ny times review 1 ifthen

Post on 29-Sep-2015






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Diego Velazquez9/8/14Show ReviewIf/Then NY Times ReviewThe review of If/Then is an odd one. It is very obviously not black and white, but feels like a bad review that is trying to be nice. It has a tone of ambivalence throughout and what I believe to be a negative statement, feels like it lacks commitment and is trying to soften the commentary. Briefly mentioning that all the music is good but unimportant and interchangeable is a big deal for a musical, and should be a major negative point for the show, but the reviewer seems to just glaze over this. For me, this would serious turn me off the show. He also seem to not feel any specific audience will be reading the review, and it seems to be just commentary for the sake of commentary rather than to recommend or deter audiences in regards to the show. Overall, the review itself is very weak and doesnt give me any idea how good or bad the show is, and slightly puts me off the reviewer more than the show.

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