momology sept newsletter

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Branosn PM MOPS Group September Newsletter.


Page 1

I had a professor in col-

lege once who said, "Kids

are like wet cement. As

parents, we get to put

our fingerprints all over

them and shape them.

But the older they be-

come, the drier --and

harder to form--the ce-

ment grows."

Psychologist Sigmund

Freud agreed. He be-

lieved that a child's ba-

sic character is devel-

oped by the age of five.

I don't know about you,

but that philosophy

makes me a bit nervous

for my preschoolers.

With that in mind, we

have practiced the fol-

lowing ideas to develop

positive character in fun

ways that easily fit into

the fabric of our daily


Marble Jar: Set up an empty jar with a bowl of

marbles beside it.

Choose a quality that you

want to positively reward

for the week and explain

to your kids that every

time you "catch" some-

one displaying that qual-

ity, they get to add two

marbles to the jar. When

the jar is full, the whole

family gets a special


Build a Tower: Set up some blocks on the

kitchen counter in a pile

(Large Legos work fan-

tastically). Talk about

how the words we speak

can either build up or

tear down other people.

During the day, for every

encouraging word spoken,

have the speaker add a

block to the tower

Fridge Art: Put a big piece of white butcher

paper on an empty side

of your refrigerator.

Choose a quality that you

would like to work on

that week in your home.

Tape some markers be-

side the paper and chal-

lenge your kids to notice

when someone in the

family displays that

character trait. Have

them draw pictures of

the positive actions per-

formed on the paper to

create a collage.

Fruit that Lasts: Place a large bowl of

fruit on the table one

morning. Talk about the

fruits of right living

found in the Bible

(Galatians 5:22-23). The

fruits in this passage

are: love, joy, peace, pa-

tience, kindness, good-

ness, gentleness, faith-

fulness and self-control.

Have each child create a

pretend story about

someone who showed one

of the positive fruits,

then let him/her choose

a fruit from the bowl to

enjoy after breakfast.

Actions Speak

Louder than Words: As someone once said,

"Be the type of person

you want your children to


So, you mothers of "wet

cement" children, perse-

vere. Keep shaping the

clay of your children's

hearts with intention and

passion and consistency,

because every day the

cement is getting a little

bit drier

Wet Cement

September 2010

Inside this Issue:

Wet Cement~ 1

Penny Pinching~ 2

Steering Team~ 3

MOPS PM Sponsors~ 3

Moment of Science~ 4

Kids in the Kitchen~ 4

5 Minutes for Mom~ 5

Crafts for Kids~ 5

Small Group Leaders~ 5

Mentor Minute~ 6

Love & Logic Corner~ 6

Classifieds~ 7

Mouths of Moppets~ 8

Prayer & Care~ 9

Celebrations~ 9

Mommy Knows~ 10

Pregnancy Health~ 11

What to Expect~ 12

Next Meeting Next Meeting Next Meeting Next Meeting

Sept. 14th @ Sept. 14th @ Sept. 14th @ Sept. 14th @

6:00 pm6:00 pm6:00 pm6:00 pm

Page 2

Penny Pinching Tips Have you tried making your own laundry detergent at home? If not below are a few recipes to get you started. Give

it a try and see how much you save.

Liquid Laundry Detergent

3 Pints Water

1/3 Bar Fels Naptha Soap, Grated

1/2 Cup Washing Soda

1/2 Cup Borax

2 Gallon Bucket

1 Quart Hot Water

Mix Fels Naptha soap in a saucepan

with 3 pints of water, and heat on

low until dissolved. Stir in Washing

Soda and Borax. Stir until thick-

ened, and remove from heat. Add 1

Quart Hot Water to 2 Gallon

Bucket. Add soap mixture, and mix

well. Fill bucket with hot water,

and mix well. Set aside for 24

hours, or until mixture thickens.

Use 1/2 cup of mixture per load.

Powdered Laundry Detergent

1 Cup Grated Fels Naptha Soap

1/2 Cup Washing Soda

1/2 Cup Borax

For light load, use 1 tablespoon.

For heavy or heavily soiled load,

use 2 tablespoons.

Fels-Naptha® Laundry Soap

Bar: Made by the Dial Soap

Company, so any store that

carries Dial should be able to

get it for you. If they carry it,

it will be found in the bar soap

or laundry soap aisle at your

regular supermarket. It is usu-

ally on the bottom shelf.

Super Washing Soda: This is

not the same as baking

soda. Baking soda SHOULD

NOT be used in place of

washing soda. They are

completely different prod-

ucts, although they are both

made by Arm & Hammer.

Washing soda is harmful if


Common Questions and Answers

What should the finished liquid detergent look like?

After your detergent is mixed it will take it awhile to gel up, but it can be used

right away. I usually let mine sit overnight. After it sits overnight, it will look

like a thick gel. If yours turns out to be thin with clumps of gel, that is fine

too. I believe the lumps are caused by not mixing the mixture well enough be-

fore it cools.

What should the detergent smell like?

It will smell like whatever soap you are using. If you do not like the smell, you

can add essential oils, or use a different brand of soap. Some people use de-

odorant bar soaps such as Zest to achieve a scent they like.

Do these recipes actually get the clothes as clean as store-bought deter-

gent? Yes - absolutely! Many who use it say, even cleaner! If you would like

extra cleaning power, try adding Clorox powder.

Will these recipes produce suds?

There will not be any suds with these recipes - which is perfect for the new

front-loading machines. Please don't think because there are no suds that the

detergent does not work. This detergent does not need suds to work.

What if I have sensitive skin or allergies?

No one that I know has had problems with this detergent, but just in case...

Try using the brand of soap that you bathe with. If you can use Ivory soap in

your bath, you should be able to use it on your clothes.

Tips from the Editor:

When I made my own deter-

gent I used one of the big

laundry detergent bottles and

poured my mixture into it so it

was stored better and not just

setting around in a galloon

bucket for little ones to get

into trouble.

Happy Saving!

~DeAnna Sheets

Page 3


Steering Team


Mary Blackwood 417.332.7917

Tennille Michel 417.527.1063


DeAnna Sheets 417.880.9936


Melody Alms 417.294.4264

Prayer & Care

April Mulnik 417.527.0091


Amy Wilhoit 417.336.9822

Kami Biedenstein 417.348.0695

Craft Coordinator:

Hollie Holderfield 417.263.0484


Jenine Conway 417.239.0632

Kelly Skoglund 404.819.6527


Teresa Boyd 417.634.0381

Mentor Moms:

Carolyn 417.336.5487

Peg 417.335.2525

Kathy 417.339.4108

Susie 703.220.3012

Have you check out the Branson PM MOPS website?

Visit us online to view past newsletters, registration in-

formation, calendar with upcoming dates, and an up to

date directory.

Gold and Platinum Sponsors Check out our website for more information about these


Page 4

A Moment of ScienceA Moment of ScienceA Moment of ScienceA Moment of Science

Fruit Loop Rainbow Mobile Introduce the colors of the rainbow by using the pneumonic Roy G. Biv and make a mobile.

Concepts Gained from Engaging in Recipe Activities with your Toddler

*Reinforces Math Concepts such as quantity (how many cups of milk or flour, or number of eggs, how

many cookies?

*Introduces Measurement (how much is a cup, a teaspoon?)

*Helps to Develop Sequencing Skills...which step comes first, second, or third.

*Introducing Reading Readiness Skills (Read from top to bottom, left to right)

Kids in the Kitchen Kids in the Kitchen Kids in the Kitchen Kids in the Kitchen Recipes for Kids


*Fruit Loop Cereal

*1 Dixie or Thick White Paper


*1 thin wire hanger or ribbon

to hang finished rainbow

*Tacky Craft Glue (Elmer's

will not hold well)

*Colored Tissue Paper

1. Cut white paper plate in half or a little bigger than half.

2. If you plan to hang your rainbow using a ribbon. Punch two hol. es in the top of the plate and string the rib-

bon through and tie.

3. Place Fruit Loops in bowl and have your child sort colors into another small container or small dish. We

sorted one color at a time.

4. Start on the outer rim with the red Fruit Loops. Put Glue on the rim of the plate in a very thick line.

5. Have your child line up the red Fruit Loops onto the glue.

6. Make another thick line of glue inside of the red for the orange row.

7. Continue until you reach the purple and let dry for a few hours.

8. Glue any loose Fruit Loops. We had about two that needed additional glue. Let dry.

8. Cut tissue into strips.

9. Turn rainbow over and place a line of glue across the bottom. We just used Elmer's for this.

10. Have your child place tissue along the back. Add a second layer of tissue if you wish.

11. Let dry. Bend the hanger by pulling the bottom downwards to form an oval. Using the other half of the

plate, shape the hangar to it the back under the rim. It doesn't need to be perfect just relatively flat. Bend

and cut with wire cutters.

12. Tape to the back of finished rainbow.

Page 5


Small Group Leaders

Small Group Coordinator:

Stacy McNeil 417.336.1111

Small Group Leaders:

Angie Smith 417.443.6050

Larene Thrash 417.348.1911

Maryann Riveros 417.336.8706

Kim Matthews 417.230.6409

Tami Guerin 417.880.7370

Sarah Matthews 417.334.58.12

Sara DeLawder 417.230.2811

Cara Conway 417.331.3001

Lori Larimore 417.337.5747

Adriane Stauffer 417.294.1321

Your small group leaders are here

for you, here to guide you, pray

for you, and help you feel welcome

to our group. If you have any

questions or need please don’t

hesitate to ask your small group

leader or another steering team

member! We want NO MOM


5 minutes for Moms5 minutes for Moms5 minutes for Moms5 minutes for Moms

Crafts for KidsCrafts for KidsCrafts for KidsCrafts for Kids

Do we really have 5 minutes? I would love to give you a list

of things that we should do to relieve stress but we all know

those things…..take a warm bath, exercise, read a book, etc.

How many of us really have time for those things. Try the

things in this column with your kid to help relieve your


Stress Reliever Strawberry Smoothie

Strawberries are good source of vitamins and nutritional value. These

are things that stress can deprive us of and drinking fruit smoothies

containing strawberries can help replenish us and keep us healthy.


-2 1/2 cups strawberries

-1/2 cup strawberry nectar

-1 pitted peach

-1 cup low-fat plain yogurt or strawberry yogurt if you don’t have

the nectar.

-2 cups ice

Not got a lot of time for crafts at your house. How about

these quick and easy ideas for letting the kids have some


*Fun foam door hangers pre cut out shapes that even

young children can make, takes about 5 to 10 minutes max

and their finished.

*Laminated Place mats Cut out pictures from Sunday pa-

per (what ever theme is of interest to my toddler at the

time). Make up a batch of finger paint. Allow him to create

a collage with finger paint, cut out images. Finally, laminate

artwork and you have a custom place mat.

If you have more time to spend on crafts check out the

website below for tons of ideas:

Page 6

Mentor MinuteMentor MinuteMentor MinuteMentor Minute Psalms 139:10 ...even there your hand will guide me, your right hand will hold me fast.

As we look to this year's verse for MOPS, we can see God's hand in our lives. We have strength for today and hope for tomorrow through Him. But allow me to show you God's plan for you as a Mother. He shows you the pattern you should follow in raising or rearing, if you prefer, your children. You are instructed to take their hand for their protection. Your babies are to be taught that when you speak they should listen because you care. Guide your little ones with love, that means be sure there are more fun times than harsh times. Remember you are not their best friend, you are their parent who is fun to be with but you have lines of discipline for their own good. As you develop them you are holding on fast to their hand and showing them the way for a safe productive life. The best way while you are holding on is to show them by your actions. Lead them with your actions. Believe me, they notice everything you say and do, no matter how young they are. Finally, look to the Lord for your guidance. Read His word, attend church with fellow believers and most of all pray.

~Mimi aka Carolyn Loften (email address: or Phone: 417-294-1051.

Love & Logic Corner Do your friends, neighbors, relatives, or coworkers have rude kids? I've always been

amazed at how many of us know others who've allowed their kids to become snotty. Of

course, rudely behaved kids never live under our roofs. But, just in case you run into

someone with a politeness-challenged youngster, here are some tips you can share.

Remember that it's okay to be old-fashioned. There was a time in our country when parents expected their children to say "please" and "thank you." There was a time when they had to ask, "May I please be excused," before they left the dinner table. There was even a time when most youngsters were not allowed to interrupt conversations between adults, were expected to hold doors open for adults, and believed that adults went first.

Limit television viewing in your home. Television has pretty much ruined our society. (How's that for blatant political incorrectness?)

Model a humble attitude. Too frequently, kids in our society grow up around people who are far more interested in winning than serving others. Parents who model humility, respect and politeness toward others are far more likely to raise kids who do the same.

Place character over achievement. Many kids are allowed to slide in the area of politeness because they are viewed as so incredibly gifted by their parents and other adults in their lives. Wise parents remember that the world is filled with incredibly talented people who've failed miserably because they are jerks.

For more Love and Logic Help check out their website:

Page 7

Classifieds…….I want…….I have…...I Need E-mail DeAnna Sheets if you have something you would like to place in the Classifieds. “I

needs” will be kept confidential and not published. DeAnna will help find someone who can help

and get what you need to you. E-mail

I Want………..

*Starwars or Batman legos (contact Jenine

Conway @ 417-239-0632 or

*Portable Baby Crib for Week of 15th-21st

(contact Peg Welte @ 417-335-2525)

*Children’s Picnic Table (contact Jen Cooper @

417-496-6133 or

*A dresser or some sort of storage solution for

my sons room. Needs to have a wide and deep

enough top surface to sit his TV. (Contact Cara

Conway @ or 417-331-


*A decorative room divider for backdrop pur-

poses. (Contact Cara Conway @ caels- or 417-331-3001)

*19 inch or larger TV with remote (Contact

Cara Conway @ or 417-


*Toddler Bed (Contact Jennifer Storey @ 417-

I Have……….. *Navy Blue Dual Recliner Leather Couch - mint con-

dition (Contact Sarah DeLawder @ or 417-230-2811)

*Complete (FarmYard and Friends) Pottery Barn

Nursery Set in New Condition (Contact Summer

Fronterhouse @ or 417-336-0957)

*Girls clothing 3T/4T Several Winter Coats

(Contact Hollie Holderfield @ HOLDER- or 417-263-0484).

*Size small Nike football pants with pads (Contact

Hollie Holderfield @ HOLDER- or 417-263-0484).

*Football nike shoes 3.5 (Contact Hollie Holderfield

@ or 417-263-


*Playstation 2 with 3 controllers and 3 memory

cards, total of 35 games, 2 dance games with dance

mat, Guitar Hero Guitar, 2 controller with multiple

games, Game Cube with 1 controller with case, total

of 22 games. (Contact Hollie Holderfield @ or 417-263-


*Toddler "Cars" Chair. Sides of chair fold out to

create a car. Steering wheel on the back makes it

lots of fun!! (Contact Cara Conway @ caels- or 417-331-3001)

*Brand New Toddler Recliner, tan color. Spotless!

(Contact Cara Conway @ or 417-


*Sony DVD player with remote...WORKS! (Contact

Cara Conway @ or 417-331-


*2 John Deere toddler riding toys (Contact Amy

Wilhoit 417.336.9822 or thewil-

*1 Fisher Price toddler riding toy (Contact Amy

Wilhoit 417.336.9822 or thewil-

"As a mother comforts her child, so I will com-fort you; and you will be comforted over Jerusa-


~~Isaiah 66:13~~

Page 8

Out of the Mouths of MoppetsOut of the Mouths of MoppetsOut of the Mouths of MoppetsOut of the Mouths of Moppets Kids say the funniest things. If you have something funny that your child has said

e-mail it do DeAnna @ include the child’s first name and age.

We were sitting down to a spaghetti din-

ner last night when my 5 year old po-

litely said, "Please pass me the Papajohns Cheese, mommy." So Cute! Good example

of how they don't always hear things we

say the way we intended to say it.

(Parmesan Cheese)

Note from the EditorNote from the EditorNote from the EditorNote from the Editor

I asked my son today what

was the best part about his

school day and he said, "Going home." Colsen age 6

There is a little girl in our Learning Center who was so excited to

tell me that she and her Daddy had went on a special dinner date. I

asked her what they did and she said "We went shopping and had a delicious dinner" I asked her where she went to eat and she re-sponded "Red Lobster" ...I said "Oh my that is a yummy place to eat,

What did you have there?"...she threw her hands on her hips and

said with a "miss thing" attitude, "Duh! Ms Cara, RED...LOBSTER!!!!" We are still laughing at this little ones ability to communicate!! She

is only 3 years old...

Welcome to a new year of MOPS! This is my third year as a member of MOPS, and I can’t begin to tell you what a wonderful experience it has been so far. I’ve met wonderful friends, been a part of some fun outings, and become a better mom than I ever thought I could be. That may be due to the sanity-saving 2 and half hours of kidless conversation I look forward to every month in our meetings, but I’ll take it!

I may be the editor of this newsletter, but I certainly can’t do this alone! Look through this issue for ways you can contribute to your MOPS newsletter. Most months, we’ll have ―Out of the Mouths of MOPPETS. This is for those crazy things your kids or other kids say to you. We’ll also have a ―Kids in the Kitchen, one of your favorite recipes that the kids can help and –Crafts for Kids. Don’t leave me hanging! I need your submissions to make this newsletter all about us. This newsletter is specifically for—and about—our MOPS group. If you would like to contribute articles or pictures, please e-mail me at I’ll try to include as many as I can throughout the MOPS year.

Thanks, and enjoy!

DeAnna Sheets

Page 9

Congratulations! Birth Announcements

*Mary Blackwood welcomed a sweet

baby girl named Rosie Elizabeth Black-

wood on May 4th!

*Tara Kempf welcomed a precious baby

girl named Brooke Harleigh Kempf on

May 17th!

*Mesa Mitchell welcomed a sweet baby

girl named Lundyn Kay on June 3rd!

*Stacy Cummings welcomed a beautiful

baby girl named Lauren Rylie Cummings

on July 12th!

*Michelle Bailey welcomed a handsome

baby boy named Gavin Jeffrey

on August 14th!

*Jordan Miller welcomed a

bouncing baby boy named Jaxon

Mikel Miller on August 30th! Don’t forget to pray for all the preg-

nant mommies and mommies wanting to

be pregnant!

Prayer & Care Hello Wonderful Ladies!

My name is April Mulnik and I am honored to serve as your Prayer and Care Coordinator this year! First of all,

my desire is for you to know that I am here for you anytime, day or night. Whether you just need someone to

pray with you individually or you would like for all of our prayer warrior mommies to join you in prayer, please

contact me. I will get an e-mail out to our women as soon as I possibly can. Also, please e-mail or call me with

updates and praises, too! It is so encouraging to hear what God is doing in others’ lives! The other side to this

great ministry is being able to provide our moms with meals at times of need. We are blessed with an amazing

group of caring, servant-minded women who are always ready to help out their friends.

All prayer requests, praises and updates are sent via e-mail, from me. If you are not currently receiving these e-

mails and would like to, please let me know! If you would be willing to serve on the prayer and care committee

by preparing meals, babysitting or cleaning for mom’s in need, please fill out a TLC card or e-mail me. It’s be-

cause of you that this ministry is so successful!

Thank you so much for allowing me to serve you in this way! You have already blessed me by what

amazing ladies you all are! I look forward to praying with and for you this year!

In His Love,



Birthday Celebrations


19 Jayme Tabuchi

20 Candie Giesey

23 Tracie Gones

29 Jen Cooper


1 Amy Atkins

7 Misty Reynolds

8 Melody Alms

12 Sarah Williams

16 Autumn Moody

17 Dennine Gage

17 Tami Guerin

20 Sara Franks

27 April Mulnik

28 Rachel Riutzel

29 Erin Wicker

30 Tennille Michel

Birthday Celebrations


6 Monina Lansman

7 Susan Hetzel

8 Jennifer Storey

15 Gillian Hendrix


1 Jenine Anderson

6 Haley Toombs

6 Emily Scharbrough

9 Mesa Mitchell

10 Bridget Slagter

12 Mallory Fisher

16 Amanda Horvath

18 DeAnna Sheets

21 Andrea Bray

26 Maryann Riveros

29 Tracie Phillips

29 Lori Larimore

29 Terri Conner

Page 10

Because Mommy Knows EverythingBecause Mommy Knows EverythingBecause Mommy Knows EverythingBecause Mommy Knows Everything

Portion Control

(from Parenting Magazine)

Is that blob of mac and cheese just right—or more than your child’s fair share? It’s actually not complicated to figure out—and you don’t need to weigh or measure a thing, says childhood

obesity expert and pediatrician Sarah Hampl, M.D. The answer is right in your child’s hand: A child-size portion of meat is about

what would fit in your guy’s palm. For whole –grain carbs, such as brown rice

or pasta, a serving is roughly the size of his fist—a measurement that also applies to fruits, veggies, and dairy products such as yogurt. A serving of

cheese is about thumb-sized, and for munching on snack foods, think a

handful. ―The great thing about this system is that it works no matter what your child’s age—because his hand grows as he, and his appetite, does. So you don’t have to memorize portions,” Dr. Hampl notes.

Learning to Like the Good Stuff From Parenting Magazine

Expert tricks that really work -- even with super-picky eaters -- from The Sneaky Chef Missy Chase Lapine, a Parenting Mom Squad member:

Don't make a big deal about it. Don't make a big deal about it. Don't make a big deal about it. Don't make a big deal about it. If you announce "We're going to try something new tonight," your child will

just translate that as "This is going to be disgusting; prepare to hate it." Instead, just set the plate down and let your kid explore it for herself.

Make it fun.Make it fun.Make it fun.Make it fun. You've seen the cute pics: pancakes topped with smiley fruit faces, grilled cheese served in

cookie-cutter shapes. Taking the time now and then to make healthy foods kid-friendly -- even just adding ketchup or making up a clever name ("magic beans," "power peas") -- is always a winner. So is anything dunkable: Offer a little warmed, oozy peanut butter or yogurt to dip her fruit into, or some ranch dressing to go with steamed vegetables.

Work with her. Work with her. Work with her. Work with her. Incorporate the healthy stuff into dishes you know your child likes. If she loves pizza, try adding

pineapple. Got a muffin fan? Make a batch with blueberries or grated zucchini or carrots. Chicken-nugget chomper? Bake them with whole-grain bread crumbs.

Talk it up. Talk it up. Talk it up. Talk it up. A kid couldn't care less about cholesterol or heart disease, but he will take notice if you tell him that

doughnut won't give him enough energy to climb the jungle gym or keep up with his friend in the swimming pool.

Eat it yourselfEat it yourselfEat it yourselfEat it yourself.... If you won't touch anything green, why should they? But if they see you enjoying a big salad or

a fish dish, they just may come around (well, eventually).

Page 11

Staying Healthy With Pregnancy ExerciseStaying Healthy With Pregnancy ExerciseStaying Healthy With Pregnancy ExerciseStaying Healthy With Pregnancy Exercise

As always consult your doctor before beginning any exercise program. Article taken from:

Pregnancy can be a wonderful time in woman’s life. A baby growing inside of you can feel like a miracle; and it can also

make you feel a little off your game. If you’re a person who is used to being physically active pregnancy can be a bit of

an adjustment. Or perhaps you are someone who has recently committed to a diet and exercise plan to help foster a

healthy pregnancy. Either way, pregnancy exercise is well within the limits of a healthy pregnancy and something that

can help you feel in control of your body a little more as you make

this incredible journey.

First and foremost, pregnancy exercise at any fitness level is only meant for those women who are experiencing healthy,

uneventful pregnancies. Further, regardless of what pregnancy ex-

ercise you want to try – at any time during your pregnancy – you

should always check with your doctor beforehand.

Generally during the first trimester, women are permitted

to continue with an exercise program that has already been estab-

lished. This does not mean that now that you are pregnant you

should start running every day if you haven’t been running up until

this point. Do not engage in new exercise – this is not the time. But if you are feeling well, are not experiencing any

bleeding, and have been given approval from your doctor, it is safe to continue with your previous exercise routine. You

may find, however, that as pregnancy exercise, this previously simple routine has become more difficult. Fatigue, upset

stomach, and a myriad of other early pregnancy symptoms may hinder your physical performance.

Walking during the first trimester – and throughout pregnancy – can be a wonderful pregnancy exercise. It gets your

heart pumping without putting unnecessary strain on your joints.

During the second trimester, when you begin to feel well again, your energy level may suddenly increase. With

the blessing of your doctor, you may want to engage in more strenuous activity. Again, it completely depends on your

level of health and the advice of your doctor.

No matter what pregnancy exercise you do engage in, you should always pay close attention

to your pulse rate to be sure you are not over-exerting yourself. Be sure to drink plenty of

water – more than you may be accustomed to drinking – to protect yourself against dehydra-


The third trimester can continue as the second but an ever-expanding belly may prevent you from accomplishing some pregnancy exercise. Adjust your expectations as your

situation continues to change and check in with your doctor every step of the way. Remem-

ber that has your due date nears you need to be vigilant to signs of labor. Use care with

pregnancy exercise at this time.

Branson PM MOPS would like to thank

Inspired Creations by Sara DeLawder for sup-plying birthday gifts for this month’s birthday

girls! Contact Sara today @ 417-230-2811.

Page 12

DeAnna Sheets


234 Wilshire Drive

Hollister, MO 65672

Branson PM MOPS

What to Expect at the Sept. Meeting

• Meet and get to know your small group!

• Play some getting to know you games

• Refreshments (Finger Foods) Provided by: Steering Team

• Sign up for Secret Sister and Prayer & Care (optional)

• Directory Pictures

• Purchase T-Shirts (Old t-shirts on sale for $5 for long and $3 for short)

• Chalkboard Tag Craft with Hollie

top related