open erp's community organisation

Post on 13-Jan-2015






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This document describe the Open ERP and Open Object's community organisation.


The Open ObjectCommunity

The Open Object community is full of smart people that contributes and help others.

This document explains how you can join us, learn new things, and give back when you can.

Part I

Get Smarter !

Learn by Reading

Open ERP has a good documentation, we suggest you to read it on

If you notice mistakes, unclear topics or typos in the documentation, you can leave a comment in each section, these comments will be integrated by authors in future versions.

Get Involved

The best way to learn Open ERP is to keep in touch with the community. We use two channels to organize discussions: the forum, the IRC.

The forum is connected to the mailing list, the fastest way to discuss is to subscribe to the mailing list.

Keep in Touch

Open Object has a very fast growth. To keep in touch with new features, we maintain two planets:– Open ERP planet is dedicated to commercial announces,– Open Object planet is open to any contributor and announce.

You can also subscribe to the planet (RSS feed).

Join Teams...

Part II

About TeamsThe Open Object project is organized in teams.

Developers TeamsDevelopments are managed by four teams:• The quality team is responsible of the quality of the core• The driver team plans goals for next release• The commiter team develops addons-extra modules in the official branch• The community team is used for shared developments and community modules

Open Object follows a meritocracy system where the quality team approve new commiters and drivers, and founders approve quality teams. You can apply as a commiter after having published two modules.

Experts Teams

Experts are people having a high knowledge in some management area. You can assign a bug or a blueprint to an expert if you need feedback. Experts just think about new features, they don't develop.

• Accounting Experts• Manufacturing Experts• Services Experts• Ergonomy Experts

Translators Teams

Quality of the translation are managed by Translation teams, with a contribution reviewing process. You can join an exiting team.

If you want to maintain a new language, create a new team on launchpad and contact the quality team.

Normal contributors can suggest improvements in translations, teams can update the translated values.


Part III

Improve Documentations

The main documentation is This documentation is built using RST and Sphinx. The sources used to produce this website are on bazaar. To download them:

bzr branch lp:openobject-doc

To contribute, commit your modification into this branch directly. To do this, you must join the openerp-community team. The documentation website is rebuilt every night based on sources.

We also use Launchpad's Answers for the FAQ.

Translation of Open ERP

Translations of the software are organized on launchpad, by modules:•

Translate on launchpad and export your translations. Avoid translating in Open ERP directly, it's more complex for contributions and future maintenance.

If you did it, export your file and upload on launchpad.

Translation of Open ERP

Website Translations

We plan to translate the Open ERP website in many languages, contact fp AT is you are interested to contribute.

Documentation Translations

All our translated versions of the documentation are in the openobject-doc project. Our tools to manage translations of the documentations are also in this branch.

These tools manage translated versions based on the english one. If the english documentation changes, we just have to retranslate paragraphs that changed to resynchronize translations.

To rebuild translated versions:

Develop Your Own Modules

Part IV

Source Control

We use the distributed version control system Bazaar to manage developments on Open ERP.

We suggest you to read the bazaar tutorial before developing on Open ERP. On Windows, you can use the Tortoise BZR GUI.

We strongly suggest every contributor to host all your developments on the launchpad infrastructure to easily collaborate and share.

Where to Develop

If you plan to develop new features, develop them as Open ERP modules. If you are a contributor, commit your modules in addons-extra branch.If you are not a commiter, you should develop in the community branch: lp:~openerp-community/openobject-addons/trunk-addons-community

The current development branch is called trunk. But you can also commit on a specific version of Open ERP like 5.0. To commit on Launchpad, you must create an account, join the community team and upload your ssh public key.

Improving the Kernel

• The developers can propose enhancements of the kernel very easily, thanks to the branch system of bazaar. Such procedure is fully described in the slideshow “Development Process and Quality Control”.

• The quality team will review the proposition and merge it if it’s clean.

• She will then test the proposed modifications and see if it can be or not pushed in the main branch. This code control process ensures a good code quality and a high stability for the official branches.

Pushing your modules

• The extra and community branches are a common framework where everyone can develop his own modules and propose them to others. If they are stable and generic, those modules can be chosen by the quality team to be moved in the addons branch where they become part of the official core of modules.

• The modules can then receive a quality certificate which ensures a long term maintenance on it.

Doing Quality

To develop quality modules, you should be aware of the development guidelines.

You can also use the base_module_quality module to run automated tests on your module.

Good quality modules can pass certification tests where we check them entirely in order to be sure it can be maintained from versions to versions. Having only certificated modules running on your server ensure its stability trough versions.

New Features

To describe specification of new features, we use launchpad's blueprints. Use them if you want to clearly describe big changes to apply on Open ERP.

For simple propositions or features requests, we use launchpad's bugs. Bugs are tagged as whishlist.

Blueprints and wishlists are planified versions after versions (goals).

Bug Tracker

We use the Launchpad's bugtracker to manage bugs and features requests. Features requests are bugs tagged as wishlist.

All bugfixes must be applied in the current stable version of Open ERP. We merge bugfixes from the stable branch to the trunk one.

New features must always be applied in the trunk branch, not in the stable one. (exception for dedicated modules).

Series & Milestones

Series are versions of Open ERP. We also use a serie called trunk where all new developments are done, while we can only apply bugfixes on stable series.

A serie can have several milestones: June 2008, July 2009, 5.0-RC1…

Bugs, blueprints and wishlists are assigned to different series and milestones for the planification of improvements in Open ERP. This task of goals definition is done by the driver team.

Promote YourWork

Part IV

Promote Your Work

By sharing your work, contributors will start using your module, will improve it, translate it, and promote it.

But you must communicate on your work, so that people start seeing what you do. We have setup a set of tools to help you to communicate.

Announces in the Planet

To promote your work, you should create a personnal blog and subscribe it on the Open Object planet. To subscribe your blog, send an email to Then, write blog entries and tag them with "openobject" label. They will appear on the planet automatically.

We suggest you to not only communicate on finished modules but also in your plans to develop new modules. This can lead ideas and contributions from the community for your module.

You can also announce new modules in the forum.

Modules Documentation

To generate the documentation of your module, you can use the module called base_module_doc_rst. It generates the .rst files to be included in the documentation, based on the content of your file and module.

More Information ?

Part IV

To be continued...

If you need more information, join us on Open Object and check the community guide on !

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