online - the new frontier 1 civility and professionalism in in the online classroom - issues for...

Post on 23-Dec-2015






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  • Online - The New Frontier 1
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  • Civility and Professionalism in in the Online Classroom - Issues for Faculty 2
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  • In 2009, there were 15.14 million college students taking classes in F to F classrooms. By 2014, there will be 5.14 million taking classes F to F. By 2014, there will be 18.65 million students taking some classes online. By 2014, there will be 3.55 million college students taking all their course online. 3
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  • Outcomes for this Session 1. This is open dialogue. We learn from each other. No one institution has all the answers. Do we even have all the questions? 2. Provide some solutions and resources to create stronger online environments. 3. Provide some best practices for online faculty. 4. Present actual online examples of behavior/ situations by faculty and students (positive and negative). How would you react? 5. Would you do something different in your classroom after this presentation? 4
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  • The Computer is Your Classroom What are the fundamental differences between a face to face classroom and online classroom? Are there different faculty responsibilities? How can you make your classroom both High Tech and High Touch? 5
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  • The One Click Phenomenon 6
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  • GROUNDHOG DAY- over and over again Are you ready? 7
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  • The Role of the On-line Faculty Member The faculty member is the main driver for success in the online classroom He or She: 1.Represents the institution 2.Facilitates learning and critical thinking in the online classroom 3.Sets the tone for all dialogue in the online classroom by communicating expectations and setting a positive example of those expectations 4.Manages and monitors all processes in the online classroom 5.Reacts to any behaviors that do not promote learning and/or enhances the positive educational experience for the students. 8
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  • The Core Rules of Netiquette are excerpted from the book Netiquette by Virginia Shea. Click on each rule for elaboration. Introduction Rule 1: Remember the Human Rule 2: Adhere to the same standards of behavior online that you follow in real life Rule 3: Know where you are in cyberspace Rule 4: Respect other people's time and bandwidth Rule 5: Make yourself look good online Rule 6: Share expert knowledge Rule 7: Help keep flame wars under control Rule 8: Respect other people's privacy Rule 9: Don't abuse your power Rule 10: Be forgiving of other people's mistakes
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  • The Four As in Online Teaching Content Authority Accessible Approachable Accountable Dr. Paula Shipper, September 2012 10
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  • Online Teaching Research Heuer and King (2004) identified specific roles that online instructors can utilize to foster a sense of instructor presence in their courses: Planner emphasizes course management including clarity of expectations and technology troubleshooting; Modeling is used as a guide to model expected behaviors and interactions; Coaching provides student encouragement, motivation, and support 11
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  • Actual Faculty and Student Postings You will view some best practices and challenging dialogue and situations from the online classroom. These are actual communications/situations. How would you react? 12
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  • Best Practices in Online Teaching 1. Setting the Tone - Expectations- Faculty Introductions and Welcome ( could be specific depending on the course ) 2. Weekly Introduction and Weekly Wrap - up 3. Less is Better- Focus of the course should be on the student and leaning outcomes, not the faculty. I limit personal experiences and stories. 4. If I do have experience to share, I let the class know of the information and insert in Doc Sharing at a later date in the course. 13
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  • Netiquette Personal Introduction Teaching Philosophy Dear Class: Welcome to ____Course. This is a course where sensitive information and ideas will be discussed. Learning takes place when all parties involved engage in respectful dialogue which includes : sharing, expressing, and challenging points of view. Please note that all communications in this course are under the jurisdiction of the Park University Student Code of Conduct and the Acceptable Use Policy of the Information Technology Policies and Procedure document. I ask that we respect all posts and ideas from both your professor and classmates. All posts and course communications will be monitored regularly. Setting the Tone in your Online Classroom What are the Expectations? 14
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  • Actual Faculty Posting 15
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  • Student, The issue is a very complex one, as you stated, and it has sparked emotions from individuals on both sides of the issue. Not only is the main issue complex, but the fact that a board of multiple individuals are involved in the decision making process adds an additional layer of complexity. The board vote forces each member to weigh their own values, the values of the organization and they must also consider the values of their constituents. Sounds a little like politics doesn't it? The issue is deep-rooted, based upon the Boy Scouts founding values and beliefs, their main support network is usually tied to faith-based organizations (logistically and financially) and they are facing a great amount of political pressure from both sides of the issue. It seems very governmental, even though it is a non-governmental organization. I think that it will be tough for the opposing parties to reach a compromise because it seems like most people either agree or disagree with their current policy (BSA). It will be interesting to hear what your peers think about this issue. Actual Faculty Response - Challenging Topic 16
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  • Student: Actual Classroom Examples "I know that this assignment is all Bull S___, as I know you won't read it anyway". Well, on my assignment comments back to the student, I indicated that he might very well be right about the assignment; however, he was totally wrong about the fact that I wouldn't read it anyway. What would you do? 17
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  • Student- Actual Example If some of you got mad because I said the military can kiss my @## then get over it! The military(Navy) screwed me over BIG time. They didn't do anything to my spouse who was having an affair with someone aboard the ship in which we had proof ie: pictures, phone bills and emails. The Navy knew that there was abuse going on in my household and did nothing about it. My spouse and his mistress used my DL, SSN and DOB and opened many CC and got cell phones in my name and I knew nothing about them until after he was kicked out the Navy for going psycho on the ship. The Navy allowed him to financially run us in the ground to a debt of over $20K and did nothing to punish him about anything he did. Since he was kicked out the Navy in 2002 he has owed the Navy over $8K and they tried to take my income tax for his debt. I had to get an attorney to fight to get my tax return back, finally after 2 yrs I was able to get it back after proving that I wasn't the one that owed the money. As for having to stop on base when music is playing and face a flag and all that....we worked from 5am to 1pm on tropical hours so we never were on the base at the times that this happened. There ya have it as to my reason of why the military can kiss my @##! 18
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  • Actual Student Posting Real life situation that occurred in my Masters in Adult Education Program Surviving an Intruder Faculty reaction- when to delete Opportunity for assistance to the student Do you have other similar examples? 19
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  • Faculty Weekly Wrap-up Dear Class, As we move onto Week Five, I wanted to express my appreciation for an excellent week of posts. Some of my thoughts on the learning and engagement this week are : Thank- you for your candid and open sharing of many of your life histories and experiences. Technology has indeed affected all of us and many of us share a respect for its' power and also realize the opportunities for negative affects on individuals and groups. Thank- you for being so open to learning about high and low context communication. I hope this will be an added benefit to all of you in your personal and professional endeavors. The book, The Alchemist, is a fable that tells the story of finding ones personal purpose and meaning in life. No matter what stage I am in my life, I have used this book for personal reflection and introspection. It is refreshing to see the amount of support and empathy you have all given to each other. Having a small class has enabled all to share and learn from each other. Learning is a journey and I look forward to each week with you as we explore, question, and challenge each other with a new topic concerning Adult Development. I look forward to the last weeks in class together Dr. Shipper 20
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  • Points to Ponder Concept of Anonymity in the Online Classroom Is there a difference in the Generations: Generation X, Generation Y( the Millenniums) Generation Z ( we discussed this at our previous training ). What are the implications for both faculty and students? 21
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  • New York Times- July 5, 2003 22
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  • Final Comments and Questions What practices do you have in place to create a civil and professional online classroom? Would you do anything differently in your classroom after this presentation? 23
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  • The Online Classroom The opportunities are Infinite! 24

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