overview of linkedin communication channels

Post on 28-Oct-2014






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The new Linkedin Communication ChannelsKeeping track of the changing face of LinkedIn...

Linkedin has undergone a series of radical changes over recent months. Here’s a handy overview of the tools / services that matter when it comes to communicating on Linkedin.

Send a status update Send a direct message Send an inMail Post a job ( free to Groups you’re a member of) Post a job (paid on your company’s profile) Create / Participate in a group discussion Create a group and invite people to join Target and Advertise Get Introduced Ask / Answer a question in Answers

Premium Packages and Services for Employers/Recruitment agencies

Communicating on Linkedin

1. Send a Status Update

2. Send a Direct Message

Directly reach anyone on LinkedIN (no need to be connected or to belong to similar groups or companies).

3. Send an InMail

4. Post a Job (free to groups of which you’re a member)

5. Post a Job (paid to post an detailed Job Offer on your company’s profile)

6. Create/Participate in a Discussion

7. Create a Group and Invite People

8. Target & Advertise

Contact or be contacted through shared or mutual connections. Your Connections can introduce you to anyone in their network by forwarding an Introduction message through a chain of their trusted professionals.Introductions expire after 6 months if they are not responded to by the receiver. The exact number of Introductions available for your subscription level can be found by clicking on the "Compare account types" link on the "Settings" page. ”

9. Get Introduced

10. Ask and Answer Questions

Business : Premium packages

Job Seeker : Premium Packages

Services : Direct Employers

Services : Recruitment Agencies

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