pakistan foreign policy...its objectives and principles

Post on 22-Jan-2018






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Pakistan’s Foreign PolicyContentsIntroductionDefinition & Description of Foreign PolicyQuaid’s Vision of Foreign Policy of PakistanForeign Policy Making Agencies Of PakistanBasic Goals of Pakistan's Foreign PolicyGuiding Principles of Pakistan’s Foreign Policy Protection of Freedom and Sovereignity Cordial Relations with Muslim Countries Non-Interference in Internal Affairs of Other Countries Implementation of U.N Charter Promotion of World Peace Non-Alignment Support for Self-Determination and Condemnation of Racial Discrimination Nuclear Non-Proliferation and Disarmament Member of International OrganizationObjectives of Pakistan’s Foreign PolicyElements Effecting Foreign PolicyImportanceConclusion


IntroductionNo country today can think of a life independent of other nations. Every country hasto develop relations with other countries so as to meet its requirements in economical,industrial and technological fields. It is thus necessary for every country to formulatea sound foreign policy. Pakistan is an important third world country, in itsdevelopmental stage. It also has formulated her foreign policy keeping in mind itsgeography, politics and economics.

Definition & Description of Foreign Policy“The foreign policy of a country is in a sense a projection of its internal policies, political and economic.”Foreign policy dictates how a country will act with respect to other countriespolitically, socially, economically, and militarily, and to a somewhat lesser extent,how it behaves towards non-state actors. It is a strategy or combination of strategiescarefully formulated by one state for maintaining relationship with other states andnon state actors for protection and promotion of national interests.

Quaid’s Vision of Foreign Policy of PakistanThe father of the nation, Quaid-e-Azam defined Foreign Policy towards othercountries of the world in 1948, as follows:”Our Foreign Policy is one of friendliness and good-will towards all the nations ofthe world. We do not cherish aggressive designs against any country or nation. Webelieve in the policy of honesty and fair play in national and international dealingsand are prepared to make our utmost contribution to the promotion of peace andprosperity among the nations of the world. Pakistan will never be found lacking inextending its material and moral support to the oppressed and suppressed peoples ofthe world and in upholding the principles of the United Nations Charter.”

Foreign Policy Making Agencies Of PakistanForeign policy making agency of Pakistan are as follows: President Prime Minister. Chief of Army Staff. Parliament Ministry of Foreign Affairs Intelligence Agencies Political Parties


Basic Goals of Pakistan's Foreign Policy Maintenance of territorial integrity. Maintenance of its political independence. Acceleration of social and economic development. Strengthening its place on the globe. Keeping cordial and friendly relations with all countries.

Guiding Principles of Pakistan’s Foreign PolicyFollowing are the basic principles of Pakistan's Foreign Policy:

1. Protection of Freedom and SovereignityPakistan came into being after great sacrifices of million of Muslims. Like any othercountry, she also considers with deep regard the need for preservation of itsindependence and does not allow any country to harm its freedom. Therefore, theprinciple of protection of independence and sovereignity is the corner stone ofPakistan's Foreign Policy.

2. Cordial Relations with Muslim CountriesPakistan always tries to establish cordial and friendly relations with Muslim countries.It has always moved its concern against Israel, India and U.S.S.R capturing Palestine,Kashmir and Afghanistan respectively. She has shouldered high responsibilities andused her influence for safeguarding the rights of the Muslims. Pakistan is also anactive member of the Islamic Conference.

3. Non-Interference in Internal Affairs of Other CountriesPakistan has sought to establish normal and friendly relations with all countriesespecially in neighbouring countries, on the basis of universally acknowledge theprinciple of national sovereignity, non use of force, non-interference in the internalaffairs of states.

4. Implementation of U.N CharterPakistan's policy is to act upon UN charter and to support all moves by the UN toimplement it. Pakistan has been the member of UN since the year of its birth.

5. Promotion of World PeacePakistan's policy is to promote peace among nations. It has no aggressive designsagainst any country. Neither does it support any such action. Pakistan has always heldthat the international disputes should be settled through negotiations rather thannon-battlefield.

6. Non-AlignmentPakistan follows the policy of Non-Alignment i.e. to keep away from alignment withany big power bloc, and avoids taking sides in the cold war. It has also given up itsassociation with SEATO and CENTO and was included in NAM in 1979.


7. Support for Self-Determination and Condemnation of Racial DiscriminationPakistan is a stomach supporter of the right of self-determination and has been in thefore front of efforts to eliminate colonialism and racism. It has advocated the right ofself-determination of Kashmir.

8. Nuclear Non-Proliferation and DisarmamentPakistan is deeply conscious of the fact that international peace and security cannot beachieved and sustained in the world with arms. Disarmament is the imperativecondition for truly durable peace in the world. Pakistan has a vital stake in promotionof disarmament both in the nuclear and conventional fields. It is included in theprinciples of its foreign policy that a collective endeavor by countries at the regionallevel to promote disarmament and enhance security at the lowest possible level ofarmaments is an indispensable result to their advocacy of global disarmament.

9. Member of International OrganizationPakistan had become the member of the British Commonwealth with the time of itsestablishment. In addition it is the member of United Nations (U.N), Non-AlignedMovement (NAM), Organization of Islamic Conference (OIC), EconomicCooperation Organization (ECO), South Asian Association for Regional Co-operation(SAARC), Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN), and D-Eight. Being amember of International Organizations the objectives of Pakistan are to struggle forworld peace, to unify the Muslim countries and to promote regional co-operation.

Objectives of Pakistan’s Foreign PolicyFollowing are the objectives/aims of Pakistan’s foreign policy: National Security Territorial Integrity Economic well-being National Prestige

Elements Effecting Foreign Policy The political organization found in a country also greatly influences the foreign

policy. For example under authoritarian systems quick foreign policy decisions are taken.

The press also plays a vital role in foreign policy formulation process. Thenature of political accountability prevailing in a system also greatly influence theforeign policy of the state.

The leadership also plays a vital role in the shaping of a country’s foreign policy.


The great power structure prevailing in the world politics also greatly influencethe policy of a country.

While making foreign policy the state has to take note of the international law,treaties and contracts.

While formulating its foreign policy a country has to take note of the reaction ofother states to its various actions.

Alliances concluded by various states also greatly influence the foreign policy. The world public opinion also influences the state’s foreign policy.

Importance Foreign policy is the name of running country’s affairs Maintain the relationship between one country to another Safeguarding the interests of country Keeping the state safe an secure

ConclusionThe guiding principles of Pakistan's Foreign Policy are rooted in the country's Islamicideology, its rich cultural heritage and historical experience. As an Islamic andnon-aligned country, Pakistan supports Islamic causes and firmly upholds the abovementioned principles, which hold out the promise of a just and equitable world orderin which nations can live in peace and security.

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