october 2018 october’s party - diakon senior living...october 2018 october’s party october gave...

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October 2018

October’s Party

October gave a party;

The leaves by hundreds came—

The Chestnuts, Oaks, and Maples,

And leaves of every name.

The Sunshine spread a carpet,

And everything was grand,

Miss Weather led the dancing,

Professor Wind the band. ~ George Cooper


Flower of the Month— Calendula

What’s Lucky in October? Lucky Colors: Orange and Burgundy

Lucky Days: Monday and Thursday

Lucky Numbers: 3 and 9

Lucky Letters: O and R

Lucky Plant: Pumpkin

October Zodiacs

Libra (The Scales)

October 1-22

Scorpio (The Scorpion)

October 23-31

Special Days

Columbus Day October 8

Boss’s Day October 16

Sweetest Day October 20

Halloween October 31

Riddle Me Autumn

I appear once in summer,

twice in autumn,

but never in winter or spring.

What am I?

Be-Leaf It or Not, October’s in the Air

While some Octobers mark the first frost of the

winter to follow, within days this month re-

bounds with warm, near-summer-like weather.

It is during these late summer days that farmers

rush to harvest the last of their crops. According

to The Old Farmer’s Almanac, the best days for

harvesting aboveground crops are October 15

and 16 this year.

The ancient Romans celebrated this harvest sea-

son with festivals throughout the month. Octo-

ber, with its beautifully changing foliage, is also

one of the most colorful months of the year.

Deciduous trees provide vibrant color, with

leaves that change color before falling to the

ground in a carpet of yellow, brown, orange, and

fading reds. These colorful deciduous trees in-

clude the following species:

*Red Maple (red leaves)

*Tulip Tree (bright yellow)

*Sugar Maple (red or yellow)

*Sassafras (deep orange or bright yellow)

*Sourwood (red, purplish red, or yellow)

*Ash (yellow or purplish yellow)

*Oak (red, brown, or russet)

~information courtesy of “ActivityConnection”

October 2018

ANSWER: The Letter U

New Faces at Buffalo Valley

Alicia Berkheimer is a CNA and lives in Milton. She has a son and a daughter and 2

dogs. Alicia has been a CNA for 20 + years. She has worked all aspects of Long term

care, from being a home health aide to being a branch manager for a staffing firm.

Diane Keefer is a Personal Care Aide and lives in Lewisburg. She is married to Wally

and they have a daughter named Mary. Diane enjoys gardening, scrapbooking, working

with her husband doing exterior painting and she is a Sunday School teacher. She is re-

tired from the Bureau of Prisons and is looking forward to getting back into the work

force on a part time basis.

Brandi King is a CNA and lives in New Columbia. She is married to Jeremy and has 3

children, Kylea, Hailey, Kamdyn and 2 dogs. She enjoys painting, crafts and on rainy,

dreary days she enjoys a good Hallmark movie and of course spending time with her

girls. She likes to play Sudoku, which most people think is boring but she likes the


In Memorium

A thank you note was received from St. Paul’s United

Methodist Church, to thank us for the donation given

in memory of Ed Asher.

Summer BBQ & Clam Bake

On August 30th Morrison put on an end of Summer Clam Bake for the IL residents. The menu

consisted of BBQ Grilled Half Breast Chicken, ½ Dozen Steamed Little Neck Clams, Fresh Lo-

cal Sweet Corn, Baked Potato w/ Chive Butter, House Made Cole Slaw, Baked Roll w/ Honey

Cinnamon Glaze, & Fresh Baked Cherry Crumb Pie. All of the folks who attended this event

had a great time with their neighbors and friends & enjoyed the fine cooking put on by Morri-

son. ~photo’s submitted by Katie Passonetti

Maintenance Appreciation

On Thursday, September 6, 2018, the residents of the Independent Living Commu-

nity came out to honor our hard working maintenance department. Thank you for all the

hard work you do in maintaining our community. This is an annual event which the IL

residents sponsor to show their appreciation of the Maintenance employees.

~Photo submitted by Katie Passonetti

Pictured from L to R Kyle Wisniewski, Joe Sees, Maintenance Supervisor Eric Shawver, Bill


Missing from photo Tom Taylor, Steve Lowrey

~Photo’s submitted by Gretchen Nash

Good food and fellowship had by all at the maintenance luncheon.

Lewisburg High School honors distinguished alumni

Harold A. Walters is best known for his ownership of Walters’ Oldsmobile which

served Lewisburg and area for decades. A Korean War veteran, he received several

service medals. He is an active member of Christ’s Evangelical Lutheran Church, is on

the board of the Lewisburg Cemetery, the election board and the Sons of the American


He has been involved with the Lions Club, the Lewisburg American Legion and

the Lewisburg VFW.

Of the award, he said, “I have been an active member of the Class of 1948. For

52 years, I worked in the automobile business started by my father.”

He and his wife Gloria Lyons Walters are the parents, in-laws, and Lewisburg

graduates of Lisa ‘76, Laurie ‘79, Christina ‘85, Rob Black “68, Rick Slear ‘77, Bill

Shaffer ‘84, Sara Slear Haley ‘03 and Adam Slear ‘12

~ information courtesy of The Daily Item

October 4th is observed as the day to recognize St. Francis of Assisi, the

patron saint of animals. We welcome animals across our campus in a variety of ways. The Nursing

Care Center and the Personal Care Center are blessed to have therapy dogs visit with them along with

family pets who are brought in to give love to our residents. The pets from family members bring joy

to many of our residents and represent the unconditional love that comes from our Lord. The Inde-

pendent Living residents have pets in their homes that provide great company to their owners and to

others when they are being walked across our campus. We thank God for the precious gift of creation

that comes to us through our pets.

Quotes from St. Francis of Assisi:

Preach the Gospel at all times and when necessary use words.

Lord, make me an Instrument of Thy Peace. Where there is hatred, let me sow love. Where there

is injury, pardon...

1 Corinthians 12: 20, 26-27 - 20As it is, there are many members, yet one body. … 26 If one member suffers, all suffer together with it; if one member is honored, all rejoice together with

it. 27 Now you are the body of Christ and individually members of it.

Sunday Weekly Worship Services :

Nursing Care Center (NCC) - 10 a.m. - Multi-Purpose Room

11 a.m. - Country Lane Neighborhood

Holy Communion is celebrated on the first Sunday of the Month

The Residents’ Choir sings on Sunday, October 21st at 11 a.m. - Deb Marshall, NCC Activities

Department, leads our choir. All residents are welcome to be a part of the choir.

Personal Care (PC) Center - 2 p.m. – Dining Room - Holy Communion is celebrated every Sunday

Each service is open to residents, family and friends of our community.

Bible Study – The October Bible Study sessions in the Nursing Care Center

continue with the Bible Study series entitled “Faith in Action” by Jeanette Bialas Strandjord. We will

explore the faith of prophets and followers of our Lord.

We gather on Tuesday mornings in October completing the Bible Study series entitled “Justice in

the New Testament” written by the Reverend Brian Peterson. The study challenges us to listen again

to God’s call to “do justice, love kindness, and walk humbly with God” (Micah 6:8, NRSV).

Bible Study locations:

Nursing Care Center – Monday – October 1st and 22nd at 2:15 p.m. in the dining area of the Coun-

try Lane Neighborhood

Personal Care Center – Tuesdays in October at 11 a.m. - in the 400 Lounge

This is a Combined Bible Study with the PC and Independent Living residents

Everyone is welcome to join the study that fits their schedule.

Gather for a special informal worship service on Wednesday, October 3rd at

3 p.m. at the Gazebo on the eastern side of campus. Please bring all animals on a leash or in a carrier.

Special treats will be given out along with a blessing.

Praying the Rosary – The Caring Community volunteers from the Sacred

Heart of Jesus parish will lead a time of Praying the Rosary on October 5th at 10 a.m. in the Multi

Purpose Room of the Nursing Care Center. All residents are welcome to participate in this spiritual


In combined ministry between the chaplains of Buffalo Valley Lu-

theran Village and Riverwoods Senior Living Facility, a Pastor Appreciation Breakfast is sched-

uled for Thursday, October 25th at 9 a.m. in The Village Common building. All local clergy who

provide support to the residents of our campus are invited to this breakfast. If you have a pastor that

you want to be included in the breakfast, contact Pastor Marian at 523-4254 with the pastor’s name,

church name, phone number and email address.

Movie With the Chaplain

The first movie of October is entitled – “Letters to God” showing on Monday, Oc-

tober 8th at 2:15 p.m. in the Multi-Purpose Room of the Nursing Care Center.

Movie description: Inspired by a true story, Tyler Doherty is an extraordinary eight-year-old

armed with strong faith and courage as he faces his daily battle against cancer. Surrounded by a loving

family and community, Tyler’s prayers take the form of letters he sends to his ultimate pen pal, God, on a

daily basis. These letters find their way into the hand of Tyler’s postman, Brady, who is at a crossroads in

his life, searching for meaning, who is changed by the faith that he sees in Tyler’s daily letters.

The second movie of October is entitled: “Paul, Apostle of Christ” showing on

Monday, October 15th at 2 p.m. in the main room of The Village Common building.

Movie description: Risking his life, Luke ventures to Rome to visit Paul -- the apostle who's

bound in chains and held captive in Nero's darkest and bleakest prison cell. Haunted by the shadows of

his past misdeeds, Paul wonders if he's been forgotten as he awaits his grisly execution. Before Paul's

death, Luke resolves to write another book that details the birth of what will come to be known as the


Everyone is welcome to enjoy the movies at either location.

The Independent Living residents will gather in the main room of The Village

Common building on Saturday, October 27th at 4 p.m. for Dinner and a Movie.

The movie showing is “Ocean’s 8” which features Sandra Bollock and a star studded

female cast.

the field, starting with her partner-in-crime Lou Miller. Together, they recruit a crew of specialists, in-

cluding jeweler Amita, street con Constance, suburban mom Tammy, hacker Nine Ball, and fashion de-

signer Rose. Their target -- a necklace that's worth more than $150 million.

Meal: We will have soup, salad, bread and dessert. Contact Pastor Marian at 523-4254 to R.S.V.P. and

sign up to bring one of these a food items.

If you have a suggestion for a good movie to watch, pass it on to the chaplain!

Hymn Sing-a-long - The chaplain will join the residents on the Blue Jay Neighbor-

hood on Thursday, October 11th at 10:30 a.m. to share in the melodies of the Lord with our residents.

Dial-A-Devotion - The chaplains of the Diakon Senior Living Commu-

nities are preparing a daily devotion that is available through your phone. For heartwarming inspiration,

let your fingers do the walking… A 90-second devotion to start your day!

Dial 1-888-696-9202 A new devotion is recorded every day!

May the Lord bless you and keep you as we journey through life together.

In God’s service, Reverend Marian K. Anderson, Chaplain

Diakon Lutheran Social Ministries Mission Statement -

“In response to God’s love in Jesus Christ, Diakon will demonstrate God’s command to love the neigh-

bor through acts of service.”

Many Hands, One Heart, Customer Excellence

Caterpillar—Monarch Butterfly

Every year, Shirley Franquet, activity director, captures caterpillars that are liv-

ing on the milkweed in front of Personal Care. She puts them in an aquarium in

the activity room, where the residents can view them and watch them change

from a caterpillar to a beautiful Monarch butterfly. You can hear the excited

voices of the residents as they notice another caterpillar has been born! They

closely monitor their progress!

Once we had a few in the aquarium, Shirley gathered the residents on the front

porch to watch the release of the butterflies, back in to nature.

Monarch’s have prolonged stages of metamorphoses. As a caterpillar, they can

shed their skin 5 times before the pupa stage. 10-12 hours before shredding its

skin for the last time, the caterpillar spins a silk and hangs upside down. This

pupa skin hardens into a protective shell. It will remain in this shell for 9 to 14


A caterpillar has a large appetite! They can consume 1 milkweed leaf in less

than 5 minutes and can gain 2700 times their original weight!

They migrate south to Mexico late in the summer or early fall. They return to

the North region in the Spring. It can take 3-4 generations to complete this one

year cycle. It seems as if they have a built in compass and know where they are

to go! This must be true, as I never saw a butterfly reading a map!

~Information is courtesy of monarch-butterfly.com

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