new media 101 for nevada interactive media summit

Post on 18-Oct-2014






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Mike McDowell's presentation from the Nevada Interactive Media Summit 2009 - New Media 101. Covers communications shift, tools (such as blogs, social networks, mobile, RSS feeds, twitter, video, poscasting, etc...), and best practices. Just the tip of the iceberg.


© Mike McDowell and KPS|3 Marketing. Not to be reproduced or used without permission.

New Media 101

© Mike McDowell and KPS|3 Marketing. Not to be reproduced or used without permission.

© Mike McDowell and KPS|3 Marketing. Not to be reproduced or used without permission.

© Mike McDowell and KPS|3 Marketing. Not to be reproduced or used without permission.

© Mike McDowell and KPS|3 Marketing. Not to be reproduced or used without permission.

But, don’t worry…

© Mike McDowell and KPS|3 Marketing. Not to be reproduced or used without permission.

All media was “new media” at some point

•  Newspapers/magazines

•  Television

•  Radio

•  Internet

© Mike McDowell and KPS|3 Marketing. Not to be reproduced or used without permission.

IBM forecasters are predicting a greater disruption in marketing in the next five years than we’ve seen in the past 50 years combined.

© Mike McDowell and KPS|3 Marketing. Not to be reproduced or used without permission.

A SHIFT from

a BROADCAST mechanism to

a MANY-TO-MANY model

© Mike McDowell and KPS|3 Marketing. Not to be reproduced or used without permission.

Broadcast Style

© Mike McDowell and KPS|3 Marketing. Not to be reproduced or used without permission.

Broadcast Style

© Mike McDowell and KPS|3 Marketing. Not to be reproduced or used without permission.

Many-to-Many Style

© Mike McDowell and KPS|3 Marketing. Not to be reproduced or used without permission.

Genuine Conversation

© Mike McDowell and KPS|3 Marketing. Not to be reproduced or used without permission.

DISCLAIMER: New media isn't a short-term project, an experiment, an event, a one-shot deal, or a quick fix. It's not something

you throw money at, and using it doesn't guarantee success

or influence.

© Mike McDowell and KPS|3 Marketing. Not to be reproduced or used without permission.

You have a LOT of choices when it comes to new media tools:



Social Networks

RSS Feeds Mobile




Mashups Social Bookmarking


Photo Sharing




© Mike McDowell and KPS|3 Marketing. Not to be reproduced or used without permission.

1.  Strategy

2. Tactics

© Mike McDowell and KPS|3 Marketing. Not to be reproduced or used without permission.

Weblog (Blog)

A website that displays entries in reverse chronological order. A typical blog combines text, images, and links to other blogs, web pages, and media related to its topic.

© Mike McDowell and KPS|3 Marketing. Not to be reproduced or used without permission.

Weblog (Blog)

© Mike McDowell and KPS|3 Marketing. Not to be reproduced or used without permission.

Weblog (Blog)

© Mike McDowell and KPS|3 Marketing. Not to be reproduced or used without permission.

Weblog (Blog)

© Mike McDowell and KPS|3 Marketing. Not to be reproduced or used without permission.

Weblog (Blog)

© Mike McDowell and KPS|3 Marketing. Not to be reproduced or used without permission.

1)  Newspapers and magazines using blogs as a source (PR)

Why Blog? (Mike’s top 5 reasons)

© Mike McDowell and KPS|3 Marketing. Not to be reproduced or used without permission.

1)  Newspapers and magazines using blogs as a source (PR)

2)  Great for search engine optimization (SEO)

Why Blog? (Mike’s top 5 reasons)

© Mike McDowell and KPS|3 Marketing. Not to be reproduced or used without permission.

1)  Newspapers and magazines using blogs as a source (PR)

2)  Great for search engine optimization (SEO)

3)  Site content/web differentiation

Why Blog? (Mike’s top 5 reasons)

© Mike McDowell and KPS|3 Marketing. Not to be reproduced or used without permission.

1)  Newspapers and magazines using blogs as a source (PR)

2)  Great for search engine optimization (SEO)

3)  Site content/web differentiation

4)  Establish yourself as a thought leader

Why Blog? (Mike’s top 5 reasons)

© Mike McDowell and KPS|3 Marketing. Not to be reproduced or used without permission.

1)  Newspapers and magazines using blogs as a source (PR)

2)  Great for search engine optimization (SEO)

3)  Site content/web differentiation

4)  Establish yourself as a thought leader

5)  Gives you a human voice

Why Blog? (Mike’s top 5 reasons)

© Mike McDowell and KPS|3 Marketing. Not to be reproduced or used without permission.

1)  Newspapers and magazines using blogs as a source (PR)

2)  Great for search engine optimization (SEO)

3)  Site content/web differentiation

4)  Establish yourself as a thought leader

5)  Gives you a human voice

BONUS… Measuring

Why Blog? (Mike’s top 5 reasons)

© Mike McDowell and KPS|3 Marketing. Not to be reproduced or used without permission.

Measuring New Media New media tends to be easier to measure because of the tie to technology. We can typically tell how many and how people are viewing and interacting with our media.

Measuring Blogging

Free and paid services: •  Free

•  Bloglines, Technorati, Blogpulse •  Paid

•  Umbria, Nielson BuzzMetrics, BuzzLogic

© Mike McDowell and KPS|3 Marketing. Not to be reproduced or used without permission.

Tracking in the Blogosphere

© Mike McDowell and KPS|3 Marketing. Not to be reproduced or used without permission.


© Mike McDowell and KPS|3 Marketing. Not to be reproduced or used without permission.


© Mike McDowell and KPS|3 Marketing. Not to be reproduced or used without permission.

Listening to Twitter

© Mike McDowell and KPS|3 Marketing. Not to be reproduced or used without permission.

Listening in the Blogosphere

•  Listening to Twitter and joining in conversations

•  Also running promos, contests, etc

•  Dell attributes $1,000,000 to Twitter

© Mike McDowell and KPS|3 Marketing. Not to be reproduced or used without permission.

Mobile Marketing/Text Messaging

Text to be notified before a price change

© Mike McDowell and KPS|3 Marketing. Not to be reproduced or used without permission.

Mobile Marketing/Text Messaging

© Mike McDowell and KPS|3 Marketing. Not to be reproduced or used without permission.

Mobile Marketing/Tracking

© Mike McDowell and KPS|3 Marketing. Not to be reproduced or used without permission.


© Mike McDowell and KPS|3 Marketing. Not to be reproduced or used without permission.

Social Networks

© Mike McDowell and KPS|3 Marketing. Not to be reproduced or used without permission.

Social Networks

© Mike McDowell and KPS|3 Marketing. Not to be reproduced or used without permission.

Social Networks

© Mike McDowell and KPS|3 Marketing. Not to be reproduced or used without permission.

Social Networks

© Mike McDowell and KPS|3 Marketing. Not to be reproduced or used without permission.

Social Networks

© Mike McDowell and KPS|3 Marketing. Not to be reproduced or used without permission.

RSS Feeds

  RSS (Really Simple Syndication) allows you to subscribe to dynamic content via a feed

  The evolution of getting information online   90s = Browsing

  Early 2000s = Search (Google)

  Today = Subscribe

© Mike McDowell and KPS|3 Marketing. Not to be reproduced or used without permission.

© Mike McDowell and KPS|3 Marketing. Not to be reproduced or used without permission.

© Mike McDowell and KPS|3 Marketing. Not to be reproduced or used without permission.

Dataheads, rejoice!

  Online: 79% of U.S. adults online

  Avg 11 hours/week

  Blogging: More than 40 million blogs… and it doubles every 6 months

  Cell Phones: 255 million users (84%), 98% capable/50% using text messaging

  Video: 12 billion online video streams

  61.4% have visited a social networking site

  Six in 10 wealthy consumers online use social networks

© Mike McDowell and KPS|3 Marketing. Not to be reproduced or used without permission.

1.  Strategy

2. Tactics

© Mike McDowell and KPS|3 Marketing. Not to be reproduced or used without permission.

Making it Work

  Listen. Understand.

  Participate. Give people a reason to come back to you. Don’t have to be boring.

  Important to understand the technology. More important to understand the strategy.

  Extend your reach. It’s not a build-it-they-will-come mentality. Integrated marketing is important.

© Mike McDowell and KPS|3 Marketing. Not to be reproduced or used without permission.

Mike McDowell Account Executive

Director of New Media

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