=8000 possible)

•  Use a hash table to find all places in DB with an exact match to any of those words.


Extending HSPs

•  Identify database sequences that contain several matching words on the same diagonal (think DP alignments) and within a short distance.

•  Extend these short, ungapped alignments in both directions along the sequence so long as score of alignment increases. – BLAST alignments scored simply with a log-odds matrix;

no gap penalties at this point.

•  Call these extended alignments HSPs for “high scoring pairs”

•  What is the probability of scoring at least as large as x by chance?

•  Extreme value (not Normal!) distribution:

Where m is size of the database, n is length of query, and l is average length of alignment between two random sequences of those lengths using this scoring scheme.

•  Called “E value” for expectation (analogous to p value) •  High BLAST score = low E value (low probability of chance)

Is an HSP Significant?

K and λ •  Parameters of the extreme value distribution • Depend on the particular substitution matrix •  Estimated by aligning a lot of random sequences drawn

on a particular distribution of amino acids, and fitting the extreme value distribution to those alignments

•  These empirical estimates may not be correct (error in the assumed distribution of AAs used to create the random sequences) but seem to be reasonably close.

BLAST2: add gaps

• Multiple HSPs in one target sequence → possibility of gapped alignment.

•  Combine HSP scores to score whole sequence: – Add HSP scores – Adjust K and λ for this scoring method – Set modest e-value threshold to identify reasonable

target set

•  Use DP to produce final gapped alignments – Run DP on the (relatively) small number of database

sequences that were above the threshold with multiple HSPs

Practical “Gapped BLAST”

• Default on NCBI web site •  BLAST versus DP on whole databases

– Still might miss some alignments DP would find as database search tool

– DP on fractions of the database (e.g. all human sequences) can be done with parallel hardware, but computational complexity scales with database size.

•  BLAST allows users to set certain gap penalties, word sizes and thresholds in “Advanced settings” but not all (since K & λ have to be calculated in advance)

Part 5: Closing comments


Motivating scenarios

•  "I have just sequenced a DNA fragment” – Run a BLAST search – Once you have candidates, run a more careful

alignment among them. •  "I've located a gene using a gene-finding algorithm”

– Run BLAST to locate similar genes. – Run a global alignment to see differences.

•  "I'm confirming a sequencing experiment” – do a global alignment


Study guide....

• Dynamic programming alignments are a key technology in bioinformatics, and you should understand how they work.

• The method is perhaps counterintuitive • Work some examples by hand.

– All of the textbooks describe D-P, and there is more detail and supplementary material on the course web site.

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