number 057 january 27, 2018 - chastain chatter

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1. Dear Chastain Cousins

2. Announcements

a) Download .PDF Version of this Chastain Chatter

b) Breaking News: New editor for The Chestnut Tree ©

c) Chastain Family Reunion 2018

3. Trivia: Genealogical Terms

4. Genealogy Tip: Non-Paternity Event

5. Meet Phillip L. Sublett, New Editor

6. Part 1: Chastain DNA Survey Project: by Ron Mitchell

7. Part 2: Status Report on the Chastain DNA Survey Project

8. Part 3: Invitation to Participate in Chastain DNA Survey Project

9. Life Interview Questions: The Present, Aging, Life Lessons and Legacies,

Part 1: By Dr. Todd Stephenson

10. Genealogy Classes – Free On-Line

11. Jones-Chastain Cemetery, Nixa, Missouri

12. Obituaries

a) Patricia Ann Chastain Kelley

b) Raymond “Chopper” Chastain

c) Marty James Chastain

13. Trivia Answer Key

14. Appendix: PCFA 2017 Reunion Registration Form

15. Chastain Chatter Publishing Information

Bonus Section

Click on anyArticle Title inthe Menu togo directly tothat Article.

Number 057 January 27, 2018


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Dear Chastain Cousins


This issue of the Chastain Chatter includes a variety of information.

There is great news for the Pierre Chastain Family Association in Section2. We have another list of life interview questions provided by Dr. ToddStephenson in Section 9. And if you are interested in taking free genealogycourses, check out Section 10.

I enjoyed creating the trivia questions (Section 3) this time because I learneda few thing from the “Glossary of Relative Genealogical Terms” you can findon the PCFA web site.

If you are a direct Chastain descendant and have had your DNA tested byone of the genealogy DNA testing companies, be sure to read the articleswritten by Ron Mitchell about the Chastain DNA Survey project, and hisinvitation. They are in Sections 6, 7, and 8.

Food for thought: A man who thinks too much about his ancestors is like apotato—the best part of him is underground. Henry S F Cooper

I’d love to hear from you; I especially appreciate suggestions, questions, include in future issues.To contact me, send e-mails to karylcb@cs.comand .

Love and peace,


(Karyl Chastain Beal, Spring Hill, Tennessee.)

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2. Announcements

a) Enhanced version of issue # 057 of the Chastain Chatter

b) Breaking News: New Editor for The Chestnut Tree©

c) Chastain Family Reunion 2018


First timers: Congratulations, you did it!Experienced Chatterers: Another easy task by now. :)

Navigation Tips:Click on any Article Title in the Menu to go directly to that Article.Links in this color go to places in this document.This color link goes to your web browser or email program.


The Board of the Pierre Chastain Family Association has appointed Phillip L. Sublett as the neweditor of The Chestnut Tree. (This position, like all positions on the PCFA Board, is a volunteerposition.)

Read an introductory note from Phillip Sublet in Section 5.


If you are thinking about attending the next Pierre Chastain Family Association Reunion, markyour calendar for the week-end of September 14 and September 15, 2018. Reunion registrationinformation will be sent out in March, although you can reserve your motel room now.

(The PCFA reunion is for all Chastain family members, regardless of spelling of the surname orconnection. You do not have to be a paying member of the PCFA to attend. Technically, you donot even have to be a family member to attend if you are interested in the Chastain family.)

The reunion will be held at the DoubleTree Hotel, Richmond – Midlothian, Virginia, the area wherethe early Chastains settled when they came to America in 1700.

(For more information about the reunion, visit the PCFA web site at:

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3. Trivia: Genealogical TermsMENU

1. What term is used to show that there is a relationship to someone by marriage rather than by‘blood’ or genetically?

a) in-lawsb) secondary relativesc) affinityd) consanguinitye) crowd

2. Today, the child of a person’s aunt or uncle would be a:

a) cousinb) niece or nephewc) friendd) great aunt or great unclee) sibling

3. In colonial America, a(n)______ could be a nephew, a niece, the spouse of a nephew or niece,or any person who shares a common ancestor.

a) siblingb) friendc) aunt or uncled) grandparente) cousin

4. The study of families and the tracing of their lineages and history is called:

a) ancestryb) anthropologyc) biologyd) genealogye) ancient history

5. One’s friends and relatives, connections

a) lineal descendantb) kith and kinc) niblingd) cousinse) ilk

NOTE: Go to Section 13 for the Trivia answer key.

For more detailed explanations of the terms, go to

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4. Genealogy Tip: Non-Paternity Events

5. Meet Phillip L. Sublett, New Editor of The Chestnut Tree©


From the International Society of genetic Genealogy Wiki

Non-paternity event is a term used in geneticgenealogy to describe any event which hascaused a break in the link between anhereditary surname and the Y-chromosomeresulting in a son using a different surnamefrom that of his biological father.[1] Thedefinition excludes minor changes in thespelling of the surname, and is implicitly limitedto events after the relevant branch of thesurname became hereditary.

The term non-paternity event was first used inthe context of genetic genealogy by BryanSykes and Catherine Irven in their 2000 paper"Surnames and the Y-chromosome".[2]

The term non-paternity event is also used inlaw, sociology and clinical genetics but with anarrower definition to denote cases of falsepaternity where the biological father of a childis someone other than who it is presumed tobe.


By Phillip L. Sublett

I am a longtime newspaper editor living in South Lake Tahoe, California, along the Nevada border.I have been researching Soblet-Chastain genealogy since 1999, and I recently published a bookcollecting various Soblet and Huguenot articles by Cameron Allen: "The Sublett (Soblet) Familyof Manakintown, King William Parish, Virginia."

As editor of The Chestnut Tree, I would like to continue publishing news about the PierreChastain Family Association and upcoming reunions, plus regular features on genealogy, DNAresearch, family news contributed by readers (marriages, obituaries, etc.), and maybe occasionalupdates on our celebrity cousins descended from Pierre Chastain. Family tree updates andsubmissions from readers would also be welcome, including book reviews and other articlesrelevant to Chastain genealogy and Huguenot history.

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6. The Chastain DNA Survey Project


By Ron Mitchell

Two years ago, I began asking for biologicalChastain descendants who have doneautosomal DNA (atDNA) testing to voluntarilyshare with others by participating in a ChastainDescendants DNA Survey . The idea was helpthem find probable Chastain-related DNAmatches among the long list of DNA matchesone receives as a result of doing atDNAtesting.

What is autosomal DNA (atDNA) Testing?

Autosomal testing sometimes is called FamilyFinder or Relative Finder DNA testing.Autosomal testing differs from Y-chromosomalDNA or mitochondrial DNA testing in thatatDNA testing looks for DNA matches on thechromosome pairs that are numbered 1through 22.

Note: Each cell in the human body containsgenetic coding that consist of the 23chromosome pairs and mitochondrial geneticmaterial that comes from the mother. The 23rdchromosome pair determines our biologicalsex. Either one has chromosome 23 with twoX chromosomes – which makes one’sbiological gender a female – or a pair of one Xchromosome and one Y chromosome, whichmakes one’s biological gender a male.

Challenge of Autosomal DNA testing

The thing with atDNA testing is that you haveDNA matches with both male and female

relatives. Your own gender or that of yourmatches just does not matter in this type oftesting. Those who do autosomal testing findthat they have large numbers of DNA matcheswith other people who have also done atDNAtesting.

Example # 1: Bill Stephenson

For example, Bill Stephenson, who has beenon the Chastain Descendants DNA list sinceits inception, told me this week that he has5,242 atDNA matches just from his FTDNAFamily Finder test. Because Bill has uploadedto, he has more DNA matcheswith others who have tested with othercompanies, such as with

Example # 2: Bryan Godfrey

Bryan Godfrey, a descendant of PierreChastain and Pierre’s first wife SusanneRenaud, shared with me this week that hecurrently has 3,309 atDNA matches from hisFTDNA Family Finder autosomal test. Bryantoo uploaded his FTDNA Family Finder resultsto, so he has an additional1,319 atDNA matches with those whooriginally tested with andanother 388 atDNA matches from those thattested at (This is a lot of DNAmatches to wade through to find the ones thatare Chastain-related.)

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7. Status Report on the Chastain DNA Survey Project

8. Invitation to Participate in Chastain DNA Survey Project


By Ron Mitchell

As of 23 January, 78 persons have respondedto the Chastain DNA Survey and their namesincluded on the Chastain Descendants DNAList (CDDL for short.)

Here is the breakout by major DNA testingprovider:

a) Family Tree DNA (FTDNA ) – 46 kitsb) – 44 kitsc) – 14 kits

Note: There is a separate list of names andGEDMATCH kit numbers for those who haveuploaded to


By Ron Mitchell

An Open Invitation

If you have had Chastain DNA passed down toyou and if you have done autosomal testing,you are welcome to participate in the ChastainDNA Survey and the CDDL.

To participate, simply provide me with your

name, email address, and the name of thecompany/companies you used to get youratDNA testing done.

My e-mail address is ; pleaseput CHASTAIN DNA in the subject line. I willthen add your information to the ChastainDescendants DNA List.

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9. Life Interview Questions: The Present, Aging, Life Lessons and Legacies


Part 1:by Dr. Todd Stephenson

At the 2017 reunion in Louisville, Kentucky, Dr.Todd Stephenson did a presentation oninterviewing family members in order to recordtheir stories.

One of the helpful hand-outs he gave us hada long list of questions to ask the person youare interviewing. The list is divided into severalsections. This is the second installment of hisquestions.

� Do you have any hobbies or specialinterests? Do you enjoy any particularsports?

� What’s your typical day like now? Howis it different from your daily routines inthe past?

� Is the present better or worse thanwhen you were younger?

� What do you do for fun?

� Who do you trust and depend on?

� What things are most important to younow? Why?

� How have your dreams and goalschanged through your life?

� What do you see? (Hold a mirror up tothe person)

� What do you remember about your20s? 30s? 40s? 50s? 60s? Whatevents stand out in your mind? Howwas each age different from the one

before it?

� There are some ages we don’t lookforward to. What birthday were youleast enthusiastic about? Why?

� If you could go back to any age, whichage would it be and why?

� How do you feel now about growingold? What’s the hardest thing aboutgrowing older? The best thing?

� What were your parents like when theygot older?

� Did you have any expectations at pointsin your life about what growing olderwould be like for you?

� How should a person prepare for oldage? Is there anything you wish you’ddone differently?

� Do you think about the future and makeplans? What are your concerns for thefuture?

� If you live another 20-30 years, whatwill you do? Do you want to live another20-30 years?

� What do you look forward to now?

� What’s your most cherished familytradition? Why is it important?

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10. Free on-line courses in genealogy

MENUSome people have wanted to know where andhow to take courses in genealogy. For thosewho want inexpensive and convenient, thereare free on-line courses available.

Here is a list of free courses I found at thefamilysearch site. (The title of each lesson islinked to the lesson and here is a list of otherlessons.)

(I have not taken any of the courses yet, so Icannot vouch for them personally. If you takeany of the courses, we’d appreciate hearingyour comments about the courses – pros andcons.)

a) Proven Ways to Find Your ImmigrantAncestors Part 1 & Part 2by James L. TannerThis webinar presents the recommendedmethods of discovering how and from whichcountries your ancestors emigrated.

b) How To Find Your Ancestors In Your FamilyTreeby FamilySearchIn most modern cultures, records are createdfor important life events such as birth, baptism,marriage, death, and burial. Information frommany of these records has been indexed andput online. . . .

c) Find Your Ancestors at the BYU FamilyHistory Libraryby Terry DahlinThis webinar will introduce you to the manycollections and services available togenealogical researchers at the BYU FamilyHistory Library and in other departments of theHarold B. Lee Library.

d) An Introduction to Castle Garden: YourAncestors' Gateway to Americaby Debbe Hagner

Learn how to search for your ancestors in theCastle Garden database. This class ispresented in Sign English.

e) Finding Your Way: Locating and UsingMaps in Your Researchby Gary R. TomsIn this lesson, you will learn how to usedifferent types of maps to help with researchsuch as, road maps, land plats, informationalmaps, historical maps and more.

f) An Introduction to Ellis Island: YourAncestors' Gateway to Americaby Debbe HagnerLearn how to search for your ancestors in theEllis Island database. This class is presentedin Sign Language and English.

g) Messages From the Grave: Listening toYour Ancestor's Tombstone Part 1 & Part 2by Elissa Scalise PowellLearn about the information tombstones canprovide. Also, learn how to search forcemeteries and tombstone symbolism.

h) Civil War Research: Learning about YourUnion Veteran Ancestor Part 1 & Part 2by Jean Wilcox HibbenBasic steps on how to recognize that a personfought in the War Between the States as wellas the processes that can be used todetermine his regiment and company will beexplored.

i) Identifying Civil War Ancestors in YourFamily Treeby David A. LambertThe Online Genealogist will guide you on howto identify if your ancestor fought in the CivilWar. Learn how to search photos, diaries,newspaper clippings and other items to gatherinformation.

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11. Jones-Chastain Cemetery, Nixa, Missouri

MENUFrom Find A Grave

As I browsed the Internet recently, I stumbledupon a cemetery called the Jones-ChastainCemetery in Nixa, Missouri. I could not find outwho it was named after specifically, but I didfind a list of Chastains buried there.

I’ve copied the list below for those who areinterested. (The word photo after the person’sname indicates that a photo of the person orheadstone is with the entry.)

Adeline “Addie” Barker Chastain1868 – 1897View Memorial

Elizabeth Chastain18 September 1937 – 22 July 1892View Memorial

Francis Marion Chastain02 October 1831 – 25 May 1906View Memorial

George W. Chastain09 February 1851 – 23 October 1935View Memorial

John Chastain02 December 1907 – 26 April 1889View Memorial

Joseph Chastain06 November 1833 – 12 August 1913View Memorial

Louisa Chapman Chastain11 May 1811 – 04 December 1896View Memorial

Verlina Helen Young Chastain1832 – 1870View Memorial

W. M. ChastainBirth and death datesunknownView Memorial

William C. Chastain21 July 1829 – 20 October 1864View Memorial

William Chapman Chastain, Jr.1861 - 1941View Memorial

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12. Obituaries

MENUPatricia Ann Chastain Kelley

Jan 10, 2018From Miles Funeral Home website (Alabama)

Patricia Ann Chastain Kelley age 81 ofWinfield passed away on Tuesday, January 9,2018 at the North Mississippi Medical Centerin Tupelo, MS. She was born on February 21,1936 in Russellville, AL a daughter of Roy andLola Maude Minor Chastain. She grew up inFayette where she graduated from FayetteCounty High School. She was previously aresident of Tuscaloosa and resident ofRockford, IL for 30 years before moving toWinfield in 2001. She enjoyed babysitting andcaring for children who she treated and lovedas if they were her own. She loved sewingand craft making. She was a member ofWinfield Church of God. She was preceded indeath by her parents and two sisters, BettyCrowe and Jimmy Sue Hocutt.

She is survived by her husband, Bobby E.Kelley of Winfield, sons, Joey Kelley ofWinfield, Jeff Kelley and his wife Sandy, KenKelley and his wife Jennifer and Brian Kelleyand his wife Christine all of Rockford, IL,brother, Roy Lemont Chastain of Tuscaloosa,sisters, Linda Edwards of Rockford, DhenaChastain of Tuscaloosa, Phyliss Plunkett ofFL and Jackie Hammonds of AR, 8grandchildren, 13 great-grandchildren and ahost of nieces, nephews and other relatives.

Funeral services will be held on Saturday,January 13, 2018 at 2 p.m. from the McGrawMemorial Chapel of Miles Funeral Home. Visitation will be on Friday from 6 to 8 p.m. Miles Funeral Home of Winfield directing.

MENURaymond “Chopper” Chastain

January 15, 2018The turbine (Indiana)

Raymond “Chopper” Chastain, 77, ofSeymour passed away on Friday, January 12,2018 at the Seymour Crossing Nursing Home.Born September 24, 1940 in Gainesville,Georgia., he was the son of Ray and PansyLoraine (Henderson) Chastain.

Raymond was a kind man who was alwayswilling to help others. He will be rememberedas a man with a great sense of humor andquick to tell a joke. He loved the Lord, gospelmusic and music from the 50’s and 60’s, lovedhis family and friends and laughing. Raymondwas a member of the Calvary Baptist Churchin Seymour and served in the United StatesArmy. He retired from Pantasote after 25 yearsof service.

He is survived by his children, Mary (ClayLivesay) McConnell and Davis Chastain; twograndchildren, Mike McConnell and RachelMcConnell; three brothers, O’Dean Chastain,Larry (Joanne) Chastain and Ralph (Milly)Chastain and his sister, Nancy (Gene)Chastain. He was preceded in death by hisparents and his sister, Diane Chastain.

Funeral services will be held at 1 p.m.Wednesday, January 17, 2018, at WoodlawnFamily Funeral Centre with Rev. Van Breedingofficiating. Visitation will be on Wednesday,January 17, 2018 from 12:00 p.m. until time ofservice at Woodlawn Family Funeral Centre.

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13. Trivia Answer Key: Genealogical Terms

MENUMarty James Chastain

January 23, 2018Cleveland Daily Banner (Tennessee)

On Saturday, Jan. 20, 2018, Marty JamesChastain passed away at the age of 47. Hewill be lovingly remembered by his father andmother, Walter (Joe) Martin and Linda JeanChastain; his siblings, Jesse (Sissy)Chastain, Jill (Duane) Holt, and Tara (Clint)Davis; nieces and nephews, Jesse (Caroline)Lowe, Chelsea (Dustin) Cross, Harlie AmberLynn Chastain, Clinton, Peyton and CamrenDavis, and Chase and Alyssa Holt; andnumerous aunts, uncles, and cousins. He ispreceded in death by grandparents, James(J.B.) and Dorthy Wampler, and Jesse andLennie Chastain.

Marty was a previous resident of Cleveland.He enjoyed playing pool, camping, fishing, andspending time with family and friends. He was

an avid Tennessee Vols fan. He also lovedplaying cards with family and playing scrabblewith his mom.

A funeral service in memory of Marty will beheld on Wednesday, Jan. 24, 2018. Visitationwill be 4 to 7 p.m., with a service at 7 p.m. atCompanion Funeral Home And CremationService. The service will be officiated byCharles Cheatham.

You are encouraged to share a memory ofMarty and/or your personal condolences withhis family by visiting his memorial web pageand guestbook. Companion Funeral Home ishonored to assist Marty’s family with thesearrangements.


1. What term is used to show that there is a relationship to someone by marriage rather than by‘blood’ or genetically?

c) affinity

2. Today, the child of a person’s aunt or uncle would be a:a) cousin

3. In colonial America, a(n) _____ could be a nephew, a niece, the spouse of a nephew or niece,or any person who shares a common ancestor.

e) cousin

4. The study of families and the tracing of their lineages and history is called:d) genealogy

5. One’s friends and relatives, connectionsb) kith and kin

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14. Appendix: Renewing or Joining the PCFA


I’ve copied the form below, however, if you want to print the form, download the PDF version.……………………..

To join the Pierre Chastain Family Association:

(1) Print and fill in this form.(2) Write a check to PCFA for the dues ($20 for 2018 or $200 for lifetime)(3) Mail completed form and check to Membership Chair, Carol Migdat.

(It’s also good to send an e-mail to Carol to let her know that you’ve mailed in your membershipdues so she can be on the lookout for it. Carol’s e-mail address is

Mailing address:

Carol Migdat, PCFA; 708 Bodega Bay Dr, Keller TX 76248

Please print or type the information.

Date __________Name First ___________ Middle __________ Maiden _______ Last (Surname) ___________E-mail address: _______________Home mailing address ______________________Telephone Home________________ Cell ___________________

Circle one:

(1) Lifetime membership - $200(2) Join for 2018 - $20 per year(3) Renew 2018 - $20 per year

Genealogical information:

Name of your spouse (first middle, maiden, last)List of your Chastain ancestors starting with your name first.

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15. Chastain Chatter Publishing Information

MENUThe Chastain Chatter anchor site is

To submit articles, reports, stories, questions, announcements, etc., to the Chastain Chatter,send a note to Karyl Chastain Beal at and

Questions or comments about the Chastain Chatter .PDF file formatting, problems with links, oreye aches, please contact Ron Roberts at:

To submit articles, reports, research stories, questions, comments, etc., to the PCFA Web Site,send a note to Ron Roberts at


A 2 Z 5 X 5

Alliteration almost always alarms adults;but brings babies bright bounty; clearly causes

children’s cheerful chortles; douses drearydoldrums down drains; even excellently elates

everyone’s eardrums; finely forms finesse fromfrowardness; gets great ghostly ghouls going heavenward;

hence hurriedly hiding heinous idioms, idiotic ideas indiscriminately introduced, jeopardizing justice; justifying jolly jocularity; knock kneed

knights knowingly knead leopards; lazy louses love lizards; mentioningmonkey menaces maligns mediocrity; notwithstanding, ne’er-do-wells

nevertheless notify narcs of outright offensive overwrought obese pushersplying pills; practicing prudence quietly questioning quintessential quaintness;

quilting rough rags, readily ripping rows, sewing strategic seams straight;somehow training tigers to tell tales under undulating umbrellas; ultimately unveiling very

volatile vocabularies violating vociferous warnings; waiting, wondering why wonderful xenolithicxeriscapes xerograph Xanadu; xanthone yellow yaks yell yet youthful zebras zealously zig zag ziggurats.

By Ron Roberts

Original title: Seventy-five Minute Brain Drain (was written in 75 minutes, not including formatting)Definitions of the somewhat obscure (had to look up words for x & z):

xenolithic: a fragment of a rock included in another rockxeriscapes: a landscaping methodxerograph: copyXanadu: an idyllic, exotic, or luxurious place

13 8 2Xanthone: a ketone C H O that is the parent of several natural yellow pigmentsziggurats: pyramidal structure built in successive stages with outside staircase

Bonus Section

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