oaston road, nuneaton drainage - nuneaton and...

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Oaston Road, Nuneaton – Drainage 13 April 2017

Version 3.0

RAB: 1558L


Version 3.0

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Revision History

Version Date Amendments Issued to

Version 1.0 13.04.2017 First issue George Doupnik

Version 2.0 12.06.2017 Amended surface water design George Doupnik

Version 3.0 17.07.2017 Comments addressed George Doupnik

Quality Control

Action Signature Date

Prepared T. Haskey 17.07.2017

Checked P. Batty 17.07.2017

Approved G. Wilson 17.07.2017


This document has been prepared solely as a drainage strategy report for Jade Homes Construction.

RAB Consultants accepts no responsibility or liability for any use that is made of this document other

than by the client for the purposes for which it was originally commissioned and prepared. No person

other than the client may copy (in whole or in part) use or rely on the contents of this document, without

the prior written permission of the Managing Director of RAB Consultants Ltd. Any advice, opinions, or

recommendations within this document should be read and relied upon only in the context of the

document as a whole.

RAB Office

Lichfield Office

Cathedral House

Beacon Street


WS13 7AA


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1.0 INTRODUCTION................................................................................................................ 1

2.0 SITE DETAILS ................................................................................................................... 1

2.1 Site location ................................................................................................................................... 1

2.2 Site description .............................................................................................................................. 1

2.3 Development proposal ................................................................................................................... 2

3.0 SURFACE WATER ............................................................................................................ 2

3.1 Existing drainage ........................................................................................................................... 2

3.2 Proposed SuDS drainage .............................................................................................................. 2

3.3 SuDS Management Plan ............................................................................................................... 5

4.0 FOUL WATER ................................................................................................................... 6

4.1 Existing drainage ........................................................................................................................... 6

4.2 Proposed drainage ........................................................................................................................ 7

5.0 RECOMMENDATIONS ...................................................................................................... 7

APPENDIX A – SITE INVESTIGATION ....................................................................................... 8


APPENDIX C – NETWORK ARRANGEMENT .......................................................................... 12


APPENDIX E –MICRO-DRAINAGE RESULTS ......................................................................... 16


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1.0 Introduction

RAB Consultants has prepared this technical drainage report in support of the proposed development of

the land off Oaston Road, Nuneaton.

2.0 Site details

2.1 Site location

Table 1 – Site location

Site address Land of Oaston Road, CV11 6PD

Site area 0.325ha

Existing land use Old railway Embankment

OS NGR SP 37141 921111

Local Planning Authority Nuneaton and Bedworth Borough Council

2.2 Site description

The proposed site is currently an overgrown area of land adjacent to Oaston Road. The Nuneaton Flood

Relief Channel runs parallel to the north east boundary of the site at a distance of approximately 8m.

Access to the site is directly from Oaston Road.


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2.3 Development proposal

It is proposed to construct a total of 11 dwellings on the development site, all with associated parking areas

and gardens.

3.0 Surface water

3.1 Existing drainage

The total site area is approx. 3250m2 and comprises of undeveloped land and a small area of hardstanding

at the south of the site.

Existing impermeable areas have been determined from a topographic survey of the site undertaken by

Chandler Land and Building Surveys Ltd in December 2016.

The existing impermeable area is approximately 350m2 and assumed to have no formal drainage.

The remaining 2900m2 is not formally drained. Therefore, rain falling onto the site which is not able to infiltrate will follow the natural topography and either flow to the east, towards the Nuneaton Flood Relief Channel or to the south east towards Oaston Road.

3.2 Proposed SuDS drainage

A search of Nuneaton and Bedworth Borough Council’s website revealed no specific policy documents

relating to SuDS, however, the general advice that is available is clearly supportive of the use of SuDS, in

line with national SuDS standards.

The SuDS Manual (2015), discusses the SuDS approach to managing surface water runoff which is

intended to mimic the natural catchment process as closely as is possible. The approach sets out the

design objectives in respect of SuDS:

• Use of surface water runoff as a resource

• Manage rainwater close to where it falls (at source)

• Manage runoff on the surface (above ground)

• Allow rainwater to soak into the ground (infiltration)

• Promote evapotranspiration

• Slow and store runoff to mimic natural runoff rates and volumes

• Reduce contamination of runoff through pollution prevention and by controlling the runoff at


• Treat runoff to reduce the risk of urban contaminants causing environmental pollution

Depending on the characteristics of the site and local requirements, these may be used in conjunction and

to varying degrees.

The recommended hierarchy for discharging surface water (ref. The SuDS Manual, CIRIA C753) is:

1. Infiltration to the maximum extent that is practical.

2. Discharge to surface waters.

3. Discharge to surface water sewer.


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4. Discharge to combined sewers.

In this case, the site investigation (refer to report by Stuart Cooke January 2017 Appendix A) shows that

the natural underlying (natural clays) would not readily allow infiltration directly into the ground.

The Nuneaton Flood Relief Channel is the nearest watercourse and is located approximately 8m from the

site. This watercourse is the preferred discharge location for the site in line with the discharge hierarchy.

Consultation with the Environment Agency has resulted in a flood activity exemption permit (Appendix B)

been registered for the surface water discharge to this watercourse.

Table 2 presents the general functions of SuDS components (from which a management train is

constructed) and their feasibility in respect of the site.


Technique Description Feasibility

Y / N / M (Maybe)

Good building design and rainwater


Components that capture rainwater

and facilitate its use within the

building or local environment.

Yes – it is feasible to

incorporate formal water

harvesting into the

proposed development.

Alternatively, a lower

cost option would be to

include water butts on

downpipes and reuse for

landscaped areas.

Porous and pervious surface


Structural surfaces that allow water

to penetrate, thus reducing the

proportion of runoff that is conveyed

to the drainage system (green roofs,

pervious paving).

No - Ground unsuitable

for infiltration

Infiltration Systems

Components that facilitate the

infiltration of water into the ground.

These often include temporary

storage zones to accommodate

runoff volumes before slow release

to the soil.

No - Ground unsuitable

for infiltration

Conveyance Systems

Components that convey flows to

downstream storage systems (e.g.

swales, watercourses).

No – Space on the site is

severely limited and the

ground unsuitable for



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Storage Systems

Components that control the flows

and, where possible, volumes of

runoff being discharged from the

site, by storing water and releasing

it slowly (attenuation). These

systems may also provide further

treatment of the runoff (e.g. ponds,

wetlands, and detention basins).

Yes – There is scope for

a below ground storage


Treatment Systems Components that remove or

facilitate the degradation of

contaminants present in the runoff.


There are 2 major constraints limiting the use of SuDS: (1) the ground condition is considered unsuitable

for infiltration (2) space on the site is severely limited, with the majority of ground being used for


It is therefore proposed to collect all surface water runoff into a below ground attenuation tank located to

the south of the site. A practicable minimum limit on the discharge rate (in line with guidance from DEFRA

and the Environment Agency report – SC030219, Rainfall runoff management for developments) will be set

at 5l/s, as a compromise between attenuation while keeping the risk of blockage to an acceptable level.

The final discharge will be into the Nuneaton Flood Relief channel.

The arrangement is shown in Appendix C.

Building rooftops will be drained into 150mm and 175mm pipes discharging to the attenuation tank. The

access road, parking areas and hardstanding will drain via an arrangement of gullies and channel drains all

discharging to the attenuation tank.

A 127m3 tank (supporting calculation in Appendix D & E) constructed from 300x Hydro International

Stormbloc units or equivalent (800mm x 800mm x 660mm) arranged in a square or rectangle will be

utilised, set at an invert level of 81.480mAOD. Inlets to and the outlet from the tank will be created with

inspection chambers / catch pits to allow access for inspection, maintenance and to trap sediment. A MD-

SHE-0087-5000-2473-5000 type Hydrobrake (or equivalent – deigned to control flow to no more than 5/ls

with a 2.473m head) set at an invert level of 81.480mAOD will be utilised as an outflow controller.

The final outlet into the Nuneaton Flood Relief Channel is set at 80.766mAOD. This is higher than the

modelled 10% AEP flood level (80.71mAOD), as modelled by the Environment Agency. More extreme

flooding such as the 0.5% AEP (81.65mAOD), would result in the outfall been submerged by a depth of

0.9m, therefore a flap valve is required to stop the tank filling in such event. In this circumstance then the

drainage system would be affected. This has been separately modelled and the full results can be found in

Appendix D.

The full network has been modelled using the Network module of Microdrainage 2016.1.1.

A total drained area of 0.224ha was applied.

FEH2013 point rainfall data was used.

The results show no flooding with 3.33% Annual Exceedance Probability (AEP) rain. The critical storm has

duration 180 minutes and produces a peak water depth of 0.382m within the tank (0.278m from the top of

the tank). The available storage volume within the tank is 127m3, which is 53% more than the peak stored


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water volume during the 3.33% AEP critical storm. The additional tank volume provides mitigation against

sediment build up within the tank.

The 1% Annual Exceedance Probability rain plus 40% for climate change results show a small amount of

flooding. The critical storm has a duration of 240 minutes and produces a peak water depth of 2.473m

(1.8m above the top of the tank). This results in a flooded volume of 5.8m3 from manhole 1.008 and 4.7m3

from manhole 1.001. This is a small volume in comparison to the size of the site and could easily be

contained within the access road using kerbs.

With submerged outlet, again no flooding is observed with a 3.33% AEP storms, while 1% AEP plus 40%

results show a slight increase of flooded volume (21.9m3 from manhole 1.008 and 4.7m3 from manhole

1.001). Figure 1 below shows the worst case scenario of flooding at the site, during a 1% AEP Plus climate

change (40%) event with a submerged outlet. It shows that the flood waters directed away from buildings

and are contained within the site.


The Microdrainage results are included in Appendix E

3.3 SuDS Management Plan

The long-term design objectives of the drainage scheme are:

• Efficiently collect all rainfall from the rooftops of the eleven buildings, driveway, parking, paths and

runoff from permeable areas enclosed within the development.


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• Efficiently convey all collected rainfall into an online attenuation storage tank, with available volume

of at least 127m3.

• Provide effective conveyance through the storage tank by utilising a geocellular Stormbloc (or

equivalent product) set on a slight downward gradient (1:200) providing unobstructed inlet / outlet,

with a 110mm diameter vent.

• Protect the available storage within the tank by limiting debris / sediment entering the system, by

means of gratings on drain inlets, catch pits at both inlet and outlet to the tank.

• Limit the discharge leaving the attenuation storage tank to 5.0l/s by means of a vortex flow controller

set in the outlet catch pit.

• Route the controlled discharge into the Nuneaton Flood Relief Chanel.

• Protect the design objectives by implementing a maintenance schedule.

• Manage design exceedance and failure by providing an emergency bypass / overflow on the outlet

catch pit and shaping the ground to direct flood water away from houses.

Management responsibility

A private management company will be employed to inspect and maintain the surface water drainage

scheme down to the watercourse outlet.

Maintenance schedule


Level Action Frequency

Regular maintenance

Inspect and identify any areas

that are not operating correctly.

If required, take remedial action.

Monthly for 3 months then


Regular maintenance Remove debris from the

catchment surface. Monthly

Regular maintenance Remove sediment from catch

pits. Annually

Remedial actions Repair / rehabilitate inlet, outlet,

overflow and vent. As required


Inspect / check all inlets, outlets,

vents and overflows to ensure

that they are in good condition

and operating as designed


Monitoring Survey inside of tank for

sediment build-up and remove if


Every 5 years or as required

4.0 Foul water

4.1 Existing drainage


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There is no existing foul drainage network.

4.2 Proposed drainage

The foul water drainage design will be provided at a later date.

5.0 Recommendations

• Install pipes, inspection chambers, tank, inlet, outlet, vortex flow controller, connections in line with

manufacturers recommendations and current best practice (WRc Sewers for Adoption 7th Edition

2012, CIRIA SuDS Manual C753 2015).

• Undertake a geotechnical site investigation to establish foundation design and installation

parameters for the tank, taking account of any groundwater flows and leakage risk from the tank.

This should include an investigation as to whether groundwater linked to an extreme flood event in

the channel could affect the tank.

• Ensure the tank is water tight by following manufacturers recommendations and wet testing prior to

back filling.

• Construct outflow headwall in line the registered Environment Agency flood risk exemption.

• Install a flap valve on the outlet.

• Implement a SuDS Management Plan in line with that given in Section 3.3 of this report.


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Appendix A – Site Investigation


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12 First Lane St. James Northampton NN5 5FD 07821 194003 stuartcooke80@gmail.com


Crossing Gates, Oaston Road, Nuneaton, Warwickshire

Report No.: SAC17-200

Client: Jade Homes Construction Ltd

January 2017


12 First Lane St. James Northampton NN5 5FD 07821 194003 stuartcooke80@gmail.com


Soil infiltration tests have been undertaken on land known as Crossing Gates, Oaston Road, Nuneaton,

Warwickshire where a residential development is proposed. The tests were required to assess the viability of

using soakaways for surface water drainage and, if achievable, provide parameters for their design. The work

was carried out in accordance with Building Research Establishment (BRE) Digest 365:1991 “Soakaway



The tests were carried out at two locations, ST1 and ST2. The pits for the tests had been excavated some

weeks prior to the day of testing so accurate logging of the ground conditions was not undertaken by this

Practice. However, it was noted that the soils comprised a significant thickness of Made Ground overlying

natural clays of the Mercia Mudstone formation.

For the tests, the pit dimensions were carefully measured and then part-filled using a mobile water bowser.

The starting water levels were below the base level of the Made Ground. The fall in water level was then

measured over several time increments. However, it was soon apparent that ground permeability was very low

with virtually no fall in water level over the 60 to 90 minutes approximately following filling and the tests were

abandoned as ‘unsuccessful’.

The results of the testing are presented in the Appendix, along with a plan indicating the locations of the test


S.A.COOKE BSc. (Hons)

Geotechnical Engineer



Stuart Cooke - Geotechnical Consultant

12 First Lane Project:

St. James



Project No:

Test Location: ST1 Test No: 1 Date: 18.01.17

Water level during test Trial pit dimensions

Time Depth depth (m) 2.30

mins m bgl length (m) 1.50

0 1.420 width (m) 0.70

5 1.410

35 1.410

51 1.410

60 1.410

82 1.410

f = soil infiltration rate

Vp = volume of water from 75% to 25% effective depth

ap = Internal surface area at 50% effective depth

tp = time for the water level to fall from 75% to 25% effective depth

time at 75% effective depth (mins)

time at 25% effective depth (mins)

(from graph)

No result - infiltration rate too slow

Calculated Soil Infiltration Rate = - m/sec

Oaston Road, Nuneaton


Soil Infiltration Test






1 0 0 %

7 5 %

5 0 %

2 5 %






0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240


th t

o W


r, m



Elapsed Time, minutes

Depth to Water vs Elapsed Time

QD047 Issue A

Stuart Cooke - Geotechnical Consultant

12 First Lane Project:

St. James



Project No:

Test Location: ST2 Test No: 1 Date: 18.01.17

Water level during test Trial pit dimensions

Time Depth depth (m) 2.50

mins m bgl length (m) 1.50

0 1.530 width (m) 0.70

4 1.530

30 1.530

48 1.530

f = soil infiltration rate

Vp = volume of water from 75% to 25% effective depth

ap = Internal surface area at 50% effective depth

tp = time for the water level to fall from 75% to 25% effective depth

time at 75% effective depth (mins)

time at 25% effective depth (mins)

(from graph)

No result - infiltration rate too slow

Calculated Soil Infiltration Rate = - m/sec

Oaston Road, Nuneaton


Soil Infiltration Test






1 0 0 %

7 5 %

5 0 %

2 5 %







0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240


th t

o W


r, m



Elapsed Time, minutes

Depth to Water vs Elapsed Time

QD047 Issue A



Test Location

Oasten Road, Nuneaton SAC17-200 January 2017



12 First Lane, St James, Northampton NN5 5FD 07821 194003




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Appendix B – Environment Agency flood activity exemption permit


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From: Environment Agency Flood Risk Activity Exemptions <floodriskactivity@environment-agency.gov.uk>Sent: Tuesday, March 28, 2017 8:53 AMTo: Thomas HaskeySubject: Flood risk activity exemption successfully registered

We’ve registered your flood risk activity exemption Your reference is EXFRA002102 Exemption registered:Outfall pipes less than 300mm diameter through a headwall FRA12 at grid reference SP 37161 92115. Before you start workCheck you can meet the exemption conditionsYou should re-check you can meet the description and conditions of your exemption in the flood risk exemptions guidance. Other things to checkYou should check if there are protected species in the area. If there are, you must make sure your activity doesn’t harm them. You may also need planning permission and to get the landowner's permission to enter the land. Date of registration28 March 2017 08:52 Exemptions don’t expire except for dredging FRA23 which expires 3 years after the registration date and dredging FRA24 which expires 1 year after the registration date. Responsible for activity (the ‘operator’)Jade Homes 28, FAIRLANDS PARK COVENTRY CV4 7DS Who we will contactGeorge Doupnik, project director Tel: 07967801877 george@jadehomes.co.uk Responsibilities of the operatorThe organisation or individual responsible must keep to the description and conditions for the exemption. We can prosecute them if they don’t do this. If your activity changesIf the location changes, you will need to register a new exemption. If the activity or the way you are doing the work changes, you will need to check if it is still exempt. If it is not, you will have to apply for a permit.


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Appendix C – Network arrangement


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Maintenance manhole with catch pit

Cover Level =83.944mAOD

US Invert Level = 81.350mAOD

DS Invert Level =80.766mAOD

Vortex flow controller designed for 5l/s at

2.598m head

200mm pipe

126m3 tank with 110mm vent

Maintenance manhole with catch pit

Cover Level =84.395mAOD

US Invert Level = 82.587mAOD

DS Invert Level =82.244mAOD

Maintenance manhole with catch pit

Cover Level =84.709mAOD

US Invert Level = 81.532mAOD

DS Invert Level =81.375mAOD

175mm pipe

Maintenance manhole with catch


Cover Level =84.821mAOD

US Invert Level =83.471mAOD

DS Invert Level =82.594mAOD

Type 3 Inspection chambers

(Inspection chambers may act as a

demarcation chamber)

All pipes 150mm unless otherwise


Outflow headwall in line the registered

Environment Agency flood risk


XP Solutions Network 2017.1.1 ©1982-2017 XP Solutions









Pipe OutPN

Pipe OutInvert

Level (m)

Pipe OutDiameter


Pipes InPN

Pipes InInvert

Level (m)

Pipes InDiameter


Pipes InBackdrop


S1 85.702 1.350 Open Manhole 600 S1.000 84.352 150

S2 84.479 1.350 Open Manhole 600 S1.001 83.129 150 S1.000 83.129 150

S3 85.614 1.350 Open Manhole 600 S2.000 84.264 150

S3 84.536 1.679 Open Manhole 600 S1.002 82.856 150 S1.001 82.856 150

S2.000 83.186 150 329

S5 85.279 1.350 Open Manhole 600 S3.000 83.929 150

S4 84.681 2.172 Open Manhole 600 S1.003 82.509 150 S1.002 82.509 150

S3.000 83.331 150 822

S7 85.157 1.350 Open Manhole 600 S4.000 83.807 150

S5 84.836 2.486 Open Manhole 600 S1.004 82.351 150 S1.003 82.351 150

S4.000 83.486 150 1136

S9 84.961 1.350 Open Manhole 600 S5.000 83.611 150

S6 84.721 2.761 Open Manhole 600 S1.005 81.960 150 S1.004 81.960 150

S5.000 83.371 150 1411

S11 84.995 1.350 Open Manhole 600 S6.000 83.645 150

S7 84.831 2.997 Open Manhole 600 S1.006 81.834 150 S1.005 81.834 150

S6.000 81.834 150

S13 84.932 1.350 Open Manhole 600 S7.000 83.582 150

S8 84.709 3.177 Open Manhole 600 S1.007 81.532 175 S1.006 81.557 150

S7.000 81.557 150

S15 84.821 1.350 Open Manhole 600 S8.000 83.471 150

S16 85.001 1.350 Open Manhole 600 S9.000 83.651 150

S17 84.872 1.388 Open Manhole 600 S9.001 83.484 150 S9.000 83.484 150

S18 84.512 1.350 Open Manhole 600 S9.002 83.162 150 S9.001 83.162 150

S16 84.144 1.350 Open Manhole 600 S9.003 82.794 150 S9.002 82.794 150

S17 84.395 1.807 Open Manhole 600 S9.004 82.587 150 S9.003 82.587 150

S9 83.944 2.594 Open Manhole 600 S1.008 81.350 200 S1.007 81.375 175

S8.000 82.594 150 1194

S9.004 82.244 150 844

S 81.349 0.583 Open Manhole 0 OUTFALL S1.008 80.766 200


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Appendix D – Submerged outfall Micro-drainage results


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RAB Consultants Ltd Page 1Cathedral House Oaston RdBeacon StreetLichfield WS13 7AADate 09-Jun-17 1:59 PM Designed by THFile DRAINAGE DESIGN V7 - UP... Checked by GWMicro Drainage Network 2017.1.1

2 year Return Period Summary of Critical Results by Maximum Level (Rank 1)for Storm

©1982-2017 XP Solutions

Simulation CriteriaAreal Reduction Factor 1.000 Additional Flow - % of Total Flow 0.000

Hot Start (mins) 0 MADD Factor * 10m³/ha Storage 2.000Hot Start Level (mm) 0 Inlet Coeffiecient 0.800

Manhole Headloss Coeff (Global) 0.500 Flow per Person per Day (l/per/day) 0.000Foul Sewage per hectare (l/s) 0.000

Number of Input Hydrographs 0 Number of Storage Structures 1Number of Online Controls 1 Number of Time/Area Diagrams 0Number of Offline Controls 0 Number of Real Time Controls 0

Synthetic Rainfall DetailsRainfall Model FEH Data Type Point

FEH Rainfall Version 2013 Cv (Summer) 0.750Site Location GB 437138 292102 Cv (Winter) 0.840

Margin for Flood Risk Warning (mm) 300.0 DVD Status ONAnalysis Timestep Fine Inertia Status ON

DTS Status ON

Profile(s) Summer and WinterDuration(s) (mins) 15, 30, 60, 120, 180, 240, 360, 480, 600,

720, 960, 1440, 2160, 2880, 4320, 5760,7200, 8640, 10080

Return Period(s) (years) 2, 30, 100Climate Change (%) 0, 0, 40

PNUS/MHName Storm



First (X)Surcharge

First (Y)Flood

First (Z)Overflow


S1.000 S1 15 Winter 2 +0% 100/15 SummerS1.001 S2 15 Winter 2 +0% 30/15 Summer 100/15 SummerS2.000 S3 15 Winter 2 +0% 100/15 SummerS1.002 S3 15 Winter 2 +0% 30/15 Summer 100/15 SummerS3.000 S5 15 Winter 2 +0% 100/15 SummerS1.003 S4 15 Winter 2 +0% 30/15 Summer 100/180 WinterS4.000 S7 15 Winter 2 +0% 100/15 SummerS1.004 S5 15 Winter 2 +0% 30/15 Summer 100/360 SummerS5.000 S9 15 Winter 2 +0% 100/15 SummerS1.005 S6 15 Winter 2 +0% 30/15 Summer 100/480 SummerS6.000 S11 15 Winter 2 +0% 100/120 WinterS1.006 S7 15 Winter 2 +0% 30/15 SummerS7.000 S13 15 Winter 2 +0% 100/120 Winter 100/480 SummerS1.007 S8 720 Winter 2 +0% 30/15 Summer 100/480 SummerS8.000 S15 15 Winter 2 +0% 100/120 Winter 100/480 SummerS9.000 S16 15 Winter 2 +0% 100/120 WinterS9.001 S17 15 Winter 2 +0% 100/15 SummerS9.002 S18 15 Winter 2 +0% 100/15 Summer 100/480 SummerS9.003 S16 15 Winter 2 +0% 100/15 Summer 100/180 Winter

RAB Consultants Ltd Page 2Cathedral House Oaston RdBeacon StreetLichfield WS13 7AADate 09-Jun-17 1:59 PM Designed by THFile DRAINAGE DESIGN V7 - UP... Checked by GWMicro Drainage Network 2017.1.1

2 year Return Period Summary of Critical Results by Maximum Level (Rank 1)for Storm

©1982-2017 XP Solutions


Water Level(m)



Flow /Cap.


PipeFlow(l/s) Status


S1.000 S1 84.372 -0.131 0.000 0.04 2.5 OKS1.001 S2 83.172 -0.108 0.000 0.17 4.0 OK 4S2.000 S3 84.284 -0.130 0.000 0.04 2.8 OKS1.002 S3 82.918 -0.088 0.000 0.34 8.1 OK 2S3.000 S5 83.949 -0.130 0.000 0.04 2.1 OKS1.003 S4 82.585 -0.074 0.000 0.50 10.9 OK 1S4.000 S7 83.830 -0.127 0.000 0.06 2.0 OKS1.004 S5 82.434 -0.067 0.000 0.58 13.8 OKS5.000 S9 83.636 -0.125 0.000 0.06 1.9 OKS1.005 S6 82.060 -0.050 0.000 0.78 16.5 OKS6.000 S11 83.659 -0.135 0.000 0.02 1.7 OKS1.006 S7 81.939 -0.045 0.000 0.83 19.2 OKS7.000 S13 83.592 -0.140 0.000 0.01 1.3 OKS1.007 S8 81.688 -0.019 0.000 0.07 2.4 OKS8.000 S15 83.492 -0.129 0.000 0.05 2.4 OKS9.000 S16 83.674 -0.127 0.000 0.06 1.2 OKS9.001 S17 83.516 -0.118 0.000 0.10 2.6 OKS9.002 S18 83.202 -0.110 0.000 0.15 4.9 OKS9.003 S16 82.848 -0.096 0.000 0.28 6.2 OK

RAB Consultants Ltd Page 3Cathedral House Oaston RdBeacon StreetLichfield WS13 7AADate 09-Jun-17 1:59 PM Designed by THFile DRAINAGE DESIGN V7 - UP... Checked by GWMicro Drainage Network 2017.1.1

2 year Return Period Summary of Critical Results by Maximum Level (Rank 1)for Storm

©1982-2017 XP Solutions

PNUS/MHName Storm



First (X)Surcharge

First (Y)Flood

First (Z)Overflow


S9.004 S17 15 Winter 2 +0% 100/15 Summer 100/480 SummerS1.008 S9 720 Winter 2 +0% 2/180 Summer 100/120 Winter


Water Level(m)



Flow /Cap.


PipeFlow(l/s) Status


S9.004 S17 82.650 -0.088 0.000 0.36 8.4 OKS1.008 S9 81.687 0.137 0.000 0.07 3.2 SURCHARGED 14

RAB Consultants Ltd Page 4Cathedral House Oaston RdBeacon StreetLichfield WS13 7AADate 09-Jun-17 1:59 PM Designed by THFile DRAINAGE DESIGN V7 - UP... Checked by GWMicro Drainage Network 2017.1.1

30 year Return Period Summary of Critical Results by Maximum Level (Rank 1)for Storm

©1982-2017 XP Solutions

Simulation CriteriaAreal Reduction Factor 1.000 Additional Flow - % of Total Flow 0.000

Hot Start (mins) 0 MADD Factor * 10m³/ha Storage 2.000Hot Start Level (mm) 0 Inlet Coeffiecient 0.800

Manhole Headloss Coeff (Global) 0.500 Flow per Person per Day (l/per/day) 0.000Foul Sewage per hectare (l/s) 0.000

Number of Input Hydrographs 0 Number of Storage Structures 1Number of Online Controls 1 Number of Time/Area Diagrams 0Number of Offline Controls 0 Number of Real Time Controls 0

Synthetic Rainfall DetailsRainfall Model FEH Data Type Point

FEH Rainfall Version 2013 Cv (Summer) 0.750Site Location GB 437138 292102 Cv (Winter) 0.840

Margin for Flood Risk Warning (mm) 300.0 DVD Status ONAnalysis Timestep Fine Inertia Status ON

DTS Status ON

Profile(s) Summer and WinterDuration(s) (mins) 15, 30, 60, 120, 180, 240, 360, 480, 600,

720, 960, 1440, 2160, 2880, 4320, 5760,7200, 8640, 10080

Return Period(s) (years) 2, 30, 100Climate Change (%) 0, 0, 40

PNUS/MHName Storm



First (X)Surcharge

First (Y)Flood

First (Z)Overflow


S1.000 S1 15 Winter 30 +0% 100/15 SummerS1.001 S2 15 Winter 30 +0% 30/15 Summer 100/15 SummerS2.000 S3 15 Winter 30 +0% 100/15 SummerS1.002 S3 15 Winter 30 +0% 30/15 Summer 100/15 SummerS3.000 S5 15 Winter 30 +0% 100/15 SummerS1.003 S4 15 Winter 30 +0% 30/15 Summer 100/180 WinterS4.000 S7 15 Winter 30 +0% 100/15 SummerS1.004 S5 15 Winter 30 +0% 30/15 Summer 100/360 SummerS5.000 S9 15 Winter 30 +0% 100/15 SummerS1.005 S6 15 Winter 30 +0% 30/15 Summer 100/480 SummerS6.000 S11 15 Winter 30 +0% 100/120 WinterS1.006 S7 15 Winter 30 +0% 30/15 SummerS7.000 S13 15 Winter 30 +0% 100/120 Winter 100/480 SummerS1.007 S8 600 Winter 30 +0% 30/15 Summer 100/480 SummerS8.000 S15 15 Winter 30 +0% 100/120 Winter 100/480 SummerS9.000 S16 15 Winter 30 +0% 100/120 WinterS9.001 S17 15 Winter 30 +0% 100/15 SummerS9.002 S18 15 Winter 30 +0% 100/15 Summer 100/480 SummerS9.003 S16 15 Winter 30 +0% 100/15 Summer 100/180 Winter

RAB Consultants Ltd Page 5Cathedral House Oaston RdBeacon StreetLichfield WS13 7AADate 09-Jun-17 1:59 PM Designed by THFile DRAINAGE DESIGN V7 - UP... Checked by GWMicro Drainage Network 2017.1.1

30 year Return Period Summary of Critical Results by Maximum Level (Rank 1)for Storm

©1982-2017 XP Solutions


Water Level(m)



Flow /Cap.


PipeFlow(l/s) Status


S1.000 S1 84.382 -0.120 0.000 0.09 5.4 OKS1.001 S2 83.570 0.291 0.000 0.39 9.1 SURCHARGED 4S2.000 S3 84.295 -0.119 0.000 0.09 6.1 OKS1.002 S3 83.540 0.534 0.000 0.69 16.2 SURCHARGED 2S3.000 S5 83.960 -0.119 0.000 0.09 4.6 OKS1.003 S4 83.387 0.728 0.000 0.95 20.7 SURCHARGED 1S4.000 S7 83.842 -0.115 0.000 0.12 4.4 OKS1.004 S5 83.245 0.744 0.000 1.11 26.2 SURCHARGEDS5.000 S9 83.648 -0.113 0.000 0.14 4.3 OKS1.005 S6 82.767 0.657 0.000 1.47 31.1 SURCHARGEDS6.000 S11 83.665 -0.130 0.000 0.04 3.8 OKS1.006 S7 82.493 0.509 0.000 1.57 36.3 SURCHARGEDS7.000 S13 83.599 -0.133 0.000 0.03 2.8 OKS1.007 S8 81.803 0.096 0.000 0.15 4.9 SURCHARGEDS8.000 S15 83.503 -0.118 0.000 0.10 5.2 OKS9.000 S16 83.686 -0.115 0.000 0.12 2.7 OKS9.001 S17 83.535 -0.099 0.000 0.25 6.6 OKS9.002 S18 83.229 -0.084 0.000 0.40 13.1 OKS9.003 S16 82.891 -0.054 0.000 0.73 16.5 OK

RAB Consultants Ltd Page 6Cathedral House Oaston RdBeacon StreetLichfield WS13 7AADate 09-Jun-17 1:59 PM Designed by THFile DRAINAGE DESIGN V7 - UP... Checked by GWMicro Drainage Network 2017.1.1

30 year Return Period Summary of Critical Results by Maximum Level (Rank 1)for Storm

©1982-2017 XP Solutions

PNUS/MHName Storm



First (X)Surcharge

First (Y)Flood

First (Z)Overflow


S9.004 S17 15 Winter 30 +0% 100/15 Summer 100/480 SummerS1.008 S9 600 Winter 30 +0% 2/180 Summer 100/120 Winter


Water Level(m)



Flow /Cap.


PipeFlow(l/s) Status


S9.004 S17 82.704 -0.033 0.000 0.96 22.5 OKS1.008 S9 81.799 0.250 0.000 0.07 3.2 SURCHARGED 14

RAB Consultants Ltd Page 7Cathedral House Oaston RdBeacon StreetLichfield WS13 7AADate 09-Jun-17 1:59 PM Designed by THFile DRAINAGE DESIGN V7 - UP... Checked by GWMicro Drainage Network 2017.1.1

100 year Return Period Summary of Critical Results by Maximum Level (Rank1) for Storm

©1982-2017 XP Solutions

Simulation CriteriaAreal Reduction Factor 1.000 Additional Flow - % of Total Flow 0.000

Hot Start (mins) 0 MADD Factor * 10m³/ha Storage 2.000Hot Start Level (mm) 0 Inlet Coeffiecient 0.800

Manhole Headloss Coeff (Global) 0.500 Flow per Person per Day (l/per/day) 0.000Foul Sewage per hectare (l/s) 0.000

Number of Input Hydrographs 0 Number of Storage Structures 1Number of Online Controls 1 Number of Time/Area Diagrams 0Number of Offline Controls 0 Number of Real Time Controls 0

Synthetic Rainfall DetailsRainfall Model FEH Data Type Point

FEH Rainfall Version 2013 Cv (Summer) 0.750Site Location GB 437138 292102 Cv (Winter) 0.840

Margin for Flood Risk Warning (mm) 300.0 DVD Status ONAnalysis Timestep Fine Inertia Status ON

DTS Status ON

Profile(s) Summer and WinterDuration(s) (mins) 15, 30, 60, 120, 180, 240, 360, 480, 600,

720, 960, 1440, 2160, 2880, 4320, 5760,7200, 8640, 10080

Return Period(s) (years) 2, 30, 100Climate Change (%) 0, 0, 40

PNUS/MHName Storm



First (X)Surcharge

First (Y)Flood

First (Z)Overflow


S1.000 S1 15 Winter 100 +40% 100/15 SummerS1.001 S2 15 Winter 100 +40% 30/15 Summer 100/15 SummerS2.000 S3 15 Winter 100 +40% 100/15 SummerS1.002 S3 15 Winter 100 +40% 30/15 Summer 100/15 SummerS3.000 S5 15 Winter 100 +40% 100/15 SummerS1.003 S4 600 Summer 100 +40% 30/15 Summer 100/180 WinterS4.000 S7 15 Winter 100 +40% 100/15 SummerS1.004 S5 15 Winter 100 +40% 30/15 Summer 100/360 SummerS5.000 S9 180 Winter 100 +40% 100/15 SummerS1.005 S6 240 Summer 100 +40% 30/15 Summer 100/480 SummerS6.000 S11 600 Summer 100 +40% 100/120 WinterS1.006 S7 240 Summer 100 +40% 30/15 SummerS7.000 S13 600 Summer 100 +40% 100/120 Winter 100/480 SummerS1.007 S8 600 Summer 100 +40% 30/15 Summer 100/480 SummerS8.000 S15 720 Winter 100 +40% 100/120 Winter 100/480 SummerS9.000 S16 240 Winter 100 +40% 100/120 WinterS9.001 S17 240 Winter 100 +40% 100/15 SummerS9.002 S18 720 Winter 100 +40% 100/15 Summer 100/480 SummerS9.003 S16 720 Winter 100 +40% 100/15 Summer 100/180 Winter

RAB Consultants Ltd Page 8Cathedral House Oaston RdBeacon StreetLichfield WS13 7AADate 09-Jun-17 1:59 PM Designed by THFile DRAINAGE DESIGN V7 - UP... Checked by GWMicro Drainage Network 2017.1.1

100 year Return Period Summary of Critical Results by Maximum Level (Rank1) for Storm

©1982-2017 XP Solutions


Water Level(m)



Flow /Cap.


PipeFlow(l/s) Status


S1.000 S1 84.534 0.032 0.000 0.16 10.1 SURCHARGEDS1.001 S2 84.484 1.205 4.745 1.14 26.4 FLOOD 4S2.000 S3 84.569 0.154 0.000 0.17 10.8 SURCHARGEDS1.002 S3 84.536 1.530 0.518 1.18 27.8 FLOOD 2S3.000 S5 84.551 0.472 0.000 0.17 8.4 SURCHARGEDS1.003 S4 84.682 2.023 0.735 0.29 6.3 FLOOD 1S4.000 S7 84.456 0.499 0.000 0.22 7.9 SURCHARGEDS1.004 S5 84.439 1.939 0.000 1.34 31.8 SURCHARGEDS5.000 S9 84.062 0.301 0.000 0.06 2.0 SURCHARGEDS1.005 S6 84.099 1.989 0.000 0.94 20.0 SURCHARGEDS6.000 S11 84.062 0.267 0.000 0.01 0.9 SURCHARGEDS1.006 S7 84.096 2.112 0.000 1.23 28.5 SURCHARGEDS7.000 S13 84.017 0.285 0.000 0.01 0.7 SURCHARGEDS1.007 S8 84.218 2.511 0.000 0.38 12.1 SURCHARGEDS8.000 S15 84.007 0.386 0.000 0.02 0.8 SURCHARGEDS9.000 S16 83.998 0.197 0.000 0.05 1.0 SURCHARGEDS9.001 S17 83.996 0.361 0.000 0.09 2.4 SURCHARGEDS9.002 S18 84.037 0.725 0.000 0.06 2.0 SURCHARGEDS9.003 S16 84.002 1.058 0.000 0.11 2.5 FLOOD RISK

RAB Consultants Ltd Page 9Cathedral House Oaston RdBeacon StreetLichfield WS13 7AADate 09-Jun-17 1:59 PM Designed by THFile DRAINAGE DESIGN V7 - UP... Checked by GWMicro Drainage Network 2017.1.1

100 year Return Period Summary of Critical Results by Maximum Level (Rank1) for Storm

©1982-2017 XP Solutions

PNUS/MHName Storm



First (X)Surcharge

First (Y)Flood

First (Z)Overflow


S9.004 S17 720 Winter 100 +40% 100/15 Summer 100/480 SummerS1.008 S9 360 Winter 100 +40% 2/180 Summer 100/120 Winter


Water Level(m)



Flow /Cap.


PipeFlow(l/s) Status


S9.004 S17 84.009 1.272 0.000 0.14 3.4 SURCHARGEDS1.008 S9 83.966 2.416 21.915 0.10 4.7 FLOOD 14


Version 3.0

16 | P a g e

Appendix E –Micro-drainage results


Version 3.0

17 | P a g e

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Version 3.0

18 | P a g e

RAB Consultants Ltd Page 1Cathedral House Oaston RdBeacon StreetLichfield WS13 7AADate 09-Jun-17 1:56 PM Designed by THFile DRAINAGE DESIGN V6 - UP... Checked by GWMicro Drainage Network 2017.1.1

2 year Return Period Summary of Critical Results by Maximum Level (Rank 1)for Storm

©1982-2017 XP Solutions

Simulation CriteriaAreal Reduction Factor 1.000 Additional Flow - % of Total Flow 0.000

Hot Start (mins) 0 MADD Factor * 10m³/ha Storage 2.000Hot Start Level (mm) 0 Inlet Coeffiecient 0.800

Manhole Headloss Coeff (Global) 0.500 Flow per Person per Day (l/per/day) 0.000Foul Sewage per hectare (l/s) 0.000

Number of Input Hydrographs 0 Number of Storage Structures 1Number of Online Controls 1 Number of Time/Area Diagrams 0Number of Offline Controls 0 Number of Real Time Controls 0

Synthetic Rainfall DetailsRainfall Model FEH Data Type Point

FEH Rainfall Version 2013 Cv (Summer) 0.750Site Location GB 437138 292102 Cv (Winter) 0.840

Margin for Flood Risk Warning (mm) 300.0Analysis Timestep 2.5 Second Increment (Extended)

DTS Status ONDVD Status ON

Inertia Status ON

Profile(s) Summer and WinterDuration(s) (mins) 15, 30, 60, 120, 180, 240, 360, 480, 600,

720, 960, 1440, 2160, 2880, 4320, 5760,7200, 8640, 10080

Return Period(s) (years) 2, 30, 100Climate Change (%) 0, 0, 40

PNUS/MHName Storm



First (X)Surcharge

First (Y)Flood

First (Z)Overflow


S1.000 S1 15 Winter 2 +0% 100/15 SummerS1.001 S2 15 Winter 2 +0% 30/15 Summer 100/15 SummerS2.000 S3 15 Winter 2 +0% 100/15 SummerS1.002 S3 15 Winter 2 +0% 30/15 Summer 100/15 SummerS3.000 S5 15 Winter 2 +0% 100/15 SummerS1.003 S4 15 Winter 2 +0% 30/15 SummerS4.000 S7 15 Winter 2 +0% 100/15 SummerS1.004 S5 15 Winter 2 +0% 30/15 SummerS5.000 S9 15 Winter 2 +0% 100/15 SummerS1.005 S6 15 Winter 2 +0% 30/15 SummerS6.000 S11 15 Winter 2 +0% 100/180 WinterS1.006 S7 15 Winter 2 +0% 30/15 SummerS7.000 S13 15 Winter 2 +0% 100/120 WinterS1.007 S8 15 Winter 2 +0% 30/15 SummerS8.000 S15 15 Winter 2 +0% 100/120 WinterS9.000 S16 15 Winter 2 +0% 100/180 WinterS9.001 S17 15 Winter 2 +0% 100/15 Summer

RAB Consultants Ltd Page 2Cathedral House Oaston RdBeacon StreetLichfield WS13 7AADate 09-Jun-17 1:56 PM Designed by THFile DRAINAGE DESIGN V6 - UP... Checked by GWMicro Drainage Network 2017.1.1

2 year Return Period Summary of Critical Results by Maximum Level (Rank 1)for Storm

©1982-2017 XP Solutions


Water Level(m)



Flow /Cap.


PipeFlow(l/s) Status


S1.000 S1 84.372 -0.131 0.000 0.04 2.5 OKS1.001 S2 83.172 -0.108 0.000 0.17 4.0 OK 4S2.000 S3 84.284 -0.130 0.000 0.04 2.8 OKS1.002 S3 82.918 -0.088 0.000 0.34 8.1 OK 2S3.000 S5 83.949 -0.130 0.000 0.04 2.1 OKS1.003 S4 82.585 -0.074 0.000 0.50 10.9 OKS4.000 S7 83.830 -0.127 0.000 0.06 2.0 OKS1.004 S5 82.434 -0.067 0.000 0.58 13.8 OKS5.000 S9 83.636 -0.125 0.000 0.06 1.9 OKS1.005 S6 82.060 -0.050 0.000 0.78 16.5 OKS6.000 S11 83.659 -0.135 0.000 0.02 1.7 OKS1.006 S7 81.939 -0.045 0.000 0.83 19.2 OKS7.000 S13 83.592 -0.140 0.000 0.01 1.3 OKS1.007 S8 81.636 -0.071 0.000 0.66 21.2 OKS8.000 S15 83.492 -0.129 0.000 0.05 2.4 OKS9.000 S16 83.674 -0.127 0.000 0.06 1.2 OKS9.001 S17 83.516 -0.118 0.000 0.10 2.6 OK

RAB Consultants Ltd Page 3Cathedral House Oaston RdBeacon StreetLichfield WS13 7AADate 09-Jun-17 1:56 PM Designed by THFile DRAINAGE DESIGN V6 - UP... Checked by GWMicro Drainage Network 2017.1.1

2 year Return Period Summary of Critical Results by Maximum Level (Rank 1)for Storm

©1982-2017 XP Solutions

PNUS/MHName Storm



First (X)Surcharge

First (Y)Flood

First (Z)Overflow


S9.002 S18 15 Winter 2 +0% 100/15 SummerS9.003 S16 15 Winter 2 +0% 100/15 SummerS9.004 S17 15 Winter 2 +0% 100/15 SummerS1.008 S9 240 Winter 2 +0% 30/30 Summer 100/180 Winter


Water Level(m)



Flow /Cap.


PipeFlow(l/s) Status


S9.002 S18 83.202 -0.110 0.000 0.15 4.9 OKS9.003 S16 82.848 -0.096 0.000 0.28 6.2 OKS9.004 S17 82.650 -0.088 0.000 0.36 8.4 OKS1.008 S9 81.500 -0.050 0.000 0.06 3.1 OK 4

RAB Consultants Ltd Page 4Cathedral House Oaston RdBeacon StreetLichfield WS13 7AADate 09-Jun-17 1:56 PM Designed by THFile DRAINAGE DESIGN V6 - UP... Checked by GWMicro Drainage Network 2017.1.1

30 year Return Period Summary of Critical Results by Maximum Level (Rank 1)for Storm

©1982-2017 XP Solutions

Simulation CriteriaAreal Reduction Factor 1.000 Additional Flow - % of Total Flow 0.000

Hot Start (mins) 0 MADD Factor * 10m³/ha Storage 2.000Hot Start Level (mm) 0 Inlet Coeffiecient 0.800

Manhole Headloss Coeff (Global) 0.500 Flow per Person per Day (l/per/day) 0.000Foul Sewage per hectare (l/s) 0.000

Number of Input Hydrographs 0 Number of Storage Structures 1Number of Online Controls 1 Number of Time/Area Diagrams 0Number of Offline Controls 0 Number of Real Time Controls 0

Synthetic Rainfall DetailsRainfall Model FEH Data Type Point

FEH Rainfall Version 2013 Cv (Summer) 0.750Site Location GB 437138 292102 Cv (Winter) 0.840

Margin for Flood Risk Warning (mm) 300.0Analysis Timestep 2.5 Second Increment (Extended)

DTS Status ONDVD Status ON

Inertia Status ON

Profile(s) Summer and WinterDuration(s) (mins) 15, 30, 60, 120, 180, 240, 360, 480, 600,

720, 960, 1440, 2160, 2880, 4320, 5760,7200, 8640, 10080

Return Period(s) (years) 2, 30, 100Climate Change (%) 0, 0, 40

PNUS/MHName Storm



First (X)Surcharge

First (Y)Flood

First (Z)Overflow


S1.000 S1 15 Winter 30 +0% 100/15 SummerS1.001 S2 15 Winter 30 +0% 30/15 Summer 100/15 SummerS2.000 S3 15 Winter 30 +0% 100/15 SummerS1.002 S3 15 Winter 30 +0% 30/15 Summer 100/15 SummerS3.000 S5 15 Winter 30 +0% 100/15 SummerS1.003 S4 15 Winter 30 +0% 30/15 SummerS4.000 S7 15 Winter 30 +0% 100/15 SummerS1.004 S5 15 Winter 30 +0% 30/15 SummerS5.000 S9 15 Winter 30 +0% 100/15 SummerS1.005 S6 15 Winter 30 +0% 30/15 SummerS6.000 S11 15 Winter 30 +0% 100/180 WinterS1.006 S7 15 Winter 30 +0% 30/15 SummerS7.000 S13 15 Winter 30 +0% 100/120 WinterS1.007 S8 15 Winter 30 +0% 30/15 SummerS8.000 S15 15 Winter 30 +0% 100/120 WinterS9.000 S16 15 Winter 30 +0% 100/180 WinterS9.001 S17 15 Winter 30 +0% 100/15 Summer

RAB Consultants Ltd Page 5Cathedral House Oaston RdBeacon StreetLichfield WS13 7AADate 09-Jun-17 1:56 PM Designed by THFile DRAINAGE DESIGN V6 - UP... Checked by GWMicro Drainage Network 2017.1.1

30 year Return Period Summary of Critical Results by Maximum Level (Rank 1)for Storm

©1982-2017 XP Solutions


Water Level(m)



Flow /Cap.


PipeFlow(l/s) Status


S1.000 S1 84.382 -0.120 0.000 0.09 5.4 OKS1.001 S2 83.570 0.291 0.000 0.39 9.1 SURCHARGED 4S2.000 S3 84.295 -0.119 0.000 0.09 6.1 OKS1.002 S3 83.540 0.534 0.000 0.69 16.2 SURCHARGED 2S3.000 S5 83.960 -0.119 0.000 0.09 4.6 OKS1.003 S4 83.387 0.728 0.000 0.95 20.7 SURCHARGEDS4.000 S7 83.842 -0.115 0.000 0.12 4.4 OKS1.004 S5 83.245 0.744 0.000 1.11 26.2 SURCHARGEDS5.000 S9 83.648 -0.113 0.000 0.14 4.3 OKS1.005 S6 82.767 0.657 0.000 1.47 31.1 SURCHARGEDS6.000 S11 83.665 -0.130 0.000 0.04 3.8 OKS1.006 S7 82.493 0.509 0.000 1.57 36.3 SURCHARGEDS7.000 S13 83.599 -0.133 0.000 0.03 2.8 OKS1.007 S8 81.796 0.090 0.000 1.26 40.3 SURCHARGEDS8.000 S15 83.503 -0.118 0.000 0.10 5.2 OKS9.000 S16 83.686 -0.115 0.000 0.12 2.7 OKS9.001 S17 83.535 -0.099 0.000 0.25 6.6 OK

RAB Consultants Ltd Page 6Cathedral House Oaston RdBeacon StreetLichfield WS13 7AADate 09-Jun-17 1:56 PM Designed by THFile DRAINAGE DESIGN V6 - UP... Checked by GWMicro Drainage Network 2017.1.1

30 year Return Period Summary of Critical Results by Maximum Level (Rank 1)for Storm

©1982-2017 XP Solutions

PNUS/MHName Storm



First (X)Surcharge

First (Y)Flood

First (Z)Overflow


S9.002 S18 15 Winter 30 +0% 100/15 SummerS9.003 S16 15 Winter 30 +0% 100/15 SummerS9.004 S17 15 Winter 30 +0% 100/15 SummerS1.008 S9 240 Winter 30 +0% 30/30 Summer 100/180 Winter


Water Level(m)



Flow /Cap.


PipeFlow(l/s) Status


S9.002 S18 83.229 -0.084 0.000 0.40 13.1 OKS9.003 S16 82.891 -0.054 0.000 0.73 16.5 OKS9.004 S17 82.704 -0.033 0.000 0.96 22.5 OKS1.008 S9 81.684 0.134 0.000 0.07 3.2 SURCHARGED 4

RAB Consultants Ltd Page 7Cathedral House Oaston RdBeacon StreetLichfield WS13 7AADate 09-Jun-17 1:56 PM Designed by THFile DRAINAGE DESIGN V6 - UP... Checked by GWMicro Drainage Network 2017.1.1

100 year Return Period Summary of Critical Results by Maximum Level (Rank1) for Storm

©1982-2017 XP Solutions

Simulation CriteriaAreal Reduction Factor 1.000 Additional Flow - % of Total Flow 0.000

Hot Start (mins) 0 MADD Factor * 10m³/ha Storage 2.000Hot Start Level (mm) 0 Inlet Coeffiecient 0.800

Manhole Headloss Coeff (Global) 0.500 Flow per Person per Day (l/per/day) 0.000Foul Sewage per hectare (l/s) 0.000

Number of Input Hydrographs 0 Number of Storage Structures 1Number of Online Controls 1 Number of Time/Area Diagrams 0Number of Offline Controls 0 Number of Real Time Controls 0

Synthetic Rainfall DetailsRainfall Model FEH Data Type Point

FEH Rainfall Version 2013 Cv (Summer) 0.750Site Location GB 437138 292102 Cv (Winter) 0.840

Margin for Flood Risk Warning (mm) 300.0Analysis Timestep 2.5 Second Increment (Extended)

DTS Status ONDVD Status ON

Inertia Status ON

Profile(s) Summer and WinterDuration(s) (mins) 15, 30, 60, 120, 180, 240, 360, 480, 600,

720, 960, 1440, 2160, 2880, 4320, 5760,7200, 8640, 10080

Return Period(s) (years) 2, 30, 100Climate Change (%) 0, 0, 40

PNUS/MHName Storm



First (X)Surcharge

First (Y)Flood

First (Z)Overflow


S1.000 S1 15 Winter 100 +40% 100/15 SummerS1.001 S2 15 Winter 100 +40% 30/15 Summer 100/15 SummerS2.000 S3 15 Winter 100 +40% 100/15 SummerS1.002 S3 15 Winter 100 +40% 30/15 Summer 100/15 SummerS3.000 S5 15 Winter 100 +40% 100/15 SummerS1.003 S4 15 Winter 100 +40% 30/15 SummerS4.000 S7 15 Winter 100 +40% 100/15 SummerS1.004 S5 15 Winter 100 +40% 30/15 SummerS5.000 S9 240 Winter 100 +40% 100/15 SummerS1.005 S6 240 Winter 100 +40% 30/15 SummerS6.000 S11 240 Winter 100 +40% 100/180 WinterS1.006 S7 240 Winter 100 +40% 30/15 SummerS7.000 S13 240 Winter 100 +40% 100/120 WinterS1.007 S8 240 Winter 100 +40% 30/15 SummerS8.000 S15 360 Winter 100 +40% 100/120 WinterS9.000 S16 240 Winter 100 +40% 100/180 WinterS9.001 S17 240 Winter 100 +40% 100/15 Summer

RAB Consultants Ltd Page 8Cathedral House Oaston RdBeacon StreetLichfield WS13 7AADate 09-Jun-17 1:56 PM Designed by THFile DRAINAGE DESIGN V6 - UP... Checked by GWMicro Drainage Network 2017.1.1

100 year Return Period Summary of Critical Results by Maximum Level (Rank1) for Storm

©1982-2017 XP Solutions


Water Level(m)



Flow /Cap.


PipeFlow(l/s) Status


S1.000 S1 84.534 0.032 0.000 0.16 10.1 SURCHARGEDS1.001 S2 84.484 1.205 4.744 1.14 26.4 FLOOD 4S2.000 S3 84.569 0.154 0.000 0.17 10.8 SURCHARGEDS1.002 S3 84.536 1.530 0.518 1.18 27.8 FLOOD 2S3.000 S5 84.551 0.472 0.000 0.17 8.4 SURCHARGEDS1.003 S4 84.529 1.870 0.000 1.33 29.1 FLOOD RISKS4.000 S7 84.456 0.499 0.000 0.22 7.9 SURCHARGEDS1.004 S5 84.439 1.939 0.000 1.34 31.8 SURCHARGEDS5.000 S9 83.997 0.236 0.000 0.05 1.6 SURCHARGEDS1.005 S6 83.996 1.886 0.000 0.68 14.3 SURCHARGEDS6.000 S11 83.984 0.190 0.000 0.02 1.4 SURCHARGEDS1.006 S7 83.984 2.000 0.000 0.72 16.7 SURCHARGEDS7.000 S13 83.959 0.227 0.000 0.01 1.0 SURCHARGEDS1.007 S8 83.959 2.252 0.000 0.57 18.3 SURCHARGEDS8.000 S15 83.951 0.330 0.000 0.03 1.4 SURCHARGEDS9.000 S16 83.978 0.177 0.000 0.05 1.0 SURCHARGEDS9.001 S17 83.977 0.343 0.000 0.09 2.4 SURCHARGED

RAB Consultants Ltd Page 9Cathedral House Oaston RdBeacon StreetLichfield WS13 7AADate 09-Jun-17 1:56 PM Designed by THFile DRAINAGE DESIGN V6 - UP... Checked by GWMicro Drainage Network 2017.1.1

100 year Return Period Summary of Critical Results by Maximum Level (Rank1) for Storm

©1982-2017 XP Solutions

PNUS/MHName Storm



First (X)Surcharge

First (Y)Flood

First (Z)Overflow


S9.002 S18 240 Winter 100 +40% 100/15 SummerS9.003 S16 240 Winter 100 +40% 100/15 SummerS9.004 S17 240 Winter 100 +40% 100/15 SummerS1.008 S9 360 Winter 100 +40% 30/30 Summer 100/180 Winter


Water Level(m)



Flow /Cap.


PipeFlow(l/s) Status


S9.002 S18 83.973 0.661 0.000 0.14 4.6 SURCHARGEDS9.003 S16 83.967 1.023 0.000 0.26 5.9 FLOOD RISKS9.004 S17 83.959 1.222 0.000 0.34 8.0 SURCHARGEDS1.008 S9 83.950 2.400 5.816 0.10 5.0 FLOOD 4

top related