mobility management for business and industrial zones

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Mobility Management for Business and Industrial Zones


Contract N°: IEE/09/810/SI2.558287

Project Duration: 01/05/2010 – 28/02/2013

Updated on: 05/01/2012


MoMa.BIZ is a European projectimplemented in Business andIndustrial Zones (BIZ) located insmall/medium towns of 5 Europeancountries.

The project’s duration is from MayThe project’s duration is from May2010 to February 2013, and is co-financed by the Intelligent Energy -Europe programme with a budgetof 1,2 million €.

The Aim

The main aim of MoMa.BIZ is to contribute towards the promotionand dissemination of sustainable mobility in business andindustrial zones across Europe through the creation of:

1. an innovative methodology for the development of mobility plansat BIZ;

2. Boxed Solutions : a set of guidelines, flexible and easy toadapt for the successful planning and implementation of standardmobility actions at BIZ across Europe;

3. a mobility labelling system designed for BIZ.

The Need IThe Need

• Several small and medium cities have developed in recent years BIZcontaining mainly small enterprises usually located in the outskirts orin the countryside.

• Cities have a great interest in reducing the impact of private mobility intheir territory (translated in reduction of pollution, noise, congestion,etc).etc).

• Mobility towards these areas relies mostly on private car .

• Due to the number of small enterprises, the BIZ are very muchfragmented. This hinders a collaboration between the companies forsetting a common mobility management strategy. Therefore, a needemerges in assisting small, medium and large companies forworking together towards sustainable mobility .

The Need II

• Coordinating authorities have an interest in making all of these bodieswork in synergy (area-mobility-management ) in order to reduce theimpact of mobility.

• There is a lack of mobility related policies having an impact in themid-term period (6month-2years). On the contrary, most of thepolicies adopted have very short-term impacts (i.e. car-free-Sundays)or rather long-term impacts (i.e. new infrastructures).or rather long-term impacts (i.e. new infrastructures).

The InnovationWhat makes MoMa.BIZ innovative?

The innovation in MoMa.BIZ lies in its participatory approach . Theproject aims in involving the local stakeholders (employees,companies, worker unions, local authorities, public transport operatorsetc.) of BIZs in the entire planning process of mobility plans:

• identification of the problems related to the accessibility of their BIZ;• identification and analysis of possible solutions;• identification and analysis of possible solutions;• selection of the mobility solutions to be included in the mobility plan.

The advantage of this bottom-up approach is that it guarantees theidentification and implementation of realistic and commonly agreedmobility solutions that meet the actual needs of the BIZ and aresuccessful.

Who Can Benefit

Mobility Managers of companies and industrial zones, as well asLocal Authorities can greatly benefit from the MoMa.BIZ outcomesand deliverables.

1. The methodology for the development of mobility plans will provideyou with useful information and guidance for the creation of asuccessful mobility plan .

2. The boxed solutions will provide you with a set of ready toimplement mobility solutions at your BIZ .

3. The mobility labelling system will provide clear and straightforward communication of the existing transport modesavailable for accessing your BIZ.

Country Municipal. Population Nr of companies

Nr of employees

% of car usage

Othermeans of transport


BG Asenovgrad

53.000 16 1.750 90% Intercity bus


EE Tartu 100.000 6054 15.000 80% Publictransport, bicycle

Tartu City Government

ES Atarfe 17.000 145 4.500 85% Bus, foot, bicycle


ES Ponfernad 67.497 2.634 22.936 90% Foot, bus, EREN

Participating BIZ

Country Municipality Population Nr of companies

Nr of employees

BG Plovdiv 53.000 10 2625

EE Tartu 100.000 478 3300

ES Atarfe 17.000 450 4500ES Ponfernad

a67.497 2.634 22.936 90% Foot, bus,

train, bicycle


IT Asti 71.276 700 90% Insufficient bus service, bicycle

Province of Asti, Municipality of Asti, iMpronta

UK Cannock Chase, Staffordshire

134.400 533 4970 90% Train, bus, bicycle,foot, taxi, motorbike


Total 6 443.173 9.952 51.904 88%

ES Ponferrada 67.497 55 1369

IT Asti 71.276 281 2616

UKCannock Chase

134.400 204 6200

Total 6 443.173 1.478 20.610

Participating BIZ – Plovdiv, BulgariaBIZ Name: Factory for non-ferrous metals (KCM), Plovdiv

Participating BIZ – Tartu, Estonia

BIZ Name: Ropka Industrial Park, Tartu -Estonia

Participating BIZ – Ponferrada, Spain

BIZ Name: El ParqueIndustrial del Bierzo

Participating BIZ – Atarfe, Spain

In the case of Atarfe there aretwo BIZ involved in the project.

BIZ Names:1. Industrial area of Atarfe2. Industrial area of Juncaril

Participating BIZ – Asti, Italy

BIZ Name: Industrial Zone of CorsoAlessandria, Asti

Participating BIZ - Cannock Chase, UKIn Cannock Chase thereare 5 BIZ involved in theproject.

BIZ Names:1. A5 Cannock2. Power Station Road3. Cannock Wood4. Orbital Retail Centre4. Orbital Retail Centre5. Fradley Business Park

Project Consortium

Project Consortium Partner’s short



Province of Asti Asti IT

Energy Agency of Plovdiv EAP BG

Public Regional Energy Agency of Castile and Leon EREN ES

Renewable and alternative Energies Network ALTERnet ES

Tartu City Government Tartu EE


Impronta di Massimo Infunti iMpronta IT

BirminghamChamber of Commerce BCI UK

Municipality of Asti Comune di Asti IT

Contact Details

MoMa.BIZ – Mobility Management for Business and Indu strial Zones

Project Coordinator:Province of AstiPiazza Alfieri 33 - 14100 AstiITALYITALY

Contact Persons:Valentina Cerigo Ioanna

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