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Neutrons and Food 29 Jan – 1 Feb 2012, Delft


ESS science symposium:

Neutrons and Food 2012

Contents Organisation .................................................................................................................. 2

Report ........................................................................................................................... 3

Programme Neutrons and Food ....................................................................................... 6

Posters .......................................................................................................................... 9

List of participants ........................................................................................................ 10


Organisation Chairs

Wim Bouwman (Delft University of Technology, the Netherlands)

Erik van der Linden (Wageningen University, the Netherlands)

International programme committee

Elliot P. Gilbert (ANSTO, Australia)

Hans Tromp (NIZO, the Netherlands)

Tommy Nylander (Lund University, Sweden)

Local organisation (Reactor Institute Delft, the Netherlands)

José Buurman

Ilse van der Kraaij-Quick

Wim Bouwman

ESS organisation (Lund, Sweden)

Sofie Ossowski

Axel Steuer

Website with most presentations and some photos:


Report How can neutron scattering help to make wine tastier, to extend the shelf life of food by

improved packaging, improve the recipe for fresh cheeses, fight obesity or make the crust of

bread ever crustier? Those were some of the questions discussed by sixty international

scientists convening in Delft from 29 January to 1 February 2012. The combination of

neutron experts and food scientists resulted in very engaging and fruitful discussions.

The first pie chart shows the scientific background of the participants. There was a good

balance in participants from neutrons facilities, food institutes and from industry. This

balance was essential for the discussions. The second pie chart shows the country in which

the participants are based. Nearly all participants from industry came from the Netherlands.

The neutron people presented examples using neutron scattering on food materials: Andrew

Jackson from the ESS gave a very clear introduction into the most relevant neutron

techniques for food science. The food scientists presented the progress in their fields of

science and asked how neutron scattering can help to solve their questions concerning

structure or dynamics of food materials. Martin Leser from Nestle gave an overview of which

processes in food science are important in the chain from raw ingredients to the final

packaged product in the supermarket. In nearly every step the changes in structure are

relevant for the quality of the final product.

The workshop programme covered neutron techniques and food topics. The food themes

included water dynamics, digestion, food packaging, protein conformation, casein micelle

aggregation, foams, interface phenomena, hydrogen bonds, organogels, food safety and

food preservation by freezing or increased pressures. For the neutron methods, we had

presentations on SANS, reflectometry, SESANS, inelastic scattering and tomography.

Some aspects of the systems that might be studied with neutrons are: morphology of

separate structures, such as fibrils, platelets and finer topological details, resulting from

molecular assembly. On a larger hierarchical level, morphological aspects in mixtures and

according phases and phase behaviour are of interest. On the smaller scale of molecules,

water effects, such as hydrogen bonds, protein structure, and dynamics of exchange and

small scale syneresis effects are important. The ability to study multi component systems is


of particular importance to the foods community, in view of the typical composition and type

of challenges the food area faces. Regarding food systems, one important system is dairy,

and encompasses different scales: caseins, calcium balance in milk, interactions surfactants,

water dynamics, fusion of micelles in cheeses and protein-polysaccharides. Interaction

between the food and its environment is for example important in the area of packaging

materials.The social programme started with a welcome reception in the Vermeer Centre in

Delft. Appropriately, this illustrated our symbol for the workshop, i.e. the milk maid of

Vermeer. The guides gave a detailed explanation of this painting, including all the hidden

erotic symbols shown. Eke Mariën and Jan Groenewold, better known as Cook and Chemist,

ended the first day with a lecture titled: Scattering in the kitchen. They performed a beautiful

and tasty experiment: infusing strawberries with green tea in a vacuum container. This

process replaces the air in the strawberry by green tea, which has a good contrast match to

the strawberry. The result is a translucent strawberry with a great taste. Food tasting

continued during the conference dinner in the Prinsenkelder, a very historic place in Delft.

Eke Mariën (Cook) discusses

with Lambert van Eijck (left),

Ad van Well and Jeroen

Plomp (right) how to boil a

perfect egg.

Conclusions from the workshop are: Structure (interface and bulk) reflects the information

relevant to a food system from the nanometre to millimetre scale. Most relevant is the

evolution of the structure as a function of temperature, external stresses (flow, high

pressure) and ingredient concentrations (including digestive circumstances).

The workshop ended with a discussion about how the ESS (or any other neutron facility) can

encourage experiments related to food science and consequently advance the field. On the

wish list are: deuterated compounds, chemistry labs next to the hutch, sample environments

with shear, temperature, microwaves and other conventional food processing conditions,

flexible access at short notice for trial experiments (for example as the SANS-express at

ISIS), support with data-analysis, simultaneous experiments using other characterisation

techniques and time-resolved measurements.


Do we need a next neutrons and food? In 2010, ANSTO organised the first Neutrons and

Foods in Sydney, a successful workshop that attracted some 60 participants, however, only 6

people attended both meetings. In both workshops the neutron scatterers came from far

away, whereas the food scientists were rather local; nearly all industrial participants came

from the Netherlands. However, the workshop is a good outreach tool as many food

scientists are apparently interested in neutron scattering, but they know little about it.

Following newly established contacts at this workshop we anticipate novel experiments in

this area. We think it will be good to organise another Neutrons and Food in a few years

moving to another country with strong food science and industry. In Europe, France and

Switzerland would be obvious locations.

The workshop Neutrons and Food 2012 was organised by the Delft University of Technology

and chaired by Wim Bouwman, Reactor Institute Delft, and Erik van der Linden, Physics and

Physical Chemistry of Foods, of the Wageningen University, the Netherlands. It was one of

the series of ESS Science Symposia and we would like to acknowledge the ESS for generous

sponsoring, their help and advice. Thanks also to all the participants: their active

participation made the workshop a real success.

Participants of the workshop. Photographer Menno Blaauw from the Reactor Institute Delft.


Programme Neutrons and Food Sunday 29 January

17.30 Welcome reception and Registration at the “Vermeer Centrum delft”,

Voldersgracht 21 in Delft with a guided tour starting at 18.15 hrs. The

Vermeer Center offers a visual voyage of discovery through the life, work and

city of Johannes Vermeer. Step into 17th century Delft, see samples from

Vermeer's oeuvre, go in search of his mentor and find the stories behind the


Monday 30 January

Welcome, chair: Wim Bouwman

8.45 Registration

9.15-9.25 Tim van der Hagen, Dean Faculty Applied Physics, Delft University of

Technology Welcome and Opening of the work shop

9.25-9.30 Wim Bouwman, plan for the work shop

Session 1: Neutrons and Food, chair: Erik van der Linden

9.30-9.45 Sofie Ossowski, Aim of work shop and status ESS

9.45-10.15 Andrew Jackson, Introduction to Neutron Scattering

10.15-10.45 Martin Leser, „Soft‟ Matters in Food

10.45-11.15 Coffee break

Session 2: Large length structures, chair: Arjen Bot

11.15-11.35 Kitty van Gruijthuijsen, Towards understanding gelation in complex model


11.35-11.55 Wim Bouwman, SESANS for food

11.55-12.15 Frank Wieder, High pressure treatment of food materials: Compression

monitoring by means of cold neutron radiography

12.15-12.35 Markus Strobl, Neutron Imaging and Food

12.35-12.45 1 minute poster presentations

12.45-13.30 Lunch break

13.30-14.20 Poster session


Session 3: Health and structure, chair: Thomas Gutberlet

14.20-14.50 Alan Mackie, Food Structure for Health

14.50-15.10 Dieter Middendorf, Nanoscale dynamics of food constituents by neutron


15.10-15.30 Thomas Vilgis, Structure and Texture of Food Polymer Mixtures

15.30-16.00 Coffee break

Session 4: Cook and Chemist, chair: Wim Bouwman

16.00-17.00 Eke Mariën en Jan Groenewold, Cook and Chemist

Tuesday 31 January

Session 5: Interfaces, chair:John Webster

9.15-9.45 Annika Olsson, Neutrons for Food Packaging

9.45-10.05 Camille Loupiac, Major Role of Interfacial Water on Protein Structure and


10.05-10.35 Peter Fischer, Stabilization of emulsions and foams: Probing interfacial

properties by small angle scattering

10.35-10.55 Rob Dalgliesh, Spin-Echo SANS and Neutron reflection at the ISIS

SecondTarget Station.

10.55-11.25 Coffee break

Session 6: Interaction, chair: Tommy Nylander

11.25-11.55 Jan Swenson, Water Dynamics in Carbohydrate Rich Food by Quasielastic

Neutron Scattering

11.55-12.15 Richard Frazier, Puroindolines and neutrons: determining the function of a

family of sticky, non-stick wheat proteins

12.15-12.35 Ad van Well, Protein adsorption at the air-water interface

12.35-12.55 Maaike Nieuwland, Visualization and characterisation of protein structures at

different length scales

12.55-13.45 Lunch break

Session 7: Dairy, chair: Marie Paulsson

13.45-14.15 Richard Ipsen, Some Current Issues in Dairy Technology Where Neutrons

Could Play a Role


14.15-14.35 Sofie Ossowski, A neutron and light scattering study on pure κ-casein

14.35-14.55 Sreenath Bolisetty, Formation of multistranded β-lactoglobulin amyloid fibrils

and their stimuli responsive magnetic behaviour in the lyotropic liquid crystals.

14.55-15.15 Andrew Jackson, Effects of high pressure on casein micelle structure

15.15-15.45 Coffee break

Session 8: Emulsions & hydration, chair: John van Duynhoven

15.45-16.15 Arjen Bot, Wall structure of self-assembled sitosterol + oryzanol tubules: a

low-safa structurant of edible oils

16.15-16.45 Maria Ricci, Hydration of Trehalose and Glutathyone

16.45-17.05 Hans Tromp, Hydrogen bonds studied by wide angle neutron scattering

17.05-17.25 Vasyl Haramus, A comparative study of SANS, ultrafiltration and dialysis

19.00-22.00 Conference dinner at Restaurant “De Prinsenkelder”, Schoolstraat 11, Delft

Wednesday 1 February

Session 9: Foams & proteins, chair: Hans Tromp

9.15-9.45 Monique Axelos, To be announced

9.45-10.05 Fabrice Cousin, Self-assembly of Fatty acids and Neutrons : from the

determination of the structure in bulk solution and at the air/water interface to

the understanding of the Mechanisms of Stabilization of Smart Foams.

10.05-10.25 Sarah Rogers, Small-Angle Neutron Scattering at ISIS: Applications to Food


10.25-10.45 Sheila Khodadadi, Preservation of Proteins in Glassy State

10.45-11.15 Coffee break

Session 10: Conclusions, chair Sofie Ossowski and Andrew Jackson

11.15-12.15 Panel discussion, How can the ESS be a good facility of food science?

12.15-12.30 Erik van der Linden, Conclusions of the work shop

12.30 Bus to reactor

12.45-13.30 Lunch break at the Reactor Institute Delft for the visit

13.30–15.00 Visit to neutron facilities


Posters Investigating the Structure-Function Relations of Modified and Native Herring Protamine

Marcia M. English, Allan T. Paulson

Spin-Echo Small-Angle Neutron Scattering for the Study of Food Systems

W.G. Bouwman, J. Plomp, C.P. Duif, F.P. Duval and A. Bot

PEARL: the new NL neutron diffractometer at Delft

Lambert van Eijck, Ad van Well, Katia Pappas

Future study_on food, medicines and health

Ellen S.M. Willemse

Origin of wheat dough viscoelastic properties

Birgitta Schiedt, Andreas Baumann, Julia Mann, Beatrice Conde-Petit, Thomas Vilgis

Self-assembly of Fatty acids and Neutrons : from the determination of the structure in bulk

solution and at the air/water interface to the understanding of the Mechanisms of

Stabilization of Smart Foams

A.L. Fameau, F. Cousin, A. Saint Jalmes, F. Boué, F. Ott, B. Novales, J.P. Douliez

Intensified protein structuring for more sustainable food – Development of a continuous


G. Krintiras, G. D. Stefanidis, A. I. Stankiewicz

Soybean oleosomes

Gustav Waschatko, Ann Junghans, Sania Maurer, Birgitta Schiedt, Thomas A. Vilgis

Non-triglyceride structuring of edible oils and emulsions

Ruud den Adel, Arjen Bot, Eli Roijers and Echard Flöter

Neutrons for Food

Marika Kok


List of participants

Name Country Affiliation

Monique Axelos France INRA, Biopolymères Interactions Assemblages

Menno Blaauw Netherlands Delft University of Technology

Sreenath Bolisetty Switzerland ETH, Zurich

Arjen Bot Netherlands Unilever Research and Development

Wim Bouwman Netherlands Delft University of Technology

Fabrice Cousin France Laboratoire Léon Brillouin

Robert Dalgliesh United Kingdom ISIS

Ruud den Adel Netherlands Unilever R&D Vlaardingen

Chris Duif Netherlands Delft University of Technology

Marcia English Canada Dalhousie University

Timo Faber Netherlands FrieslandCampina Research

Peter Fischer Switzerland ETH Zurich, Institute of Food Nutrition and Health

Richard Frazier United Kingdom University of Reading

Jan Groenewold Netherlands Cook & Chemist

Thomas Gutberlet Germany Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin GmbH

Vasyl Haramus Germany Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht: Zentrum für Material- und Küstenforschung GmbH

Richard Ipsen Denmark University of Copenhagen

Andrew Jackson Sweden European Spallation Source

Sheila Khodadadi United States National Institute of Standards and Technology, NIST Center for Neutron Research

Marika Kok Netherlands Mars chocolate

Nico Kos Netherlands Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research

George Krintiras Netherlands TU Delft

Frederik Lech Netherlands Wageningen University

Martin Leser United States Nestle Research, PTC, Marysville

Rik Linssen Netherlands Delft University of Technology

Camille Loupiac France Equipe EMMA, AgroSup Dijon, Université de Bourgogne

Alan Mackie United Kingdom Institute of Food Research, Norwich

Eke Marien Netherlands Cook & Chemist

Sania Maurer Germany Max-Planck-Institute for Polymer Research

Dieter Middendorf United Kingdom Clarendon Laboratory, University of Oxford

Maaike Nieuwland Netherlands Top Institute Food & Nutrition

Tommy Nylander Sweden Lund University


Annika Olsson Sweden Lund University

Sofie Ossowski Sweden European Spallation Source

Catherine Pappas Netherlands Delft University of Technology

Allan Paulson Canada Dalhousie University

Marie Paulsson Sweden Dept Food Technology, Engineering and Nutrition, Lund University

Jeroen Plomp Netherlands Delft University of Technology Maria Antonietta Ricci Italy University of Rome

Sarah Rogers United Kingdom ISIS-STFC

Birgitta Schiedt Germany Max-Planck-Institute for Polymer Research

Paul Sokol United States Indiana University

Markus Strobl Sweden European Spallation Source

Jan Swenson Sweden Chalmers University of Technology, Göteborg Isabella van Damme United Kingdom Mars Chocolate Atze Jan van der Goot Netherlands Wageningen University Erik van der Linden Netherlands Wageningen University John van Duynhoven Netherlands Unilever R&D

Lambert van Eijck Netherlands Delft University of Technology Kitty van Gruijthuijsen Switzerland University of Fribourg

Ad van Well Netherlands Delft University of Technology

Thomas Vilgis Germany Max-Planck-Institute for Polymer Research

Dirk Visser United Kingdom Loughborough University

Hanna Wacklin Sweden European Spallation Source

Gustav Waschatko Germany Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research

John Webster United Kingdom STFC ISIS facility

Ellen Willemse Netherlands Stichting Toekomstbeeld der Techniek

Hans Tromp Netherlands NIZO

Sean Hogan United Kingdom Teagasc Food Research Centre

Alois Popp Netherlands Unilever R&D

Frank Wieder Germany Helmholtz Zentrum Berlin

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