migraine case presentation

Post on 14-Jun-2015



Health & Medicine



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Case presentation

1. A 29 yr lady visited our clinic with following complaints-:

Throbbing pain over the head since Nausea Photosensitivity 1 yr

2. History

Did you had any injury or illness before this complaint?

No, nothing as such

Do you have a child?

Yes, I have a baby girl; she will be completing 8 months soon.

Did you had this complaint before pregnancy as well?

No it began when I was pregnant

Do you get the pain all over your head?

No I always have it over the left side of my head

How many times in a month do you have this complaint?

I experience this kind of headache 10-12 times in a month

How long does it remain?

It remains for 8-10 hrs a day

Do you feel completely alright then?

There is no headache then but i feel extremely sleepy.

Can you make out at what time of the day it begins?

More commonly it starts in the afternoon and then continues till night

What kind of pain do you actually suffer from?

The pain is usually intense and is throbbing as well.

Do you get any sort of complaint before the headache actually begins?

Yes, I often feel severe nausea which gets followed by headache every time.

Do you get any other complaints do you get along with headache?

Yes, I get very annoyed by light, cannot tolerate it at all. I also vomit at times

What kind of work do you do?

I am a house wife, just the routine house-hold work.

Do you have your meals at regular times?

Yes, i always prefer a fixed timing.

What does your diet includes?

All kind of foods like fruits, vegetables, rice sometimes meat etc.

3. Examination

General examination

Pulse – 82/ min

B.P. – 126/82 mm of hg

Temp – Afebrile

Systemic examination

R.S- NormalC.V.S. -

C.N.S. -

Prakruti as examined by questionnaire method

Vata predominant

4. Diagnosis

Migraine (Ardhavabhedak)

5. Treatment

As Ardhavabhedak is a disease occurring due to aggravation of vata dosha hence measures should be adopted to pacify the vata.


Pre procedure – internal oleation ( snehana) with brahmi ghrita , induced sweating ( swedana ) over head region

Main procedure – Anuvasana Basti ( a detox therapy that expels out vata dosha)

Post procedure – dietary, physical and psychological rules.

Other Rejuvenative therapies

Shirodhara – with takra

Nasya – with ashvagandha ghrita

Shaman- following drugs were used

Yashtimadhu Bala Guduchi Punarnava Kushmanda

Dietary and lifestyle advice

Avoid having cold beverages. Restrict the use of strong spices in your meals. Don’t use strong and intense perfumes.

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