my strength

Post on 05-Sep-2015






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Literature in english


DHARSHINI A/P KRISHNAN MORTHY2My Strength, My BabaA red rose, in the language of emotions, is an expression of love. Instead of saying the magical words I love you, one can just give a red rose and the same sentiment would get conveyed. Similar has been the case in the beautiful relationship that I have shared with my love, my strength, my Baba. Each time I wished to say I love you, all I did was take a red rose to the temple and place it at His Holy Feet.I went to India with my mom with the only wish to get Babas darshan at his temple in Mailapur. This temple is very famous as Babas grave samathi is there too. Once landed at Chennai Airport, we took a cab and went to the nearby hotel to check in. After place our bags in the room, we freshen up ourselves before move to Mailapur to get Babas darshan.It was customary for me to seek Babas blessings before starting our journey. This day was different. It was raining in torrents but I was determined to meet Baba. I also wanted to present a red rose at Babas feet. I want to brim with love for my Baba and express my emotions for Him with the gift of the rose.With crossed fingers and a sincere prayer on my lips for a miracle because only a miracle could get me Babas darshan within half an hour - I entered the huge hall where hundreds of devotees stood in a queue to get a glimpse of Baba. Where are you going dear?, asked my mom. Hmm.. Im going to queue up too ma like other devotees to get Babas blessings, I replied. My mom smiled n told me that if we follow the queue, we would not be able to get Babas blessings in half an hour. So, we went and took the NRI entry ticket and followed that way to get His blessings. It was so surprising to see the way less vacant. We walked in almost for 15 minutes and we went nearer to the place where Babas crave n His statue is located. The statue was nearly 5 to 6 feet in height. It was so real to see Him. His crave and statue was fully covered by fresh flowers.As I wished, I placed a rose at his feet and I able to stand and pray for almost 10 minutes peacefully without any disturbance. Youre my strength, youre my love, youre everything. You have changed my life path, you have changed me to who am I today. Thanks lot Baba. Even when my last breath, I wished to say your name.. Everything went off well and I felt so happy after get Babas darshan. Thats the best feeling ever I would say.

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