nonadiabatic effects on proton transfer rate constants in a nanoconfined solvent

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Nonadiabatic Effects on Proton Transfer Rate Constants in a Nanoconfined Solvent

Being J. Ka and Ward H. Thompson*Department of Chemistry, UniVersity of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas 66045

ReceiVed: December 11, 2009; ReVised Manuscript ReceiVed: April 16, 2010

Nonadiabatic effects on the reaction rate constant of a model phenol-amine proton transfer system in ananoconfined solvent have been investigated by employing classical mapping in conjunction with a reactiveflux approach. It is observed that allowing nonadiabatic transitions makes the transition state more accessiblethermodynamically but decreases the reactive flux due to increased transition state recrossing, resulting in anoverall reduction in the rate constant by more than a factor of 2. The physical origins of these features arediscussed.

1. Introduction

Proton transfer reactions are ubiquitous in chemistry, biology,and physics. At the same time, they present particular challengesin their theoretical description, not least of which is theimportance of quantum mechanical effects associated with theproton’s small mass. This leads to significant, and sometimesdramatic, tunneling contributions to proton transfer rate con-stants. To accurately describe these, more than one protonvibrational quantum state must be accounted for along withtransitions between these states. Here, we consider thesenonadiabatic contributions to the proton transfer reaction rateconstants for a model reaction complex in a nanoconfinedsolvent.

Reactions in nanoconfined solvents can differ dramaticallyfrom those in bulk solvents due to changes in both equilibriumand dynamical properties. Among these are molecular-levelstructuring of the liquid, free energies that depend on position,slower diffusional and reorientational time scales, and alteredreaction mechanisms. The nature and magnitude of the effectsone finds upon nanoconfinement depends on the observable ofinterest as well as the properties of the confining framework,for example, size, shape, rigidity, and chemical functionality.While some experimental1-7 and theoretical8-10 studies oncharge transfer in nanoconfined solvents have been reported inthe literature, a full understanding of how the mechanisms andrate constants of charge transfer reactions are affected bynanoscale confinement is still lacking. Filling this gap will assistin the development of design principles for applications ofmesoporous materials in catalysis, sensing, and separations.

Here, we address this issue in the context of a modelphenol-amine intramolecular proton transfer reaction occurringin methyl chloride solvent confined within a spherical, hydro-phobic cavity of radius 1 nm. This system has already beeninvestigated through calculation of reaction free energy curves8

and vibrationally adiabatic mixed quantum-classical moleculardynamics9 in which the proton is described quantum mechani-cally and the rest of the system classically. These studiesidentified significant changes in the reaction free energy surfacesand mechanism upon confinement in a nanoscale cavity.Specifically, Li and Thompson8 showed that the proton transferchanges from endoergonic to exoergonic as the radial position

of the reaction complex is shifted from near the cavity wall tothe center of the cavity. It was also found that the proton transfermechanism in the nanoconfined solvent involves not only thecollective solvent coordinate, which is the reaction coordinatefor a bulk proton transfer reaction, but also the reaction complexposition in the cavity. Subsequent vibrationally adiabatic simu-lations9 showed that both the reaction exoergonicity and thevibrationally adiabatic rate constant increase as the cavity sizeincreases. In this work, we address the role of tunneling byincluding vibrationally nonadiabatic dynamics in the protonquantum states.

While there are a number of approaches11-23 for incorporatingnonadiabatic dynamics, we use a reactive flux approach24,25

combined with a classical mapping description.26-29 In thereactive flux approach,24,25 the calculation of the reaction rateconstant is divided into two components: the probability offinding the reactants reaching the transition state and the rateof formation of products starting from the transition state. Inthis way, it permits the computation of rate constants forreactions with large activation energies for which the time scalefor barrier crossing can be long. Moreover, it provides insightinto the contributions to the rate constant, for example,equilibrium or dynamical, based on this decomposition. How-ever, implementing the reactive flux approach while includingnonadiabatic transitions can be challenging. The classicalmapping approach26-29 used here is a mean field method inwhich the classical degrees-of-freedom respond to a quantummechnical state that is a superposition which in turn evolvesaccording to the classical trajectory. It is important to note thatthe classical mapping approach involves dynamics on a state-averaged potential energy surface, which is a better approxima-tion in regions of strong nonadiabatic coupling.14,18 For a protontransfer reaction, this corresponds to the transition state regionwhere reactivity is determined and where the trajectories areinitiated in the reactive flux approach. Thus, the classicalmapping approximation should be useful in this context, sincethe mean field description may accurately describe the strongcoupling region dynamics in the vicinity of the transition state.

In implementing these calculations, we investigate not onlythe effect of vibrational nonadiabaticity on the reaction rateconstant, but also a common assumption about the vibrationalstate populations at the transition state: Is it reasonable to assumethat reactive flux trajectories initiated at the transition stateshould always begin in the ground vibrational state? This

* To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail:

J. Phys. Chem. B 2010, 114, 7535–7542 7535

10.1021/jp911740c 2010 American Chemical SocietyPublished on Web 05/17/2010

assumption has been used in previous studies of nonadiabaticreaction rate constants for proton transfer.11,16 Although thetrajectories can undergo nonadiabatic transitions as they evolve,the excited vibrational state population at the transition state isimplicitly taken to be zero.

The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. Thetheoretical approaches used to calculate vibrationally adiabaticand vibrationally nonadiabatic reaction rate constants areoutlined in section 2. The model phenol-amine proton transfercomplex, the nanoconfined solvent system, and the simulationdetails are described in section 3. The computational results arepresented and discussed in section 4, and some concludingremarks are offered in section 5.

2. Methods

In this section, we outline the approaches for vibrationallyadiabatic and nonadiabatic mixed quantum-classical (MQC)molecular dynamics (MD) including the calculation of reactionrate constants.

2.1. Vibrationally Adiabatic Dynamics. 2.1.1. AdiabaticMQC-MD Approach. Here, we consider the case of a singlequantum mechanical degree-of-freedom interacting with aclassical bath. In the context of the proton transfer systemexamined in this work, the former is the proton position withina reaction complex (the O-H distance in the linear phenol-aminehydrogen bond) and the latter are the remaining degrees-of-freedom of the reaction complex as well as the solventmolecules. If the quantum mechanical degree-of-freedom isdenoted as r with corresponding momentum pr, the Hamiltonianfor the classical degrees-of-freedom can be written as32

Here, (Q, P) are the center-of-mass coordinates and momentaof the reaction complex and solvent molecules, (e, pe) are theorientational unit vectors and conjugate momenta of thesemolecules (assuming they are rigid), λi is a Lagrange undeter-mined multiplier ensuring the normalization of the orientationalvectors, and En(Q, e) is the (proton) nth vibrationally adiabaticenergy for fixed classical coordinates Q and e. This last isobtained by the solution of the vibrationally adiabatic Schrod-inger equation in r:


and Vgr is the electronic ground state potential energy. Theequations of motion and integration algorithm appropriate foreq 1 have been described in detail in ref 32.

In addition to propagating the dynamics according to thisvibrationally adiabatic MQC Hamiltonian, eq 1, it is sometimesnecessary to propagate trajectories under the influence of abiasing, or umbrella, potential, that is, to compute free energy

surfaces or to sample initial conditions at the transition state.In these cases, eq 1 is replaced with

where Vumb(Q, e) is the umbrella potential, the precise form ofwhich depends on the application (see section 3.2.1). Finally,we note that a Nose-Poincare thermostat32,33 is applied for boththe unbiased and biased vibrationally adiabatic dynamics.

2.1.2. Calculation of the Adiabatic Reaction Rate Constant.In section 3, we present vibrationally adiabatic reaction rateconstants determined using the reactive flux approach.24,25 Inthese calculations, the dynamics are described by the classicalHamiltonian, eq 1, and the vibrational Schrodinger equation,eq 2. The vibrationally adiabatic reaction rate constant, kf

ad, isthen obtained from the evaluation of the reactive flux:

where s is the reaction coordinate defined such that s ) 0 atthe transition state and s > 0 (s < 0) corresponds to products(reactants), H0 is the ground state (n ) 0) vibrationally adiabaticHamiltonian from eq 1, h(s) is the Heaviside step function, andΓ represents the phase space variables. For the proton transferreaction considered in this work, the reaction coordinate willbe taken to be a collective solvent coordinate, that is, s ) ∆E) Vgr(rA; Q, e) - Vgr(rB; Q, e) where rA and rB are taken to berepresentative proton positions for the reactants (“acid”) andproducts (“base”), respectively. Further, for this system, dΓ )dP dQ dpe de.

The rate constant, eq 5, can be evaluated by dividing thecalculation into two parts,24,25 an equilibrium contributionrepresenting the probability of reactants arriving at the transitionstate and a dynamical part that is the reactive flux associatedwith trajectories which have reached the transition state:

Here, ⟨ · · · ⟩‡ indicates an average over transition state configura-tions defined by s ) ∆E ) 0. In practice, the probability ofreactants reaching the transition state, Pre(s ) 0), is obtainedfrom the adiabatic free energy calculations using the biased,umbrella sampling Hamiltonian of eq 4; see section 3.2.2.

2.2. Vibrationally Nonadiabatic Dynamics. 2.2.1. DiabaticRepresentation. In including the effect of nonadiabatic transi-tions on the reaction dynamics, we use a diabatic representationof the proton vibrational states. While in the applicationpresented in section 3 we choose a two-state diabatic basis(intended to represent the two lowest proton vibrationallyadiabatic states), an arbitrary number of states could bestraightforwardly included. Within the diabatic basis, the protonvibrational wave function is thus written as

Hn(P, Q, pe, e) ) ∑i


2mi+ ∑



2Ii+ En(Q, e) +


λi(ei · ei - 1) (1)

hr(r;Q, e) ψn(r;Q, e) ) En(Q, e) ψn(r;Q, e) (2)

hr(r;Q, e) )pr


2mH+ Vgr(r;Q, e) (3)

Hnumb(P, Q, pe, e) ) Hn(P, Q, pe, e) + Vumb(Q, e) (4)

kfad ) lim


∫ dΓs δ(s) h(s(t)) e-�H0

∫ dΓh(-s) e-�H0


kfad ) lim


∫ dΓs δ(s) h(s(t)) e-�H0

∫ dΓδ(s) e-�H0

∫ dΓδ(s) e-�H0

∫ dΓh(-s) e-�H0


) limtf∞

⟨sh(s(t))⟩‡Pre(s ) 0) (7)

7536 J. Phys. Chem. B, Vol. 114, No. 22, 2010 Ka and Thompson

where φR(r) are the diabatic states which are independent ofthe classical coordinates Q and e. The dynamics on diabaticstate R is then governed by the Hamiltonian

that differs from eq 1 only in the potential energy term,

which is the proton vibrational energy for diabatic state φR.If, as is done in section 3, two diabatic states are used, which

we can denote as R ) A or B (e.g., “acid” corresponding to avibrational state of AsH · · ·B character or “base” indicating astate describing A- · · ·H-B), these states, with energies givenby eq 10, are coupled via diabatic coupling given by

Note that the energies and this coupling are related to thevibrationally adiabatic Hamiltonian matrix by a unitarytransformation:


Here, the adiabatic wave functions, ψn, and energies, En, arelabeled by the vibrational state n as in eq 2. The unitarytransformation is given by


and θ ) θ(Q, e) through the dependence of εA, εB, and εAB onthe classical coordinates Q and e.

2.2.2. Classical Mapping Approach. To describe the transi-tions between the proton vibrational states in this diabaticrepresentation, we adopt the classical mapping approach.26-29

This describes the nonadiabatic dynamics within a mean-fieldapproximation, resulting in some shortcomings. However, it hastwo potential advantages from the point of view of reactive flux

calculations: (1) it gives time-reversible dynamics, and (2) itsstrength is in the description of strongly coupled regions, forexample, the transition state of a proton transfer reaction wherethe fate of a trajectory is largely determined.

Classical mapping provides a convenient approach fordescribing the time evolution of the quantum wave function ina mixed quantum-classical framework. In particular, the protonwave function in the diabatic representation, eq 8, has its time-dependence expressed only in terms of the coefficients, cR(Q, e)) cR(t), due to the time-dependence of the classical variablesQ(t) and e(t). The coefficients are determined by the time-dependent Schrodinger equation,

where εRγ ) ⟨φR|hr|φγ⟩r are the diabatic state energies andcouplings. In the classical mapping approach, one replaces thetime-dependent complex coefficients, cR(t), with real variables,XR and PR, such that

Then, XR and PR behave as if they are the position and momentavariables of coupled harmonic oscillators.30 The energy thenbecomes

since εRγ ) εγR. The population, pR, of diabatic state R is thenrelated to the mapping variables XR and PR through

with the natural constraint ΣRpR ) 1.The nonadiabatic dynamics in this diabatic representation is

governed by the classical mapping Hamiltonian

and the time-dependent Schrodinger equation is equivalent tosolving a set of coupled Hamilton’s equations in the classicalmapping approach:

Ψ(r, Q, e) ) ∑R)1


cR(Q, e) φR(r) (8)

HR(P, Q, pe, e) ) ∑i


2mi+ ∑



2Ii+ εR(Q, e) +


λi(ei · ei - 1) (9)

εR(Q, e) ) ⟨φR|hr(r, Q, e)|φR⟩r (10)

εAB(Q, e) ) ⟨φA|hr(r, Q, e)|φB⟩r (11)

(E0 00 E1

) ) UT( εA εAB

εAB εB)U (12)

(ψ0(r, Q, e)ψ1(r, Q, e) ) ) U(φA(r)

φB(r) ) (13)

U ) ( cos θ sin θ-sin θ cos θ ) (14)

θ ) 12

tan-1[ 2εAB

εB - εA] (15)

ipcR(t) ) ∑γ

cγ(t)εRγ (16)

cR(t) ) 1

√2[XR(t) + iPR(t)] (17)

E(Q, e, {XR}, {PR}) ) ⟨Ψ|hr|Ψ⟩r )12 ∑

R,γ[XRXγ + PRPγ]εRγ(Q, e) (18)

pR ) cR/cR ) |cR|2 ) 1

2(XR2 + PR

2) (19)

H(P, Q, pe, e, {XR}, {PR}) ) ∑i


2mi+ ∑




12 ∑

R,γ(XRXγ + PRPγ)εRγ(Q, e) + ∑


λi(ei · ei - 1) (20)


dt) ∇Pi

H )Pi


Nonadiabatic Effects on Proton Transfer Rate Constants J. Phys. Chem. B, Vol. 114, No. 22, 2010 7537

The above equations can be implemented using, for example, avelocity Verlet algorithm.

If, as is the case for the proton transfer reaction considered insections 3 and 4, only two states (R ) A or B) are included in thedescription of the proton wave function, eqs 25 and 26 reduce to

with a convention of R * γ. It is then also sufficient to define asingle variable, p, to represent the diabatic state populations. Here,our convention is that the acid, A (base, B) state is given by p )0(p ) 1); that is, p is the base state population, pB, in eq 19.

2.2.3. Calculation of the Nonadiabatic Reaction RateConstant. Within this classical mapping description, the reactionrate constant can be calculated using the reactive flux approachas outlined in section 2.1.2 for vibrationally adiabatic dynamics,with two significant modifications. First, the vibrationallyadiabatic Hamiltonian, H0, is replaced by the classical mappingHamiltonian, H, in eq 20. Second, the state populations, onwhich H depends, must be averaged over. This gives thenonadiabatic rate constant as

where, as before, s is the reaction coordinate (taken to be thecollective solvent coordinate, ∆E, defined in section 2.1.2) and Γ

the phase space variables. As with the vibrationally adiabatic case,the rate constant can be divided into a dynamical part that is ameasure of the time scale and probability of a trajectory startingat the transition state to form products and an equilibriumprobability of reaching the transition state having started as areactant:

However, here both quantities reflect the nonadiabaticity. Specif-ically, as indicated in eq 29, the dynamical contribution includesan averaging over the different state populations, p:

Here, ∆Agap‡ ) ∆A1(s ) 0) - ∆A0(s ) 0) is the difference between

the n ) 1 and n ) 0 vibrationally adiabatic Helmholtz free energiesat the transition state; note that this is effectively the averagedvibrational energy gap at the transition state. The equilibrium partis obtained by assuming that the transition state vibrational statesare in equilibrium and is thus given by


is the Helmholtz free energy associated with the thermally averagednonadiabatic free energy surface. Note that the free energy surfacesare computed based on the vibrationally adiabatic states while thetransition state sampling is obtained using vibrationally diabaticstates; the mean field approximation of the classical mappingdynamics is used only for the dynamics of the trajectories initiatedat the transition state.

3. Proton Transfer in a Nanoconfined Solvent

3.1. System. The proton transfer reaction complex consideredin this work is a two valence-bond state description of aphenol-amine system, adapted from a model developed byAzzouz and Borgis.31 Within the model, the phenol-aminehydrogen bond is constrained to be linear so that the protonmotion occurs in one dimension, r, the phenol oxygen distanceto the transferring proton. The electronic structure of thecomplex is taken to be in the electronically adiabatic limit; thatis, only the ground electronic state is considered. To provide adescription of the electronic ground state in the presence of thesolvent molecules, a two valence bond state model is used.Specifically, the reaction complex is described by one valencebond state that is “neutral” in charge character, that is,PhO-H · · ·NR3, and another that is of “ionic” character, thatis, PhO- · · ·HsNR3

+. Their two energies, VN(r, Q, e) andVI(r, Q, e), are modified by interaction with the nanoconfinedsolvent and, with the electronic coupling, determine the


dt) ∇pe,i

H )pe,i



dt) -∇Qi

H ) -12 ∑

R,γ(XRXγ + PRPγ)∇Qi

εRγ(Q, e)



dt) -∇ei

H ) fe,i - 2λiei (24)

fe,i(t) ≡ -12 ∑

R,γ(XRXγ + PRPγ)⟨φR|∇ei

Vgr(r, Q, e)|φγ⟩r


dt) ∂H

∂PR) +PRεR(Q, e) +

12 ∑

γ*RPγ[εRγ(Q, e) + εγR(Q, e)] (25)


dt) - ∂H

∂XR) -XRεR(Q, e) -

12 ∑

γ*RXγ[εRγ(Q, e) + εγR(Q, e)] (26)


dt) ∂H

∂PR) +PRεR(Q, e) + 1

2Pγ[εRγ(Q, e) + εγR(Q, e)]



dt) - ∂H

∂XR) -XRεR(Q, e) - 1

2Xγ[εRγ(Q, e) + εγR(Q, e)]


kfna ) lim


∫ dΓ∫0

1dps δ(s) h(s(t)) e-�H

∫ dΓ∫0

1dp h(-s) e-�H


kfna ) lim

tf∞⟨sh(s(t))⟩′Pre′ (s ) 0) (30)

⟨sh(s(t))⟩′ )∫0

1dp⟨sh(s(t)) δ(p(0) - p)⟩‡ e-p�∆Agap


1dp e-p�∆Agap


Pre′ (s ) 0) )∫ ds δ(s) e-�∆Ana(s)

∫ ds h(-s) e-�∆Ana(s)(32)

∆Ana(s) ) -1�

ln[e-�∆A0(s) + e-�∆A1(s)] (33)

7538 J. Phys. Chem. B, Vol. 114, No. 22, 2010 Ka and Thompson

electronic ground state energy of the reaction complex for everysolvent configuration.8 From this electronic ground state, onecan build up the vibrationally adiabatic, eq 1, diabatic, eq 9,and nonadiabatic, eq 20, Hamiltonians. The parameters for theproton transfer complex and the interactions between thecomplex and CH3Cl solvent molecules are listed in Tables 1and 2 of ref 8, with three exceptions: the heavy atom distance,dON, is set to 2.4 Å and the gas phase Morse parameters for thereaction complex, bN and bI, are 2.268 and 2.5 Å-1, respectively.

3.2. Simulation Details. The simulations are carried out witha single phenol-amine complex dissolved in nanoconfinedCH3Cl with a solution density of ∼0.8 g/cm3, corresponding to25 CH3Cl in the hydrophobic nanocavity of radius 10 Å. Themolecular dynamics simulations were run with a time step of 1fs for all simulations. The average temperature during thesimulations is ∼265 K maintained by a Nose-Poincare thermo-stat33 for the vibrationally adiabatic case and velocity rescaling34

at every 8000 steps (8 ps) for the nonadiabatic case.The vibrationally diabatic basis functions, φA and φB, are

taken from the two lowest vibrationally adiabatic states of theproton determined from the proton potential at the transitionstate defined by ∆E ) 0, where ∆E is the collective solventcoordinate defined in section 2.1.2. These wave functions areplotted in Figure 1. Specifically, the diabatic “acid,” φA(r), and“base,” φB(r), vibrational states are chosen to be the ground,ψ0(r), and first excited, ψ1(r), vibrationally adiabatic states,respectively. With this choice of diabatic basis states, thevibrationally diabatic energy matrix elements, can be explicitlycalculated according to eqs 10 and 11.

3.2.1. Free Energy Calculations. Free energy curves alongthe collective solvent coordinate, ∆E, were obtained usingumbrella sampling with 13 bias potentials of the form Vumb

(j) )1/2k(∆E - ∆Ej)2 with ∆Ej ) 0, (1, ..., (4 kcal/mol withk ) 0.1 (kcal/mol)-1 and ∆Ej ) (8 and (16 kcal/mol with k) 0.03 (kcal/mol)-1. A 1 ns trajectory was propagated for each∆Ej value with the transferring proton treated quantum me-chanically in the vibrationally adiabatic ground state, n ) 0, toyield ∆A0(∆E). From this free energy surface, the vibrationallyadiabatic excited state surface, ∆A1(∆E), was obtained by addingthe vibrational energy gap for each ∆E. The classical free energycurve, ∆Acl(∆E), was calculated by subtracting the vibrationalzero point energy from ∆A0, and the vibrationally diabatic freeenergies were then determined by addition of εA(∆E) and εB(∆E)to the classical result. These free energy surfaces are shown inFigure 2. Errors were estimated based on 95% uncertaintiesusing the Student t distribution with 10 blocks for each umbrellapotential. The largest errors in the relevant region of the free

energy curves, -12 kcal/mol e ∆E e 12 kcal/mol, are lessthan 0.1 kcal/mol. To validate the use of the diabatic representa-tion in the current approach, it is important that the directlycomputed adiabatic free energies and unitary-transformed freeenergies, eq 12, from the diabatic representation (∆A0′ and ∆A1′)should be consistent. One can notice that this is indeed the casefor the excited state (n ) 1) and for the ground state (n ) 0) inthe reactant region, while there is a slight discrepancy in theproduct region of the ground state free energy surface.

3.2.2. Reaction Rate Constant Calculations. The reactionrate constants for the model phenol-amine proton transfer innanoconfined CH3Cl are obtained using eq 7 for the vibrationallyadiabatic case and eq 30 for the nonadiabatic case. In bothcalculations, the dynamical contribution is obtained fromtrajectories initiated from the transition state defined by ∆E )0, where ∆E is the collective solvent coordinate described insection 2.1.2. In the nonadiabatic case, trajectories are run withdifferent initial vibrational state descriptions, that is, protonvibrational wave functions with different contributions of thediabatic states defined by p, as described in section 2.2.2. Fivedifferent initial diabatic vibrational states were considered: p) pB ) 0, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, and 1. To obtain the initialconditions, an umbrella potential centered at ∆E ) 0 was appliedin the form discussed in section 3.2.1, but with a large forceconstant, k ) 160 (kcal/mol)-1, and configurations with |∆E| <0.001 kcal/mol were collected. A total of 128 000 trajectorieswere used for the vibrationally adiabatic case, while 32 000trajectories were used for each value of p for the nonadiabaticdynamics. Errors were calculated as 95% uncertainties usingthe Student t distribution based on the standard deviationobtained using 10 blocks of trajectories.

The total time of these trajectories initiated at the transitionstate should be sufficiently long so that no additional transitionstate recrossing is occurring. This is manifested as a plateau inthe time-dependent rate constant given in eq 7 or 30. In practice,these times are relatively short, as can be seen from Figure 3.The plateau occurs at approximately 10 and 5 ps for the adiabaticand nonadiabatic cases, respectively. We note that no thermostatis used for these trajectories.

The other component of the rate constant is the probabilityof a reactant reaching the transition state, Pre(∆E ) 0) in eq 7for the adiabatic case and Pre′ (∆E ) 0) in eq 32 for thenonadiabatic case. These are obtained from the appropriate freeenergy surfaces, which are shown in Figure 4.

4. Results and Discussion

We have calculated the forward rate constant, kf, for the modelphenol-amine proton transfer reaction PhosH · · ·NR3 h

Figure 1. Vibrationally adiabatic proton wave functions at thetransition state (∆E ) 0) along with their energy levels (dashed lines).The ground, ψ0 (blue), and first excited, ψ1 (red), adiabatic states arechosen as the diabatic vibrational states, φA and φB, respectively. Alsoshown is the proton potential (solid black line).

Figure 2. Vibrationally adiabatic, ∆A0 (black line) and ∆A1 (purpleline), and diabatic, ∆AA (blue line) and ∆AB (red line), free energycurves versus ∆E. The adiabatic state free energy curves obtained fromthe unitary transformation of the diabatic states in eq 12, ∆A0′ (blackcircles) and ∆A1′ (purple circles), are also shown for comparison.

Nonadiabatic Effects on Proton Transfer Rate Constants J. Phys. Chem. B, Vol. 114, No. 22, 2010 7539

PhO- · · ·H-NR3+ in a nanoconfined CH3Cl solvent using the

simulation approach described in section 3. While the rateconstants are a key result, they are primarily interesting in thatthey allow us to determine the role of proton vibrationalnonadiabaticity in the proton transfer reaction rate constant forthis model system. In this context, we note that, in brief, thenonadiabatic rate constant, kf

na ) 0.50 ns-1, is less than half ofthe corresponding adiabatic rate constant, kf

a ) 1.2 ns-1, as canbe seen from Figure 3 and Table 1.

We can understand this result in greater detail by examiningthe origins of the change in the rate constant. The rate constantsand the other related quantities for both cases are listed in Table1. We first focus on the relative contributions from theequilibrium and dynamical parts. It is interesting to note thatthe reactant probability density at the transition state, Pre(∆E) 0), increases, from 0.0023 to 0.0031, when the vibrationallyadiabatic excited (n ) 1) state is included in the nonadiabaticcase. This results from the minimum in the n ) 1 state freeenergy, ∆A1(∆E), around the transition state in contrast to thelocal maximum for the n ) 0 ground state. In other words,nonadiabaticity has the effect of slightly lowering the forwardfree energy barrier, ∆Af

‡, from 2.5 to 2.3 kcal/mol. On the other

hand, the average reactive flux, ⟨∆Eh(∆E(t f ∞))⟩, decreasesfrom 0.52 to 0.16 kcal/mol/ps when nonadiabaticity is included.This is because trajectories, especially those starting from thep ) 0 state, experience significant recrossings around thetransition state due to nonadiabatic effects. Thus, while nona-diabaticity tends to enhance the rate constant by leading to morereactants reaching the transition state, it also suppresses the rateconstant due to increased transition state recrossing. The latterdynamical factor plays a larger role than the former equilibriumfactor in the present system, resulting in an overall decrease inthe rate constant, kf, from 1.2 to 0.50 ns-1. Since the reaction isendoergonic (∆Arxn ) 1.9 kcal/mol) and the barrier for thebackward reaction is rather low, the transmission coefficientsare also low in both the adiabatic (0.03) and nonadiabatic (0.06)cases.

To further explore the issue of how nonadiabatic effectsmodify the rate constant, we examine the contribution to thenonadiabatic rate constant due to each diabatic state combina-tion. In the context of the classical mapping approach, this canbe done by comparing the results for different values of the“acid”/“base” diabatic state populations at the transition stateas quantified by the parameter p. As shown in Figure 5, thecontributions to the average flux from the proton state with p) 1 or p ) 0.75 are greater than the contributions for p < 0.5;this is still the case after the contributions are weighted by theappropriate Boltzmann factors. It is interesting to examinesomething akin to state-specific rate constants. Namely, sincethe diabatic coupling at the transition state is zero, the p ) 0 (p) 1) state corresponds to the vibrationally adiabatic ground orn ) 0 (excited or n ) 1) state there. Thus, the nonadiabaticrate constant initiated from p ) 0 or p ) 1 is that for transitionstates in the ground or excited vibrational state, respectively.These rate constants, assuming equal equilibrium contributions,

Figure 3. Time-dependent rate constants for the (a) adiabatic, eq 7,and (b) nonadiabatic, eq 30, cases. The long-time behavior is highlightedin the insets.

Figure 4. Probabilities at the transition state, Pre(∆E ) 0) in eq 7 andPre′ (∆E ) 0) in eq 33, obtained from the adiabatic ground free energysurface (in blue) and nonadiabatic free energy surface (black circles),respectively.

TABLE 1: Comparison between the Proton Transfer RateConstant, kf, from Vibrationally Adiabatic and NonadiabaticCalculationsa

adiabatic nonadiabatic

kfa, kf

na (ns-1) 1.2 ( 0.2 0.50 ( 0.16Pre, Pre′ (kcal/mol)-1 0.0023 0.0031⟨∆Eh(∆E(t f ∞))⟩‡ (kcal/mol/ps) 0.52 ( 0.10 0.16 ( 0.05∆Af

‡ (kcal/mol) 2.48 ( 0.08 2.29 ( 0.08∆Ab

‡ (kcal/mol) 0.63 ( 0.08 0.44 ( 0.08κ 0.03 0.06

a The equilibrium, Pre(∆E ) 0), Pre′ (∆E ) 0), and dynamical,⟨∆Eh(∆E(t f ∞))⟩, contributions to the rate constant, forward andbackward free energy barriers, ∆Af

‡ and ∆Ab‡, and transmission

coefficient (κ ) kf/kfTST) are also given.

Figure 5. Reactive flux obtained with different initial diabaticvibrational states, defined by the population, p (blue line), along withthe Boltzmann weighting of their contribution to the rate constant (redline) and the product of the two (black line) which is the directcontribution to the rate constant given by eq 31.

7540 J. Phys. Chem. B, Vol. 114, No. 22, 2010 Ka and Thompson

Pre′ (∆E ) 0), for the two cases, are given in Table 2.Interestingly, the nonadiabatic rate constant for p ) 1, that is,the vibrationally excited transition state, is significantly greaterthan that for p ) 0, for which kf is not statistically differentthan zero. This indicates that flux through the vibrational groundstate of the transition state (p ) 0) is more susceptible tononadiabatic recrossing than flux through the vibrationallyexcited state, a point reinforced by the large difference in thetransmission coefficients (see Table 2).

It was noted in section 1 that greater transition state recrossingcan be observed for proton transfer reactions in nanoconfinedsolvents, and that is certainly the case for the system consideredhere. To investigate this point more quantitatively, we plot inFigure 6 the initial radial distribution of the proton transfercomplex at the transition state (∆E ) 0) and compare it to thedistribution obtained by selecting from those same initialconditions the ones which lead to products at a time t later (t )15 ps is shown). We note that the initial distribution is the samein form as the distribution of products for tf 0 (black curve inFigure 6) which is simply that for trajectories initiated at thetransition state with positive momentum at t ) 0. The productdistribution in this short time limit thus reflects both the availablevolume and the free energy as a function of the reaction complexradial position at the transition state defined by ∆E ) 0. Theformer favors positions near the cavity wall where there is moreavailable volume (Vavail ) 4π(R - d)2, where R is the cavityradius and d the distance from the cavity wall). The combinationof the free energy and available volume leads to moretrajectories initiated near the cavity wall rather than in theinterior of the cavity. The difference between the distributionat tf 0 and at a time t later reflects the dependence of transitionstate recrossing on the reaction complex radial position in thecavity. For example, the distribution at a time t would be thesame as that at time tf 0 if recrossing was uniform throughout

the cavity. However, it is clear from the t ) 15 ps distributionin Figure 6 that in reality many of trajectories that pass throughthe transition state near the cavity wall eventually recross andreturn to the reactant region, a natural consequence of the lessfavorable reaction free energy reaction near the wall comparedto the interior.35 On the other hand, the trajectories which passthrough the transition state nearer the center of the cavity recrosssignificantly less, leading to the peak in the t ) 15 ps distributionnearer the cavity center.

Finally, it is useful to consider the present results in thecontext of previous studies. The Azzouz-Borgis model,31 onwhich our two valence bond state model is based, has been usedby many researchers as a test problem for calculating protontransfer reaction rate constants in bulk liquids by a variety ofmethods. These include mixed quantum-classical surface hop-ping,11 variational transition state theory with multidimensionaltunneling corrections,36 various flavors of quantum mechanicalanalogs of transition state theory,37 a mixed quantum-classicalLiouville approach,16 and ring polymer molecular dynamics.38

Although the specific methods differ, all are intended to includequantum mechanical effects and all yield reaction rate constantslarger than the corresponding classical value. It is interestingto note that there is still some significant disagreement betweenthe results from different methods37,38 with proton transfer rateconstants varying by up to a factor of 2 and deuteron transferrate constants by as much as a factor of 8, giving estimatedkinetic isotope effects from ∼4 to ∼50.

In this paper, we report particularly on the effect of vibrationalnonadiabaticity on the rate constant, an effect first explored byHammes-Schiffer and Tully.11 They included nonadiabatictransitions with a surface hopping approach and found thenonadiabatic rate constant (77 ns-1) to be smaller than thecorresponding adiabatic rate constant (180 ns-1) by a factor of∼2.3. They attributed this to increased transition state recrossing;that is, nonadiabatic transitions in the transition state region leadto dynamics in a vibrationally excited state that does not promotereaction but rather returns trajectories to the reactant region.More recently, Hanna and Kapral16 have used a mixed quantum-classical Liouville approach to calculate rate constants for thesame system. While they obtained different quantitative results,they found that including nonadiabatic results also led to asmaller rate constant (35 ns-1) than a purely vibrationallyadiabatic treatment (47 ns-1). These results are in qualitativeagreement with the present results for a similar, but modifiedmodel for the proton transfer complex in a confined solvent, inwhich the nonadiabatic rate constant (0.50 ns-1) is also foundto be smaller than the adiabatic one (1.2 ns-1). This indicatesthat there is not a dramatic change in the effect of vibrationallynonadiabatic transitions on the rate constant in a nanoconfinedsolvent compared to in the bulk solvent. Moreover, the origin,increased transition state recrossing, is also the same, whichwe have determined from our calculation of the reactive flux(see Table 1). However, as noted above, we have observedanother effect that modifies the nonadiabatic rate constant butwas not present in these other studies: an equilibrium contribu-tion that includes a nonzero probability of finding the systemin the vibrationally excited state at the transition state. This effectacts to increase the nonadiabatic rate constant, but is smaller inmagnitude than that associated with the increased transition staterecrossing. Indeed, we have estimated that if we only startedtrajectories at the transition state in the vibrational ground state,the nonadiabatic rate constant would be significantly smaller.

TABLE 2: Contributions to the Nonadiabatic Rate Constantfrom Initial Vibrational States p ) 0 and 1, Which Are theSame As the Vibrationally Adiabatic States n ) 0 and n )1, Respectively, at the Transition Statea

p ) 0 p ) 1

⟨∆Eh(∆E(t f ∞))⟩‡ (kcal/mol/ps) 0.01 ( 0.02 0.64 ( 0.08kf (ns-1) 0.03 ( 0.06 2.01 ( 0.25κ 0.0045 0.20

a For both cases, Pre′ (∆E ) 0) is taken to be the same as inTable 1.

Figure 6. Radial distributions of initial conditions as a function ofthe distance, d, from the nanocavity wall for trajectories that are in theproduct region at time t (see the text). Results are shown for t f 0(black line) and t ) 15 ps (red line).

Nonadiabatic Effects on Proton Transfer Rate Constants J. Phys. Chem. B, Vol. 114, No. 22, 2010 7541

5. Concluding Remarks

We have employed a classical mapping approach withinreactive flux calculations to investigate nonadiabatic effects inthe reaction rate constant of a model proton transfer complexin a nanoconfined solvent. The key results are summarizedbelow.

Inclusion of nonadiabatic effects results in a reduction in theproton transfer rate constant by a factor of 2.4 for the modelphenol-amine system considered here in a nanoconfined methylchloride solvent. This result is consistent with the usualsuggestion that including nonadiabatic transitions will lead tomore transition state recrossing, as discussed in section 4.

The effect and relative magnitude of equilibrium and dynami-cal contributions have been examined in detail. It is found thatthey compete in their influence on the rate constant. Specifically,including nonadiabaticity in the calculation of the equilibriumcontribution enhances the rate constant, that is, assumingvibrationally nonadiabatic behavior makes the transition statemore accessible thermodynamically. This nonadiabatic effectin the equilibrium part has often been ignored in other workswhere it is assumed all trajectories at the transition state startin the vibrational ground state. On the other hand, includingnonadiabatic transitions in the dynamics of the trajectoriesinitiated at the transition state decreases the reactive flux dueto increased transition state recrossing. That is, allowing changesin the proton vibrational state tends to increase the likelihoodof recrossing, since, for example, the vibrationally adiabaticexcited state does not lead to reaction unlike the ground state(see Figure 4). The reduction of the rate constant due to thisdynamical contribution is greater than the enhancement due tothe thermodynamical contribution, resulting in the smallernonadiabatic rate constant compared to the adiabatic result.

Finally, the consequences of ignoring initial conditionsinvolving vibrationally excited states were also investigated. Forthis purpose, the hypothetical nonadiabatic rate constant whichprecludes any possible contribution from the excited vibrationalstate at the transition state was computed and compared to thefull nonadiabatic rate constant. These two results are dramati-cally different. Thus, for this system, which has a relativelysmall vibrational splitting at the transition state, including thecontribution from an excited vibrational state at the transitionstate is necessary to calculate an accurate nonadiabatic rateconstant. The magnitude of this contribution in other systemswill naturally depend on the vibrational energy gap at thetransition state and the nonadiabatic coupling, but the presentresults indicate that it should not be ignored a priori.

Acknowledgment. This work was supported by the ChemicalSciences, Geosciences, and Biosciences Division, Office ofBasic Energy Sciences, Office of Science, U.S. Department ofEnergy.

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