nokia sustainable products and energy use 28_april2010_telefonicafondo

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NOKIA. Sustainable Products&Energy Use. Ponencia de Doña Helena Castrén durante las III Jornadas Respuesta Profesional de TELEFONICA.


Company Confidential© 2008 Nokia V1-Filename.ppt / YYYY-MM-DD / Initials1



Energy Use

Telefonica Madrid 28th April 2010Nokia / Helena Castrén

Nokia envisions a world whereconnecting people to what matters empowers them to make the most of every moment

Over 4.7 billion people connected

Nokia 2010Create consumer value by

leadership in sustainability

Maximize the experience while

minimizing the footprint of our devices

• ”greening” the device portfolio• especially energy efficiency • bio and recycled materials • chargerless packs and minimized packaging

concepts • redefine accessibility features




Take-back andrecycling

Sustainability fully integrated in our business


Less waste

Energy efficiency

Materials Packaging


A new revolution?

Some studies indicate that in order to avoid an uncontrollable increase in temperature, the CO2 emissions need to be cut by 50% by 2050. At the same time GDP is predicted to grow by 5%. This means that a ten fold increase in productivity is needed. This is very similar to the change created by the industrial revolution.

Energy Use and Carbon Footprint

• Energy use increasing Globally• Environmental impacts (carbon footprint)• Availability (alternative&renewable sources / energy efficiency )• Price concerns

• ICT accounts for around 2% of CO2 emissions in the world, telecommunications only a fraction of that

• Industry 30%, residential 25%, travel and transportation 20%, commerce 20%

• It is of utmost importance that we stop trying to find further savings only out of the 2% - or in the case of mobile communications less than 1% - of energy consumption and focus on the remaining 98%.

• It has been estimated that more intelligent use of ICT could help cut down the emissions from other sectors by as much as 15%.

Company Confidential© 2008 Nokia V1-Filename.ppt / YYYY-MM-DD / Initials7

Mobile technology as an enabler for low-carbon economy

Nokia Environmental Strategy highlights and energy efficiency initiatives

PCs and Monitors

(excluding embodied


Servers (including cooling)

Fixed-line telecoms

PrintersLAN & office



Source: Gartner – IT Vendors, Service Providers and Users Can Lighten IT’s Environmental Footprint, December 2007






98%The rest of the global


Total carbon emissions

2%IT industry

IT carbon emissions breakdown

ICT’s use of energy is responsible for approximately 2% of the

worldwide greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions

© 2008 Nokia V1-Filename.ppt / YYYY-MM-DD / Initials

ICT at the heart of growth

• The ICT sector plays an important role in the global economy, it has been estimated that the Information and communication technology (ICT) firms employ 6.6 million people across the European Union and contribute to more than 40% of overall productivity growth.

• ICT is embedded in all processes in developed societies.• It is the most powerful facilitator of rapid change in the developing world.

• There will be no sustainable solution in the short- to medium-term without ICT embedded at the heart of everything that we do, we need to ensure that this growth doesn’t mean also a similar growth in emissions.

• Telecommunications and ICT are in a unique position to affect the environmental performance of other industries by

• Making their operations more efficient• Dematerialization - Turning atoms to bits • Decreasing the need for travel• Enabling environmentally friendly services

Leadership calls for responsibility

Mobile phone subscriptions globally, millions

Source: Nokia

0-92 -93 -94 -95 -96 -97 -98 -99 -00 -02-01 -03 -04 -05 -07e





1 000

1 200

1 400

1 600

1 800

2 000

2 200

2 400

2 600

2 800

3 000

4 billionin 2010

-06 -09e

Penetration 40 %

ScaleBrand equity

Global outreachValue chain

Energy Efficiency and Nokia

• Nokia does not operate in an energy intensive industry, and is therefore not a key contributor for climate change discussions.

• Nokia aims to be a leading company in sustainability, and the way we addresses the global challenge of climate change is integral to our environmental and business strategy

• Products with superior energy efficiency features can give strong competitive advantage to Nokia – and minimizing the energy needs of offices, sites and reducing travel can drive down operational costs.

• The real benefits come from smarter use of mobile technology. Nokia believes that with our over 1 billion users we can raise awareness and help driving important changes.

Mobile Devices can be an energy efficient choice

Examples of power demand of different devices

0.5 W 1 W0.05 W 30W






The enabling effect of mobile technology – empowerment and opportunitiesCreating new possibilities – for people and business

Examples: Nokia Life Tools bridges the digital divide by

providing critical information and services direct to their mobile devices.

Nokia MoneyNokia Data GatheringNokia Education Delivery Students are

using mobile devices to help develop the academic, analytic, and life skills they need to succeed

Multiple devices in one - Converged devices enable

dematerialization and energy efficiency

Travel reduction initiatives

Mobile workplace

Inter-operable Halo-rooms and video conferencing systems

CO2 offsets

LEED Gold Certificate for BDA

Reducing our CO2 footprint

• By reducing our own CO2 footprint in operations

• By making energy efficient devices• By raising awareness and giving people tools to reduce

their own footprint

• By driving best practices in our industry and influencing other industries to make full use of the potential of ICT and mobility in reducing emissions

Increasing energy efficiency at all fronts

• We are continuously investigating new technologies and improved solutions for better energy efficiency

• We’ve reduced the no-load by over 95% in our best in class chargers over the last decade

• Unplug charger reminders are implemented cross product range

• Charger energy rating guides consumers on energy efficiency

• Power Save mode is being implemented to S60 and MAEMO devices

Nokia High Efficiency Charger AC-8 and Compact Travel Charger AC-15 are our most energy efficient chargers for 2 mm plug

Nokia High Efficiency Charger AC-10 is an energy efficient choice for micro-USB charging

If the almost a billion Nokia users globally unplugged their devices or used this charger, we could save enough electricity to power up over 100,000 European homes

Making sustainable choices easy for consumers Solutions

encouraging more environmentally friendly behavior

Engaging consumers in the sustainability journey

Climate Mission

Spreading the word about climate change, encouraging people to make a difference and enabling them to do so. A great way to entertain and educate!

Green Explorer

Green Explorer is a community-enriched travel service featuring high quality partner content. In a nutshell, it consists of a web site, a mobile application, and a widget, all of which help travelers to explore the world with a lighter ecological footprint and effect positive change in their everyday lives.

E numbers have been assigned to those food additives that European Union has judged safe. E Numbers widget provides a quick reference for food additives to use while shopping and a handy list of the additives users want to pay special attention to.

E numbersWWF Eco Guru – powered by Nokia Calculate your footprint by measuring the environmental effects of you lifestyle. Green your lifestyle by finding out which small steps you can make to help our planet.. Global easy-to-use ecological footprint calculator for mobile use

Green Channel in Ovi Store (examples of applications)


Raising awareness

Mobile AdvertisingWWF CLIMATE CHANGE –campaign

• 50.4 Million impressions viewed• 7.5 Million clicks on the banner• Click-through-rate above 14.8% - site• Over 7 million impressions viewed • Top countries include many where WWF does not have a presence yet

Mobiledu - Improving Environmental Awareness

Sustainability as a business opportunity

Sustainability provides new business opportunities Increasing competitive edge by sustainability

• Increasing demand and purchase preference from consumers and authorities for green offering

• Product & application/service differentiation by capturing green demand

• Positive impact on brand value

Increased revenue potential due to green thinking supported by convergence opportunities

• Internet as a business media, mobile as business vehicle – enabled by convergent devices

• Increasing value and revenue from eco content and application downloads

• New business opportunities via eco services provision

Utilize all the features of you mobile deviceMobile device can substitute several gadgets and

appliances Be energy efficient

Turn off Bluetooth, WLAN etc. when you are not using them

Unplug your charger when the battery is full Use video call instead of traveling

If you have to fly, consider we:offset Read emails and browse the internet using your

mobile deviceYou use only 3 % of the energy used by a laptop computer

Take your mobile phone back for recycling to save valuable natural resources

Tips how to be green

Thank you!

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