old and new generation.docx

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  • 7/27/2019 Old and new Generation.docx



    Old and New GenerationGroup Members:Rabia Ahmad 0046Sabah Afzal 0051Hareem Naeem 0027Hafiza Sheema 181Sidra 0050Section: ADP 1-ASubject: Communication Skills

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    Submitted to: Prof Rizwan PashaOld and New Generation


    The only thing that persists in the world is change. Every passing second ages the existing people

    while witnessing the birth of new ones. Age adds to the experience and challenges of people. This

    game of experiences and challenges gives us opportunity to learn an experiment. However, sometimes

    experienced/ old want others to benefit from, what they have learnt, while inexperienced / youngsters

    insists on experimenting themselves. At the same time, the changing needs poses new challenges thatthe previous generation has not encountered. This difference of experience and way of thinking

    together with new inventions, availability of information and technology introduces friction between

    the two generations. This friction is also referred to as generation gap. However, understanding the

    presence of generation gap and agreeing to disagree can reduce the chances of unhealthy and

    unpleasant argument between the two generations.

    Q: How do young people think about the older generation today?

    It is the fact that wise older adults can often learn from the young and the young can learn from their

    wise elders. Sometimes the old and wise true methods of getting through life still apply to today'syouth, but young people can make some of the older generation feel their youth yet once again and

    help the older generation to expand their idea on certain subjects and some of the younger generation

    can keep the older generation in the 'know' on many subjects. Both should respect each other. The

    older generations have a history that could be very interesting and valuable to the youth of today. If

    the younger generation is rude; arrogant and disrespectful then that's what they'll get back from the

    older generation and if the older generation is grumpy and complaining about the younger generation

    it's because they have not experienced anything positive from them. Many of the youth today are

    volunteering in nursing homes to help the elderly; getting to know the older generation by joining

    clubs, etc. and hopefully more of this is happening so the two generations are combining and learning

    from each other.

    Q: How do older people think about the younger generation


    Children now are often organized so much to fit into a system but it is becoming obvious that there

    are things wrong with that system, so perhaps the older people are thinking on helping the young

    generation become more able to cope with challenges and changes instead of challenging them into

    specialized paths quite so much. They are also organized so much to fit into the system to study hard,

    get a job, get a mortgage, have a family, accumulate things, and continue the cycle into the next

    generation. Many people are not really thinking about that the younger generations are becoming

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    slaves of the system, because in their limited spare time they seem to be sucked into the TV, reading

    newspapers or worried in their businesses.

    They think that the young generation is not physically active but are mentally sharp due to the

    valuable information they get from the internet. They are lazy but smart. Nowadays children don't

    listen to their parents. They are inquisitive but don't have a sense of responsibility. They have badeating habits. They are self-confident and are not shy to ask. If the older generation don't encourage

    their young generation to think for themselves, seek alternatives, or at least let them know that we

    accept their need to do so, then they are going to feel very trapped, and also probably worried about

    disappointing us.

    Q: How do young people think about themselves today?

    The young people of today think about nothing but only themselves. They have no reverence for

    parents or old age people. They are mostly impatient. They talk as if they alone knew everything andwhat is wisdom for older generations is foolishness for them. The young people today think are

    wonderful, creative and are hoping for a brighter future. Many young people sense the need for

    change in our society, and most people see them wanting to make the world a better place. The media

    puts too much emphasis on the bad acts of a few young people to create a crisis where there is none,

    attract attention from real issues, and as an excuse for government to trample on everyone's rights.

    They are optimistic and ambitious. Earlier on, people fell easily for emotions whether it was for

    family or friends, but today's youth can equally balance emotions. Even though the younger lot is

    considered to be impatient, their impatience is because they don't want to waste time. The young

    generation wishes to explore all possible horizons. Most of the times over smartness shown by them

    put them in trouble. At times the greed of money makes them do something they are not supposed to.

    Q: How do old people think about themselves today?

    Older generation has seen life and hence they know the positive and negative of every situation. They

    have a natural ability to do so. Older generation can better judge people since they have met so many

    in their life. It is seen that most of the crimes are committed by the younger generation who get

    influences from TV and cinema. Older generation being more practical and intelligent can easily point

    out the difference between wrong and right. They all say that there was a safe and pleasant

    environment, due to less robbery and killing. There was less pollution, as there were no cars there but

    there were motorbikes, whose pollution was absorbed by the trees. There were more healthy people

    compared to nowadays, as there were not many junk foods. People mostly used to eat eggs or

    parathas, and fewer chips. They also say that they were not risk-takers. They used to think and plan

    more than nowadays. They over-protect their children and were not contended. The old generation has

    the flexibility which allows them to change with time.

    Q: Conclusion of differences?

    The study done above tells us that we being the future of this world get prepared for tomorrow. The

    lessons learnt and the experiences made by the old generation should be considered an asset rather

    than junk. Similarly the older generation through the flexibility should accept the alternate thinking.

    This acceptance and understanding will bring peace to the two generations without hampering

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    prosperity that asks for change on the bases of the experiences and sometimes bold decisions and

    experiments without any experience.

    Q: Fashion, Trends, Clothing, Eating styles of generations?

    Fashion plays an important part in everyones life. Fashion guides us towards maximizing our assets

    and minimizing our flaws.

    It depends on us how we achieve it; remember to wear cloths in which you feel comfortable both

    physically and psychologically. Be confident and carry the outfit gracefully. As we all know everybook is judged by its cover so by following the fashion trends you can create good impression on

    others. So, if you spend lot of time and money on just looking perfect dont regret it. Through fashion

    magazines or celebrities one can closely follow these fashion trends.

    For me fashion is important because it helps be to express myself, fashion is a means of self-

    expression. Cloths we wear speak a lot about our personality. I may prefer loud colours and glowing

    accessories but some may not as it might not go well with their personality. Every generation has

    different meaning of fashion. For some its an art form and for some its a religion. The thing which

    remains common is we all want to look and feel good. One should make their own fashion statement.

    Choose a brand or designer clothes make sure it has good fabric, style and fitting. Its not just the

    cloths right hair style, accessories, make-up, shoes, cell phone, IPod all these add a lot to your style.

    Fashion is changing from past hundred years. New trends are being set by fashion industry. Young

    designers are coming up with new ideas by blending various cultures.

    Fashion plays a particular part in our culture, whenever we think of fashion in India, we think of saris.

    Sari is not only worn in India these days but in western countries many women love to wear sari on

    special occasion to get the feel of Indian culture. In Mexico and Africa people love to wear bright

    colours. Short-skirt with big flowers on is style statement of Hawaii. So, cultures are mixing up and

    fashion industry is coming up with innovative ideas.

    Fashion is changing all the time. If you look back in time as the styles from the last fifty years, you

    will notice that the same fashion return eventually. The skirt lengths have gone up and down and

    heels go from chunky to stiletto and back again. Some people see fashion as a work of art where

    others view it as a religion but the latest fashion is where everyone has their focus. Fashion lets us use

    accessories to make a statement or to highlight a certain area of our body we like. Fashion can also be

    used to camouflage a part of our body we are not happy with. If you have a wide selection of

    accessories such as belts, bangles, earrings and scarves, you can create a look that is all your own.

    You can begin a search for that special accessory when you use a Purely Diamonds discount code.

    Browse through the over three-hundred items they offer online which includes diamond rings,

    wedding rings and eternity rings. What you do with fashion is up to you, so take a risk and dress to

    express the real you. If you want to stand out in the crowd, dressing differently is the way to do it.

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    Q: Gaps, perceptions & thinking of generation?

    A generation gap is usually defined as the difference in values, attitude and behaviour between one

    generation and the next. It seems every generation complains that somehow the previous one just

    doesn't get their music or their politics. But rapid changes in technology may point to an even larger

    generation gap between today's teens and their parents. A survey for the Family Online Safety

    Institute (FOSI) exploring the online generation gap between parents and teens found a majority of

    parents (91%) say they know what their teens do online and with their cell phones. Teens, on the other

    hand, are much less likely to say their parents know about these activities. Three in five say their

    parents are very (21%) or somewhat (41%) well informed about what they do online.

    Language Use:

    Generations can be distinguished by the differences in their language use. The generation gap has

    created a parallel gap in language that can be difficult to communicate across. This issue is one visible

    throughout society, creating complications within day to day communication at home, in the work

    place, and within schools. As new generations seek to define themselves as something apart from the

    old, they adopt new lingo and slang, allowing a generation to create a sense of division from the

    previous one. This is a visible gap between generations we see every day. Man's most important

    symbol is his language and through this language he defines his reality.

    Perception of generations:

    Kids these days. They want tablets for the holidays instead of Barbies or Legos. They are vampire-

    obsessed. And they think the musical stylings of Carly Rae Jepson are superior to that of Britney

    Spears. Blasphemy. A brief comparison of what attracted the attention of the 18-29 year old

    demographic, versus the nation as a whole, revealed some interesting similarities and differences inwhat attracted attention. While nationwide, 26 percent of consumers felt the iPhone 5 was the most

    important achievement in hardware, the 18-29 year old demographic put their top two votes into the

    Samsung Galaxy S III and then the Google Glass Project, with the iPhone 5 taking the bronze.

    Everyone agreed, however, that the Surfaces performance was underwhelming.

    Thinking of generations:

    We live in a world that has been changing speedily and we have to adapt ourselves with it. We have

    seen different people that were born in different time and conditions and grew in different periods of

    time. As a result, there are many differences from one generation to another generation due to the fact

    that every generation have some effects of political, economical, social, scientific, and technicalconditions and many other things at that time. In my opinion one good point of my generation is that

    we are cleverer, open minded and sharper than people in previous generation. Of course it`s not true

    for all of people and we can find some exceptions. It goes without saying that technical and scientific

    science and technology have been developing very quickly and communications help spearding them,

    in this regard, children that are growing in the situation, see many new things that are happening

    around the world. Undoubtedly these children can understand more new things step by step. I can see

    that the generations after mine are more clever and sharper than us.

    It is crystal clear that our generation has many differences with our parents' generation in such ways

    as living, eating and thinking. In this essay, I will explore a few differences between the two

    generations. One of the most important differences is that each generation has different perspective on

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    life. People who grew up in the past thought more traditionally, and had various influences on their

    life. Some people believe that the thoughts of those people were very limited. They pay more

    attention to tradition and spend a large amount of time to deal with such convention. For example i

    cant stand some mother's thought in bump into many things. This generation has more advantages in

    technology. It has become very advanced in order to help people gain pleasurable circumstances in

    their life. Although the previous generation have never ever used these technologies such as internet,

    cellphone, etc, they lived simple and more comfortable.

    Q: Superstitions of old generations?

    Superstition is a belief in supernatural happenings: that one event leads to the cause of another and

    then their childrens children and so on. How did these superstitions and old wives tales without any

    process in the physical world linking the two events and old wives tales are made up stories by people

    of the older generation, which are then passed down to their children extent greatly varies on different

    levels. Some people really overdo it, causing problems for themselves form over the years? They

    evolved in different parts of the world and are merely just myths and have not even an iota of realityin them. Some of the old wives tales are just passed down for amusement. Many people are

    superstitious or believe in these tales but they and others.

    Some of the common superstitions include:

    1- Friday the thirteenth is an unlucky day

    2-If you walk under a ladder, you will have bad luck

    3-If a black cat crosses your path you will have bad luck

    4-To break a mirror will bring you seven years bad luck

    5-An itchy palm means money will come your way

    6-A cricket in the house brings good luck

    7-When a dog howls death is near

    8-It is unlucky to rock an empty rocking chair

    Some of the common old wives tales include:

    1-Walking under a tree at night with perfume and open hair risks a girl being possessed by evil spirits.

    2-Never eat anything while a funeral bell is ringing or a tooth ache will follow

    3-People who have a dimple on their chin have a devil within them.

    4-It is unlucky to cut finger nails on Sunday or Friday

    These superstitions and tales are based on no factual evidence. Some of them are just stem from

    coincidences that occur while some of these may seem to be true but it is up to us to decide whether it

    was just a coincidence or whether these superstitions or tales have some truth in them after all.

    The origin of superstitions:

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    A way to deal with the ignorance and fear of the unknown. Chance misfortunes could be ascribed a

    cause, and the potential to the term superstition is thought to derive from the Latin superstition,

    meaning "to stand over in awe." The term is also related to the Latin word supersets ("outliving" or

    "surviving"), and in this sense refers to the remains of ideas and beliefs that continued long after their

    original meaning had been forgotten. For this reason superstitions are often considered relics of

    outmoded ways of thinking.

    Many believe that superstitious beliefs originated during the earliest days of humanity. Faced with

    natural phenomena like thunderstorms and earthquakes as well as the unpredictability of illness and

    food supply, human beings attempted to create an understandable world of powers that could be

    influenced by action. The earliest superstitions were created as avoid or control them was created.

    Q: Weddings of generations?

    A wedding is the ceremony in which two people are united in marriage. Wedding traditions and

    customs vary greatly between cultures, ethnic groups, religions, countries, and social classes. Most

    wedding ceremonies involve an exchange of wedding vows by the couple, presentation of a gift

    (offering, ring(s), symbolic item, flowers, money), and a public proclamation of marriage by an

    authority figure or leader. Special wedding garments are often worn, and the ceremony is sometimes

    followed by a wedding reception. Music, poetry, prayers or readings from religious texts or literature

    are also commonly incorporated into the ceremony. In the shadow of the multibillion-dollar wedding

    machine, it can be hard to tell real tradition from a made-up sales pitch. Without question, the

    wedding industry has piled on the notion of paying to preserve tradition, when in fact, many of those

    high-priced traditions, such as the diamond engagement ring, don't go back much further than the

    1920s.Nonetheless, some traditions are real. And like anything in human history, many traditions have

    evolved from old ideas that we may see as a little strange today. For all of history, the joining of a

    bride and groom, and the establishment of a new household, has been viewed as such an important

    development that a great deal of superstition has cropped up around the event.

    Q: Generations?

    Generation (from the Latin generre, meaning "to beget"), also known as biogenesis, reproduction, or

    procreation in biological sciences, is the act of producing offspring. In kinship terminology, it is a

    structural term designating the parent-child relationship. The term is also often used synonymously

    with cohort in social science, even though some researchers believe that this usage is misleading;

    under this formulation the term means "people within a delineated population who experience the

    same significant events within a given period of time."Generation in this sense of birth cohort, alsoknown as a "social generation," is widely used in popular culture, and has been the basis for much

    social analysis. Serious analysis of generations began in the century, emerging from an increasing

    awareness of the possibility of permanent social change and the idea of youthful rebellion against the

    established social order. Some analysts believe that a generation is one of the fundamental social

    categories in a society, while others view its importance as being overshadowed by other factors such

    as class, gender, race, education and so on

    This is a listing of recent generations for individuals born in the United States. Dates are approximate,

    as recognized by demographers.

    2000/2001-Present - New Silent Generation or Generation Z

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    1980-2000 - Millennial or Generation Y

    1965-1979 - Generation X

    1946-1964 - Baby Boom

    1925-1945 - Silent Generation

    1900-1924 - G.I. Generation

    The Population Reference Bureau provides an alternate listing and chronology of generational names

    in the United States.

    1983-2001 - New Boomers

    1965-1982 - Generation X

    1946-1964 - Baby Boomers

    1929-1945 - Lucky Few

    1909-1928 - Good Warriors

    1890-1908 - Hard Timers

    1871-1889 - New Worlders

    Q: Culture, activities of new and old generation?

    Talking about differences between old and new generation, it will be helpful to identify two distinctsources of difference. These are the difference due to the difference in age, and second is the

    difference in the culture and environment as it existed at different periods of time.

    The older generation has lived longer and have more experience. They have enjoyed and got bored

    with many things, that younger generation is still busy enjoying. There is also difference in the

    responsibilities they have. Middle aged people not only have to manage their career, they may also

    have to look after their children and parents. In comparison children still completing their education

    have only their study to bother about. They still not had the chance to find out how much better their

    parents and teachers are from their bosses. The nature of such differences has remained the same over

    the ages.

    The difference from the second source shows a much greater variability as we compare them down

    the ages. When the pace to technology was slow and ways of living did not change much from

    generation to generation. But today with the very high rate of growth of technology, the cultures and

    living styles across the world are changing very fast. Thus today there is much more differences

    between generations a compared t the past.

    The new generation today has much wider knowledge due to greater exposure to a wide range of

    information through TV and Internet. However, they lack depth in their knowledge and

    understanding. Also, younger generation is more technology savvy because being young they learn to

    use new technology faster.

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    There are also many psychological and sociological changes taking place among younger generation.

    They seem to have less concern for the long term view, and seem to care less about long and lasting

    relationships. Also they seem to care more about the external looks and less about stuff below the

    surface. This is true for their choice of things as well as of people.

    The difference is that they had almost nothing and we have almost everything! They had to work hardphysical jobs; they had no developed technology, no computers, no mobile telephones, TV etc. We

    have all of that now. But still they had a beautiful childhood which is we dont have.

    Q: Quotations about old and new generation?

    Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children

    in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same.

    Each generation wants new symbols, new people, new names. They want to divorce themselves

    from their predecessors.

    We need to teach the next generation ofchildren from day one that they are responsible for their

    lives. Mankind's greatest gift, also its greatest curse, is that we have free choice. We can make our

    choices built from love or from fear.

    Our Generation has had no Great War, no Great Depression. Our war is spiritual. Our depression is

    our lives.

    Education is the investment our generation makes in the future.

    Each generation imagines itself to be more intelligent than the one that went before it, and wiser

    than the one that comes after it.

    Deep under our feet the Earth holds its molten breath, while the bones of countless generations

    watch us and wait.

    The beauty of collaboration between older and younger generations is that we combine strength

    with wisdom a sure-fire way to accomplish more for the glory of God.

    Pride and power fall when the person falls, but discoveries of truth form legacies that can be built

    upon for generations.

    The greatest discovery of any generation is that a human being can alter his life by altering his


    Wisdom is perishable. Unlike information or knowledge, it cannot be stored in a computer or

    recorded in a book. It expires with each passing generation.

    There will never be a generation of great men until there has been a generation of free women

    Each generation goes further than the generation preceding it because it stands on the shoulders of

    that generation. You will have opportunities beyond anything we've ever known.

    Q: Education systems?

    New generation Education System:

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    Education in its general sense is a form of learning in which the knowledge, skills, and habits of a

    group of people are transferred from one generation to the next through teaching, training, or research.

    Education frequently takes place under the guidance of others, but may also be autodidactic. Any

    experience that has a formative effect on the way one thinks, feels, or acts may be considered


    The New Generation System (NGS) is a web-based interstate information network that communicates

    demographic, educational and health data on migrant children to educators throughout the nation. The

    system allows educators to record the movement of migrant students through the educational process

    by producing on-line records of a student's educational progress and health profile. Educators can

    generate a student transfer document to facilitate academic placement as the student transfers schools.

    NGS also allows educators to generate various student-level, management and federal performance

    reports. The global student mobility landscape is in constant flux, and is often influenced by external

    factors beyond the control of higher education institutions (HEIs). These include, but are not limited

    to: demographics; economic growth and decline; the expansion of local higher education systems;

    immigration policies and regulatory environments of competing host countries; government-initiatedscholarship programs; and the emergence of technology-enabled alternatives like MOOCs.

    Consider how patterns of the top senders of international students to the U.S. have changed over the

    past decade.

    Old generation Education system:

    Presumably every generation, since the beginning of human existence, somehow passed on its stock

    of values, traditions, methods and skills to the next generation. The passing on of culture is also

    known as enculturation and the learning of social values and behaviours is socialization. The history

    of the curricula of such education reflects history itself, the history of knowledge, beliefs, skills and

    cultures of humanity. As the customs and knowledge of ancient civilizations became more complex,

    many skills were passed down from a person skilled at the job - for example in animal husbandry,

    farming, fishing, food preparation, construction, and military skills.

    Oral traditions were central in societies without written texts. Literacy in preindustrial societies was

    associated with civil administration, law, long distance trade or commerce, and religion. A formal

    schooling in literacy was provided to an elite group either at religious institutions or at the palaces of

    the rich and powerful.

    Providing literacy to most children has been a development of the last 150 or 200 years, or even last

    50 years in some Third World countries. Schools for the young have historically been supplementedwith advanced training, especially in Europe and China, for priests, bureaucrats and businessmen. For

    most craftsmen skills were learned during an apprenticeship as for example most lawyers and

    physicians before the mid-19th century.

    In the context of a decline both in the quantity and quality of young teachers, the author concludes

    that multiple efforts must be undertaken to enhance the attraction of the teaching profession. A profile

    of students entering the profession in Turkey was developed based on demographic and academic

    information obtained from the University Entrance Examination for 1982 and 1986. Findings reveal

    that low-achieving students and others from low-income families comprise the majority of persons

    desiring to become teachers at the elementary and secondary levels, thus posing the possibility of

    education serving as an upward mobility vehicle. Alternatives are considered for ameliorating the

    consequences of less capable practitioners entering education than has been the case in the post-

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    Ataturk period when educators were held in high esteem. Material incentives and support from the

    private sector are among the author's recommendations for improving educational standards.

    Q: Advantages of Generation?

    New generation should take the advantage of modernization, which has taken place all over the world

    at a very fast pace. This should be considered blessing, but at times, the young mind can get tempted

    & his/her use of modernization, maynt be appropriate. In spite of the blessings of modernization, the

    stress level of the youth is very high due to a very competitive world, and they should avoid getting

    solace in any temporary or inappropriate pleasure of modernization. We have to change for the better

    & adjust according to the need of the time. What culture used to prevail during olden days, was not

    absolutely right, & what is happening these days cant be totally appropriate.

    Sometimes parents want to give advice to their children about what they gathered from their lifetimes

    experience. Children dont have patience to listen, & they will prefer to have their own experiences.

    At times, there is so much disparity the way two generations think.

    For new generationrun, run & run, & have some fun. Life is once & should be enjoyed.

    Factors, which have widened the gap so drastically, are:

    Misuse of IT... likes cellular phone & Internet

    Social networking


    Rave parties

    Luxury schools

    Peer pressure

    India is a very culture oriented country, and there can be change of language, dress code, cooking

    habits amongst the people of different religion & caste. The elders should be tolerant to changes as

    long as they are within normal limits.

    Youth in metro spends time in malls, watching movies & eating fast food. One fine day, some of

    them may fall in love & then relationship. Few will progress further towards marriage. Most such

    marriages are usually not successful, because soon they discover they are different types, cultural

    problem, family background, and so many other factors, which are seriously considered in arranged

    marriages. Well, arranged marriages are also not 100% successful, but couple make all possible

    efforts, & also parents from both the side are co-operative. New generation believe much in brand,

    fast food, fast transport, and fast communication over cellular phones or internet, hobbies are surfing,

    face book, Orkut etc. No time for games, & if they add some kegs of extra weight, would prefer to go

    to Gym.

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    Some of the modern advancements have changed the lives of so many. Metro is one; you just think &

    plan, & you will be there very soon. But, some use this just to have different agenda.

    We should have more counsellors in schools, colleges & other institutions & there should be stress on

    moral education. They should live life fully & enjoy, but not at the cost of their career, health &

    compromising with morale, ethics & duties.

    Q: Disadvantages of Generation?

    A bigger problem is the sense of entitlement. They expect everything to be on-demand and

    immediate. If something requires application, study and practice, its dismissed, considered to be not

    worth the effort. This puts generation at a disadvantage with people from other cultures that have not

    followed the Western patterns of generations. In the West, the mantra is "work smarter, not harder."

    But some skills cannot be obtained without actual practice. And without practice, one has to work

    harder to obtain a similar result as a skilled worker. To make things worse, the stimulus for

    Millennial, and Generation-I to try harder is muted by being told that everyone is special. In the

    infamous words of Dash Parr: If everybodys special, nobody is. See also the Cerebral Dads point

    of view on this.

    SA generation person in a key role unwilling to put in the effort when it is needed most can mean that

    deadline-driven work languishes and projects are delayed. Striking a compromise is difficult. A

    developer on one of my teams had no higher priority than running. He was consistently late with his

    work, which was often also incomplete. We agreed to small, very concrete deliverables. While they

    were completed properly, the experience left me feeling like I was micromanaging and impeding his


    Generation will be much more open to alternative ways of working and will profess to have a higherset of morals than our contemporaries do. This creates an opportunity for us to groom our future

    leaders, driven by their own ambitions.

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