opentrends barcelona city council success case

Post on 04-Aug-2015






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An IT Company specialized in opensource software

AB-Mercats & PAISA: Native Applications2 Solutions adapted to the clients’ needs

AB-Mercats is an integral solution, developed by openTrends, for the report, management andtracking of technical incidences that happen in the markets managed by the IMMB (Institute of Municipal Markets of Barcelona).

This solution consists of a mobile application and a central system for managing incidences with different process workflows. Incidences are reported from a mobile device and are taken care of in real time, diminishing their resolution time.

PAISA mobile solution is designed for the technical inspection of buildings conducted by the Institute of Urban Landscape for the concession of subsidies. It allows the assignment and management of work orders from the central system, as well as monitoring work and actions on site.

Originally a desktop application, where building inspectors introduced data manually, openTrends has developed an integrated services layer that allows consultation and fast data entry from a mobile device to the server.

On-line and off-lineUse of both scenarios

Use of device capabilitiesCamera and GPS

Strong visual componentUsable and Rich User Interface

Optimized use Of device resources.

Fast developmentTime-to-market: 3 months


Main benefits

Mobile Solutions

The City Council of Barcelona

is the governing institution of

the city of Barcelona.

Elimination of paperwork and the data entry Data entered into the server in real time Faster workflows and decision making Integration with main office or other branches

Native Applications & Specialized Solutions

Mobile Solutions

TMB: Specialized Solutions From onboard systems to mobile phone applications

In order to control and monitor the TMB fleet of more than a thousand buses, openTrends has developed an integral solution to connect all process points, by means of the implementation of different systems, that use our own development tools:

An onboard mobile system installed in the vehicles (SIC), for data transmission of the position and state of the vehicle to the central system, as well as reception of orders and updates from the control center.

A central system for receiving and updating all the fleet information (CTBUS). Data is updated by Wi-Fi when buses arrive at the garages.

Information transmitted by the buses is updated in the TMB central IT systems. Data can be consulted, in real time, by staff monitoring the fleet, who can carry out their work in the street, using a mobile application (InfoSAE).

InfoSAE and SIC are developed within the openTrends framework openFrame|mobile for on native and specialized applications.

Field Force

For fleet controllers and bus drivers

Integrated IT Systems

Connected to centralized SAP system

High-Performance apps

Real-time solutions

Low-level device add-ons For onboard systems (SIC)


Transports Metropolitans de Barcelona provides public

transportation services in the

Barcelona metropolitan area,

through an integrated network

of surface and underground


Native Applications & Specialized Solutions

Designed for public transport users, openTrends has developed a mobile phone application that connects to TMB. It’s used for planning their itinerary and consulting the next bus arrival time, according to the user location and the information sent by the vehicles.


Torre Llacuna C/ Llacuna 166, 10ª | Districte 22@ | 08018 - Barcelona Tel· 93 320 84 14 Fax· 93 300 35 27|

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