multiple intelligences theory

Post on 29-Nov-2014






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Why do most students excel in so few subject areas? Traditional education and performance indicators rely heavily on math and language, which can lead to low self-esteem and poor academic performance for struggling students. Learn how to boost every student’s confidence and strengthen all intelligences using multiple intelligences theory.


What’s in Common?

¦  Martin Luther King Jr.

¦  Mozart

¦  Jane Goodall

¦  Oprah Winfrey

¦  Frank Lloyd Wright

¦  Michael Jordan

History and Background

What is Multiple Intelligence (MI)?

Each of us has preferred ways to understand and express information and ideas.

¦  1983 - Howard Gardner

¦  Potential varies by nature and experience

¦  Can be measured individually

¦  Typically used in combinations

How were the intelligences determined?

Specific criteria must be met to identify an intelligence: 1.  Potential isolation by brain damage

2.  Place in evolutionary history

3.  Presence of core operations

4.  Susceptibility to encoding (symbolic expression)

5.  Distinct developmental progression

6.  Existence of savants, prodigies and other exceptional people

7.  Support from experimental psychology findings

8.  Support from psychometric findings

Source: Gardner, H. (1999) Intelligence Reframed: Multiple intelligences for the 21st century. NY: Basic Books.

Benefits of Addressing MI

¦  Goes beyond traditional academic focus

¦  Allows more individuals to find their strengths

¦  Does not focus on a grade or score

¦  Validates that students learn or express things differently ¥  a variety of techniques/methods must be used

¦  Compatible with other current methodologies ¥  E.g. flipped teaching, cooperative learning, formative assessment, personalized

learning, etc.

The Nine Intelligences

Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence

¦ Ability to: ¥  move and manipulate

your body and objects within an environment in a fine-tuned, coordinated manner

¥  coordinate the mind and body to control muscle groups

¥  perform and remember body movements

¦ Career examples: ¥  professional athlete ¥  mechanic ¥  gymnast ¥  baker ¥  locksmith ¥  magician ¥  painter ¥  tailor

Existential Intelligence

¦ Ability to: ¥  view the “big picture” of

how the world works ¥  ask questions that go

beyond our normal sensory experience

¥  make connections between broad concepts and minute details

¦ Career examples: ¥  philosopher ¥  theologist ¥  archeologist ¥  astrologer ¥  chemist ¥  mathematician ¥  researcher ¥  physicist

Interpersonal Intelligence

¦ Ability to: ¥  understand and work

with people ¥  establish and maintain

personal relationships ¥  see the world from

another’s perspective communicate well (verbally and non-verbally)

¥  co-operate in a group ¥  influence others

¦ Career examples: ¥  manager ¥  school principal ¥  social worker ¥  barber ¥  demonstrator ¥  editor ¥  historian ¥  executive assistant

Intrapersonal Intelligence

¦ Ability to: ¥  understand oneself

¥  objectively reflect upon your own thoughts and behavior

¥  seek future self-improvement

¥  establish self-confidence

¦ Career examples: ¥  artist ¥  law enforcement ¥  athlete ¥  creative writer ¥  fashion model ¥  counselor ¥  judge ¥  politician

Linguistic Intelligence

¦ Ability to: ¥  understand and use

language effectively using reading, writing, speaking, sign language, Braille, etc.

¥  recognize and use humor ¥  create verbal images ¥  understand language

patterns and relationships

¦ Career examples: ¥  translator ¥  wedding consultant ¥  teacher ¥  call center agent ¥  computer programmer ¥  early childhood educator ¥  historian ¥  journalist

Logical-Mathematical Intelligence

¦ Ability to: ¥  reason inductively ¥  reason deductively ¥  find relationships

between abstract ideas ¥  recognize logical

sequences and patterns ¥  identify & solve


¦ Career examples: ¥  engineer ¥  insurance agent ¥  forensic scientist ¥  valuator ¥  technical writer ¥  plumber ¥  inspector ¥  judge

Musical Intelligence

¦ Ability to: ¥  play an instrument or sing ¥  create melodies and

rhythms ¥  enjoy and analyze music ¥  recognize and distinguish

tones, tonal patterns, rhythms, beats

¥  understand musical structures

¦ Career examples: ¥  composer ¥  record producer ¥  singer ¥  musician ¥  dance teacher ¥  art director ¥  A/V recording technician ¥  interpreter

Naturalist Intelligence

¦ Ability to: ¥  recognize, appreciate

and classify elements of an environment

¥  see connections within an environment

¥  recognize when environmental changes occur

¥  understand the impact of environmental changes

¦ Career examples: ¥  zoologist ¥  botanist ¥  geologist ¥  taxidermist ¥  naturopath ¥  landscaper ¥  metallurgist ¥  chemist

Spatial Intelligence

¦ Ability to: ¥  perceive objects

accurately ¥  transform and recreate

images ¥  recognize how shapes

and objects relate to each other

¦ Career examples: ¥  architect ¥  pilot ¥  photographer ¥  art instructor ¥  carpenter ¥  tattoo artist ¥  optometrist ¥  land surveyor

MI Advantage Assessment - Report - Careers

The Story of Will

The Story of Will

The Story of Will

The Story of Will

The Story of Will

... who became a Won’t

How does MI make a difference?

Project Spectrum Study of students who are exposed to a battery of targeted MI activities

n  When working in their areas of strength, the majority students were characterized by their teachers as:

n  easy to engage n  confident n  focused

n  When working in their areas of weakness, the majority students were characterized by their teachers as:

n  reluctant to engage n  distracted n  impulsive

What difference has it made?

¦ Project SUMIT ¦  3-year study of 42 schools

¥  Examined applications of MI theory ¥  Findings for schools:

n  78% improved standardized test score

n  78% reported improved performance from students with LD

n  80% reported improvement in parent participation n  81% reported improvement in student discipline

More details in book: Multiple Intelligences: Best Ideas from Research and Practice by Mindy Kornhaber. 2004. Pearson.

MI Advantage Assessment - Report - Careers

Assessment Structure

¦  Surveys students’ experiences and inclinations to determine their level of each intelligence

¦  72 questions

¦  10-15 minutes to complete

¦  Appropriate for students from 9th grade to college

Assessment Question

Assessment Metrics

n = 830 330 (40%) male 500 (60%) female Reliability Internal consistency (Chronbach’s alpha) Bodily-Kinesthetic .87 Interpersonal .84 Intrapersonal .78 Linguistic .83 Logical-Mathematical .88 Musical .89 Naturalist .79 Spatial .70 Validity Correlations between MI Advantage and the established instruments below were measured. •  The Wonderlic Personnel Test (WPT) – a measure of global intelligence •  The General Aptitude Test Battery (GATB) •  The Bar-On EQi – for measures of emotional intelligence. *

Correlations r Linguistic + Logical-Mathematical vs. WPT .55 Linguistic vs. GATB Verbal .55 Linguistic + Logical-Mathematical vs. GATB – general apt. .51 Interpersonal vs. Bar-On Interpersonal .67 Interpersonal + Intrapersonal vs. Bar-On EQi total .59



¥  Improve confidence

¥  Make learning easier

¥  Appreciate intellectual diversity


Ø  Highlight strengths and expand their use

Ø  Provide personalized strategies

Ø  Explain all intelligences and where synergies exist

Intelligence Profile

Career Recommendations

¦  See top matching career list that compares top 3 intelligences for a career to the levels the student has.

¦  Or explore careers by one intelligence at a time.

¦  Uses O*NET database

Individual Intelligence Sections

1.  Understand

2.  Engage

3.  Direct


Understand & Engage




MI Advantage

Practical Applications

Student Applications

1.  Self-awareness ü  Reflect on profile and report

ü  Career research based on list

2.  Strategic or Metacognitive approach to learning

ü  Selecting and applying suggested learning strategies using strengths

ü  Creation and sharing of learning strategies based on strengths

3.  Seek to expand capabilities

ü  Challenge strengths with extension activities

ü  Look to improve moderate and challenge areas

Teacher Applications

1.  Take assessment and reflect on teaching style ü  Are activities varied across intelligences?

ü  Is student evaluation varied?

2.  Vary lessons and student evaluation ü  Use MI Advantage report and other resources

ü  Team with educators who have other strengths

3.  Mix and match students according to strengths ü  Similar strengths for metacognitive strategies and study groups

ü  Different strengths for group projects (assigned roles) – valuing diversity

Counselor Applications

¦  Intervention with struggling students ü  Look for alignment between struggles and intelligence profile (validation). ü  Place focus on strengths to boost confidence ü  Search for ways to expand use of strengths

¦  Metacognitive boost for average students ü  Move from Knowledge to Comprehension, Application, Analysis, and beyond

¦  Increase challenge and interest for strong or bored students ü  Extension activities for strengths ü  Seek well-roundedness in developing moderate and challenge areas

¦  Career and college planning ü  Career lists from report ü  Relate Tasks and Activities in career profile to intelligences ü  Discussion of college majors as they relate to different intelligences ü  Have student build portfolio of talents based on strengths

Sample Activities

Gut Response (Self-Awareness) ¦  Students use words, their body, sounds, or a facial expression to display how they feel about their what they have read in

their report especially their profile.  Let students show their reactions, one at a time, and then explain their reactions.  Hint: if doing as a group, try to get the strongly intrapersonal students to go first, and prompt them to describe how they connected what they read in their reports to their feelings.

Visualization (Self-awareness & Metacognitive approach) ¦  Ask your students to think of an experience they have had when they were able to use one or more of their intelligence

strengths. It is preferable that they think of an experience in school, but not absolutely necessary. Get the students to visualize that experience in as much detail as possible. Help them visualize by getting them to find a comfortable position (lay on the floor, rest your head on the table, lounge in a chair) and close their eyes. Play relaxing music at a low volume.  Tell them to be aware of their breathing, ask them to leave their present thoughts and clear their minds.  Once the participants appear to have relaxed, ask them to begin remembering their experience. Encourage participants to remember how they felt during the experience, all their actions, thoughts, and anything else related to the experience.  

Subject Strategies (Metacognitive approach) ¦  Have each student, or if possible, get groups of students with similar strengths to generate some study strategies based on

their strengths for each subject area. For example, a group of students with high musical intelligence can get together to strategize about how to use their musical intelligence to be successful in math, language arts, science, etc. They can use their MI Advantage reports to get started with ideas, but should be free to discuss further.

Sample Activities

Finding Synergy (Appreciating diversity) ¦  Match students up into groups of 2-4. Ensure that each person in the group has a

different top strength. After reading their reports they will need to come up with ways that their diverse abilities can work together. Give them a sample school project that would need to be completed by the group. They should come up with roles for each person in the group that would take advantage of that person’s strengths.  

Journals (Self-Awareness) ¦  Ask students to keep a journal of their school experience through regular entries –

paying special attention to how they use their intelligences, where they run into challenges and how they can overcome those challenges by using their strengths.

3-3-3 (Self-Awareness & Metacognitive approach) ¦  3 goals they have for school ¦  3 ‘strategies’ they have been using to meet those goals ¦  3 ways they might be able to apply information in their report to strengthen their strategies

How can parents use MI?

¦  Learn about each intelligence in order to:

¥  Recognize their own strengths

¥  Observe and recognize their child’s intelligences

¥  Appreciate unique strengths (differences) among siblings

¥  Nurture all intelligences in their child through extracurricular activities

MI Advantage Resources

¦ Counselor/Advisor Handbook

¦  Statistical Analysis

¦  Student Quick Start Guide

¦  Staff Quick Reference Guide

¦ Administrator Quick Reference


How MI Advantage works with…

¦  Learning styles theory looks at how individuals receive information best – multiple intelligence theory looks at how individuals understand and best communicate that information

¦  Learning styles apply across all the intelligences and can help improve any learning and productivity issues

¦  Personality type theory classifies individuals into 16 types based on psychological preferences

¦  Combining both theories provide greater insight to: ¥  Personalize learning

¥  Enhance career selection

Additional MI Resources

¦ Armstrong, T. (1994), Multiple Intelligences in the Classroom. Alexandria, VA: ASCD.

¦  Building Lesson Plans with MI in mind (includes many already completed lesson plans for multiple subjects and grade levels)

¦  Index of Lesson Plans that consider MI

Additional MI Research

¦  Project Zero’s Project SUMIT

¦  Project Zero Publications

¦  MI Institute

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