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Cognitive Development of Preschool


Module 19:Cognitive

development of Primary


Birth and Death: Born August 9, 1896 Died September 16, 1980

Jean Piaget's Early Life: He was born in Switzerland in

1896. He began showing an interest in

the natural sciences at a very early age.

By age 11, he had already started his career as a researcher by writing a short paper on an albino sparrow.

He continued to study the natural sciences and received his Ph.D. in Zoology from University of Neuchâtel in 1918.

Jean Piaget’s Love life

He married Valentine Châtenay in 1923.

They have three children His observations of his own

children served as the basis for many of his later theories.

Jean Piaget’s Concrete Operational Stage

Concrete Operation It spans from ages 7 – 11years Is the third stage in Piaget’s theory of cognitive development. In this stage, children have better

understanding of their thinking skills. Children begin to think logically about concrete events, but have difficulty understanding abstract or hypothetical concepts, thus most of them still have a hard time in problem- solving.


Inductive Logic involves thinking from a specific experience to a general principles.

Deductive Logic Using a general principle to determine the outcome of specific event.

One of the most important developments in this stage is an understanding of reversibility, or awareness that actions can be reversed. An example of this is being able to reverse the order of relationships between mental categories.

3+7 =

3 + 4 = 7

7 – 4 = 3

Cognitive Milestones

Elementary- aged children learns in sequential manner, meaning they need to understand numbers before they can perform a mathematical equation.

Each milestone that develops is dependent upon the previous milestone they achieve.

Young primary- aged children can do the following:

can tell left from right can able to speak and express themselves in school, they share about themselves and

their families during play, they practice using the words

and language they learn from school.

they start to understand times and days of the week

they enjoy rhymes, riddles and jokes their attention span is longer they can follow more involved stories they are learning letters and words by six, most can read words or

combinations of words

Information- Processing SkillsSeveral theorists argue that:

like a computer, the human mind is a system that can process information through the application of logical rules and strategies.

they also believe that the minds receives information, performs operations to change its form and content, stores and locates it and generates responses from it.

Short Term Memory

Remembering something that we

recently saw or heard

Last for about 20 seconds

Long Term Memory

Procedural Memory

Declarative Memory

Episodic Memory

Semantic Memory

“…If you become a teacher, by your pupils you will be taught.”

- O. Hammerstein

Prepared by:Kimberly Norcio


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