new ending for percy jackson and the last olympian

Post on 07-Apr-2018






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  • 8/6/2019 New Ending for Percy Jackson and the Last Olympian


    New Ending For Percy Jackson and the Last Olympian

    "Please," Luke groaned. "No time."

    If Kronos evolved into his true form, there would be no stopping him. He would make Typhon look

    like a playground bully.

    The line from the great prophecy echoed in my head:A hero's soul, cursed blade shall reap.My

    whole world tipped upside down, and Igave the knife to Luke.

    For a moment, everything went silent. I knew that Grover was surprised.Maybe he is thinking that

    all of these battles made me out of my mind. But I wasn't. I did that for the best.

    Unexpectedly Luke, or should I say Kronos, burst into fits of laughter; his head looking upward at the

    loomingconstellations. He began to speak with his scraping voice, "Good job, Son of Poseidon. I

    knew it all the time. You will be my weapon. That's the reason why I hadn't killed you before."

    "What are you saying? I'm not your wea-"I was confused. But then, Kronos interrupted me.

    "A single choice shall end his days, Olympus to preserve or raze,"

    Kronos spoke of the last two lines of the Great Prophecy with his steely tone. I didn't understand

    what he meant until he continued speaking. "Have you lost track of the date, dear Perseus? It's

    August 18th, and at this moment, you're already sixteen"

    "I-I'm sixteen?" It dawned to me. The prophecy was to be fulfilled today, at this very moment. But I

    made up my mind years ago that I'll be the one who will save Olympus. Yes, that's my decision. I

    can't turn that over.

    Kronos studied me as if he knew what was boggling my mind. "You had definitely made your choice

    a few seconds ago", Kronos had confidence in his voice, "You gave me this knife"

    He raised the knife the cursedblade that Luke gave Annabeth. "But that was to save Luke!" I

    shouted.My mind wasn't working properly.

    "I told you before. Luke is gone!" Kronos bellowed in return, "Only his body has remained, his soul is

    nowhere to be found,"

    "You're lying! We just talked to him seconds ago,"

    "FOOL! Now, have a peek of Olympus' downfall, young demigods and satyr,"

    Kronos spread his arms wide. He was glowing brighter and brighter. I didn't know what to do. Racheltold me that I wasn't the hero. If it's true, then who? Is it Luke? No, he has been completely taken

    over by the evil Titan now. Only Kronos is here, not Luke. So whose soul shall be reaped? I don't

    know. I'm going mad.

    "Percy!" Annabeth yelled, "It's Kronos! He is now turning into his true form!"

  • 8/6/2019 New Ending for Percy Jackson and the Last Olympian


    I turned to look at Annabeth. There was Grover by her side, feeding her ambrosia and nectar. I ran to

    them. I hugged them tightly, as if this'll be my last hug with them. "Annabeth, Grover..." my eyes

    watered with tears, "I-I'm sorry. We failed. I failed you. Go straight to the elevator. Save yourselves,"

    "H-How about you, Percy?" Grover had tears in his eyes too.

    "I'm staying. I'll do anything to stop him,"

    "There's nothing you can do now, Percy!" Annabeth's tears flowed down her cheeks, "We'll all die

    here. We'll never leave you alone, right Grover?"

    Just go! Blackjack and Porkpie will escort you down!

    With that, the two Pegasi grabbed them and flew off. I doubted I would see them again.

    Kronos went brighter, as if he radiated the sun. I turned my back. I was about to cover my eyes when

    I saw someone enter the Council. "Luke!" the girl yelled.

    It was the lieutenant of Artemis Thalia.

    I forgot that she was still here in Olympus. She was supposed to be under the weight of a collapsed

    statue of Hera. I wondered how she managed to get out. The broken statue was too heavy. Only a

    Cyclops can lift it.

    She ran towards the now transforming Kronos. She hugged him. If I was Thalia, I would rather slay

    that monster than hug him.

    Kronos threw her to the ground. Thalia fell to the marble floor, crying. She looked up.

    All of a sudden, Kronos' atmosphere of triumph faded. It was replaced with longing. I felt that he

    wasn't Kronos. He was Luke for now. "T-Thalia,"

    "L-Luke, Thalia mumbled, "D-don't let K-Kronos take o-over you!"

    "It's too late now. There's no-"

    "Nonsense! I know there's still a way that you could do to stop Kronos. Take a look at your right


    Luke lifted his right fist. He was still holding the knife I gave him. The hero's soul, cursed blade shall

    reap. It was really Luke after all? Are the Fates playing toying on me now? I was going into a mental

    breakdown already!

    Luke made a weak smile at Thalia. He turned his gaze to me and gave another smile. "It is finished"

    Luke raised the blade and slashed it into his left forearm. As he did it, I knew that that was his weak

    spot, hisAchilles'heel. That was the only point in his body where he is vulnerable. But by doing that,

    he would also kill himself! "LUKE! You'll be killed" I shouted and tried to run towards him as blood

    rushed out of his veins.

  • 8/6/2019 New Ending for Percy Jackson and the Last Olympian


    But before I could reach him, he glowed more than ever. It blinded me. Imagine yourself looking at

    the sun at midday. Now, multiply that by a gazillion times. That's how it felt. There's nothing I can do

    but to leap on Thalia. I hugged and covered her. I turned my back as the light engulfed everything.

    Then, it was dark, verydark.

    I opened my eyes. It was completely black. I could make up some familiar ornaments hanging in theplace that I am in. I looked around. On one direction, I saw three lanes where many people were

    falling in line. On another, I saw a lake of fire, where people were screaming with endless agony.

    There was also a wide plain, where people are walking freely. And there was also a paradise. I know

    people who live there are enjoying every bit of it.

    I scanned the horizons more. I saw a black river where different items drifted off with it diplomas,

    photographs and more. I also noticed a big sink hole, like the one in Guatemala. It might even be

    bigger, and judging by the darkness there, it would be really deep. Just after that did I remember this

    place, the Underworld.

    I looked back and saw a familiar face. He was wearing a black robe. Faces in torment were

    embroidered in his clothing. They looked alive, as if these souls were stitched together to form thisguy's dress. "Welcome back, Percy,"

    "Lord Hades," I wasn't surprised to see him. I knew this time would come.

    "I was already planning on how I will bring you back here after you escaped. But then, I think I need

    not to plot to kill you because you yourself had returned,"

    "Thanks for your warm welcome,"

    It sounded a bit harsh.My tone was ungrateful. It was opposing the message that I told the god of

    the Underworld. "You do not sound thankful," the god knew what was inside me.

    "No, I'm really thankful that you welcomed me back to your palace,"I replied sarcastically.

    "Anyway, everybody says that you have died a hero. And although I don't want to admit it, yes, you

    reallydied a hero. You saved Olympus. You saved your friends. And you saved me. But there's

    someone who you failed to save,"



    I am really dead now. I even looked at my hands to see if I was translucent, and yes I was. I'm now

    just a spirit. I would never see my friends again, who are still walking on the ground. I would neversee Grover, Thalia, Chiron, and Annabeth.

    "Percy, since you died a hero, even if I don't like this, I have to put you in Elysium,"

    Elysium is the place where heroes and the virtuous live after death. Everyone aspires to be in

    Elysium. It will be the happiest place in the Underworld. "You look delighted by that," Hades made a


  • 8/6/2019 New Ending for Percy Jackson and the Last Olympian


    I then realized that I was really in good spirits now. Well, I'm a spirit now but a while ago, I was not

    really that good. Hades continued talking, "I just want to ask you one question,"

    "What is it?" I felt frustrated a bit.

    "Do you want to be reborn?"

    The question struck me. I remembered it, the Island of the Blest! If I choose to be reborn two more

    times, and live those lives righteously, I will dwell in the Island of the Blest after my third life. That

    would be the last resort of all righteous persons. That place is even happier than Elysium. I want to

    be there.

    "Thinking? Well, I'll give you time by sharing you something. Luke Castellan, a friend of yours, had

    already met with me before you got here. He is now dwelling in Elysium. He decided not to be

    reborn. He chose to be contented at last. You know, he wasn't satisfied with even a thing in his

    mortal life. He wasn't satisfied with his father's love. And that brought him to his own demise.

    "Sometimes, we need to be contented in certain things in our life. Although man will never be

    contented, we need to be satisfied a bit. We shall not be hungry at everything. We shall not aspire tograsp everything. That would be too bad.

    "Well, it's good that in the end, he chose to be the hero of the prophecy. At least, he knew he wasn't

    really evil. And now, he deserves his choice. He deserves to be in Elysium. How about you? Do you

    want to dwell with him in the Elysian Plains? Or do you wish to be reborn and to try for the Island of

    the Blest?"

    I pondered a bit after Hades' short speech. I knew Luke even though our friendship was short lived.

    But if you consider Luke's thoughts, he would try to reach the Island of the Blest. He really had a

    change of heart now. And I am nothing like Luke. He was betterthan me.

    "Lord Hades, I want to experience earthly life again and do my best to reach the Island of the Blest",I answered with courage.

    "You really are brave, young demigod. If that's your choice, I have to grant it. Let's see, how about

    the future? Do you want to be reborn in the future?"

    "Anything you want"

    "Good enough"

    Hades snapped his fingers. Blue flames surrounded me. It consumed me, as if I was experiencing

    spontaneous combustion. It was like the time I bathed in the River Styx so that I will be invincible like

    Luke. But this time, it's as if I'm drowning there.My memories are being reaped from me. Slowly, Ididn't know my friends, even my name. That's when I passed out.

    I feel nothing.

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