mid-year conference inspires members to elevate their game! __ september 2015

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A RECORD-BREAKING crowd of retailers and suppliers were inspired to elevate their game across all spectrums during PRSM Association’s Mid-Year Conference held in Scottsdale, Arizona, Sept. 9-11. From the opening remarks by 2015-2016 PRSM Board President Bryan Walker to the closing session by world-champion adventure racer Robyn Benincasa, attendees were inspired to evaluate themselves, their teams and trends to tap into the best ways to raise the bar in FM.

Mid-Year Conference Inspires Members to BRUCE CONDIT

Walker, Store Facilities Manager at The Container Store, kicked off the three-day, action-packed conference. He recognized the challenges PRSM members are facing and encouraged them to continue building their skills.

“We live in an ever-changing retail envi-ronment, and it’s incumbent upon us to take advantage of every educational opportunity to improve our skill sets, to build a strong profes-sional network of peers and industry suppliers whom we can call upon to keep us at the top of our game,” said Walker.

He reminded attendees to be alert to global economic issues, the volatility of the financial markets and the impact all of these can have on FM careers.

“We need to be prepared to retool our busi-ness practices and budgets without compro-mising the safety or service we provide to our stores,” he said. “We must be diligent in our work, as it can mean the difference between a good or bad fiscal year for our organizations.”

Walker also recognized PRSM’s 20-year heritage and how the organization empow-ers members with the information, education and partnerships needed to be successful. He announced that the PRSM Board is also evolv-ing, adopting a new governance model that will redefine the roles of the Board and PRSM’s senior staff: “While these changes may seem subtle to PRSM members, we expect it will propel PRSM to new heights.”

In conclusion, Walker highlighted some of the new products and services PRSM has released recently, including the Benchmarking Work Order Management practices report, Retail Cleaning White Paper, Janitorial Workload Tool, and the 2016 Trends Report.

The fourth annual Trends Report, Walker explained, identifies five issues being addressed throughout the retail facilities maintenance industry and include:1. The Internet of Things (IoT),

2. The growth and expansion of distribution centers,

3. Retail recycling to reduce the waste stream,4. Demand for skilled workers in FM related

trades, and5. Growth of minority and women-owned sup-

plier businesses.Mid-Year Conference Keynote Speaker

Robert Tucker, global innovation guru and best-selling author, wrapped up the kick-off session with a rapid-fire presentation on the power of innovation and creativity. He explained that the approach to innovation has changed, but every organization still has to be innovative if they want to survive.

He outlined five best practices to energize the innovation process. They include:1. Make innovation a strategic imperative, not

just a simple objective.2. Implement an idea management system to

capture new ideas in real time.3. Collaborate with customers and suppliers

to maximize the benefits of innovation.4. Cultivate a risk-taking culture – great inno-

vation begins with taking a risk.5. Involve everyone in the enterprise – innova-

tion is not limited to leadership.“Innovators are dreamers who do,” empha-

sized Tucker. “Encourage people to think bigger, ask for a third option, become aware of your own assumptions, look for solutions outside the box, ask a different question, think ahead of the curve – look 10 years down the road to spot trends.”

He encouraged FMs to listen to their cus-tomers – then respond. In closing, he provided practical tips to enhance innovative thinking and creativity.

“Identify when and where you are most cre-ative,” he said. “Download your creative ideas – write them down. Schedule an appointment with yourself to take time to think about new ways to do your job, and create and idea journal to capture your ideas.”

www.prsm.com I NOVEMBER • DECEMBER 2015 I 41

Inspires Members to Elevate Their Game!Between the opening and closing sessions, there

was a wide range of educational opportunities to elevate your game. A few highlights included:• Retailer2RetailerBestPracticesForumson

technology, new store concepts and going green. Facilitators included Patty Cruz, RFMP, Sit’n Sleep; Broc Coen, Best Buy Co., Inc.; and Bill Balsamo, Luxottica Retail North America.

• VendorsessionsfocusedonbecominganMVPin the eyes of your client and how to reach executive-leveldecision-makersandestablishrapport to get results. Duane Cashin, Cashin & Company, presented the session, facilitated by Jeff Codd, LC, Wiedenbach-Brown Co., Inc.

• Aligningcross-functionalnegotiationteamsand establishing a best-in-class facilitiesmanagement department provided practical management tips. Presented by Dan Coleman, Excelsior Learning, and Darrell DeVoe. Moderators included Sean T. Coakley, RFMP, Ann Inc., and Kevin Smith, Ferrandino & Sons, Inc.

• DronesinFacilityManagement–thenextgame changer attracted news media atten-tion, while the total cost of ownership session discussed asset tracking as the key to making informed decisions. Presented by Josh Pola.Other sessions provided timely information

on the technologies paving the path for the next generation of rooftop HVAC systems and how to manage the transition from construction to facili-ties maintenance, presented by Ramin Faramarzi, P.E., Southern Edison Electric, Art McSorley; and Richard Rembert, III, General Nutrition Centers, Inc.; facilitated by Jonathan Bauer, Gap, Inc., and Trey Terry, United Rentals.

A new feature added to this year’s Mid-Year Conference was the POWERConnect sessions. These highly requested, special hosted buyer ses-sions paired retailers with suppliers in a specialized presentation-style setting. Participating supplier members had the opportunity to make a profes-sional presentation to a minimum of five retail companies in a private setting.

Participants also participated in a private recep-tion, dinner and highly creative team challenge that provided enhanced opportunities to create and develop buyer/seller relationships. Before the POWERConnect dinner, participants were divided into five teams and asked to “create some-thing” from a box filled with sustainable items,

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