name: primary school: secondary school · there may also be clubs you can join at lunch time. have...

Post on 04-Jul-2020






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Name: _______________________________________________________

Primary School: _______________________________________________

Secondary School: ____________________________________________________

Challenge: Can you spot your school badge here? Circle it when you find it

and feel proud.

The school and the staff Secondary schools may seem big and confusing places. You

may be able to get a plan of the school to help you find your

way around.

Also, the more you practice asking for directions, the more you’ll get used to

the buildings and know where the rooms are. Here are some good ways to

ask for directions:

Challenge: Practice asking you family

members questions and act out scenarios.

Excuse me…can you tell

me where the science

block is please? Hi, ….I’m looking for

roomD3…do you know

which way it is?

Hello,…can you

tell me how to

get to the


rooms please?

This may help you articulate

your questions but can also be

a lot of fun too.

It’ll take time to get to know where all the rooms are.

It will help if you to:

Know who to ask for help

Know how to ask for help.

Challenge: Thinking about your secondary school, even without

knowing names, who could you ask for help?

You may also get:

Your timetable (keep a copy with you at all times).

Make sure it has lessons, teachers and more

importantly the rooms listed on. Often teachers have

to change rooms. Make sure you are prepared for

these changes.

Plan of the school showing where the rooms and other

places in your school are such as the one on the page


Don’t be afraid to ask for help.

Top Tips…..

Do your research online. Visit your

new schools website and write

down the names of some of the

teachers, teaching assistants and

senior leaders in your new school.

It may be useful to take note of

their roles also. You never know

when you may need one of them.

Things to try:

Set yourself and your friends


Challenge yourself to get from:

reception to IT support etc

Use different colours for each area

of the plan. These colours could

then be matched to your timetable

when you get it and even the virtual

tour. You may also wish to

highlight the halls, changing rooms

and school canteen.

Challenge:Talk with a friend about…..

Times they have visited or heard about

your new secondary school. What did

you find out?









Watch transition video for BA. Even if you are not going to BA it my

help you to visualise how a school may be laid out differently and how

the expectations of you may vary. E.g. you will be expected to get

yourself where you need to be, the teacher won’t come to you!!

Same or different Fill in the Venn diagram with anything you know already about primary and

secondary school. You may have a great deal more to add following your

transition week. Anything that’s the same in both goes in the middle section

but I’m sure you already knew that.

Anything that’s the

same I both goes


Anything you know about your

primary school goes here

Manor Junior School



Secondary School

Anything you

know about your

secondary school

goes here

In your secondary school, while you have lots of different teachers you will probably

be assigned a ‘form tutor’. This is the person who is most like your class teacher at

present. Even if they do not teach you, they are there to listen to any worries that

you have and can help sort out any problems. Even if you don’t know yet who they

will be, you will get to know each other quite well over the school year and this will

make it easier to talk about any worries or problems you may have.

Your form tutor may also be the person who completes the register so will need to

be kept informed of any reasons why you may not be in school such as

appointments etc. They are also the person who will keep you informed of any

school news, if there are any changes to the school timetable and may even teach

you PSHE during form time.

Much like here at MJS you will also have a Head of year. This person is also in

charge of your well-being, as well as your education.

Personal Challenge:

If you can, talk to a current year 7 pupil or someone you know has attended

secondary school. Find out what he/she does during form time and how this helped

them when they first joined secondary school. Make a note of why these session

are important and were helpful here:












The canteen in secondary schools is very different to primary school. It’s probably

much bigger with a wider range of choices.

Quite often in secondary schools you will not need to carry money. You will pay for

your lunches using a card, your name or simply your fingerprint. All of these will be

linked to your parents account though so be mindful what you are purchasing but at

the same time enjoy the variety.

Using the canteen:

The canteen or Refectory (as it is often known) is a busy place, so make sure you’re

organised. The following may help:

Go with a friend, you can help each other and, just like primary school, this is a

good social time too.

Look at the menu before hand – this will help speed up the process for you

and everyone else.

Make sure you have your card or payment method ready to go in September

and ensure these are topped up regularly

Ask for help if you are worried.

Challenge: In an ideal world, what are you hoping to see in the school canteen?




Which food groups do these fit into? See if you can aim for a balanced diet with your



Take your pick

Look at this sample menu here.

Decide what you would buy on

Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday (or use the

one from your new school if it is available).

What would you order and how much would

your lunch cost each day?

Monday £ ______________________

Tuesday £_______________________

Wednesday £______________________

How much would your lunches cost for the

three days? _________________________

There may also be clubs you can join at lunch time. Have a look on your school’s

website and see if you can find any clubs you may wish to join and also see if they

offer any lunch time clubs. List those you may be interested in joining below. When

you join in September you will be able to add where and when those clubs will be

running so you can get involved right from the start of the year.

Clubs I am interested in Where When Run by….

Not sure which clubs you might enjoy, try using this decision tree to help you get

some ideas:

Y6 Transition to Secondary School

On this booklist books for topics have picked a selection of recommended books for children in Year 6 preparing for the transition to secondary school, high school or college. This list has been collated by @TheBookWhisper2 who blogs at Everything All at Once

Steven Camden

An achingly beautiful collection of poems about one week in a secondary school where everything happens all at once. Zooming in across our cast of characters, we share moments that span every-thing from hoping to make it to the end of the week, facing it, fitting in, finding friends and falling out, to loving lessons, losing it, and worrying, wearing it well and worshipping from afar. Buy Online Go Big: The Secondary School Survival Guide Matthew Burton

Written by head teacher and star of Educating Yorkshire, Mr Matthew Burton, this is the ultimate secondary school survival guide. Secondary school can seem scary. Corridors are wide, older students look terrifying and there's homework, messy friendships and stressful exams to deal with. But, whether you're about to land at secondary school or you're still settling in, Mr Burton is here to guide you through your journey - worry-free. From your first day to your final exams, this handbook will have you achieving, succeeding and being the best you can be! Buy Online Being Miss Nobody Tamsin Winter

Rosalind hates her new secondary school. She's the weird girl who doesn't talk. The Mute-ant. And it's easy to pick on someone who can't fight back. So Rosalind starts a blog - Miss Nobody; a place to speak up, a place where she has a voice. But there's a problem... Is Miss Nobody becoming a bully herself? Buy Online Splash Charli Howard

Molly is in her final year of primary school, with secret dreams of becoming an Olympic swimmer. Having always lived in the shadow of her manipulative friend, Chloe, Molly finally has the chance to compete in a regional swimming contest and define herself on her own terms. But with the pressure of fitting in, and the sudden arrival of her mysterious mum, will she give up on her dreams for a shot at popularity? An exciting debut with an important message of friendship, body positivity, and celebrating who you are. Buy Online

Crater Lake Jennifer Killick

The ultimate story about Y6 residential! Who is the mysterious bloodstained man who stops their coach? Why is no one around when Lance and the rest of Year Six arrive at the brand new Crater Lake activity centre? But this is just the beginning of the school trip from hell; a fight for survival that sees five pupils band together to save their classmates from an alien fate far worse than death. But whatever happens, they must Never. Ever. Fall asleep!

Buy Online Vote for Effie

Laura Wood

Join Effie Kostas as she fights to become Student Council President in her new school. With a campaign team of loveable misfits, she tackles the truly important subjects: gender imbalance, outdated school conventions...and good-looking boys stealing the last slice of chocolate cake at lunchtime. A laugh out-loud rallying call for switched-on kids everywhere. Buy Online You Are Awesome

Matthew Syed & Toby Triumph

A positive and empowering guide designed to help boys and girls build resilience, fulfil their potential and become successful, happy, awesome adults. I'm no good at sport ... I can't do maths ... I really struggle with exams ... Sound familiar?

If you believe you can't do something, the chances are you won't try. But what if you really could get better at maths, or sport or exams? In fact, what if you could excel at anything you put your mind to? With hard work and determination, practice and self-belief, and, most importantly, a Growth Mindset, there's no reason why anyone can't achieve anything. Buy Online All The Things That Could Go Wrong

Stewart Foster

An absorbing story about bullying and friendship crafted with the right balance of warmth and tension to engage readers in upper KS2. The narrative alternates between the viewpoints of teenagers Alex and Dan. Daily life is a struggle for Alex, plagued by worries caused by his OCD and living in fear of the awful bullying at school. Dan’s life is not straightforward either. Since his older brother left home, everything in Dan’s world feels different. Dan plays out his frustrations at school, messing around in class and finding easy targets at school to bully with his friends. As time goes by, the boys end up working together on a raft-building project and a new empathy begins to develop as their relationship grows. A highly recommended story for KS2. Also featured on:

Reading For Pleasure Blog Buy Online New Kid Jerry Craft

Seventh grader Jordan Banks loves nothing more than drawing cartoons about his life. But instead of sending him to the art school of his dreams, his parents enroll him in a prestigious private school known for its academics, where Jordan is one of the few kids of colour in his entire grade. As he makes the daily trip from his Washington Heights apartment to the upscale Riverdale Academy Day School, Jordan soon finds himself torn between two worlds—and not really fitting into either one. Can Jordan learn to navigate his new school culture while keeping his neighbourhood friends and staying true to himself? Buy Online Guts

Raina Telgemeier

Raina wakes up one night with a terrible upset stomach. Her mom has one, too, so it's probably just a bug. Raina eventually returns to school, where she's dealing with the usual highs and lows: friends, not-friends, and classmates who think the school year is just one long gross-out session. It soon becomes clear that Raina's tummy trouble isn't going away... and it coincides with her worries about food, school, and changing friendships. A true story in graphic novel form.

Buy Online The Super Miraculous Journey of Freddie Yates

Jenny Pearson & Rob Biddulph

Freddie Yates likes facts. Just not the one staring him in the face - that his secret plan is not, in fact, secret. Because Freddie's journey wasn't meant to involve Big Trev and the onion-eating competition or the loo-exploding pear-and-potato turnovers. And Freddie definitely didn't expect to end up, with his two best friends, on national television in a supergirl costume. Buy Online Ella on the Outside

Cath Howe

Ella is the new girl at school. She doesn't know anyone and she doesn't have any friends. And she has a terrible secret. Ella can't believe her luck when Lydia, the most popular girl in school, decides to be her new best friend - but what does Lydia really want? And what does it all have to do with Molly, the quiet, shy girl who won't talk to anyone? Buy Online Can You See Me?

Libby Scott & Rebecca Westcott

Tally is ten years old and she's just like her friends. Well, sometimes she is. If she tries really hard to be. Because there's something that makes Tally not the same as her friends. Something she can't cover up, no matter how hard she tries: Tally is autistic. Tally's autism means there are things that bother her even though she wishes they didn't. It means that some people misunderstand her and feel frustrated by her. People think that because Tally's autistic, she doesn't realise what they're thinking, but Tally sees and hears - and notices - all of it. And, honestly? That's not the easiest thing to live with. Buy Online Just Jack

Kate Scott

It's not easy fitting in at a new school. It's even harder to be yourself. Jack knows LOTS about starting a new school. Since Dad left, he and his mum have moved house five times. He also knows all about fitting in. The trick is to act exactly like everyone else and make sure no one ever notices him. But it's hard work trying to be something he isn't and Jack doesn't have any good friends. That is, until Tyler comes along. Tyler is funny and different and might be the key to getting Jack to realise that although he is brilliant at pretending to be other people, the very best thing he can be is . . . JUST JACK. Buy Online

Feeling alone and isolated

To feel good about yourself and to have a healthy friendship, here are some things that you can discuss. Talk about:

a) what each word means and

b) some examples of when you have felt this in your life: Acceptance

Frienships are complicated and even in this age of phones and social media, there may be times when you are isolated or feel alone. Perhaps you have had an argument with a friend, or for some reason you have been left out of a friendship group. Remember that everyone feels like this at some point. It is very important to know a few things that you can do to help yourself.

Understand and name your own feelings (take a look at the Feelings Wheel) Talk to a trusted person such as an adult (complete the sheet below) Avoid social media for a little while Make time to see the people who care about you

Friendships in the digital age Most people at school will have a phone. If you are not allowed one, let’s discuss how this might impact you. If you do have a phone, you will have access to a lot more information/social groups/chats that can make life fun but a little more complicated. Phones and gaming can be important ways to make and keep friendships but there are a few things to remember. Let’s discuss how to use social media and technology safely by talking about these:

Where to go for help

Although you may feel alone sometimes, remember that there are many people who want to help and support you. Make a list of all the people you can talk to:

As you embark on your transition week

think about some questions you have.

Secondary School question sheet

Secondary School:


Address of School:


Telephone Number: _____________________________________________

Questions about the new school Answer

What time does school start/ finish?

What times are break-times and lunch time?

What sort of food is sold and how do I pay for it?

Can I get a copy of the menu?

Where do students go at lunch time? List of actiivties to do during lunch break

How much homework do you get?

What happens if I get into trouble?

Who’s the best person to talk to if I am having problems?

How am I rewarded for my work?

Questions about getting to school Answer

Where is the school?

How will I get there/what is my route?

Can I take a bike?

Where can I put it?

Is anyone from my primary school going to the same secondary?

What time will I have to get up in the mornings?

Questions about school uniform and equipment Answer

What do people wear to School?

What sports kit will I need?

What stationery do I need?

Is there any other equipment that I need?

Questions about Who’s Who Answer

Name of your form tutor

Name of your Head of Year

Name of the Head Teacher

Name of the Deputy Head

Who else do you need to know? What do they do and when will you see them?

Questions about the timetable and learning opportunities in School


How does the timetable work?

What subjects will I be able to study?

What facilities does the school have (e.g. sports equipment, science laboratories)?

What happens if I find the work hard?

Is there support in lessons?

What after schools activities are offered?

What other activities are offered?

Any other questions I have Answer






After visiting your new school

Describe what you did and what you saw at your new school.





What did you like at the school?





What rules are the same as in your Primary school and what rules are different? Are any rules the

same as the ones you have at home?




Where can you go and what activities can you do during breaks and lunch?





What didn’t you like?





How was it different from your Primary school?





Are you worried about anything? If you are, what can you do to help yourself?





Is there anything else you want to find out?





C. My learning style Everyone learns things in a slightly different way. You need to explore your own way of learning so that you can succeed. If you have had a Speech and Language assessment, you might have a good idea of whether you are better at listening or reading important information. If not, discuss what strategies you can use to help you succeed in school.

Visual you like to think in pictures and will create mindmaps and use lots of different colour to learn new things

Auditory you prefer to hear

information rather than read it

Kinaesthetic you like to move around as you’re learning

D. Problem solving There will be many times at secondary where you feel uncomfortable.

Discuss what you can do in these situations


E. My passport to secondary Throughout this pack you have explored more about yourself, what you like, don’t like and what you need in order to be happy and successful in school. Now’s your chance to write it all down so that your new teachers don’t waste time trying to figure it out! In the space below, draw a picture of anything that represents you and write all the things that are important to you. You should think about all the key aspects addressed in the pack. Look at your book to remind you.

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