
Post on 28-Jul-2015






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There was one cap vendor. As he wanted to go to another town, he was passing through a jungle. He got tired and decided to take rest under a tree. While he was sleeping under the tree some monkeys came and took away his caps and climbed a tree. The vendor awoke. He came to know about the situation.


He was much puzzled but he suddenly got an idea. He removed his cap from his head and threw it on the ground. All monkeys saw this and they did the same thing. The vendor collected his caps and went away.

The moral of this story:

Common sense helps a person solve his problems.


After a few years the son of the vendor was going to the other town to sell his caps. He was tired and took the rest under the same tree. Same thing happened. Monkeys came and collected caps. The son awoke and he came to know about the situation. He remembered his father’s act and he did the same thing. He threw his cap on the ground. Not a single monkey acted and they were laughing. The son got puzzled. He said’ “please throw the caps. My father thought me that you would do what you would see”. One monkey replied, “our father told us the story and advised us not to throw then caps. We have become wiser now”.


The moral of the story:

One has to change according to the situation and has to accept the change.

The son did not learn from the past and so he was the loser. While monkeys change themselves so they were the gainers.

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