mlm tips | time management

Post on 16-May-2015






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Here’s an mlm tips when it comes to the truth about success. The only thing you have control over is the activities you perform within your time frames. So, stop trying to manage time at start managing what you do with your time and you will keep moving forward in your business and your life


MLM Tips | Why Poor Time Management Is Killing Your

MLM Business

MLM Tips | What is Time Management

According to Wikipedia “Time management is the act or

process of planning and exercising conscious control over

the amount of time spent on specific activities, especially to

increase effectiveness, efficiency or productivity.” One thing

that I learned a long time ago is that you cannot manage

time. If you sit there and do nothing or if you smash rocks all

day long, the same 24 hours is going to pass you by

weather you like it or not.

Here’s an mlm tips when it comes to the truth about

success. The only thing you have control over is the

activities you perform within your time frames. So, stop

trying to manage time at start managing what you do

with your time and you will keep moving forward in your

business and your life

MLM Tips | Time Management vs Managing Your Activities

There are many people who teach time management. But

time management is a myth. You are only capable of

managing your activities. This is what separated the mega

successful network marketer from the struggling network

marketer. You will never have enough time to accomplish

everything you want. This is why it is critical you do what

is most important first.

In the mlm profession it means doing the money making

activities first. Sharing your business plan, selling your

products creating content to generate leads and brand

yourself. These are the activities that must take priority if

you are to succeed in network marketing.

MLM Tips | Time Management Tools

Here are some mlm tips you can use to manage your

activities effectively within your time frames. These mlm

tips are very simple, but effective tools that have proven to

produce positive results.

One such tool is a Calendar. In the age of technology, with

smart phone and tablets people have forgotten the use of a

simple non tech tool called the calendar. It is still the most

effective method to keep you organized and to plan your

activities. There is something special that happens when

you write out your goals in your calendar and plan your


The other tool is the simple To Do List. Creating a list of

tasks you need to accomplish each day, then ranking

them in order of priority will greatly increase your level

of productivity, and keep moving you forward towards

your goals. It also creates a sense of accomplishment and motivates you to keep pushing forward. A Stop Watch is another great tool to keep you from

wasting time. By setting specific time frames to

complete each task will ensure that you do not spend too much time working on any one task.

MLM Tips | Importance Of Taking Breaks

Taking breaks in between your work schedule is a much

over looked productivity tool. Your break does not need

to be an hour, it just needs to be long enough to allow

your mind and body time to rest and rejuvenate itself.

Take a walk outside and smell the fresh air. This greatly

reduces the stress imposed on your body during time of

intense concentration and focus. Take time to observe

your surroundings and mediate. You will find yourself

feeling energized and ready to move forward.

MLM Tips | Time Management & Social Media

With the ever increasing engagement of social media, more

people are losing time due to their participation in social

media. Social media has its place, but as with any activity

you will find yourself losing productive hours, that could

have been used in accomplishing your overall objective.

According to “” 58% of the people on this

planet now use social media networks and the average

person spends 15hrs and 33minutes on Facebook alone

per month. This is precious time that you are losing in your

life and if not managed effectively can be your down fall.

Hope you found these mlm tips useful. If you found value in

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these MLM Marketing Techniques.

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