o dewel kamell i tchawen o del kamel e shaworen€¦ · bari paramicha. anglunes sas sa tumnyariko,...

Post on 05-Nov-2020






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O Dewel kamell i tchawenO Del kamel e shaworen

O Dewel kamell i tchawenO Del kamel e shaworen

Zweisprachige Kinderbibel in Romanes (Sinti-Dialekt und Kalderasch-Dialekt)

© 2015 Romanes-Arbeit Marburg e.V.


Mari phub hi shukar. Glan i raha tsiro his ap i phub rati. Kote penas o

Dewel: „Mu well diwes!“ Koi was diwes. O Dewel kras o bolepen, o brishin un o baro pani. Ap i phub mukas lo senlepen win well, blumi un ruka. O Dewel kras menge momlia ap o bolepen. O tchon un i wawar bolepangre momlia sikrennn menge, kaana i rati hi. O kham sikrell, kaana o diwes hi. Pal kowa kras lo i fichen, i tchirkle an o bolepen, un i matche an o pani. Job kras ninna fichen, kai ap i phub djiwenna. Kolla hin baro un tikno, pesso un sano, lokes und sik. Kanna kras o Dewel i menshen. Job kras len jaake, har job hi. Un o Dewel dikas, te hi halauter mishto, hoi job kras.

Amari lumya dista shukar. La si yek bari paramicha. Anglunes sas sa

tumnyariko, o Del kerda sa shwatlo pe lumya. O Del kerda wulwera tai brishind, cheri tai mera. Pe shuki phuv mekla o Del te barol char, luludja tai kopacha. O Del da e lumya shwatlura, kai phabon ando cheri. Cheraya hai o sholontiko phabon ande rat. Po djes phabol o kham. Atunshi kerda o Del e wijentura. Ando cheri hulan e chirikla. Ande mera tai ande folowora si sa mashe. O Del kerda wijentura kai trayin ando them. Si bare, tsignore, thule hai sane. Gader kerdjila trayo pe gadi lumya. O Del kerda manushen. Lenge si o Del pashe. Po statno phenda o Del: So godi si mishto.


O Adam un i Eva hins i erste menshi ap i phub. O Dewel kras lenge

i shukar baar. Koi baar kharas Eden. Kote his bud senlepen un shukar ruka, kai nai lenn le peske chapen tele, jaake bud har jon kaman. Kokres jek ruk his kote, kai penas o Dewel: „Ma chan kolestar, te merenn gar!“ Ap jek diwes was i tchilatcho sap pash i Eva un penas: „Eva, dik ko shuker chapen ap ko ruk an, mmmh! Tchatchepah tu mereh gar, te chah kowa. Tu weh har o Dewel un djineh hoi latcho un tchilatcho hi.“ Un joi chas ko rukestar un das ninna o Adam te chal. Kote djas lenge i jaka pre, un jon ladjan pen un khatran pen glan o Debleste. O Dewel dikas len, un doleske kai shunan le gar ap leste, bitchras lo len win dran i baar Eden. Jaake was o tchilatchepen un o merepen ap i phub.

O Adam tai e Eva sas e anglune manush pe lumya. O Del kerda lenge yek shukar

barh, kai busholas Eden. Kote sas bud luludja tai kopacha, kai shai rhan pa lende. Kote sas ferdi yek kopachi, kai phenda o Del, te na rhan pa leste, ke atunshi si te meren. Ande yek djes awila yek nasul sap, karing e Eva hai phenda lake: „Phenda tchatches o Del, te na rhan katar e kopacha?“ E Eva phenda: „Ame tromas, te rhas katar e kopacha, ferdi katar yekh kopachi te na rhas.“ O sap phenda: „Chi meresa te rhasa katar o kopachi. Tu kerdjosa sarh o Del, hai janesa so si lasho tai choro.“ Tai e Eva la katar o kopachi hai rhala, hai da wi e Adamos te rhal. Atunshi puterdjile lenge e yaka, hai lajaile, hai garawenas pe angla Del. Apo o Del dikhla so godi. Hai kai chi ashunde po Del, musai sas te jan awri anda Eden.


O Dewel penell ap o Noah: „I baro pani wella ap i phub un tassell

halauter. Tu atchess djido. Kre tuke i baro panjeskro kheer!“ O Noah shunas ap o Dewel, un kras i baro panjeskro kheer. Kowa kharell Arche. O Noah, peskri romni un peskre tchawe djan dren an i Arche. O Dewel penell: „Le dui kotar hake tchirklendar un hake fichender pash tute an i Arche!“

O Del phenel e Noaske: Yekh bari buja si te awela tai sa pai awela,

apo tu si te trayisa. Lasharh tuke yekh bari damshika. O Noa ashunda po Del hai kisdil te lasharel e damshika. O Noa tai leski famelia anklen andre. O Del phenda: „Le anda trege wijentura dui tusa ande damshika.“


Star-desha diwessa was o brishin tele. I tseli phub his tellan o pani. An i

Arche was kek pani dren. Ap jek diwes was kek brishin buder tele. O Noah mukell tchirklen win. Har jek tchirklo pale was, his les i patri an o mui. Un o Noah djinell, te hi kek pani buder ap i phub. O Noah, peskri romni un peskre tchawe nai djan pale win. Kol tsele fiche, kai ninna an i Arche hins, djan pale ap i phub. O Dewel bistras o Noahes gar. O Noah parkrell pes pash o Dewel. Ap o bolepen well o brishineskro bogo. Kanna well pale halauter shukar ap i phub.

Brishind da starwaich djes tai racha. Chi yekh them chi mai birisas te

dikhes. E phuv sas sa tala pai. Ferdi ande damshika sas sa shuko. O brishind ashadjila. O Noa mekla te hulan dui chirikla. Yekh chirikli awila palpale. Hai sas la yekh patrin ando mui. Gader jangla o Noa, ke si e phuv shuki. O Noa tai leski famelia anklen le wijentontsa awri anda damshika. Won sas skepime. O Noa raduime sas, hai luwudilas le Dewles. Ando cheri phabolas yekh brishindesko semno.O trayo kisdilas de newes. E lumya pale shukar sas.


O Jakob hi o dad bud tchawentsa. Les hi deesh-te-dui tchawe. Jek

kolendar hi o Josef. O Jakob kamas les budeder har kol wawaren. Job kras leske i shukar ripen. Har kowa o Josefeskre phrala dikan, wan le tchilatcho ap leste. Jon bikran les. Un o Josef well an o them Egiptia anlo. O Dewel kamell o Josefes un mukell les gar kokres. An Israel his tchi buder te chal, un o Josef an Egiptia das peskre phralen te chal. Halauter wan tchalo un halauter wan pale khetne un kamenn pen.

O Jakob sas o dad katar yekh bari famelia. Wo trayilas peske desh-u-

dui shawentsa ando Kanaan.Yekh anda lende busholas Josef. O Jakob kamelas e Josefes dista but. Leske phral rholayle, ke chinda leske yekh shukar rocha. Leske phral dine les ando Egipto. O Del chi mekla les shora korhkoro.Ando Israel sas yekh bari bok. O Josefeske phral awile ando Egipto. O Josef dina le te rhan. Sa chaile sas. E famelia kerda pacha, pale khetane le.


O tchilatcho baro rai an Egiptia kamas i tsele tikne mursh tchawen

an o pani Nil te witsrell. O Moseskri dai khatras peskro tchawes an i korba un tchiwas les mank kol bare patria pash o pani Nil. O baro rajeskri tchai dikas o Moses an koi korba un las les pash peste, har te wals lo lakro tchawo. O Mose was baro. An Egiptia hunte budrenn leskre menshi phares un lan dawa. Jaake kamas kowa o baro rai. O Dewel penas, te lell o Mose len kote win. Job djas glan lende an ko them Kanaan. Kowa them das lenge o Dewel.

O choro kray anda Egipto, kai busholas Farao, kamla te mudarel e

Mosesos. Leski dey garada les ande yekh koshnitsa pasha o folowo. E krayeski she skepisardas les hai bararda les. Kana o Moses barila, jutinda les o Del, te skepil e narodos anda Egipto. O Moses tai leski phe, e Miriam, nayisarenas le Dewkeske khetane. O Del da e narodos yekh them, kai busholas Kanaan.


O Dewel penas o Moseseske desh laba for menge. Un job penas:

1. Me hom o baro Dewel un tut well kek wawar dewel har man.2. Tu kress tuke kek figura, hoi anmangeh. 3. Ma le miro lab „Baro Dewel“ tchitcheske an tiro mui! 4. Ma biste, kai hi o eftato diwes o Debles-kro diwes. Ap ko diwes kress tu kek budi. 5. Dik ap tiro dadeste un ap tiri date, te djal lenge mishto! 6. Ma mare kekes! 7. Romeha, ma dja i wawar djuwjaha! Romnija, ma dja i wawar mursheha! 8. Ma tchore! 9. Ma aan kek chochepen pre ap jekeste! 10. Ma rode gar, har nai less tu kowa tuke, hoi i wawares hi, leskro kheer, leskri romni, budepaskro, budepaskretsa, grumni, esla, tchi hoi i wawares hi.

O Del da ame desh sakonura, te trayinas pala lende.

1. Me sim cho Del, te na awel tut yekh awer Del.2. Na ker tuke yekh figura, kai rudjis tu late! 3. Na melar e Dewlesko anav! 4. Na buchasin ando eftato djes, ke godo djes si le Dewlesko. 5. Le sama katar cho dad hai katar chi dey, te jal tuke mishto. 6. Na mudar! 7. Mursh, na hamin tut kai yekh awer juwli! Juwli, na hamin tut kai yekh awer mursh! 8. Na chor! 9. Na worbin rhorhaimo pa awer! 10. Na av sa drosno pe aweresko kherh, leski juwli, leske buchara, hai chi na pe leske wijentura, tai so si aweres.


O Davides hi ochto phrala, job hi o ternester. Leskre phrala hin lurde

pash o rai Saul. O Goliat tchingrell ap lende un lengro Debleste. O rai Saul djinell gar, hoi te krell lo. Leskre lurden hin traash glan ko baro sorelo murshes Goliat. O David hi terno, un les hi kek traash. Job djinell, te hi o Dewel pash leste. O David lell jek bar, tchiwell les an i witsepaskri un witsell ko bar sik ap o Goliateskro shero. O Goliat perell tele. Kanna hunte trashell kek buder lestar.

O David sas o mai terno katar e orhto phral. Leske bare phral sas khetani

kai o kray Saul. O David beshelas khere, hai lelas sama pe bakra. Wo sas terno, apo dista godjawer. O kray Saul trubulas les jutimo. Leske khetani daranas katar o baro Goliat. O David kamelas te jutil. Ando ilo sas o David suralo, ke janelas, ke kamel o Del e kowlen. O David pachalas ando Del. Yekh baro miraklo maladjol: O David nerisardas e bare Goliates peske blotsasa.


O baro Dewel dell jak ap mande har i bakrengro ap peskre bakre. Job

dell mange halauter, hoi man hunte well an o djipen. Job dell mange chapen un latcho pani. Un job dell mange newi soor. Man hi kek traash buder glan tchilatche menshende. Job hi pash mande. Un job krell hako diwes peskro dji mange pre jake raha har me djiwau. Me atchau an o baro Debleskro kheer hako tsiro.

O baro Del lel sama pe amende, sarh kai lel o bakrari sama pe peske

bakra. Wo del man so godi so trubul man ande muro trayo. Wo del man rhabe tai lasho pai. Wo del man newi sorh. Me chi mai darav katar e nasul manush, ke wo lo mantsa. Wo pudrel swako djes pesko ilo mange, dji kana me trayiwa. Me beshav uwek ande lesko kherh.


O Dewel kamell, te djal o Jona an ko them Ninive. Job hunte penell

i menshenge, te krenn le kek tchilatcho koowa buder. Les hi traash. Job nashell pash o baro pani un djal ap i panjeskro ulepaskro. O Dewel bitchrell i baro sorelo ducho. Un o ulepaskro kamell tele te djal. O Jona penell ap i wawar murshende: „Witsrenn man an o baro pani!“ Un i mursha krenn kowa. Kote well jek baro matcho. Kowa lell o Jona an peskro mui. Un o Jona hunte atchell triin diwessa an leskro per. Kanna haiwell job, hoi o Dewel kamell. O baro matcho tchungrell les pale win. O Jona djal kanna an ko them Ninive un penell kol menshenge kote o Debleskro lab. Un jon mukenn pengro tchilatcho drom: Jon kamenn kanna jaake te djiwell, har o Dewel kamella.

O Del dina e Jonas yekh bari buchi. Wo musai sas te phenel e

manushenge ando foro Ninive te meken o choro drom, hai te jan po lasho drom. O Jona daralas hai nashla dji kai mera. Wo chi kamla te jal ando Ninive. Yekh damshika la les pesa. Yekh bari buja sas, ke o Jona chi ashunda po Del. Anda godo shude les e mursh ando pai. Yekh baro masho nakada e Jonas tele. Akana acharda o Jona so kamelas o Del lestar. Wo sas gata te kerel, godo so mangel lestar o Del. Atunshi chungarda les o baro masho awri po them. Pala godo stape po drom ando Ninive te phenel e manushenge e worba le Dewleski. Akana kamle e manush anda Ninive te keren sa mai mishto. Won pachan ando Del, tai o Del yerhtil lenge.


O Daniel kamell o Debles. Hako diwes rakrell lo leha. O Daniel hunte djal

an jek them, kote kamenn i menshi gar, te rakrell lo o Debleha. Har shunas lo gar ap lende, witsran i menshe les pash i löwi an i gruba. O Dewell atchell o tselo tsiro pash leste. Doleske chan les i löwi gar pre.

O Daniel pachalas ando Del. Swako djes rudjilas pe. Godo sas leske

mishto. E khetani inkerde les ande yekh streyno them. Won chi kamle te rudjil pe kau Del. O Daniel chi ashunda, wo chi birilas godo. Wo rudjilas pe swako djes mai durh. Anda godo shude les ande gropa katar e rigisura. O Del la sama katar o Daniel. E rigisura chi rhale les!


O rai Ahasveros rodas i newi rani. Leskre budepangre djan win un

rodenn shukar terne djuwja. Kolen anenn le pash o rajeste. O rajes his ninna i budepaskro, kai his i biboldo. Pash leste djiwas i terni tchai leskre menshendar, kai kokres hi. Koja kharell Ester. Joi was pash o rajeste anlo. Har o rai i Ester dikas, kamas lo lat budeder har i wawaren. Un joi was leskri rani. An ko foro djiwas ninna i tchilatcho mursh. Kowa kharas Haman. Job kamas, te wenn i tsele bibolde an o them maredo. Har i Ester kowa shunas, djas li pash o rajeste un mangas lestar, te mukenn le lakre menshen djido. O rai shunas ap late un kras, te nai atchenn i bibolde djido. Un jon kran i baro festo.

O kray Ahasverus roda yekh newi krayeskina. Leske buchara rodenas

ando them pala shukar juwla. Yekh anda leske buchara sas jidowo. Les sas yekh kusinka, kai busholas Ester. Won inkerde la kai o kray. Kana o kray dikhla e Ester, kamla la mai bud sarh e awren. Hai woi kerdjila leski krayeskina. Yekh awer buchari, kai busholas Haman, djondjindas te mudaren e jidowon, kai trayinas ando krayesko them. Lake sas mila so keren lake narodosa, anda godo gila kai o kray hai phendas leske, so kamel te kerel lesko buchari o Haman. Kana ashunda o kray godo, kerda godo so birindas te shai trayin e jidowora mai angle. E jidowora raduisaile tai khelenas.


I Maria un o Josef hin bachtelo. An jek tikno kheer an Betlehem was o Jesus

boldo. I Maria tchiwas pherne trul leste, un tchiwas les kote dre, kai o chapen i fichenge dre tchiddo wella. An i kertchima his len kek tchiben. Win shunenn i bakrengre i bolepangre giwell. Jon krenn pen ap o drom un djan an ko foro Betlehem.

E Maria tai o Josef sas raduime. Ande yekh stalla ando Betlehem arakadjilo

o Jesus. E Maria pangla les ande pherne, tai sta les kote andre, kai rhanas e wijentura. Ke ando kherh nas tan e terne fameliake. E Maria tai o Josef janenas, ke si o Jesus yekh hiresho shaworo. Pe mala ashunde e bakrara, ke djilaben e anjelura pa Jesus. Won ste pe po drom, te jan ando Betlehem, te dikhen e Jesuses.


Har o Jesus boldo was, his i baro sterno ap o bolepen. Triin mursha

djan kote, kai o sterno hi. O sterno anas len an ko foro Betlehem. Kol mursha kran bare jaka, har dikan le o Debleskro tchawo. Jon anan leske latcho koowa un sharan o Debles.

Kana o Jesus arakadjilo, phabolas jek hiresho cherai ando cheri. E manush

chudinas pe. Trin godjawer mursh pirenas pala o cherai. O cherai inkerda le ando Betlehem. E mursh raduisaile te dikhen e Dewleske shawes. Won denas changa, rudjinas pe hai anenas e Jesusoske panyolki.


O Johanni djiwell an i mulo them, leskri plaashka hi dran fichengre

balla, un i ledertikri dori hi trul leste. Job penell i menshenge: „Mukenn tumaro tchilatchepen, un awenn pash o Dewel, un lenn leskro thopen!“ Bud menshi wenn pash leste un penenn lengro tchilatcho koowa. O Johanni thowell len an o pani Jordan. Kanna hi len kek doosh buder. Ninna o Jesus mukas pes o Johannestar an o pani thowell. I menshi putchan o Johanni, hoi te krenn le kanna. Job penas lenge: „Te hi tut dui gada, de jek koleste, kai les kek hi. Un kones chapen hi, kowa dell koleste i paash, kones tchi hi.“

O Johannes trayilas ande pusta watra. Leske gada sas kerde anda

bal katar e wijentura. Pe leste sas yekh prashtja. Wo rhalas grastore tai mjodo. Wo phendas e manushenge: „Pharuwen tumaro trayo, awen kai o Del, hai bolen tume!“ But manush awile leste, hai mangle penge yerhtimo katar o Del, hai o Johannes bolda le ando folowo Jordan. Akana sas skepime katar e beserha. Wi o Jesus mekla te bolel les o Johannes. E manush bushle e Johanneses so te keren. Wo phendas lenge: „Kas si dui gada te del godeles yekh kai nai les. Hai godo kai si les rhabe, te del godoles topash kai si bokalo.“


I menshi anan peskre tchawen pash o Jesus, te tchiwell lo peskre wasta ap

lende, te mangell lo o Debles, te dikell job latches ap lende. Leskre mala tchingran ap i menshende, kai anan pengre tchawen. Har o Jesus kowa dikas, penas lo: „Mukenn i tchawe pash mande te well! Ma rikrenn len pale!“ Un o Jesus las len an i mussi, tchiwas i wasta ap lende un rakras o Debleskri bacht pral lende win. O Jesus kamell hake tchawen, un hakeno nai wella pash leste.

E manush anenas shaworen kai o Jesus, te swintsol le hai te shol was

pe lende. Leske apostlura tsipinas pe manush, kai anenas e shaworen. Kana o Jesus godo dikhla phenda lenge: „Meken te awen e shawore mande, na inkren le mandar!“ E shawore awenas kai o Jesus. O Jesus la le ando was, sta peske was pe lende, hai swintsonda le. O Jesus kamel sa e shaworen, swako shai awel leste.


O Jesuseskre mala ulrenn ap o baro pani. Kote was i baro diwjo ducho,

un o pani djas pre te tele. Len his bari traash. O Jesuses his kek traash, job sowas. I mala djangran les pre: „Sikepaskro, mer tassah!“ O Jesus penas: „Diwjo ducho, here pre!“ Un o diwjo ducho phurdas buder gar. Un o baro pani djas buder gar pral te tele. I mala sharan o Jesuses. Jon djinenn kanna: O Jesus hi sorleder har o baro diwjo ducho.

E apostlura sas e Jesusosa ande damshika. Yekh bari barwal awila.

E damshika surales mishkilas pe. Sa daranas ferdi o Jesus chi daralas. Wo sowelas. E apostlura ushtawenas e Jesusos. „Raya, tele das!“ Atunshi phendas o Jesus: „Barwal, dosta akana!“ E barwal achadjila tai e mera kerdjila pachaki. E apostlura sas raduime. O Jesus si lasho. Wo si mai suralo katar e bari barwal.


Jek mursh djas ap o drom. Tchilatche mursha wenn pash leste, denn les

paash mulo, un lenn leske halauter krik, un mukenn les ap o drom tchiddo. Kote well jek rashai, un job djal sik dureder. I wawar mursh dikell les, un mukell les ninna kote tchiddo. Palle well jek wi-themari ap i esla un atchell tardo. Job dikell pal leste un khosell leskro rat tele. Ko mursh tchiwell les ap peskri esla, un anell les an i kertchima, kai nai sowell lo. Job dell lenge lowe, te nai atchell ko nasselo mursh koi. O Jesus kamell kowa, te dikenn i menshi ap kolende, kai lenge gar mishto hi, un hi lenge koi.

O Jesus phenda yekh paramicha: Yekh mursh gila pe yekh drom.

Atunshi dine nasul mursh pe leste, kai marde les, chorde les, hai kai mekle les kote pe phuv. Yekh mursh nakla lestar, hai gilatar sigo. Yekh awer nakla, dikhla les, hai wi godo mekla les kote pe phuv. Atunshi awila yekh streyno mursh anda Samaria pe yekh mula, dikhla sarh jal leske, hai khosla o rat pa leste. O mursh sta les pe mula, hai inkerda les ande yekh khirchima, kai shai sowel. Wo dina le lowe te shai beshel o naswalo lende ande khirchima. O Jesus kamel te las sama katar e manush, kai chi jal lenge gader mishto.


O Bartimeo nai budrell gar, kowa hi korelo. Job mangell ap o drom. Har

o Bartimeo shunas, kai o Jesus an ko foro was, das lo gole: „Jesus kre man sasto!“ O Jesus atchas tardo un kras les sasto. Job nai dikell pale. O Bartimeo atchell kanna pash o Jesuseste.

O Bartimeo chi birilas te djal pe buchi. Wo mangelas peske lowe,

ke koro sas. Swako djes beshelas pe rig le dromeski. O Bartimeo ashundas, ke si o Jesus ando foro. Wo tsipilas gader surales sarh birilas: „Jesus jutin man!“ O Jesus ashadjila po drom, hai sastarda les. O Bartimeo birilas pale te dikhel. Wo sas raduime! Akana kamla o Bartimeo te awel e Jesusosa.


I murshes his dui tchawe. Ko terneder kamas ko lowe, hoi te lell lo, te merell

peskro dad. Leskro dad das leske ko lowe. Un o tchawo las peskro koowa un djas an i wawar them. Job djiwas har i barwelo mursh, un das peskre tsele lowe win. Kote was i bari bok pral ko them, kai lo his. Palle djas lo pash i hacho. Kowa mukas les pash i bale, te dell lo garda ap lende. Les his sawi bari bok, te kamas lo kowa te chal, hoi i bale chan. Kote was leske leskro dad an o shero. Pash leste his bud te chal halautrenge. Job stas pre un djas pash peskro dadeste pale. Har o dad les dikas, khaitas o tchawo les. Job anas leske o feteder ripen un mukas o feteder chapen leske krell. O dad his bachtelo un penas: „Tchatchepah, miro tchawo his nashedo un was pale!“

O Jesus phendas yekh paramicha: Yekh murshes sas dui shawe. O mai terno kamla

e lowe, kai ashen leske te merela lesko dad. O dad da les e lowe mai anglal. Wo la peske djeli, hai gila ande yekh awer them. Wo trayindas yekh trayo sarh yekh barwalo, hai da e trege lowe awri. Atunshi awila yekh bari bok po them. Pala godo gila kai yekh bauro, hai bushla pala yekh buchi. O bauro inkerda les kai e bale, te lel sama pe lende. Les sas kasawi bari bok, ke kamelas te rhal godo so rhan e bale. Atunshi gindosailo kai pesko dad. Leske dades sas uwek swakoneske rhabe. Wo ushtilo hai gila palpale kai pesko dad. Kana dikhla les lesko dad, sas leske mila anda pesko shav. O dad nashla leste, hai la les ande was, hai chumida les. Wo anda leske e mai shukar rocha, hai o mai lasho rhabe. O dad sas raduime hai phenda: „Muro shav rhasailo, hai awila pale palpale.“


O Zacheo budrell i Remarjenge. Job lell lowe peskre menshendar, un

dell kol lowe i Remarjenge. Well ninna glan, te lell lo budeder har hunte lals lo un rikrell kowa peske. Kek kamell les. Job hi kokres. Har o Jesus an o foro was, kamas o Zacheo les dikell. Job hi tikno, un bud menshi hi trul leste. Doleske djas lo ap i ruk pre. O Jesus dikas les un dell gole: „Am tele! Me wau pash tute an tiro kheer.“ O Zacheo hi bachtelo. O Jesus hi kanna leskro maal, un job hi buder gar kokres. O Zacheo penell: „Me dau kol lowe pale, hoi mange rikrom, un dau len budeder har lom. Ninna dau i tchorwelende.“

O Zarheo beshelas kai granitsa hai chidelas e foroske lowe katar e

manush. Anda godo chi kamelas les konik. Wo ashelas peske korhkoro. Kana awila o Jesus ando foro, kamelas o Zarheo te dikhel les. Wo sas tsigno, hai but manush sas kote, anda godo ankla pe yekh kopachi. O Jesus dikhla les hai tsipilas: „Av tele, me kamav te awav ande cho kherh.“ O Zarheo sas raduime. O Jesus kamla te awel lesko kollega. O Zarheo phendas: „Me dav e manushen e lowe palpale hai mai but sarh kai lem lendar, hai me dav wi e choren.“


O Jesus hi maro latcho bakrengro, un mer ham leskre bakre.

O Jesus penell: Me hom i wudar. Te djal jek an kau wudar dre, kowa djal gar nashedo. Un job hatsell shukar senlepen chapaske. Me hom o latcho bakrengro. Me mukau miro djipen i bakrengre. Me pindjrau mire bakren, un jon pindjrenn man. Mire bakre shunenn ap miro rakepen, un jon djan mange palla. Un me dau len ko djipen, hoi gar pre herella. Kek nai tserdell len win dran miro un miro dadeskro wast.

O Jesus si amaro lasho bakrari, hai ame sam leske bakrora.

O Jesus phenel: Me sim o wudar! Te jala warekon ande godo wudar, si te awela skepime, hai rakela shukar seleno char te rhal. Me sim o lasho bakrari, hai me kamav mure bakran. Mure bakra ashunen pe muro glaso, hai piren pala ma. Me dav le o juwindo trayo, hai won chi rhasaiwona. Konik nashti lel le anda muro was, hai anda mure dadesko was.


O Jesus un leskre mala hi an i baar. Koi wenn lurde un taprenn o

Jesuses. Leskro maal, o Petro, nashell peske. Job dikell dural, har anenn le o Jesuses krik. O Petro djal kote, kai o Jesus stildo hi. Koi hi bud lurde. Les hi traash glan lende un penell, job prindjrell o Jesuses gar. Pal kowa rowell lo soreles. Job kamas ap peskro maleste Jesus rikrell, un leskri daar his jaake baro, te nai kras lo kowa gar.

O Jesus hai leske apostlura sas ande barh. Atunshi awile e khetani hai

phandade e Jesusos. Lesko kollega, o Petrus, garada pe. Wo daralas katar e khetani. Wo dikhla te dural sarh inkren e Jesusos. O Petrus gila kote, kai sas o Jesus phandado. Kote sas bud khetani. Wo daralas katar e khetani anda godo phendas, ke chi djanel e Jesusos. Pala godo rowelas surales. Wo kamelas te inkrel pasha o Jesus, apo leski darh sas gader bari, ke chi birilas.


O Jesus hunte hidjell i pharo trushel. I lurde denn les ap o trushel, un o

Jesus merell.O Jesus musai sas te inkrel o pharo

trushul. E khetani marde les e karfantsa po trushul. Pala godo mula o Jesus.


I Maria djal pash o mulengro kheer, kai tchiwan le o mulo Jesuses. I Maria

rowell. O Jesus his lakro latcho maal. O baro bar hi buder gar glan o wudar. O Jesus hi gar an o mulengro kheer. Joi kamell les rodell, kote shunas li jekes rakrell: „Maria!“ Kowa his o Jesus. Kanna djinell i Maria, kai o Jesus djiwella. Joi hi bachtelo un penell kowa leskre malenge. „Halleluja, o Jesus djiwella!“

E Maria anda Magdala gila tristo kai o gropo. E Maria rowelas, ke mula

o Jesus. Wo sas lako mai lasho kollega. Kai o gropo chudisaila e Maria. O barh mishkisaila pe rig, tai o gropo sas nango. Woi rodelas e Jesusos. Atunshi ashunda yekh glaso kai tsipilas: „Maria!“ O glaso le Jesusosko sas. Woi dikhla o Jesusos. Akana jangla ke trayil o Jesus. O Del ushtada les. Woi sas raduime, hai phenda swakoneske: „Halleluja, o Jesus trayil.“

Zweisprachige Kinderbibel in Romanes (Sinti-Dialekt und Kalderasch-Dialekt)

Herausgegeben von:Romanes-Arbeit Marburg e.V., Germany


Illustrationen Copyright © Global Recordings Network. Mit freundlicher Genehmigung. Used with permission.


9 783000 490590

ISBN 978-3-00-049059-0

Romanes-Arbeit Marburg e.V.Dillenburger Str. 1

57299 Burbach-WürgendorfTel. internat.: 00 49 27 36 - 4 49 24 55Tel. national D: 0 27 36 - 4 49 24 55

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