module2 for virtual

Post on 23-Mar-2016






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Module 2 Synopsis Yuchen Ye

Followed by the movement of the pattern, I extruded the pattern with the technique of rotation and scale to create different layers to achieve a sense of movement. This is formed as the final pattern I got which is shown in red.


DIGITAL MODELING PROCESSI followed the process and digitalis my clay model in Rhino which I traced the edges and also the sides of the model which is shown in red and yellow. When I process the steps, I found that this way of digitalis actual object into Rhino is more difficult, as u have to speculate where the edges and sides is on the back of your clay model as you are facing the front of it. However I tried several times and finally got it solved. There were also another problem which makes the digital model kind of broken which is like twisted. And I found solution which is the movement of the surface is going opposite side when you model it in Rhino and after I changed its direction it is working well again.

Then I started to consider how the lantern is going to be held. Because my pattern was firstly design as a closed object which could only be hold. Then I started to think maybe it's a good idea to cut off some part of the pattern which make a hole to put my arm into it. So I cut off one end of the pattern and then I also tried to cut off both ends to achieve the effect.

Trial 1

Firstly I tried to use triangle shape pattern as my base pattern to form this lantern which is extruded to point and I left one side of the pattern empty so that I create a volume in it and also allow light to come through it.

But the only thing I found quite wrong was the distance between offset points and current points which makes the lantern sharper which I wasn't going to achieve as I still want my pattern relate to the nature pattern I choose which is a plant. Also the shape of this lantern is curly which makes it hard to form a shape by using triangle pattern. So I decided to change the distance of the points and also change the pattern I chose.

Then I tried several other base patterns at once to see the effects I get. So from left to right is using closed pyramid, open square and open triangle. I think the first closed pyramid could not really achieve the light effect I want so I used other two as the base pattern and I tried several others later.

Section of the lantern using open top square pattern as base pattern.

I was going to create a base pattern which square at the bottom and close at a circle but I wasn't able to achieve to create the pattern but result with this smooth surface pattern. And then I tried to use it in my lantern and I found it quite interesting but when I get to the stage of unroll the pattern, I found it quite hard to actually join the edge of the side.

Section of the lantern using open top triangle pattern as base pattern.

Unroll the pattern form the lantern which I decide to go farther and it was quite successful as I go through the process. I was able to hand make one paper model of each one of them as I measured them in Rhino and I draw them onto the paper and cut them off which is shown on the next page.

However I still want to try some other pattern but I didn't have time as it's such a short Module, I'll try to use Rhino more efficiently so that I can make things quicker and I will try the other patterns which I failed to use through the process in the weekends.

The usual A4 paper is quite flat and is not easy to use in paper model but we still can see the light effects it create which is not so different from other paper.

Thank you!

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