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Our Vision

We are a

congregation of Christ

followers who are

making Jesus Christ

known to all people

and advancing

His Kingdom.

Our Mission

RLC fulfills its vision by

equipping, empower-

ing and encouraging

our congregation to

live and grow in

Biblical Stewardship,

Spiritual Transfor-

mation, Christian Ser-

vice and Worship.




















Dedication of 2017 Intended Giving

Join us the first two weeks of November for our annual stewardship emphasis series. Pastors Steve and Corey will be leading us through a sermon mini-series this year using the book of Acts as our basis. We will be looking at examples from the early church on what it means to be one in heart and mind—especially when it comes to stewardship. For the weeks of November 6 and 13, we will be looking at two contrasting examples: Barnabas, who gives all he has to the early church in Acts 4:32-37, and then Ananias and Sapphira who cheat God in Acts 5:1-11. With one heart and mind, let’s prayerfully and humbly seek the Lord’s will together as we study these examples from the bud-ding Christian church. And may we also take time to examine our own hearts, and follow where God may lead us.

November 6 - Lessons of Faithful Giving - Acts 4:32-37

November 13 - Lessons of Unfaithful Giving - Acts 5:1-11

All the believers were

one in heart and mind.

No one believed that any of

their possessions was their

own, but they shared

everything they had.


Congregation Council

Council Members

Janet Budzeck, Member -at-Large

Norm Gillette, Member -at-Large

Sarah Hagensen, Mem ber -at-Large

Jenifer Haler, Vice Pr esident

Todd Maier, Member -at-Large

Darrell Miles, Member -At-Large

Rick Snyder, Fina ncia l Officer

Joel Sorensen, Secreta r y

Sandy Steele, President

Ex Officio Member

Pastor Steve Ernst, Lead Pastor

Minutes of Council meetings are available on the website.


Member Directory Changes

is published monthly by Richland Lutheran Church for members and friends of the

congregation. The Preview is distributed free of charge. Please report address

changes to 901 Van Giesen, Richland, WA 99354, call 509-943-3164, fax 509-943-

5383, or e-mail office@richlandlutheran.org. Richland Lutheran Church grants

permission for any original content (not a reprint) to be photocopied for

noncommercial, local church, or personal use, provided the copies indicate the

source is The Preview. For any other usage, advance permission must be obtained.

Electronic versions of The Preview may be forwarded in their entirety for

noncommercial, local church, or personal use as well.

Scripture taken from the HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNA-TIONAL VERSION© NIV©. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.™ Used by permission of Biblica, Inc.™ All rights reserved worldwide.

Pastoral Acts


October 9 Miriam Palmblad

Weddings None

Memorial/Funerals October 15 Anita Schmidt

The following students celebrated their first communion on Sunday, October 2:

Kaysha Benjamson, Harrison Budzeck, Cliff Sandberg, Ryan Stolte, Emma Strasburg,

and Sam Webster.

Moritz, Steve & Debbie Remove – worshipping elsewhere Sparks, Carolyn 4594 Barclay Dr. Apt. #103 Atlanta, GA 30338

Rev. Steve Ernst, Lead Pastor Ministry Lead for Biblical Stewardship and Worship revsteverlc@gmail.com Rev. Corey Smith, Associate Pastor Ministry Lead for Christian Service and Spiritual Transformation revcoreyrlc@gmail.com Jenny Page, Ministry Assistant for Spiritual Transformation jennypagerlc@gmail.com Melissa Woehle Carter, Youth Ministry Coordinator melissacrlc@gmail.com Kelly Westlund, Ministry Assistant for Christian Service kellywrlc@gmail.com Lisa Wiegand, Ministry Assistant for Biblical Stewardship lisawrlc@gmail.com Joanne Woehle, Ministry Assistant for Worship joannewrlc@gmail.com Andrew Ling, Facilities Coordinator andrewlrlc@gmail.com Susie Nunamaker, Traditional Music Coordinator susie.nunamaker@yahoo.com Church Office Phone: 943-3164

Acts 2:42-47 42 They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to pray-er. 43 Everyone was filled with awe at the many wonders and signs per-formed by the apostles. 44 All the be-lievers were together and had every-thing in common. 45 They sold prop-erty and possessions to give to any-one who had need. 46 Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, 47 praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved.

Last month I addressed the question regarding our church, Richland Lu-theran, “Where are we going?” If you recall I quoted author Reggie McNeal as he wrote about the importance of the times in which we live, the post-Christian era, at least in America and most of the west. He told us the church in the post-Christian age, the “Missional Church,” will be dramati-cally different from the church we’ve known, and indeed it must be.

McNeal envisions the missional church to be more about “being” the church and less about “doing” church, “Missional is a way of living, not an affiliation or activity…to think mis-sionally means seeing all life as a way to engage with the mission of God in the world.” So then, how does one answer the follow-up question, “How do we get there?” In the next few par-agraphs I will attempt, to the best of my ability, to provide an adequate answer.

Answering the question, “How do we get there?” is a daunting task, not the least of which is because we’re not

really sure where “there” is. Sure, Acts 2 as discussed last month pro-vides a great picture of what being the church looks like but our context and so much more is different today than it was then. Truly, nobody has been there, nobody has seen there, nobody really knows how to get there.

What do we know, though? We know this, what has worked for the church, our church included, to “get there” in the past certainly won’t work for us today. Doing “what we’ve always done” will only cause continued de-cline and much frustration. Churches which are simply doing what they’ve always done will certainly not get there.

At the encouragement of my long-time friend and colleague, Pastor Scott Hawkins, I’ve been reading a book by Tod Bolsinger entitled Ca-noeing the Mountains: Christian Leadership in Uncharted Territory. If you get a chance I’d highly encour-age you to read it. I’m enjoying the book for many reasons, but am espe-cially enjoying the author’s use of the story of Lewis and Clark’s Corps of Discovery as a framework for illustra-tion. Talk about “uncharted territo-ry!” Lewis and Clark were supposed to be seeking a direct route to the Pa-cific Ocean by way of water which everyone knew just had to exist. Pres-ident Jefferson to Meriwether Lewis wrote, “The object of your mission is to explore the Missouri River, & such principle stream of it, as by its course and communication with the waters of the Pacific Ocean…may offer the most direct and practicable wa-ter communication across this continent for the purposes of commerce” (Emphasis mine).

Boy how things must have changed when Lewis et al met the Rockies! Lewis writes:

How Do We Get There?






From Pastor Steve, Continued

The road took us to the most dis-tant fountain of the waters of the mighty Missouri in surch of which we have spent so many toilsome days and [restless] nights. Thus far I had accomplished one of those great objects on which my mind has been unalterably fixed for many years, judge then of the pleasure I felt in [allaying] my thirst with this pure and ice-cold water…here I halted a few minutes and rested myself. Two miles below McNeal had exulting-ly stood with a foot on each side of this rivulet and thanked his god that he had lived to bestride the mighty & heretofore deemed end-less Missouri, after refreshing our-selves we proceeded on to the top of the dividing ridge from which I discovered immence ranges of high mountains still to the West of us with their tops partially cov-ered with snow.

Wow! Not only was there no “direct and practicable water communica-tion” (route) but the assumption that the topography across the continent was similar came to a crashing fall. Things changed and things changed big time!

At this crossroads the Corps had three options. They could continue forward using the same methods they’d used to get there, namely canoes. They could stop altogether. Or, they could make the changes needed to navigate this new territory. Only one of these op-tions would lead to their success. We, the Church today, find ourselves in a similar fix, and only one option will lead to our success.

So, how do we get there, what do we do? I feel you’re ahead of me on this one and already know we make need-ed changes to navigate our new terri-tory. In fact, as you indeed already know, we are doing this in the follow-ing ways:

1. We’ve chosen to give up options one and two above and focus on option three. Doing nothing and doing the same thing have been rejected by our congrega-tion as possible paths to our future. This is difficult work, change, but what other viable option do we have?

2. We’re being intentional about the changes we know God is calling us to. You certainly re-member the eleven transitions we’ve been implementing. These transitions are the foun-dation of how we will get there.

3. We’re actively listening to the Holy Spirit and are open to his promptings. Truth be told there are many things we don’t know about how we’re going to get there. Remember, this is uncharted territory, so we’ll need to take the perspective of openness, flexibility and risk towards new things.

4. We’re doing this together. Lewis and Clark were not go-ing to succeed in their endeav-or if it were not for the Corps and the Native Americans. They would have been foolish to try. So too, we’re going to depend on one another, trust each other and do this togeth-er, do life together and it’s go-ing to take everyone, it’s going to take you!

Here we go, friends! Tap into your spirit of adventure and hang on. God has great plans for us, a future with hope. I don’t know about you but I can’t wait to see how he’s going to con-tinue to use us to make Christ’s name known and advance his kingdom. Grace and Peace, Steve

Special Congregational Meeting Notice

It’s time for the annual GNMM Arts and Crafts Fair at RLC. Be sure to stop in and get started on your Christmas gift shopping. A light lunch will be available for purchase from 11:30 AM - 1:30 PM. All proceeds go to Good News Media Ministry.

Saturday, November 12

9 AM - 2 PM

Questions? Nancy Ballard - 946-3255 or Norene Erlandson - 375-5360

GNMM Arts and Crafts Fair


November’s Operation Christmas Child request: SHOPPING & SHIPPING! IT’S TIME TO PACK BOXES!! PACKING NIGHT NO-VEMBER 16 (and maybe November 17, too!)

On Wednesday, November 16, you are invited to join us to pack the boxes with all of the gifts we have collected this past year! It is our hope that we will have 700 boxes to send. That’s a lot of boxes to fill!

This month, we are asking for monetary contributions to help cover the shipping fee of $7 per box, and we are also asking for monetary donations for shopping for items to go into the box (each box, on average, costs about $10 to fill). If you have wanted to help with this ministry, but did not have the time to go shopping, we would be happy to do that for you! Please make checks out to RLC and simply put “OCC” in the memo line.

It’s also not too late to donate small toys (all ages). Please only NEW items. And, letters are still being accepted to be included in the boxes!

Thank you for your ongoing support of this ministry that tangibly expresses our love of Christ through a simple box of gifts. Please also pray for the recipients of the boxes, that they will be drawn into a closer relationship with Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Be sure to join us as we pray for the recipients of the boxes during worship on Sunday, November 20.

For more information contact Jenny Page (jennypageRLC@gmail.com)

Operation Christmas Child

The Facilities Building Committee respectfully requests all members to read the 22-page RLC Facilities Strategic Plan.

Voting on whether to accept the Plan will take place at a Special Congregation Meeting Sunday, November 13, at 12:30 PM. It is very important for each member of the congregation to make an informed vote at the meeting.

In Christ’s love, Russ Warren, Karin Nickola, Dave Larkin, Jon Erlandson, and Tom Pitkin.

We’ve all heard it. The favorite expletive shouted daily, “that’s awesome.” What’s all the fuss? Is it a shiny new Harley Davidson? “You own that gor-geous hog? Awesome.” Or a 45-6 high school football victory. “Wow, they were awesome.” Better yet Jefferson Elementary students’ test scores soar af-ter tutoring! “Now you can say, that’s really awesome!”

We view plenty of things or situations as “special, wonderful and yes, outstand-ing,” but are they really awesome? Webster’s dictionary defines awesome as “inspiring awe.” “Awe” is a feeling of “reverence, fear, and wonder, caused by something majestic, sublime or sacred.” Sorry, a new bike, a sports victory or a pretty Easter outfit may be nice and to be admired, but do they rise to the lev-el of inspiring awe?

Ok, let’s confess, we all use the terms, but are we thinking about reverence, wonder and do we hold them sacred? And hopefully we are “filled with awe” when we worship, revere the sacrifice of the Cross and thank God for his grace, love, mercy and the blessings He bestows on His church.

It’s likely we will continue to hear “awesome” daily in many contexts and con-versations notwithstanding these comments. But when we do, can we stop and discern whether the topics warrant that adjective? Awesome shows up at least 34 times in NIV translation Bible verses and awe 18 times. You think the writers of God’s inspired Word thought the words were important? Maybe these words should be reserved for topics of “reverence, wonder, majesty and sacred. Ok, the children’s Christmas program was “awesome” but wasn’t the Holy Spirit present?

Pastor Steve referenced the words in Acts 2:43 “Everyone was filled with awe at the many wonders and signs performed by the apostles,” when speaking about where our church is going and how we get there. We could say our church is awesome if “(we) devoted (ourselves) to the apostles’ teaching and to fellow-ship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer,” like the first century church members in Acts 2. And then “the Lord may add to our number those who are being saved.” That would truly be awesome. Norm Gillette, Member-At-Large

From the Council


Lutheran World Relief Packing Update

Our sanctuary looked so colorful with all the beautiful quilts draped over the pews as they were blessed. Packing for Lutheran World Relief went well. We packed 20 quilts, 57 health kits, 20 baby care kits, and 58 school kits for a total of 400 pounds! Thank you to all who so generously gave items for these kits. This will mean so much to those who receive them. A big thank you, also, to those who helped pack the boxes. They were delivered to Spokane by Betty and Felix Quinn.

The Gedde Lecture is here and it is time to register. There is no cost for this event (though donations for food costs are welcomed) but your registration helps us in planning for food and set-up for the event. So don’t wait; do it now. Fill out the form in one of the event brochures, tear off the registration portion, and put in an offering plate or put it in Dave & Carol Larkin’s church mailbox. Our speaker, Dr. R. Paul Stevens has had a varied career: a pastor for twenty years in Montreal and Vancouver, a professional carpenter, an author of at least nine books, and a professor and dean at Regent College, a seminary in Vancouver, B.C. Paul will be speaking on three subjects that he feels deeply about. Like Martin Luther, he is convinced that being in fulltime ministry such as a pastor is no more spiritual a calling than living our lives as Christians in the secular work-place. He will discuss this in one of his sessions on living all seven days as a Christian at work and not just on Sundays at church. Being in his late 70s, his second important belief is that our calling to God’s work never ends until we die. At no point do we get to retire from Christian service. Last, we are to be a spiritual friend to others and support them in their spiritual growth and strug-gles. How do we form these relationships? The Lecture will be on Saturday, November 19, at Richland Lutheran Church. Lunch and snacks will be provided as well as childcare for those needing it. The day’s schedule will be as follows:

9:00 am – 10:30 am WORK: taking your soul to work and experiencing God in the workplace. 10:30 am – 10:50 am BREAK 10:50 am – 12:10 pm RELATIONSHIPS: developing spiritual friendships 12:10 pm – 01:00 pm LUNCH 1:00 pm – 2:30 pm AGING: thriving spiritually for the rest of your life 2:30 pm – 2:50 pm BREAK 2:50 pm – 3:45 pm Q and A: where do we go from here?

Gedde Lecture


From the Sewing Bee

The RLC Sewing Bee would like to acknowledge the fine work that the boys in the Scout Troop #248 do each week by setting-up the tables in the Prince of Peace for our group so we can make the quilts and lap robes as our ministry to help others. We are pleased that they have chosen this as one way they can serve others. We would also like to invite others to join us on Wednesday mornings from 9:00 to noon. Contact Lois Harrold (946-0923) if you have questions.


November 2016

Sun Mon Tue

1 10:00 AM Staff Meeting 5:00 PM Executive Committee 6:30 PM Cub Scouts 6:30 PM Facility Building Committee 7:00 PM Boy Scouts Troop 248


8:30 AM Worship 9:00 AM Good News Today - KVEW 9:45 AM HeBrews Café/ Sunday School 9:45 AM Confirmation Reception at HeBrews 11:00 AM Worship, Confirmation 12:15 PM Facility Building Workshop 5:00 PM Worship 6:00 PM Coffeehouse 6:10 PM Movie Night 7:30 PM High School Discipleship Team


9:00 AM Play Date 12:00 PM Mary Martha 6:30 PM Women’s Bible Study

8 7:00 AM Men’s Prayer Breakfast at Denny’s 10:00 AM Staff Meeting 6:30 PM Cub Scouts 7:00 PM Boy Scouts Troop 248 7:00 PM Congregation Council

13 8:30 AM Worship 9:00 AM Good News Today - KVEW 9:45 AM HeBrews Café/ Sunday School 11:00 AM Worship 12:30 PM Special Congregational Meeting 5:00 PM Worship 6:00 PM Coffeehouse 7:00 PM Haler/Worgull Bible Study


9:00 AM Play Date 12:00 PM Mary Martha 6:30 PM Women’s Bible Study


10:00 AM Staff Meeting 5:00 PM Deadline for December Preview Articles 6:30 PM Cub Scouts 6:30 PM Facility Building Committee 7:00 PM Boy Scouts Troop 248


8:30 AM Worship 9:00 AM Good News Today - KVEW 9:45 AM HeBrews Café/ Sunday School 11:00 AM Worship 5:00 PM Worship 6:00 PM Coffeehouse 7:00 PM Haler/Worgull Bible Study 7:30 PM High School Discipleship Team


9:00 AM Play Date 12:00 PM Mary Martha 6:30 PM Women’s Bible Study

22 10:00 AM Staff Meeting 6:30 PM Cub Scouts 7:00 PM Boy Scouts Troop 248

27 8:30 AM Worship 9:00 AM Good News Today - KVEW 9:45 AM HeBrews Café/ Sunday School 11:00 AM Worship 5:00 PM Worship 6:00 PM Coffeehouse 7:00 PM Haler/Worgull Bible Study 7:30 PM UGM Service


9:00 AM Play Date 12:00 PM Mary Martha 1:30 PM Dorcas Circle Bible Study 6:30 PM Women’s Bible Study

29 10:00 AM Staff Meeting 6:30 PM Cub Scouts 6:30 PM Daniel Plan Maintenance Group 7:00 PM Boy Scouts Troop 248


November 2016

Wed Thu Fri Sat


9:00 AM Sewing Bee 1:00 PM Pastor Corey’s Bible Study 2:30 PM Knitting Group 5:30 PM Children’s Choir 5:30 PM Praise Band 6:00 PM Confirmation Rehearsal 6:30 PM Facility Building Work shop 6:00 PM Family Dinner 6:30 PM Family Focus Bible Study 6:30 PM SuperKids!, CHAOS 6:45 PM Chancel Choir


9:00 AM Pastor Dave’s Bible Study 10:30 AM Prayer Meeting 7:00 PM Outreach Team

4 9:00 AM Bulletin Assembly 6:00 PM AA Meeting 6:30 PM Women’s Ministry Event - Give Thanks


4:30 PM Mission Prayer Team

9 9:00 AM Sewing Bee 1:00 PM Pastor Corey’s Bible Study 2:30 PM Knitting Group 5:30 PM Children’s Choir 5:30 PM Praise Band 6:00 PM Family Dinner 6:30 PM Family Focus Bible Study 6:30 PM SuperKids!, CHAOS 6:45 PM Chancel Choir


9:00 AM Pastor Dave’s Bible Study 10:30 AM Prayer Meeting 6:30 PM Kairos Outside

11 9:00 AM GNMM Arts and Crafts Sale Set-up 9:00 AM Bulletin Assembly 6:00 PM AA Meeting

12 8:00 AM GNMM Arts and Crafts Sale 4:30 PM Mission Prayer Team


9:00 AM Sewing Bee 1:00 PM Pastor Corey’s Bible Study 2:30 PM Knitting Group 5:30 PM Children’s Choir 5:30 PM Praise Band 6:00 PM Family Dinner 6:30 PM Family Focus Bible Study 6:30 PM SuperKids!, CHAOS 6:45 PM Chancel Choir

17 9:00 AM Pastor Dave’s Bible Study 10:30 AM Prayer Meeting 1:00 PM Piece-Makers

18 9:00 AM Bulletin Assembly 6:00 PM AA Meeting

19 7:00 AM Men’s Breakfast 9:00 AM Gedde Lecture 9:30 AM Boy Scout Leaders 4:30 PM Mission Prayer Team

23 9:00 AM Bulletin Assembly 9:00 AM Sewing Bee 1:00 PM Pastor Corey’s Bible Study 2:30 PM Knitting Group 5:30 PM Children’s Choir 5:30 PM Praise Band 6:00 PM Family Dinner 7:00 pm Thanksgiving Eve Service 8:00 PM Chancel Choir

24 Thanksgiving

Offices Closed

25 Offices Closed 6:00 PM AA Meeting


9:30 AM Boy Scout Leaders 4:30 PM Mission Prayer Team

30 9:00 AM Sewing Bee 1:00 PM Pastor Corey’s Bible Study 2:30 PM Knitting Group 5:30 PM Children’s Choir 5:30 PM Praise Band 6:00 PM Family Dinner 6:30 PM Family Focus Bible Study 6:30 PM SuperKids!, CHAOS 6:45 PM Chancel Choir

The Richland

Lutheran Church


changes daily!

Please call the church office, 943-3164, or check the

website, www.richlandlutheran.org,

for the most current information. Please

note that not all activities are actually held at the


Chaddar the Chipmunk is excited to be back at Super Kids! And he would love to meet YOU! Making new friends is one of his favorite things, second only to Jesus and acorn-flavored ice cream! This fall, Chadder is learning biblical truths about being brave when things are scary, and also how we can share with others from the abundance God has blessed us with through a simple box of gifts like what is given through Operation Christmas Child! Nov. 2 - Who We Help Nov. 9 - What’s In It For Me?? Nov. 16 - Operation Christmas Child Packing Night! Nov. 23 - No Super Kids - Thanksgiving Worship Super Kids! is a Wednesday night ministry for children in 1st through 5th grade. Friends are always welcome to join us, and newcomers can jump in at any time! We meet from 6:30 to 7:45, immediately following the family dinner at 6:00 PM, in the Prince of Peace fellowship hall. Worship and prayer, Bible lessons, scripture memorization, games, crafts, journaling and lots of fun happen each week!

Children’s Christmas Program


Christmas, what a great time of year! But what does it all mean?

Join us for this year’s children’s Sunday School Christmas program on Sunday, December 11, at 4:00 PM in the sanctuary.

Preschool and elementary-aged children will be practicing their songs during Sunday School music time during November and December. Elementary-aged students will have one rehearsal on Saturday, December 10, at 10:30 AM (preschoolers do not need to attend this rehearsal). All students should report for costuming at 3:30 to the Gloria Dei multipurpose room on December 11.

This Christmas program requires some NEW props and costumes! Can you help? Please contact Jenny Page (jennypagerlc@gmail.com) if you’re interested in some behind-the-scenes work! Thanks!

A Night in Bethlehem

Activities for Kids

Make plans now to join us for this NEW annual neigh-borhood event!

At A Night in Bethlehem, kids and their families will explore the city at the time of Jesus’ birth. Through hands-on experiences they’ll find out about the most important baby ever—and learn that Jesus came to save us.

A little bit VBS, a little bit block party, come join the fun and help us share the Gospel with our neighbors! Help will be needed with the marketplace shops, pre-paring/serving lunch, setup/cleanup, and more!

Contact: Jenny Page (JennyPageRLC@gmail.com)

High School Discipleship Team is a group focused on service and leadership. If you would like to learn more about be-ing a Christian leader, and want opportunities to disciple and serve others, please join us!

We will be preparing for and lead-ing part of A Night in Bethlehem to be held on December 3.

We meet on the 1st and 3rd Sun-days each month from 7:30 - 8:30 PM.

High school students are invited to Coffeehouse on Sunday evenings at 6:00 PM. Each week we will spend time in God’s Word, play some games, and other great activities! We meet in Room 201 upstairs. Come every week or just occasionally; just come be with us as we learn how to do life together. Friends are always welcome. Questions? Contact Melissa Carter at melissacrlc@gmail.com November 6 - Tolerance vs. Love November 13 - Justice vs. Mercy November 20 - Special Event November 27 - No Coffeehouse

Activities for High School


All middle school students are encouraged to attend this mid-week ministry.

Each week, we spend time together having fun and learning God’s Word. CHAOS! plays a vital role in RLC’s youth ministry by partnering with the middle school Sunday School class and confirmation retreats

to help kids grow their relationships with each other and, more im-portantly, with Jesus Christ.

Nov 2 - Envy

Nov 9 - Lying and Revenge

Nov 16 - Operation Christmas Child Packing Night!

Nov 23 - No CHAOS - Thanksgiving Eve Worship

Nov 30 - CHAOS Winter Olympics!

Wednesdays, 6:30-8:00 PM (immediately following the family dinner at 6:00)

Meet in the Gloria Dei room Friends are always welcome to attend!

For more information, contact Melissa Carter (943-3164)

Confirmation Sunday is November 6 during the 11:00 AM worship service. Join us on this special day as the 9th grade students confirm their faith. -------------------------------- Congregational Reception

for Confirmands

We will be having a special congregational reception for the confirmands and their families in the Prince of Peace fellowship hall between worship services. Join us for refreshments and then at 10:00 AM, Pastor Corey will share a few encouraging words as the confirmands step on to this new journey of faith.

Confirmation rehearsal will be held Wednesday, Novem-

ber 2, at 6:15 PM in the sanctuary. 9th grade con-

firmands, please be present.

Give Thanks Women’s Event

The Red Cross is in need of donations. If you are able and willing to donate please contact Red Cross at 1-800-Red Cross or at www.redcrossblood.org to find location of blood drives and schedule a blood donation. Our local Red Cross Blood Donation Center is at 447 Wellsian Way. Fall is a good time to obtain your flu shot. The CDC recommends flu shots for eve-ryone over six months of age. Pregnant women, young children, and older adults are considered high risk to get influenza-related infections, so it is important for these individuals to be immunized. Please visit your physician's office, local phar-macy, or health department for further information and your immunization against influenza. Some adults may also want to consider getting an pneumonia immuniza-tion as well.

Grateful for our Volunteers

From Your Faith Community Health Ministry Team

Women’s Book Club

This month we will be reading and discussing: “Hiding in the Light: Why I Risked Everything to Leave Islam and Follow Jesus” by Rifqa Bary. We will meet Novem-ber 17, 7 PM, at LaVonne Scully’s home at 2152 Newcomer in Richland.

You are welcome to join us at any time - for one book, several books, or all the books. Contact: Joanne Woehle, 943-3164 or joannewrlc@gmail.com.


Is hospitality one of your spiritual gifts? Do you enjoy getting to know others? Then you might enjoy being one of our reception volunteers. These volunteers help out by answering phones, greeting people who come into the building, and some-times even assist with clerical work such as cutting the yellow worship slips.

You may have talked to one of our current reception volunteers on the phone al-ready! Many thanks go to Elaine Keyes, Barb Westlund, Marianne Kane, Shirley Fast, Jane Wilcox, and Jeri Frislie.

If you would be interested in volunteering once a month or more, please contact Kelly Westlund in the church office at 943-3164.

Join us for an evening of joyful celebration and fellowship as we reflect on 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 and what it means to be Giving Thanks in our lives as women of today. This women’s ministry event, which will include dinner and dessert, will be Friday, November 4, beginning at 6:30 PM in the Prince of Peace fellowship hall. Reservations are required. Tickets are $20 and will be available after all worship services or in the church office during normal business hours. Nursery care will be available upon request (please let us know at the time of purchase of your ticket).

Worship Support


Time Sunday November 6

Sunday November 13

Sunday November 20

Sunday November 27


8:30 AM 11:00 AM

Peggy Pilger Karen Clark

Charles Davis *****

Peggy Pilger *****

Kristen Imhoff Sue Meek


8:30 AM 11:00 AM

Trey Wiegand Shayla Carter Joey Weissenfels Jason Schroeder

Blake Vopalensky Jase Vopalensky Kayla Peterson Kyle Peterson

Kjerstyn Jordheim Cayden Tanasse Andrew Miles Hans Miles

Aiden Lesser Ella Sperline Matthew Smith Evelyn Davis


8:30 AM

11:00 AM

H-Chuck McCargar Sue McCargar A-Walt Wood Jim Peterson

H-Darrell Miles Alyce Thompson A-Rick Snyder Drew Snyder

H-Jon Erlandson Darrell Miles A-Jim Peterson Dave Larkin

H-Kathy Snyder Rick Snyder A-Janet Budzeck Rick Budzeck

H-Jim Peterson Jon Erlandson A-Larry Haler Gary Weible

H-Janet Budzeck Rick Budzeck A-Mike Strasburg Charles Rogers

H-Larry Corning Darrell Miles A-Fred Kremmer Mac Dixson

H-Carol Hexum Alan Hagensen A-Mike Bettinson Valerie Bettinson

Assisting Ministers

8:30 AM 11:00 AM

***** Mary Armatis

Sue Meek Sandi Edgemon

***** Kelly Westlund

Val Silva Val Silva

Communion Assistants

8:30 AM

11:00 AM

Norm Gillette Sara Gillette Charles Davis

Karen Clark Sue Peterson Heidi Dagle Ginnette Ernst

Clarine Watkins Jan Leitz Erlan Leitz

Lisa Wiegand Valerie Bettinson Mike Bettinson Jenny Page

Norm Gillette Sara Gillette Kathy Killand

Heidi Dagle Kelly Westlund Sue Peterson Bill Peterson

Clarine Watkins Jenifer Haler Larry Haler

Jenny Page Karen Clark Kelly Westlund *****

Setup Communion

Before 8:30 Lisa Wiegand Rick Nunamaker Susie Nunamaker

Rick Nunamaker Susie Nunamaker

Bernie Woehle Joanne Woehle

Cleanup/ Setup


Between Services

Lois Harrold Bonnie Harris

Pamela Warren Joy Stuenkel

Carol Schmid Irv Solbrack Elaine Solbrack

Cleanup/Setup Communion

After 11:00

Jenny Page Kelly Westlund Nancy Ballard Mike Schroeder MaryJo Schroeder

Cleanup After Evening


After 5:00 Service

Jim Worgull Sue Worgull

Rick Budzeck Janet Budzeck

Elaine Davis Karen Clark

Larry Haler Jenifer Haler

Church Friends

8:30 AM

11:00 AM

Lois Harrold Kathy Snyder Rick Snyder

Jim Worgull Sue Worgull Kelly Westlund

Carol Schmid LaVonne Scully

Debbie Honeyman Julie Bishop


Church Leaders

8:30 AM 11:00 AM

Lori Lachut Holly Slatter Pam Hedges

Desiree Hall Julie Bishop

Kjerstyn Jordheim Jana Strasburg

John Huebner Traci Moran

Worship Support


Please check over the schedule carefully. If you cannot serve when you are scheduled, please trade with someone or find a substitute for yourself and let the church office know.

**** indicates an available service opportunity. If you can fill in, please let the church office know. 943-3164

Time Sunday November 6

Sunday November 13

Sunday November 20

Sunday November 27

Producer/ Audio Mix

8:30 AM

Larry Haler ***** Larry Haler Larry Haler

Tech Director/Live Stream Coordinator

8:30 AM

Brian Killand Mike Schwartz Jim Moran Mike Schwartz

Cameras 8:30 AM #1-Don Schmid #2-Robert Warren

#1-Ken Meek #2-Don Schmid

#1-Fred Kremmer #2-Adam Pilger

#1-Woody Page #2-Mark Underwood

Editor/ Post Production

8:30 AM Scott Carswell Bob Thompson Mike Bettinson Jim Moran

Sound System Operators

8:30 AM 11:00 AM

Larry Corning Jeff Dagle

Paul Hedges Tammy Carswell

Larry Corning Jeff Dagle

Paul Hedges Jeff Dagle

Coffee Preparation and


8:30 AM 11:00 AM

Sandy Steele

Offering Custodians

8:30 AM 11:00 AM 5:00 PM

Schwartz Weible Strasburg Hagensen Rosscup

Harrold Hogue Budzeck Bettinson Petersen

Kremmer Peterson Thompson Snyder Keyes

Erlandson Leitz Barchet ***** Vogel

Evening Worship Support

5:00 PM Jason Corning Lisa Corning

Kelly Arnzen Marcia Vogel

Rick Nunamaker Susie Nunamaker

Diane Bonin Linda Totten

Cashiers (Monday after)

Judy Riggers Lori Hogan

Mary Armatis Jon Erlandson

Nancy Ballard Adele Sorensen

Kathy Snyder Janet Budzeck

Bulletin Assembly

(Friday before)

Doloros Erickson Margaret Dagle Lois Harrold Norm Gillette Sara Gillette

Norm Stout Bobbi Stout Doloros Erickson Margaret Dagle

Norm Gillette Sara Gillette Desiree Hall

(Wednesday) Lois Harrold Carol Schmid ***** *****

Recycle Valerie Bettinson Karen Clark Laura Stevens Kathy Snyder

Flowers M & K Schwartz Susan Miller

Thanksgiving Nov. 23 7 p.m.

Ushers Acolytes Lector Sound System Operator

Offering Custodian

Communion Setup/Cleanup

Communion Assistants

Rick Nunamaker Susie Nunamaker

November 22 Barbara Roberts Art Tackett November 23 Bobbi Bergman Barbara Sandness November 24 Kelly Arnzen Michelle Hamilton Pam Hedges November 25 Nancy Fiess November 26 Gary Fisher Jan Leitz Sydney Miller November 27 Tim Lamberson November 28 Ona Lander Coley Levin Nathan Lipton November 29 Margaret Arnst Rebecca Skinner November 30 Courtney Olsen

November 2 Marilyn & Robert Schumacher November 8 Cindy & Mark Underwood November 9 Zemmie & Stuart Iedema November 10 Joclyn & Scott Conrad

November 14 Elaine & Greg Keyes November 18 Julie & Michael Penley LaVonne & Don Scully Pamela & Russell Warren November 26 Mary & Butch Machinal



November 11 Kelly Doyle Lila Lloyd November 12 Nancy Bergman Lynn Tanasse November 13 Melissa Woehle Carter Garrett Streufert November 14 Heidi Dagle Lori Lachut November 16 Don Scully Lisa Wiegand November 17 Dave Brandes Alan Hagensen Amanda Kissire November 19 Brock Streufert November 20 Jim Lachut Rylee Mercer Thomas Mercer Kris Mitchell Kristin Smith November 21 Rob Barr Loren Peterson

November 1 Diane Fleener Sydney Johnson Debra Myers Val Silva Jan Wisness November 2 Brian Chaney Audrey Hagensen Becca Rogers November 4 AJ Wiegand Jane Wilcox November 5 Jim Salaba November 6 Ann Brandes Dave Larkin Danny Taasevigen November 7 Traci Moran Yvonne Venema Josh Woehle November 8 Jen Ranta Layla Taft Virginia Wood November 9 Mikayla Hamilton Lauren Heaslet Gabriel Kissire November 10 Barbara Westlund


Worship Schedule

901 Van Giesen

Richland, WA 99354



Mailing Label

Come to HeBrews Café Sunday mornings, between 9:45 AM and 10:45 AM

It’s where Richland Lutheran Church

members are

refreshed, rejuvenated, and renewed

for work in the Kingdom!

There are still some Sundays available for serving.

Sign up on the bulletin board in the narthex.

Equipping. Empowering. Encouraging.

Traditional Worship with Holy Communion Sundays at 8:30 AM

Contemporary Worship with Holy Communion Sundays at 11:00 AM

Informal Evening Worship

with Holy Communion Sundays at 5:00 PM

And when circumstances beyond your control prevent

you from coming to church . . .

Good News Today

Aired Sunday mornings on

KVEW 42 and KAPP 35 at 9:00 AM

Live Streaming and audio files of sermons are available on the website:


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