outpouring of the seven last plagues

Post on 02-Jun-2018






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Letter number 1

The outpouring of the seven last plagues

In Genesis 1:27, 31, we read that God made man in His own image and that it was good. In

the next chapter [verses 16 and 17] we read that God gave man the law he was to live by in

Eden and the consequences of breaking that law. Later [In the 7th verse of the 4th chapter]

we se that God created man with the ability to overcome evil and a free choice to decide to do

good or evil. The next chapter [chapter 5] speaks of Enoch’s victory over sin and his reward.

In the beginning the human race knew and understood God’s law and the consequences of

transgression. When Adam and Eve sinned the Lord personally told them of their punishment

that they had to bear. He could have told Adam to inform Eve of her punishment but He

chose not to do this. He personally told him what belongs to him and Eve what belongs to

her. Even the serpent was personally told what belonged to it. The Lord spoke with Cain to

show him his evil tendencies that were harboured. He did not choose Abel to go tell Cain the

message. Yet with generations of accumulated sin the hearts of the people became more and

more hardened. Thus when God decided to destroy the world with a flood, He told Noah of

His plans yet Noah was to tell the people. Throughout Bible history God had given His law

and told of the consequences of transgressing that law to a stubborn and impenitent world. It

was not to be proclaimed to only one nation or only one church. Though He has endeavoured

to use man as messengers of His law, we read in the Bible that the servant who knows his

master’s will but does it not will receive many stripes.

The words of John the Revelator, banished to the isle of Patmos for the testimony of God’s

word are the last words of the Bible. To John were shown in visions and symbols the events

that would take place in the future. The Jewish nation was rejected of the Lord for they did

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not study the prophecies of their day and knew not the time of their visitation. In the sad

history of Israel we read a warning for us. In Testimony to Ministers page 119, the Holy

Spirit reminds us to dig deeper into the word of God. Why? Is it possible that God has hidden

the truth so pertinent to our salvation, so deep that we cannot attain it? Or is it possible that

the shepherds of the flock have hidden these truths with darkness? The book of Revelation

has become the book of Concealment.

Many of the prophecies in Revelation have already been fulfilled, yet some will be fulfilled

again. We are now in the closing events of this earth’s history. If we continue as we have in

the past, our destruction will be much worse than that of Jerusalem for we had her history in

writings as a warning yet rejected it.

Were we to truly dig into God’s word we would find that all three Seventh Day Adventist

[SDA] churches have covered with darkness the following 6 chapters of Revelation: chapter

8, 9, 13, 16, 17 and 18. In chapters 8 and 9 are portrayed seven angels seen by John as

standing before God and there was given them 7 trumpets. In his book, “Daniel and

Revelation”, Uriah Smith claims that these trumpets inform us of war and politics of the

world. All three SDA churches have accepted this view as Bible truth. They have also agreed

with him as concerns Rev. 13:1-10. This, they believe, applies to the Catholics and verses 11-

18 to the Protestants. Also that the 16th and 17th chapters are for the world and the Catholics,

and the 18th chapter is for the Protestants. Thus we have neatly relegated away the very light

that is to help us understand the third angel’s message more clearly. Had we rightly

understood these 7 trumpets, we would rightly understand the 7 plagues - the cup of God’s

wrath mentioned in the message of the third angel (Rev. 14:10). If we do not understand the 7

last plagues, the cup of the wrath of God unmixed with mercy mentioned in the third angel’s

message, God cannot pour upon us the latter rain enabling us to give the Loud Cry of the

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third angel. We must be able to bring before the people two distinct roads, one of following

God in the path of obedience and the other of man (whether in ecclesiastical or civil form)

clearly outlining the consequences of disobedience found in the 16th chapter of Revelation.

Presently all three SDA churches teach that the 7 last plagues will be fulfilled literally. They

claim that those who receive the mark of the beast and worship its image will suffer from

gaping sores similar to some forms of cancer pervasive in today’s society. In the second

plague, they say that the sea will become as the blood of a dead man and every living thing in

the sea will literally die. Here we err for we do not take into consideration the explanation

found in Rev. 17:15. If we study Rev. 18:8 more deeply we would see that the plagues will be

poured upon Babylon. If the plagues are literal. The third plague speaks of the rivers and

streams. I know these rivers are those mentioned in Rev. 17:1 on which the woman sits, but I

well remember that upon baptismal classes in the SDA R. M. church our teacher telling us,

“imagine going to the drinking fountain and drinking pure water and the unbeliever comes to

the same fountain after you and blood comes out of the fountain.” The fourth plague affects

the sun (Rev. 16:8 and 9). If this too is literal and if it lasted, say, 24 hours or so, the whole

world would feel it. The fifth plague will be poured out on the throne of the beast (or as we

have been taught, Rome where the Pope presides).

Let us ask ourselves when the Pope first became beast? Perhaps in 538 AD as some have

taught when the Pope proclaimed himself as the head of the church. Others might say in 321

AD when the man of sin sat in the church of God as described by the Apostle Paul in 2 Thess.

2:3 and 4. If either of the above answers are true, that the Pope did sit in the church of God,

and we read in TM. 116-118 that history will be repeated and that the old controversy will

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come to new life encouraging us to study the Mystery of Iniquity. We read there that the

church will once more prophesy in sackcloth (see also 4T p. 594 and Rev. 11:3). The Pope sat

in the church of God as the head of Christ’s church. In order to better understand this

concept, let me say that he was the President of the General Conference or number one man.

If we believe that the church will once more prophesy in sackcloth then we must also believe

that the man of sin will once more sit In THE CHURCH OF GOD. We all believe that the

catholic church is no longer the church of God. Surely we must see that the persecution must

begin from the SDA church.

The sixth plague is poured out on the great River Euphrates (Rev. 16:12). All SDA’s believe

Uriah Smith’s interpretation that the Euphrates River in this case is not literal but symbolic.

They believe that it represents Turkey. It is indeed inconsistent and inconceivable to maintain

that the first five plagues are literal yet the sixth is symbolic as Uriah S. maintains. We need

to ask ourselves will there be literal angels bearing literal cups of wrath causing literal sores,

etc., yet only the sixth is symbolic?

In order to better understand the 7 plagues we need to return to the 8th and 9th chapters of

Revelation and compare verse with verse and the events during the 7 trumpets with the events

during the 7 plagues. Before we do this, however, we need to understand that from 1844 we

are living in the time of the 7th trumpet. This means that the foregoing 6 have passed. In Rev.

11:15-19, we read what happened in the time of the 7th trumpet. Here we can see if the

angels with the seven trumpets inform us of war and politics as Uriah Smith claims or were they

sounded in God’s church. When the 7th angel blew his trumpet there were voices saying “the

kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord and His Christ”. In Early

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Writings in the second paragraph of the chapter entitled, ”End of the 2300 Days” we read

“Then He raised His right arm and we heard His lovely voice saying, “Wait here: I am going

to my Father to receive the kingdom: keep your garments spotless and in a little while I will

return from the wedding and receive you to myself.” When Christ went into the Most Holy

Place in 1844 twenty elders praised God and on the earth was proclaimed the first angels

message still, Fear God and give glory to Him for the hour of His judgement is come”.(Rev.

11:16 and 17. and Rev. 14: 6 and 7). In the Great Controversy Sr. White described the

Investigative Judgement that began in 1844. Judgement began on the dead and would soon

start on the living. In Rev. 11:18. we read: ”...and thy wrath is come and the time of the dead

that they should be judged.”

In the 7th trumpet (Rev. 11:19) we read that during the time of that trump, the ark of the

testament was seen in the temple of God in heaven. In Great Controversy (1884 edition) p.

273 we see that as God showed to Moses a portrayal of the temple above (Holy and Most

Holy place), and Moses was to build a replica so that God may dwell among them, so Sr.

White was shown the same and she also was to share it with spiritual Israel. Please read the

chapter entitled “The Open and Shut Door” in the book E.W. for more details. By this also

we see that the 7th trumpet began in 1844. Thus we see that nearly all the events mentioned

in the 7th trumpet were proclaimed by Sr. White within the church. The 7th trumpet sounded

in her lifetime and continues today among God’s people.

It is not difficult to understand the symbology of the 7 trumpets and the 7 plagues if we

compare verse with verse. As seen earlier, we live in the time of the 7th trumpet from 1844.

Therefore 6 trumpets have already been fulfilled. For instance, in the second trumpet we read

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( Rev. 8;8) that a third part of the sea became blood. In Rev. 16:3, we read: “And the second

angel poured his vial upon the sea; and it became as the blood of a dead man.” In Rev. 8:10

and 11 we read that the third angel sounded and the third part of the rivers and fountains of

waters became wormwood. In the Rev. 16:4 we read that the third angel poured out his vial

upon the rivers and fountains of waters; and they became blood. In Rev. 8:12. we read that

the 4th angel sounded his trumpet and the third part of the sun, moon and stars were stricken

and darkened. We also read that in the 7 plagues the 4th angel poured out his vial upon the


Thus when we read of the 7 trumpets we see considerable similarity with 7 plagues. For this

reason some believe that the two will occur simultaneously, using the quotation from 7A

Bible Commentary p. 982 as “proof”. There we read: “Trumpet after trumpet is to be

sounded, vial after vial poured out one after another upon the inhabitants of the earth”. Let us

take a closer look at this quotation. Trumpets were used in the time of physical Israel. The

believers of those days learned to discern between one trump and another. Some signalled a

forward march, others told them to stop. Trumpets signalled their feast days and those same

trumpets blew at the fall of Jericho. In the New Testament the Apostle Paul teaches us to give

the trumpet a certain sound [1Cor. 14:8]. If we had a right understanding of the 7 plagues we

would understand correctly the words in 7A BC p. 982. Likewise those who do not or will

not understand Rev. 18 will also not understand the quote in 7A BC.

In the Great Controversy under the title “Loud Cry” or “Final Warning”, we read “In

amazement they hear the testimony Babylon is the church fallen because of her errors and

sins because of her rejection of the truth sent to her from heaven... The popular ministry, like

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the Pharisees of old are filled with anger as their authority is questioned, they denounce the

message as of Satan, and stir up the sin-loving multitude to revile and persecute those who

proclaim it.” Here we see that those who bear the message of Rev. 18 will be persecuted. In

Rev. 18:6 we see that the voice, “Reward her even as she rewarded you and double unto her

double according to her works; in the cup which she has filled fill unto her double.”

The persecuted believers will, at God’s command pour out the 7 last plagues. As Moses poured

out the plagues upon Egypt, as Joshua stopped the sun and moon in the sky, as the prophet

Elijah stopped the rain from falling upon the land of Israel, so the believers of our day will

with the same power pour out the 7 last plagues upon the Babylon of Rev. 18. None yet know

the exact words God will give to his believers or the place He will send them to proclaim (or

trump) those words. That will be according to the deeds of Babylon prior to and during the 7

last plagues. The chosen messengers (human beings symbolized by angels) will bear and

proclaim those words that God will give them. They will sound the trump but the message

(unlike the 7 trumpets of Rev. 8, 9 & 11) will not be mixed with mercy. The words that God

will give servants will only be words of wrath. Hence the words: ”trumpet after trumpet and

vial after vial will be poured out upon the inhabitants of the earth.”

Now let us see how Uriah Smith interprets these 7 angels that sound the trumpets. He says

that the hail mentioned in the 1st trumpet symbolises a people from the north. The fire mixed

with blood he claims are mentioned because this people from the north killed and pillaged

wherever they went. This would mean that the ice is symbolic but the fire and blood

mentioned in Rev. 8:7. are literal. In the 2nd trumpet he claims that the mountain burning with

fire represents Gaiseric the great leader that led in the war against Rome. He claims that the

third of the sea became blood because the battle was waged at the sea. This would mean that

the burning mountain represents one man but the sea and blood are literal. In the third

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trumpet [Rev. 8:10], U. Smith claims that the great star that fell out of heaven represented

Attila the Hun - the sun, moon and stars were smitten and darkened, U. Smith says that the

sun, moon and stars represents the glory of the Roman empire which was extinguished. The

Bible never showed an unbeliever, no matter how lofty in position or wealth, as the sun,

moon or stars. I say again with surety that in all of Bible history, the Holy Spirit has never

portrayed worldly warriors, leaders or politicians as the sun, moon and stars.

The smoke mentioned in the fifth trumpet (Rev. 9:2) says Uriah Smith represents the Turkish

religion while the smoke mentioned in the sixth trumpet (Rev. 9:17) is literal for the Turks

used weapons of fire which emitted smoke. Thus, according to his interpretation, the smoke

in the fifth trumpet is symbolic and the smoke in the sixth trumpet is literal. In the sixth

trumpet John heard the number of the army of the horseman as two hundred thousand

thousand. We see that they were well armed. Here Uriah Smith says that this number is not

important. Heaven has declared it and John has received the command to write all that he

sees and hears and yet Uriah Smith says it is not important. In his book (Daniel and

Revelation) p. 509 he says, “and it is not at all essential.” This he wrote because he couldn’t

find any country in all of human history with so great a number.

Thus has Uriah S mith covered with darkness all 7 angels that John saw standing before God

having the 7 trumpets. All three SDA organizations have accepted this book of his as Bible

truth, while standing before the pulpit saying “the Bible and the Bible only.” Yet in reality

they reject the Bible which is self-explanatory if we are willing to compare verse with verse. I

would ask the teachers of Israel; how is it that the hail mentioned in the first trumpet

represents a people from the north but the hail in the 7th plague (Rev. 16:21) is literal hail

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and that over 50 lbs. each. The ships mentioned in the second trumpet we are told are literal

ships for it was a naval battle. This means that the sea was also a literal sea and not as John

wrote in Rev. 17:15. What then can we say of the ships mentioned in Rev. 18:17? I have

searched the 1884 edition of the Great Controversy and cannot find anywhere the fall of the

Turkish empire on August 11, 1840 yet later editions show it written in a manner similar to

that of Daniel and the Revelation. I can easily believe that Uriah Smith himself added that

statement in later editions of the book. This is because he compared the Bible to earthly

history. Yet we know that in the time of the 7th trumpet, since 1844 we have been through

two world wars and especially during the second world war when many thousands died in the

seas and oceans yet we find nothing about a third of the waters becoming blood as we do in

the 2nd trumpet. Nearly every word found in the 7 trumpets can be found elsewhere in the


In the time of physical Israel, God’s messengers were called prophets and later angels. In

Malachi 3:1 we see that John the Baptist was called an angel and Jesus said that he was the

greatest prophet born of woman. In Malachi 2:7 we read that the priests were called angels

also. John 10:34, 35 even calls them gods for the word of God is in them. Yet in Psalm 82 we

read that though they are called gods they shall die like men if they sin. In Revelation we see

that God’s messengers are portrayed to John as angels. In Rev. 1:20 the leadership of the

church is portrayed as stars. Sr. White also says that those stars that shone most brightly and

that we so admired would be extinguished. God has said to Abraham that his descendants

would be as the stars of the sky. Joseph dreamed that the sun, moon and stars were bowing to

him and Jacob saw the clear meaning of this. John saw a woman, the church, dressed as the

sun and the moon was under her feet and on her head a wreath of 12 stars, similar to Joseph’s

dream. In the Song of Solomon 6:9 the pure church is represented similarly to that of Rev.

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12:1. The Bible portrays people as grass (Isaiah 40:6). In Mat. 7:19, people are portrayed as a

tree (also in Psalm 1:3). In Rev. 17:15 the Holy Spirit portrays people as waters. All the

above quotes contain words found in the 7 trumpets. If some words are not clear in one place

of the Bible we need to find another quote that we may understand containing the same word

or phrase of a verse that has already been fulfilled. Thus one verse or part of the Bible

explains another. Both physical and spiritual Israel had faithful watchmen that gave the

trumpet a certain sound and warned them of what was to come. We need therefore to bring

out a change in our understanding of the 7 trumpets. They do not belong in worldly political

fields but in the 7 periods of time in the Christian era.

For those of us who wish to know what the locusts of the 5th trumpet represent, we have only

to look at Nahum 3:17 to see that there were many locusts in the time of the dark ages (the

religious leadership of that day or Catholic priesthood became Satan’s tool). They devastated

entire nations as locusts would the countryside. Only by placing the 7 trumpets in the 7

churches where they belong and studying the symbology to see how it was fulfilled will we

understand the plagues which must be interwoven into the message of the third angel (Deut.


When explaining the third angels message to others, we try to clarify what the image of the

beast is and the mark of the beast. We try in simple terms to explain the symbology of

bowing to the beast and what it means. Certainly no one saw a real angel flying in the midst

of heaven. So it is with the 7 plagues. We do not believe that the angel with the vial is literal

yet we claim that the sores are literal. Let us look at Rev. 13:3 and Nahum 3:19 along with

Isaiah 51:9. We still see that in each of these verses the word wound or sore was never literal

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yet the verses were fulfilled. Why is it then that we expect literal sores in the first plague?

Why is it that we expect God to send us the latter rain so that we may proclaim the 3rd angels

message fearlessly not having studied the issue fully? We stand before God without excuse

for we have the Bible and the Spirit of Prophecy at our disposal.

The first seal and the first trumpet belong in the first church (Ephesus).The second seal and

the second trumpet belong in the second church (Smyrna), etc. Today we live in the 7th

church (Laodicea), the 7th trumpet but the 6th seal. The 7th seal (Rev. 8:1) is still future.

Have you ever wondered how many thousands of Protestants became as fallen stars by

rejecting the first angels message? Have you wondered why the stars actually did fall on Nov.

12, 1833 just as W. Miller began to preach? Perhaps we have often wondered at the falling of

the stars just as the disciples wondered at the dried up fig tree seeing nothing beyond. God

wanted to teach us lessons through nature. Nearly all visions and dreams given by God to His

chosen servants contains occurrences found in nature. God gives His messages using wild

beasts, lambs, trees and grass, rivers and fountains of waters. He presented angels carrying

vials of wrath. Christ Himself used similar methods. He spoke of wheat and tares, of

vineyards and leaven, of salt, yet all these things had their meaning.

I do not wish to explain the plagues and the trumpets one by one. Let those who wish to have

a part in the Loud Cry of the 3rd angel gird up the loins of their minds and compare verse

with verse. Let them turn to God and He will guide them.

Let us examine Rev. 9:14 a little closer. Four angels were bound in that river. The 6th

trumpeter was told to loose them and this was done. In Rev. 20:2 we read that Satan will be

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bound for a thousand years and we understand what this means. He will not be able to move

about and do as he has always done but will have to remain in a certain place. In Rev. 9:11

we can see that the Bible still calls Satan and his host angels. Thus we can see that these 4

angels are not those mentioned in Rev. 7:1. When these were loosed, John heard the number

of their well-armed host -- two hundred thousand thousand. These 4 angels were bound from

one European reformation until the next reformation which was in W. Miller’s day. Let us

figure going backwards in time from 1833 until we go back 391 years and 15 days to see

what we arrive at. The two hundred thousand thousand is the number of the enemy. If you

will recall when Christ was on this earth and healed the demoniac, He asked him what his

name was. The demoniac replied: “...Legion for we are many” [Mark. 5.9]. While living in

Chicago I asked my daughter to divide two hundred thousand thousand by one hundred forty

four thousand. Try it yourself and you will see how many evil angels will be surrounding

each and every one of God’s people - and all in the form of friends, relatives and family.

Christ Himself said that the father would rise up against the son and the son against the


The River Euphrates is mentioned in the 6th trumpet and in the 6th plague. God had chosen

to show to John a great river that John himself knew and was familiar with. He did not show

him the Mississippi River but one that John could readily recognise as a very great river. All

SDA’s see this river as representing the Turkish nation because the river flows through that

country. If this is true then in order to be consistent we will have to leave the 7 churches in

Asia and not believe that they in reality represent 7 periods of time. The Euphrates River

represents a large people on this earth. Turkey is no more then a small dot on the surface of

the earth. Turkey will not be a large nation during the time of the 6th plague. Yet we read that

the 6th angel poured out his vial on the great River Euphrates and her waters were dried up.

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No other country figures more prominently in present history than the United States. It is this

great people that the River Euphrates represents.

In Rev. 13:11-18. we see a description of the two-horned beast and we all believe it

represents America. A young continent that sprung out of the earth, this two-horned beast

will issue the decree that all who will not bow down and worship the image to the beast

should be killed. By this we see that America will lead out in this action and the other

countries will follow. Presently, the American constitution guarantees freedom of religion but

in time we will see that the harlot [apostatised SDA church], will also sit on this great water.

Just as Pilate delivered the innocent one to be killed at the demand of the Jewish leadership,

so this country will deliver the innocent to be killed at the demand of the SDA leadership.

The great water stands as a bulwark now and the constitution guarantees all religious freedom

but when her waters dry up this bulwark will be removed and there will be a time of trouble

such as never was since there was a nation on the earth. This does not mean, as some might

think, that the entire population of the US will disappear, but that this continent will prepare

the way for Armageddon. The word Armageddon is mentioned only once in the entire Bible

and that in the 6th plague. I would like to leave it there where the Holy Spirit has placed it.

Armageddon is not a worldly war but the largest and last war between good and evil. It

begins with the decree to kill the believers and when the wicked go forth to fulfil this decree

the believers will find themselves on the battlefield of Armageddon. This also was Jacob’s

trouble for his brother led an army forward to kill him.

U. Smith claims that Armageddon is a worldly war in the Middle East. Some even say it will

take place after the Millennium, when Satan will marshal the armies of the whole world to try

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to take over the New Jerusalem. Yet this too is not the truth. The state of the believers in the

6th plague will be indescribable. They will be delivered to death. It will appear to them that

God has left them in the hands of Satan to be tormented and finally killed by him. A terrible

state of fear will engulf them. To claim that this will be the state of the delivered ones of God

in the New Jerusalem when Satan tries to surround the city is indeed irrational. The believers

will know that when Satan’s host surrounds the city, fire will descend out of heaven on the

wicked and each will suffer according to the judgement meted out by them. I cannot believe

that after a thousand years, those abiding in the New Jerusalem will endure the fear and battle

and terrible agony of Jacob’s trouble. The great trouble such as never was will exist only until

the end of the 6th plague.

All who believe that Armageddon will continue until after the millennium do not understand

the beginning of the 7th plague (Rev. 16:17). In the 6th plague we read about two kinds of

people -- those that are filled with the spirits of devils and those blessed ones that keep their

garments (character) clean. In the beginning of the 7th plague, at the sound of the great voice

out of heaven saying, “It is Done” , the battle between good and evil is finished and the Lord

delivers His people from the battlefield of Armageddon. On that battlefield, the believers had

drained their cup to the dregs and have been prepared for heaven. God pronounces the

covenant with them and claims them as His sons and daughters. From that time until the

appearance of the Son of Man in the clouds of heaven, Sr. White writes that the wicked once

again sought to lay hold on the saints but they raised their hands in the name of God and they

fell helplessly to the ground. Then, and not until then, does the image of Dan. 2:34 and 35

topple to the ground and that at the raising of the hands of the people of God in the name of

God. Many times I have seen portrayals of the scenario by various artists and the rock is

always shown as dark and shapeless, yet it is a white rock, perfectly square and smooth as

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glass. Christ comes for those who have gained the victory over the beast, its mark, image and

number. Those 144,000 make up this rock. It is a number of symmetry and perfection as are

the sides of the rock. This is how prophecy has portrayed the 144,000 after the partial

resurrection and at the beginning of the 7th plague.

I firmly believe that the battle of Armageddon starts with the decree to kill God’s people.

This also is Jacob’s trouble when we see that his own brother sought to slay him. Thus I

would like to repeat that America represents the great River Euphrates (a great people on the

earth).This great nation will “dry up” in a sense that the way for Christ and His angels might

be prepared. Armageddon is also portrayed as the valley of Jehoshaphat where it seemed that

God’s people would soon be destroyed by the wicked, yet the Lord delivered them in a

miraculous manner. If anyone brings forth a quote s tating that Armageddon will continue

after the millennium I would firmly believe that such a quote is a product of Uriah Smith. He

has ever portrayed Armageddon as a world war in the Middle East and since even after the

millennium the wicked will seek to make war upon Jerusalem, one would not need much

persuasion to believe in his book (“Daniel and the Revelation”). We have had two world wars

yet neither was Armageddon. In these worldly wars there were wicked on both sides but in

the battle of Armageddon the wicked will be on one side and the people of God on the other.

Not until the 7th plague will the wicked perceive that they have been misled of their leaders.

Then those weapons that were once used against God’s people will be turned against their

own leaders. Yet the 7th plague is not Armageddon for Armageddon is a spiritual battle. The

strictest laws will be enacted in an attempt to force God’s people to break His law. Yet they

will be delivered at the sound of the voice, “It is Done”. So we see that Armageddon is the

final struggle between good and evil, between God’s law and man’s law. Such battles will not

take place after the millennium. No one in the New Jerusalem will experience pangs of guilt

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or will wonder whether their sins have been forgiven or not. As the army of the wicked one

begins to surround the city of God Christ will order the gates to be shut and up above the city

of Jerusalem, in a panoramic view, the coronation of the Son of God will take place. The rays

of light from the throne of God spill out far beyond the walls of Jerusalem to the whole

world, and the wicked will halt as if paralysed. We thus see that the river Euphrates plays no

great role in the scene.

When through your own studies you find that the great River Euphrates mentioned in the 6th

plague represents America, then the 6th trumpet will be easier to understand. Any reasonable

mind would find it inconsistent to see the River Euphrates as America in the 6th plague and

as Turkey in the 6th trumpet. Perhaps after leafing through these papers you would come to

the conclusion that this information is not pertinent to our salvation just as Uriah Smith wrote

that the two hundred thousand thousand is not important. Some have already told me that

studying the 7 last plagues is not important to our salvation because they occur after the close

of probation. If this is true, then Noah did not have to warn the world of the coming flood.

And who is to say but that deeper study into the 7 plagues and 7 trumpets will not reveal

further light?

Of the trumpets we see that it is almost always a third that was destroyed and always in a

different manner. We know that Satan brought down a third of the angels as fallen stars. They

are Satan’s well organized host and are divided into squadrons, each having its own

commander. These four commanders were bound on American soil until the first angels

message began to sound. Upon release each summoned his host and John heard the number

of them as a warning to us.

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Perhaps some would ask why then there is not any killing in the 7th trumpet [Rev. 11:15-19]?

Such will find an answer in the 9th chapter of Ezekiel.

Also in the 7th trumpet we read: “...and to destroy them that destroy the earth.” [Rev. 11:18].

Rev. 14:19 and 20 also portrays this destruction. Thus we see that a killing will also take

place in the last period of this earth’s history. Perhaps you have wandered why in the 2nd

trumpet the sea became blood but in the 2nd plague it became as the blood of a dead man

[Rev. 8:8. and Rev. 16:3]. Perhaps some would ask what the difference is between sea and

the fountains of waters. If we accept the Bible explanation that waters represent peoples [Rev.

17:15], then we need to look at nature to understand the difference between fountains and

rivers on one hand and seas on the other hand. Rivers flow quickly in one direction yet the

sea, although it has more subtle currents basically remains static. In the sea, large fish abound

that eat the smaller fish which must escape to save its life. This also is true of the seas and

fountains of waters symbolically portrayed in the Bible. All nature has its lessons. We find

that even on dry land large birds of prey feed on the smaller birds. The prophet Daniel saw

four great beasts coming out of the sea and each beast destroyed the former and weaker beast.

Yet with so many warnings in nature and the Bible itself we find that people generally wish

in some way to be connected with great men of this earth or great men or leaders of

organizations thereby hoping to someday became great themselves. Nature studies prove,

however, that when a tree tries to grow in the shadow of a larger tree, it becomes stunted.

I would like to present a question for your consideration. We read in the visions of Daniel

that the four beasts mentioned above coming out of the sea represent worldly leaders and

kingdoms. These rulers arose from among the people or, as put in Bible terminology, out of

the sea. I would like to ask all SDA’s whether these symbols represent world rulers

exclusively or whether church rulers can be included in the prophecy. What is the difference

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between Daniel 5:19. and Matt. 23:30-39? In Great Controversy p. 115, we read that in 1844

God tested the faith of His people as the Israelites were tested when crossing the Red Sea. In

1844 who represented the waters of the Red Sea? Was it the worldly rulers or was it the

apostate church of God?

Now that we know a little more about the seas and the waters of the Bible let us repeat the

question above. Why is it that in the 2nd trumpet one third of the sea became blood yet in the

2nd plague the whole sea became as the blood of a dead man? Simply because in the

trumpets God’s warnings were mingled with mercy but in the time of the plagues, when

judgement on the living will have been finished, there is no mercy and the whole sea is blood.

We can understand that the branches of the tree that bore no fruit had already been cut and

they withered as did the branches of the cursed fig tree of long ago. In other words, all

professed people of God who failed the test and had not on the wedding garment when the

king entered the wedding hall or Most Holy Place will be dead at the time of the 7 plagues.

Thus the sea would be as the blood of a dead man.

Rivers and fountains of waters each represent smaller groups each with its own leadership

going its own way. These rivers or these people on whom the third angel will pour out his

vial of God’s wrath are not clean fountains welling with truth and life but man-made rivers.

There are many on the earth today just as there are many groups of people differing in beliefs

and each races on in its own direction.

In the 4th trumpet and 4th plague we see represented the main leaders of God’s church. Just

as Jacob was to shine as the sun in his surroundings, so the main leaders of God’s church are

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to shine in the church. But when they receive false teachings as was the case in the time of

the trump of the 4th angel, then it becomes darkened along with the moon and stars. Yet why

is it that the 4th plague predicts the sun burning men with fire? How will this prophecy be

fulfilled? Will it be literal as was shown to Joel when the seed withered under the clods of

dirt? Are the sheep starving for spiritual food or literal food? We should read the first chapter

of Joel carefully and decide. Is this chapter speaking of the 4th plague as our leaders have

taught us or is God trying to portray the condition of God’s people prior to the close of

probation? Read carefully Joel 1:14 and you will see that this condition prevailed before

Christ’s first coming and will also prevail before His second coming. Joel 1:6 depicts a

people without number whose teeth are the teeth of a lion yet John the Revelator heard the

number of them. Perhaps the second chapter of Joel will resolve the issue for you.

How then will the leadership burn the people? The Pope of that day [or President of the

General Conference of that day], in the heat of his anger sent his representatives to

Wittenberg to curse and condemn the reformer. In the heat of his anger others were set on fire

and were driven to perform the grossest of injustices to their fellow men. This sun [SDA

leadership] will force all who have bowed down to them to do a similar work but in a

different manner. All who have bowed down to the image of the beast will be tormented by

the vials of God’s wrath. The Creator of the Universe has never used force to compel men to

keep His law and He is angered when man uses deceit or force to accomplish their end. Thus

the 5th plague will be poured out on the seat of the beast. We have always believed this to be

the Pope of the Vatican. But the Pope of today is not in Rome anymore. He is sitting in the

church of God. Upon that seat of the beast will God’s wrath be poured out. Why will they

gnaw their tongues for pain? Because they will not be able to prove and justify their stand in

the highest courts of the land. Then will that woman sit on the great River Euphrates. Just as

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the worldly rulers of the dark ages placed themselves under authority of the Papacy in order

to escape condemnation by the church of that day, so will the River Euphrates place itself

under the power of the church in order to maintain credibility with the people. This is why the

6th angel will pour out his vial on the great River Euphrates and under pressure from the

Pope of that day will issue the command to kill all who will not bow down and worship the

laws of church and land. Then the believers will find themselves on the battlefield of

Armageddon fighting with God’s weaponry the laws of church and land.

Some might wander who these 3 unclean spirits like frogs represent. John did not distinguish

between the frogs so they all looked alike. These are the 3 SDA churches existing on the

earth today. They will remain separate until the end just as the Protestant and Catholic

churches do. The dragon is Satan. The beast is the spirit of persecution for whoever

persecutes is the beast. We say that the Pope is the beast for under his reign the believers

were persecuted. Who then is the false prophet? This too is easy to understand if we read

Isaiah 9:14, and 15. Also in the 6th trumpet [Rev. 9:19] are mentioned tails. This means false

prophets that teach lies. These 3 unclean spirits like frogs are the spirits of devils that go out

to the kings of this earth to gather them together to the battle of that great day of God

Almighty. Which is the day of God? It is the beginning of the outpouring of the 7th vial.

Then a great voice is heard out of the temple of heaven from the throne saying: “It is done”.

Then God will glorify Himself with deliverance from the battlefield of Armageddon.

Suddenly, the earthly laws will be changed as in the time of Esther. Then is the great day of

God Almighty when He shows His power not only before the leaders of the church but before

the leaders of the whole world similar to the time of Jehoshaphat [2. Chron. 20:29. and Isaiah

51:22, 23]. That cup of great fear the believers had emptied will now be taken from them and

given refilled to their enemies.

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I have one more question concerning the 7th plague [Rev. 16:17-21. and 1884 Great

Controversy p. 452-455]. We see that the figures presented to John on Patmos and those

presented to Sr. White are in fact visions. Some claim that Sr. White explained the 7 plagues

but she relayed them in the same light as did John on Patmos. She simply described what she

saw but she did not explain the vision. Concerning the 7th plague, do you think that the water

will really boil and cast out stones? Or are these waters people who in their wrath at having

been deceived of their leaders will cast them out as happened in the time of the French

Revolution? Until then they had gloated over and ridiculed those humble believers who cried

to God day and night. Yet suddenly the situation has changed and the weapons intended to

kill the believers are now turned upon those who deceived them. Not until now do they see

that the God of Israel was with His people and that it was Him whom they had fought against.

The appearance of Christ in the clouds of heaven will be to the joy of believers but to the fear

of unbelievers.

If we have studied well Rev. 18:2, 3. about the habitation of devils, we will easily understand

that from that very habitation come the three unclean spirits like frogs to deceive the kings of

the earth and to gather them together to the battle of that great day of God Almighty. In the

6th plague all 3 SDA churches will unite against those who refuse to bow down and receive

their mark. In the 7th plague the great city Babylon was divided into 3 parts, the deceived

against the deceivers [leadership]. The cities of the nations are all remaining church


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I realise that many people will reject the above. Some have suggested that soon I will say that

even Christ’s coming will not be literal. What can I say to this except to repeat what the

angels told the disciples at Christ’s ascension; this same Jesus would return as they had seen

Him go.

Who has ever seen 7 literal angels with literal trumpets? Who has seen an angel come down

from heaven with great power and light? Who has seen a beast with 7 heads and 10 horns?

Who has seen a woman sitting on a beast and having in her hand a cup of the blood of the

saints? Who has seen a literal fulfilment of John’s vision during the time of the 7 trumpets or

a real mark or the seal of God on one’s forehead? Why do we say that the Pope is the beast

and tell others the interpretation of the number 666 and the image and mark? Thus we see

that almost none of the visions have been fulfilled in a literal manner, yet spiritual eyes have

seen a fulfilment. Why then do we insist on believing that the 7 plagues will be fulfilled

literally? They are either all literal or all symbolic. In spite of this, I know that many will

continue to believe as before - that the first 5 plagues are literal and the 6th is symbolic, that

the water will really boil as though in a pot and spew forth stones. If this is true that every

mountain will flee away [as in Rev. 16:20], how is it then that the Mount of Olives will be

standing as Christ descends after the millennium? Haven’t we all had times in our lives when

trials and doubts loom above us as mountains? Yet there are times when the sun shines

through and the mountains don’t seem too tall. The believers on the battlefield of

Armageddon will have a similar experience. Will they not seem surrounded by

insurmountable obstacles at every step? Yet at the sound of God’s voice, these mountains

will disappear and their eyes will turn to the east in search of that cloud about the size of

man’s hand. In Rev. 17:9 we read that the 7 heads on the beast are 7 hills on which the

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woman sits. At the sound of God’s voice these mountains also will disappear before the eyes

of the believers during the 7th plague.

Some might say that prophecy was literally fulfilled in the falling of the stars and darkening

of the sun and moon and in the Lisbon earthquake. However, in these 7 seals of the 6th

chapter of Revelation is depicted the condition of God’s church in the 7 periods of time in the

Christian era. Is it possible that the stars fell and the sun was darkened and there was a

shaking in the time of the 6th seal in God’s church? If God’s people needed a good shaking,

would not God show that to His servants by literally shaking up a people? Let us look at

Amos 9:9. Those of you who grew up on farms years ago might recall placing the seed in a

sieve in order to shake it. In reality the sieve under the seed is shaken and that shakes the seed

also so that the chaff may be shaken out. Thus God shakes the earth in order to cleanse the

seed. Has not God used simple lessons found in nature all around us to teach us great truths? I

know that in Christ’s day many passed by the cursed fig tree not perceiving that it symbolized

the Jewish nation. So Christians looking at the falling stars did not understand that it

symbolized them.

Let me say in the end that if the Lord sees fit to use symbols in nature during the 7 last

plagues and gives us a literal sign He will do so and that only to remind the believers of the

closeness of the hour. On the other hand, there might not be any physical signs at all even in

the 7th plague. All who have rejected the last warning of mercy will eat and drink and build

and plant as in the days of Noah. Even those 7 days while Noah was in the ark and the door

was closed, the wicked were ridiculing the faithful few. Will it not be so at Christ’s coming

(Matt. 24:37-39)?

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In the 1884 Great Controversy Sr. White writes (page 357), “If we turn from the testimony of

God’s word and accept false doctrines because our fathers taught them, we fall under the

condemnation pronounced upon Babylon; we are drinking of the wine of her abominations”.

Now let each of us ask ourselves, “How long have I been drinking this poison wine and

giving it to others to drink?” Are we to repent for our actions or is it simply enough to

rationalize that the Lord will wink upon our ignorance and leave the organized church? We

see in the past that it did not help those 50,000 who left their organized churches yet were not

fully repentant. They could not honestly repent for they did not believe in the first and second

angel’s message with all their heart. They, like the Protestant churches were surrounded by a

well-armed host of 200 million who killed a third and took the rest as slaves. After Oct. 22nd

1844 these 50,000 were the greatest enemies of those who embraced the message with all

there heart and repented. When they repented they received spotless garments (as in Zech

3;1-10). They became pillars in the church for they repented once more when by faith they

entered into the Most Holy Place after 1844, (Rev. 3:12). We cannot forget for one moment

that those four commanders are still loose now in the time of the 7th trumpet. In 1888 the

believers were surrounded by this large army and they are still to be found at the side of the

true believer. When Satan will be bound during the millennium, then his host also will be

bound. Yet after the millennium he will be loosed with his army and commanders for a little


When the voice of the 2nd angel was heard announcing the fall of Babylon (church

authority), the true believers accepted it and left the fallen churches. Yet with them come

many insincere souls just as the mixed multitude left with the Israelites. The history of the

believers during the 1st and 2nd angels messages and the midnight cry is faithfully written

down for our study. Likewise the fall of the Protestant church is written as a lesson to all

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SDA churches and groups. The sincere believers rejected all the false teachings that the light

of the first angel showed them. Not until they accepted the 2nd angels message could they

have part in the midnight cry (Behold the Bridegroom cometh, go ye out to meet him). Only

those who received the first angels message could receive the 2nd angels message.

As we have seen in the preceding pages, many false teachings have crept in among us since

1844. God seeing the end from the beginning, has ordained that the angel from Revelation 18

come down and uncover the poison wine with its light. The immortality of the soul and the

thousand year reign on the earth has long been rejected by God’s people even before 1844.

But the light of the 4th angel uncovers the false teachings that have crept in among us since

1844 (please read Early Writings entitled The Loud Cry). We SDA’s are more liable than

those who stood at the pulpits and promoted the belief of the immortality of the soul and the

thousand year reign. This we would see if we had carefully read the 2nd angels message Rev.

14:8 and compared it with Rev. 18:2,3.

As we see that only those who rejected the false teachings under the 1st angels message could

receive the 2nd angels message and be fitted to carry the midnight cry, so it is among us

today. Only those who accept the light of the angel from Rev. 18:1-3 will be able to have part

in the loud cry of the third angel or the other voice from heaven [Rev. 18:4]. Each of us must

study the prophecies for ourselves for in God’s word is life. Then we would see that the false

teachings we have cherished have been uncovered by the light of the angel from Rev. 18.

Also if we would compare Rev. 14:9-11 with Rev. 16:2 we would see that the 7 plagues must

be preached in connection with the 3rd angels message. Every ray of new light found in the

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Bible by God’s people causes a shaking. This every student of the Bible can clearly see when

he reads Rev. 11:11-13. When the Bible was once more placed before the people and they

better understood the fulfilment of the prophecies of Daniel and Revelation being fulfilled in

their day, it was then that the earth shook. Which earth? The earth under the city. Which city?

The Holy city that was tread underfoot for 42 months ( Rev. 11:2 and Rev. 11:13). To John

the Revelator was shown an earthquake when God’s word once more shone bright. Thus it is

when the light of Rev. 18 shines before the believers and professed Christians in God’s

church, there is a shaking.

The above pages simply point to a new direction in the study of the word of God that we

might live for God’s word is spirit and life. Since 1844 Satan has worked as never before and

has succeeded in blinding the eyes of those at the head of the work (in the Holy city) and a

great change has been wrought concerning our message of salvation. The book of Uriah

Smith I have labelled the “bottomless pit” and know that many will hate me for that, yet to a

few it will prove a blessing. “It is one of the leading doctrines of Romanism that the pope is

the visible head of the universal church of Christ, invested with supreme authority over

bishops and pastors in all parts of the world. ... God has never given a hint in his word that he

has appointed any man to be the head of the church. The doctrine of papal supremacy is

directly opposed to the teachings of the Scriptures. The pope can have no power over Christ's

church except by usurpation.” 1884 Great Controversy p. 53.

“The doctrine that God has committed to the church the right to control the conscience, and

to define and punish heresy, is one of the most deeply rooted of papal errors. While the

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reformers rejected the creed of Rome, they were not entirely free from her spirit of

intolerance.” Great Controversy [1888] p. 292.

“But God will have a people upon the earth to maintain the Bible, and the Bible only, as the

standard of all doctrines and the basis of all reforms. The opinions of learned men, the

deductions of science, the creeds or decisions of ecclesiastical councils, as numerous and

discordant as are the churches which they represent, the voice of the majority,-- not one or all

of these should be regarded as evidence for or against any point of religious faith. Before

accepting any doctrine or precept, we should demand a plain "Thus saith the Lord" in its

support. 1884 Great Controversy p. 413.

“The Saviour did not commit the work of the gospel to Peter individually. At a later time,

repeating the words that were spoken to Peter, He applied them directly to the church...If

Jesus had delegated any special authority to one of the disciples above the others, we should

not find them so often contending as to who should be the greatest. They would have

submitted to the wish of their Master, and honored the one whom He had chosen..."The head

of every man is Christ."...The church is built upon Christ as its foundation; it is to obey Christ

as its head. It is not to depend upon man, or be controlled by man. Many claim that a position

of trust in the church gives them authority to dictate what other men shall believe and what

they shall do. This claim God does not sanction. The Saviour declares, "All ye are brethren."

All are exposed to temptation, and are liable to error. Desire of Ages p. 414.

“In the commission to His disciples, Christ not only outlined their work, but gave them their

message. Teach the people, He said, "to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded

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