mm ooh

Post on 02-Nov-2014






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Marketing the Out-of-Home (OOH):

Outdoor, Indoor and Transit


Out-of-home (OOH) advertising is located outdoors and indoors away from the home.

The advertisements themselves have many different names including signs ( 符號 ), posters ( 海報 ), billboards ( 廣告牌 ) and signboards ( 招牌 ).

Out-of-home advertising may appear on or in frames built especially for this purpose.


They are found along highways, city streets, at intersections, train, bus and underground stops; also in trains, in or outside buses, taxis, and on other vehicles.

When identified with transportation, it is customary to use the term ‘transit advertising’.

Other locations include on buildings, and storefronts, often in and around shopping malls.


A major reason for the continued success of outdoor is its ability to remain innovative through technology.

Billboards are no longer limited to standard two-dimensional boards, three-dimensional forms and extensions are now used to attract attention in new markets.



Audiences have been exposed from sign boards, electronic billboards to neon signs on skyscrapers ( 摩天大廈 ).

This is truly a pervasive medium in our daily life.

Closer look to the Outdoor

Marketing the Out-of-Home (OOH)

Closer look to the Outdoor

Outdoor is used by a broad client base, a demonstration ( 示範 ) of its continued acceptance ( 認同 ) in the industry.

Closer look to the Outdoor

Travel companies, entertainment attractions, insurance companies and many businesses have discovered outdoor advertising.

Closer look to the Outdoor

To make an excellent media marketing plan for outdoor, we need to understand this medium can offer advertisers a number of advantages and disadvantages:

Advantages of Outdoor Closer look to the Outdoor

With proper placement, a broad base of exposure is possible in local markets, with both day and night presence.

This level of coverage is likely to yield high levels of reach.

Wide coverage of local markets


Because purchase cycles are typically for 30-day periods, consumers are usually exposed a number of times, resulting in high levels of frequency.


出現次數30-Day~!!! 日睇夜睇… 你仲唔買?

30-Day~!!! 日睇夜睇… 你仲唔買?

Outdoor can be placed along highways, near stores, or on mobile billboards, almost anywhere that laws permit. Local, regional, or even national markets may be covered.

Geographic flexibility


Outdoor ads can be very creative. Large print, colors, and other elements attract attention.

Creativity 創意

Outdoor ads can be very creative. Large print, colors, and other elements attract attention.

Ability to create awareness令人注目及驚喜

Disadvantages of Outdoor Closer look to the Outdoor

While it is possible to reach very specific audiences, in many cases the purchase of outdoor results in a high degree of waste coverage.

It is not likely that everyone driving by a billboard is part of the target market.

Waste coverage

Because of the speed with which most people pass by outdoor ads, exposure time is short, so messages are limited to a few words and / or an illustration.

Lengthy appeals are not likely to be effective.

Limited message capabilities

Because of the high frequency of exposures, outdoor may lead to a quick wearout. People are likely to get rid of seeing the same ad numerous times.


Because of the decreasing signage available and the higher cost associated with inflatables, outdoor advertising is expensive in both an absolute and a relative sense.


One of the more difficult problems of outdoor advertising lies in the accuracy of measuring reach, frequency, and other effects.

Measurement problems

In Sum

outdoor advertising has both advantages and disadvantages for the marketer.

However, they are still worth consideration to meet the needs of target audiences.

Several other forms of outdoor advertising are also available. These include mobile billboards, parking meters, trash cans, kiosks ( 電話亭 ) and more.

Marketing the Indoor

Point-of-Purchase (POP)


Point-of-Purchase defined

Point-of-Purchase advertising refers to materials used in the retail setting to attract shoppers’ attention to one’s product, convey primary product benefits, or highlight pricing information.

Point-of-Purchase defined

POP displays may also feature price-off deals or other consumer sales promotions.

Effective deployment of POP requires careful coordination with the marketer’s sales force.

Having a sales force that can work with retailers to develop and deliver effective POP programs is a critical element for achieving integrated brand promotion.


The objectives of point-of-purchase advertising are similar to those for sales promotion.

The goal is to create a short-term impact on sales while preserving the long-term image of the brand being developed and maintained by advertising for the brand.

Objective - 四大目標

Draw consumers’ attention to a brand in the retail setting. 吸引人注意

Maintain purchase loyalty among brand loyal users. “ ”建立一班忠心的 信徒

Stimulate increased or varied usage of the brand 刺激使用量

Stimulate trial use by users of competitive brands. 刺激新客試用

Types of POP and displays

POP materials generally fall into two categories:

Short-term promotional displays, which are used for six months or less, and

Permanent ( 固定 ) long-term displays, which are intended to provide point-of-purchase presentation for more than six months.

Types of POP and displays:

Any sign that identifies and / or advertises a company brand or gives directions to the consumer.

Window and door signage 招牌

Types of POP and displays:

A smaller display designed to fit on counters.

Counter card

Types of POP and displays:

A printed card or sign designed to mount on a shelf.

Shelf talker

Types of POP and displays:

An advertising sign suspended from the ceiling of a store or hung across a large wall area.


Types of POP and displays:

Usually a large display of products placed at the end of an aisle

End-of-aisle display / Gondolo

Types of POP and displays:

Lighted signage used outside or in-store to promote a brand or the store.

Illuminated sign

Types of POP and displays:

Any advertising message adhered to a shopping cart.

Cart advertising

Types of POP and displays:

Any advertising message adhered to a shopping cart.

Cart advertising

Types of POP and displays:

Any advertising message adhered to a shopping cart.

Cart advertising

Types of POP and displays:

POP signage or small display mounted near a cash register designed to sell impulse items such as gums or candy.

Cash register

The Business Market for POP

From retails’ perspective, a POP display should be designed to draw attention to a brand, increase turnover, and possibly distribute coupons or sweepstakes entry forms.

Brand manufacturers and distributors obviously share that interest.

The Business Market for POP

When the retailer is able to move a particular brand off the shelf, in turn, positively affects the manufacturer and distributor’s sales.

Over $17 billion was invested in on POP materials in 2003 – an 18.1 percent increase over the prior year.

This is more than was spent on either magazine or radio advertising.

Asia-Pacific 2005 - POP Rankings by Revenue

The Business Market for POP

In fact, POP displays are part of the strategy. Distributors and retailers are trying to create a better and more satisfying shopping experience to consumers.

The Challenge of Indoor Marketing the Indoor: Point-of-Purchase (POP)

Message Coordination (內容協調 )

The typical sales promotion should either attract attention to a brand or offer the target market greater value: reduced price, more products, or the chance to win a prize or an award.

Message Coordination (內容協調 )

In turn, this focused attention and extra value acts as an incentive for the target market to choose the promoted brand over other brands.

Message Coordination (內容協調 )

One of the coordination problems this presents is that advertising messages, designed to build long-term loyalty, may not seem totally consistent (一致 ) with the extra-value signal of the sales promotion.

Message Coordination (內容協調 )

Increasing the coordination between advertising and various sales promotion efforts requires only the most basic planning:

Message Coordination (內容協調 )

Increasing the coordination between advertising and various sales promotion efforts requires only the most basic planning:

First, when different agencies are involved in preparing sales promotion materials and advertising materials, those agencies need to be kept informed by the advertisers regarding the maintenance of a desired theme.

( 一間公司,可能有不同的廣告公司負責不同的項目,故此要通知達到共識 )

Message Coordination (內容協調 )

Increasing the coordination between advertising and various sales promotion efforts requires only the most basic planning:

Second, simple techniques can be used to carry a coordinated theme between promotional tools. The use of logos, slogans, visual imagery( 視覺形象 ) , or spokespersons can create a consistent presentation.

廣告入面的內容及風格、甚至代言人,都要同POP 一致

Media Coordination (媒體協調 )

Another key in coordination involves timing.

Remember that the success of a sales promotion depends on the consumer believing that the chance to save money or receive more of a product represents enhanced value.

Media Coordination (媒體協調 ) If the consumer is not aware of a brand and its

features and benefits, and does not perceive ( 理解 ) the brand as a worthy ( 有價值 ) item,

then there will be no basis for perceiving value. This means that appropriate advertising should precede price-oriented sales promotions for the promotions to be effective.

Media Coordination (媒體協調 ) If the consumer is not aware of a brand and its

features and benefits, and does not perceive ( 理解 ) the brand as a worthy ( 有價值 ) item,

then there will be no basis for perceiving value. This means that appropriate advertising should precede price-oriented sales promotions for the promotions to be effective.

Media Coordination (媒體協調 )

The right advertising can create an image for a brand that is appropriate for a promotional offer.

Then, when consumers are presented with a sales promotion, the offer will impress the consumer as an opportunity to acquire ( 獲得 ) superior value.

For Example

Sales Promotion-$1000 ->$800 each~!

For Example

Sales Promotion-$1000 ->$800 each~!

只有兩個可能 一係深圳 A 貨 一係老鼠貨

For Example

Sales Promotion-$1000 ->$800 each~!

But… with advertising

Marketing the Transit Marketing the Out-of-Home (OOH)

Transit Advertising

While similar to outdoor in the sense that it uses billboards and electronic messages, it is targeted to the millions of people who are exposed to commercial transportation facilities, including buses, taxis, trains, elevators, trolleys ( 吊車 ), airplanes and subways.

Transit Advertising

Types of Transit

Inside cards are placed above the seats and luggage area.

An innovation is the electronic message and the visibility provide the advertiser with a more attention-getting medium.

Inside cards

Advertisers use various forms of outdoor transit posters to promote products and services. These outside posters may appear on the sides, backs or roofs of buses, taxis, trains, subways and trolley cars.

Outside posters

Outside posters – Mobile Showcase Advertisers use various forms of outdoor transit posters to promote products and services. These outside posters may appear on the sides, backs or roofs of buses, taxis, trains, subways and trolley cars.

Station, platform, and terminal poster Floor displays, electronic signs and other forms of advertising that appear in train or MTR, airline terminals and the like are all forms of transit advertising.

Station, platform, and terminal poster Terminal posters can be very attractive and attention getting. Bus shelters often provide the advertiser with expanded coverage where outdoor broads may be restricted.

Advantages of transit advertising Transit Advertising

Exposure Long period of exposure to an ad is one major advantage of indoor forms. Passengers are likely to read the ads more than once.

Frequency 次數Because our daily routines are standard, those who ride buses and subways are exposed to the ads repeatedly. If you rode the same station to work and back everyday, in one month you would have the opportunity to see the ad 20 to 40 times.

Timeliness 時間性Many shoppers use mass transit to reach their destinations ( 目的地 ). An ad promoting a product or service at a particular shopping area could be a very timely communication.

Geographic selectively 地區性選擇For local advertisers in particular, transit advertising provides an opportunity to reach a very select segment of the population.

Cost Transit advertising tends to be one of the least expensive media in terms of both absolute and relative cost.

Disadvantages of transit advertising Transit Advertising

Image factors To many advertisers, transit advertising does not carry the image they would like to represent their products or services. Some advertisers may think having their name on the side of a bus or on a bus stop bench does not reflect well on the firm.

Reach While on advantage of transit advertising is the ability to provide exposure to a large number of people, this audience may have certain lifestyles and / or behavioral characteristics that are not true of the target market as a whole. In some areas, mass transit is limited and nonexistence. As result, the medium is not effective to reach the target people.

Waste coverage In fact, not everyone who rides a transportation vehicle or is exposed to transit advertising is a potential customer. Those who are not the target groups, this form of advertising incurs a good deal of waste coverage.

Copy and creative limitations With respect to creativity, it may be very difficult to place colorful, attractive ads on cards or benches. Short copy points will be necessary for the medium.

Mood of the audience Sitting or standing on a crowded subway may not be conducive to reading advertising. Likewise, hurrying through an airport may create anxieties that limit the effectiveness of the ads placed there.

Mood of the audience Sitting or standing on a crowded subway may not be conducive to reading advertising. Likewise, hurrying through an airport may create anxieties that limit the effectiveness of the ads placed there.

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