one point perspective. color theory history of color theory in 1666, english scientist sir isaac...

Post on 20-Jan-2016






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One Point Perspective

Color Theory

History of Color TheoryIn 1666, English scientist Sir Isaac Newton discovered that when pure white light passes through a prism, it separates into all of the visible colors.

WHITE = presence of all colorsBLACK = absence of all colors

PRIMARY- Red, Blue, Yellow

SECONDARY – Mix 2 primary colors of equal parts

Orange = Red+Yellow

Green= Blue+Yellow

Violet= Blue+Red

TERTIARY - Mixing 1 primary and 1 secondary colors together

ex: yellow-orange (always name the primary first)

NEUTRAL - created by mixing 2 complementary colors together

ex: Red+Green=Neutral

EARTH TONES = Color + Neutral

Color Relationships

Color Properties: Hue, Value, IntensityValue: lightness or darkness of a colorMonochromatic: Tints and Shades of ONE color create VALUE

Tint = Color + WhiteShade = Color + Black

Tone = Color + Grey


Color Harmony

Complementary- colors opposite of each other on the color wheel

ex: blue&orange, red&green, violet&yellow

Analogous- 3 colors next to each other on the color wheel

Warm - yellow to red-violet

Cool - yellow-green to violet



Josef Albers(1888-1976)

Josef Albers was a German born American artist who worked with large flat, geometric planes of solid colors to demonstrate theories of color contrasts and optical effects created by color.

Mark Rothko(1903-1970)

Russian born American artist.Abstract Expressionist best known for his color field paintings. Color field is about the tension created by overlapping and interacting large areas of flat color.

Color Wheel

1. Tints = Color + White2. Shades = Color + Black3. Neutral = Red + Green

Violet + YellowBlue + Orange

4. Earth tones = Color + Neutral

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