our digital world second edition chapter 2 the internet: gateway to a world of resources © paradigm...

Post on 25-Dec-2015






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  • Our Digital World Second Edition Chapter 2 The Internet: Gateway to a World of Resources Paradigm Publishing, Inc.1
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  • This chapter will help you understand: How the Internet and Web have changed the ways people interact with each other. Services, equipment, and software used to connect and browse the Internet. Browsing and searching online. Evaluating the accuracy of the content you find. Intellectual property and copyright laws. Various Internet services and applications. Paradigm Publishing, Inc.2
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  • Main Topics 2.1 The World Goes Online 2.2 What Are the Internet and Worldwide Web? 2.2 What Are the Internet and Worldwide Web? 2.3 Joining the Digital World 2.4 Navigating and Searching the Web 2.5 The Vast Sea of Online Content 2.6 E-Commerce 2.7 Connecting in Cyberspace Paradigm Publishing, Inc.3
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  • Why Should You Care? 49% of public used the Internet to track the 2009 outbreak of H1N1 (swine) flu.* 55% of adults went online to follow the 2008 U.S. presidential campaign.** 80% of students surveyed anticipate running into new technology they will have to adapt to and learn upon entering the workforce. *(Pew Internet & American Life Project) **(Study by IBM) Paradigm Publishing, Inc.4
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  • 2.1 The World Goes Online Paradigm Publishing, Inc.5
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  • What the Internet Makes Possible Today Scientists share expensive equipment online. Doctors and pilots learn by using computer simulations. iPhones as boarding passes. Paradigm Publishing, Inc.6
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  • What Does the Future Hold? The Internet in space as astronauts begin to Tweet. Collaborative emails with rich multimedia content. Nanorobots transmitting data from within your body. Paradigm Publishing, Inc.7
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  • quick response (QR) code Paradigm Publishing, Inc. Terms to know 8
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  • 2.2 What Are the Internet and the Worldwide Web? Paradigm Publishing, Inc.9
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  • What Is the Internet? The physical infrastructure that allows us to connect and store content. Paradigm Publishing, Inc.10
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  • The Infrastructure of the Internet Paradigm Publishing, Inc.11
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  • What Is the Web? A body of content that is available as web pages stored on Internet servers. Web 2.0 involves interaction of users with content. Web 3.0 (Semantic Web) involves integrating data from various sources in a meaningful way. Paradigm Publishing, Inc.12
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  • Use care when sharing personal information online. You wouldnt shout your home address and social security number from a street corner. Why would you post it online for the world to read? Paradigm Publishing, Inc. Playing It Safe 13
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  • Web-enabled Careers Not all jobs involving the Internet are high-tech. Web content writer/provider Internet law expert online trainer A variety of developer jobs include: programming an e-commerce shopping cart creating environments in virtual reality worlds Paradigm Publishing, Inc.14
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  • The Web Everywhere What are some places, other than computers, where you can find the Web today? Where might you encounter the Web in the future? What is meant by the term internet of things? What are the privacy implications of the internet of things? How might people end up paying for access to online content and services when the Web is everywhere? Paradigm Publishing, Inc.15
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  • Internet Web (World Wide Web or WWW) web page website Web 2.0 Web 3.0 Semantic Web Paradigm Publishing, Inc. Terms to know 16
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  • Ask Yourself While the Internet is the infrastructure on which content is delivered, the Web is a.what makes email possible. b.a system of content. c.a set of servers that host online content. d.a system of sites. Paradigm Publishing, Inc.17
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  • 2.3 Joining the Digital World Paradigm Publishing, Inc.18
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  • Worldwide Internet Use Paradigm Publishing, Inc.19
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  • Getting Online Types of Internet broadband connections include: DSL Cable Satellite Hardware to connect. Wired or wireless connections. Paradigm Publishing, Inc.20
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  • Connecting to the Internet Paradigm Publishing, Inc.21
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  • Internet Service Providers An Internet Service Provider (ISP) allows you to access the Internet. ISPs include phone companies, cable and satellite companies, and local providers. Paradigm Publishing, Inc.22
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  • Browsers Used to navigate online content. Translate content. Display text, graphics, and multimedia content. Examples include Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, and Safari. Paradigm Publishing, Inc.23
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  • Browser Features: Mozilla Firefox Paradigm Publishing, Inc.24
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  • Terms to Know Internet Service Provider (ISP) browser download upload Paradigm Publishing, Inc.25
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  • Ask Yourself What are three kinds of broadband connection? a.DSL, cable, and satellite b.DSL, mobile, and dial-up c.fiber-optic, DSL modem, and WiMax d.ISP, Wi-Fi, and router Paradigm Publishing, Inc.26
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  • 2.4 Navigating and Searching the Web Paradigm Publishing, Inc.27
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  • Getting around the Internet Internet Protocol (IP): series of numbers that uniquely identifies an Internet location. Uniform Resource Locator (URL): text address entered in a browser to go to a website. URL is cross-referenced to an IP address. Paradigm Publishing, Inc.28
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  • Parts of a URL Paradigm Publishing, Inc.29
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  • Navigating among Web Pages Hyperlinks identify a Web destination. Hyperlinks can be embedded in any graphical object or text. Paradigm Publishing, Inc.30
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  • Parts of a Web Page Paradigm Publishing, Inc.31
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  • Search Engines Search engines are websites in which you enter search terms (keywords) to find Web content. Examples: Google, Yahoo!, Ask, or Bing. Search directories catalog results. Metasearch engines search across various sites at the same time. Paradigm Publishing, Inc.32
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  • Search Tips Understand keywords and keyword phrases. Learn to narrow your search for better results. Exclude certain results. Use specialized search engines. Paradigm Publishing, Inc.33
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  • Most people dont realize how much information about them exists online. Resume Blog entries on a publicly viewable page Schools, employers, friends, or the government placed your information online Do a web search of your name to see whats online about you. Paradigm Publishing, Inc. Playing It Safe 34
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  • Plug-ins and Players Some websites may require a plug-in or player to display content. Plug-ins and players are free. Paradigm Publishing, Inc.35
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  • Plug-ins and Players Paradigm Publishing, Inc.36 NamePurpose Adobe ReaderRead and print PDF files Adobe Flash PlayerPlay animations QuickTimePlay MP3 music, animations, and video files RealPlayerPlay streaming audio and video files ShockwavePlay interactive games and various multimedia files online Windows Media PlayerPlay streaming audio, video, animations and multimedia presentations on the Web
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  • Playing It Safe Download plug-ins and players from the source. Avoid spyware. Paradigm Publishing, Inc.37
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  • Terms to Know Internet protocol (IP) uniform resource locator (URL) web address domain name top-level domain (TLD) generic top-level domain (gTLD) hyperlink hypertext home page search engine search directory keywords metasearch engine plug-in player streaming video Paradigm Publishing, Inc.38
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  • Ask Yourself Search engines search for content. What do search directories also do? a.download results to your hard drive b.provide a catalog of sites by topic c.sort results alphabetically d.only deliver the top ten results Paradigm Publishing, Inc.39
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  • 2.5 The Vast Sea of Online Content Paradigm Publishing, Inc.40
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  • Judging the Quality of Online Content Who, what, when? Who published the content? What is the quality of the content? When was it published? Paradigm Publishing, Inc.41
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  • The Three Ws of Online Content Paradigm Publishing, Inc.42
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  • Copyright and Intellectual Property Its illegal to copy intellectual or copyrighted property. Ease of copying and pasting content online leads to violations. Peer-to-peer file sharing issues. Digital Millennium Copyright Act. Paradigm Publishing, Inc.43
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  • The Invisible Web Invisible Web (Deep Web) includes hidden or uncataloged databases. Most search engines cant find this content. Paradigm Publishing, Inc.44
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  • Online research resources: online encyclopedias, survey results, online professional journals. Many careers rely on using the Internet for research: Librarians Government policy analysts Economists Insurance risk analysts Human resource workers Purchasing agents, and others Paradigm Publishing, Inc. Research Computers in Your Career 45
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  • copyright intellectual property peer-to-peer (P2P) file sharing deep Web invisible Web crawler data integration Paradigm Publishing, Inc. Terms to Know 46
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  • Ask Yourself What makes copyright infringement so easy online? a.the ease with which you can copy and paste content b.the lack of copyright laws c.the lack of an online police force d.None of the above Paradigm Publishing, Inc.47
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  • 2.6 E-Commerce Paradigm Publishing, Inc.48
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  • What Is E-commerce? Buying, selling, or bidding online. Three kinds: Business-to-Business (B2B) Business-to-Consumer (B2C) Consumer-to-Consumer (C2C) Paradigm Publishing, Inc.49
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  • The B2C E-commerce Process Paradigm Publishing, Inc.50
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  • Paradigm Publishing, Inc. Classified and Auction Sites Never pay by check or debit card. Never let the buyer come to your home. Playing It Safe 51
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  • E-commerce Online entrepreneurs start their own eBay store or website. Affiliates or associates get a small fee for sending online browsers to a partner site. Supplement regular job or as a main source of income. Paradigm Publishing, Inc.52
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  • e-commerce business-to-business (B2B) e-commerce business-to-consumer (B2C) e-commerce consumer-to-consumer (C2C) e-commerce Paradigm Publishing, Inc. Terms to Know 53
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  • Ask Yourself Which is an example of a C2C e-commerce site? a.Amazon b.Microsoft c.Craigs List d.U.S. Steel Paradigm Publishing, Inc.54
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  • 2.7 Connecting in Cyberspace Paradigm Publishing, Inc.55
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  • Ways to Connect Online Email to send and receive messages and attached files. Voice-over Internet Protocol (VoIP) to make phone calls over the Internet. Web conferencing to hold meetings and collaborate online. Paradigm Publishing, Inc.56
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  • Email can deliver viruses to your computer. Phishing involves email that delivers financial scams. Paradigm Publishing, Inc. Playing It Safe 57
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  • email web-based email email client email address text message texting Short Message Service (SMS) Paradigm Publishing, Inc.58
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  • Voice-over Internet Protocol (VoIP) web conferencing Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) format Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP) Post Office Protocol, Version 3 (POP3) Paradigm Publishing, Inc.59
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  • Ask Yourself When was the first email sent? a.1985 b.1990 c.1961 d.1971 Paradigm Publishing, Inc.60
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  • Our Digital World Paradigm Publishing, Inc.61

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