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Meeting the Future �

Meeting the Future�2 Interdisciplinary Research Platforms University of Copenhagen

2 Meeting the Future

4 Living Conditions, Environment and Health in Developing Countries

6 eResearch

8 Natural Resources and the Environment

�0 Science, Ethics and Communication

�2 The Universe of the Cell

�4 Identities

�6 Food, Fitness and Pharma for Health and Disease

�8 Migration – Movement of People and the Development of Societies

20 Future Technologies for Life

22 Global Challenges: Spaces, Powers and Cultures

24 Welfare and Democracy

26 Brain, Mind and Medicines


Published by The University of C

openhagen, Novem

ber 2007. Text: Nanette H


. Editor: Ola Jørgensen/K

lartekst. Graphic design: K

aren Krarup. Photographers: Joachim

Rode, Jacob Helbig, C

hristoffer Regild, Scanpix, Martin U

llerup, Casper D

algård, Søren Holm


and University of C

openhagen. Painting: Lise Aarup.

Meeting the Future �

Research across Boundaries

During 2007, 700 researchers made

dedicated efforts to present their

suggestions to how the University might

take advantage of its scientific diversity in

ways that are both visible and valuable.

Their efforts resulted in the definition of

�2 interdisciplinary research platforms,

all of which address central current and

future challenges facing our society.

This booklet presents the outcome of the

researchers’ collective process from ideas

to finished research proposals. Each

platform introduces the motivation, the

ambition and the sub-themes that struc-

ture the work under each research topic.

The unique process towards these plat-

forms – and not least its immediate re-

sult – suggest a promising future for the

University of Copenhagen and bode well

for the University’s role in Danish society.

The �2 platforms also reflect the Uni-

versity’s distinct potential to contribute

positively to the international community

- which Denmark is becoming a still more

integrated part of.

Chancellor, Ralf Hemmingsen &

Vice Chancellor, Lykke Friis,

University of Copenhagen

One of the most significant effects of

globalisation has been the breakdown of

boundaries. Today, an increasing number

of social issues transcend not only natio-

nal borders but also traditional divisions

between scientific disciplines. Research

into climate change, for instance, needs

to embrace disciplines as diverse as

meteorology, analyses of the inland ice

on Greenland, safety issues related to

energy supply and critical assessment of

Al Gore’s political rhetoric.

The merger between The University of

Copenhagen, The Royal Veterinary and

Agricultural University, and The Danish

University of Pharmaceutical Sciences has

increased the scope for multidisciplinary

research considerably. The University of

Copenhagen is now Denmark’s largest

knowledge institution, with eight

faculties, 5500 researchers, almost

40,000 students – and, according to

international ratings, a prestigious score

as 8th on the list of Europe’s best univer-


The University’s strategy document,

’Destination 20�2’ states that the Univer-

sity has significant scientific diversity

within education and research – a capa-

city that has only been further strengt-

hened by the merger.

4 Meeting the Future

Living Conditions, Environment and Health in Developing Countries


More than one billion people live below

the international poverty line of one dol-

lar a day. They fight for their existence

in a society frayed by inequality, en-

vironmental problems and unacceptable

health conditions. At the same time,

historical and political factors stand in the

way of national and international efforts

to implement effective, future-orientated

development policies.

However, developing countries are not

only home to poor, passive citizens. At

a local as well as national level – in state

as well as civil sectors of developing so-

cieties – there is a great determination

to face up to and try to resolve existing

challenges. Research-based knowledge

can support such determination and

contribute positively to development pos-



The better we understand the causes and

characteristics of the various problems

facing developing countries, the closer

we are to finding ways of removing the

barriers to progress. This research plat-

form will help to develop knowledge and

build capacities to promote development

programmes in Third World countries

that are both socially and environmentally


In order to build long-term capacities and

know-how, the platform is premised on

the interdisciplinary collaboration with re-

searchers and professionals in developing

countries, allowing them to be actively

involved in defining and finding solutions

to the problems facing their countries.


The University of Copenhagen is home

to a number of internationally renowned

researchers and units within the field of

development studies. Areas of expertise

extend from global health, agriculture

and environmental issues to broader

interdisciplinary development research

that integrates perspectives from Social

Sciences, Law and the Humanities. The

University has also been actively involved

in the implementation of a number of

development, research and education

programmes in Africa, Asia and Latin


The research activities in this platform

have been divided into four sub-themes

that are mutually supportive:

Global health

The global health theme analyses the

most serious challenges within the area

of public health. Among the topics ex-

plored are: Inequality, ‘the double burden

of disease’, social, physical and demogra-

phic changes, food and nutrition, cultural

perceptions and practices, health systems,

policies and technologies.

Ecosystems and livelihoods

Researchers working in this area integrate

natural and social science approaches to

explore the following issues:

• The relation between ecosystem ser-

vices and living conditions

• Climatic changes and human acclima-

tisation strategies

• Natural resources and human health.

Meeting the Future 5

Living Conditions, Environment and Health in Developing Countries

Global health

Ecosystems and livelihoods

Agricultural production systems, food security, food safety and rural livelihood

Development: Conditions and policies

Agricultural production systems,

food security, food safety and rural


This theme focuses on the entire food

chain, including local living conditions.

Issues such as agricultural production

systems, food safety and conditions of

life in rural districts in developing coun-

tries are given specific attention.

Development: Conditions and policies

This theme analyses relevant issues rela-

ting to:

• Institutions, governance and develop-

ment policies

• Growth, international resources and

the development of markets

• Households, business and local

communities in the development pro-


The platform draws upon research

strategies and methods from the entire

scientific spectrum; all eight faculties of

the University are involved in the study of

living conditions, environment and health

in developing countries.


Professor Lars Hviid

Meeting the Future 5

6 Meeting the Future



IBM introduced the personal computer

in �98�. Ever since, computer-based

technologies have become more and

more sophisticated and have had a huge

impact on almost all aspects of modern


The ’e’ prefix has not only given new

meaning to concepts such as ‘mail’,

‘business’, ‘commerce’, ‘government’ and

‘learning’. Computer technology has also

influenced our behaviour and culture.

Now an integral part of everyday life, we

expect more and more of computers and

keep finding new ways of allowing com-

puter-based technology to make life easier

for us.

This development is a huge challenge for

the public sector. Particularly within health

and education, there is a need for more

intelligent and user-friendly systems

based on the requirements of the indivi-

dual citizen, patient or student. These

systems should allow people to become

active users, able and willing to obtain

knowledge themselves and contribute

with their own knowledge and experience.

Meeting the Future 7



Language, cognition and natural science



Communication – between people and

between people and computers – is

the central concern linking the research

activities in the eResearch platform. The

various sub-themes will look into how

information is exchanged, and how we

can ensure a positive dialogue between

people and systems in a virtual and global

world – a world where the participants

in dialogues typically belong to different

cultures and have entirely different pro-

fessional backgrounds.

The University of Copenhagen has unique

capacities within the field of eResearch.

This provides plenty of opportunities to

produce new interdisciplinary studies that

inspire students at all levels and make a

difference to the way in which computer-

based technologies are utilised in society

in general.

The eResearch platform has defined a

number of specific targets:

• To contribute to the development of

advanced and user-friendly commu-

nication technology that supports

active participation and the exchange

of experiences among citizens and

patients, specifically on health-related


• To develop methods for translating

evidence-based knowledge into in-

formation which health professionals,

patients and relatives can use in their

daily lives.

• To connect linguistic and cognitive

disciplines with disciplines from the

natural sciences, paving the way for

new types of analyses and innovation

within scientific as well as other types

of computer-based interaction.

• To change universities’ traditional way

of teaching and planning by using

new media to develop their educa-

tional programmes, learning proces-

ses and organization.


The eResearch research platform is orga-

nized into three sub-themes:


This theme focuses on advanced commu-

nication technology in medical treatment,

health care and health sector usage.

Scientific enquiries assume the perspec-

tives of a) the individual citizen b) the va-

rious institutions in the health sector and

c) society in general.

Language, cognition

and natural science

This topic examines specific areas within

modern technology where language,

cognitive processes and natural science

interact in new ways.


eEducation research involves case-based

studies of the way in which advanced

communication technology can help

improve learning at all levels of the edu-

cation system.

The eResearch platform draws on expert

capacities from six different faculties at

the University of Copenhagen.


Head of Centre, Bente Maegaard

Associate Professor, Lars Kayser

8 Meeting the Future

Natural Resources and the Environment


The world’s current development is not

sustainable – neither globally nor locally.

Our global supply of food and natural

ecosystems are threatened by rapid clima-

tic, social and economic changes, by ex-

plosive population growth, and by an im-

balance between rich and poor countries

and cities and rural areas. By 2025, more

than 2 billion people will be affected by

water scarcity. In addition, current climate

changes are so dramatic that we need

to significantly reorganize our existing

energy supply systems.

Contemporary concerns about climate

change, pollution and global environ-

mental changes call for new sustainable

development strategies and practices.

They also identify the need for new di-

rections in research that can address the

human impact on, and interactions with

the natural environment from a far more

holistic and systemic perspective.


During the latter part of the 20th century,

our knowledge of natural resources and

the environment has increased substanti-

ally. However, this knowledge has not yet

been transformed into coherent solutions

that can solve imminent environmental

problems. Sustainability Science presents

an approach that paves the way for so-

lutions that are not only sustainable, but

also far more comprehensive in scope.

Sustainability Science is a new multi-

disciplinary approach that seeks to under-

stand the complex interactions between

nature and society, and the way in which

global processes interact with the eco-

logical and social structure of particular

places and sectors.

Following this approach, the Natural

Resources and the Environment platform

aims to provide the necessary evidence-

based knowledge that will increase

society’s capacity to approach environ-

mental challenges in a proactive way.

Among the important issues on the re-

search agenda are:

• Understanding how ecological, social,

political, legal and economic resour-

ces can interact to ensure sustainable

agriculture and management of natu-

ral ecosystems. The aim is to achieve

a stable food supply without causing

irreparable damage to ecosystems.

• Finding useful answers to the com-

plex problems relating to sustainable

water supply, sustainable production

in agriculture and aquaculture and to

those ecosystem functions that are

threatened by lack of water and/or

future climate changes.

• Enhancing our understanding of the

preconditions for – and barriers to

- an effective prevention of future cli-

mate changes, including strategies of

adjustment to those that have already


• Modelling the effect of polluting sub-

stances on the environment and on

human beings in order to make more

precise risk assessments of these sub-

stances before allowing their use.


Meeting the Future 9

Natural Resources and the Environment

The terrestrial environment

The aquatic environment

Energy, environment and climate change

Man, pollution and health


The study of human-environment

interaction calls for interdisciplinary

approaches involving Natural Sciences

and Life Sciences as well as, for instance,

Social Sciences, Law and the Humanities.

The Natural Resources and the Environ-

ment platform provides an ideal scientific

basis for the cooperation between


By facilitating interdisciplinary collabora-

tion, this platform hopes to spearhead

the effort to position the University of

Copenhagen at the forefront of inter-

national research within Sustainability


The platform is organized into four sub-

themes, all of which draw upon research

strategies and methods from the entire

scientific spectrum:

• The terrestrial environment: Land-use

and ecosystem services in a changing


• The aquatic environment: Water scar-

city and ecosystem functions

• Energy, environment and climate


• Man, pollution and health

All eight faculties of the University of

Copenhagen are involved in the Natural

Resources and the Environment platform.


Professor Niels Elers Koch,

�0 Meeting the Future

Science, Ethics and Communication


During the past 50 years, the role of Life

Sciences has become increasingly impor-

tant. These disciplines have provided an

understanding of basic mechanisms of

biological life, offered new diagnostic

tools and ways of treatment, along with

advanced ways of producing biological

material. Life Sciences have fundamen-

tally reshaped the way we perceive our-

selves and our role in nature.

At the same time, Life Science has under-

gone radical transformation. Scientific en-

quiries have become organized, funded,

communicated and embedded in society

in new ways. Strategic research has a

more central position, typically organized

in larger groups and in collaboration with

external commercial partners. Scientific

environments have also become more de-

pendent on public approval. This means

that they need to be able to deal with

public concern, communicating theories,

methods and results meaningfully in a

context largely determined by modern


Last but not least, scientific research has

gone global. Science is part of an interna-

tional community where the public’s inse-

curity, fear, trust and perception of risks

cut across regional and national bounda-

ries. What happens in scientific commu-

nities in Korea or Scotland may have a

profound impact on public opinion and

political decision-makers in other parts of

the world.

�0 Meeting the Future

Meeting the Future ��

Science, Ethics and Communication

Research ethics under new conditions

Rethinking the contract between science and society

The social life of proteomics

Conditions for public engagement with Life Science

Rethinking the role of the expert

Global risk, national expertise, local trust


These global changes in the way Life

Science is organized and embedded in

society at large demand that the norms

of scientific research are reconsidered

and the relation between Life Sciences

and society in general is redrawn. This is

the premise for the Science, Ethics and

Communication platform.

Scientific enquiry into the organization

and social relations of Life Sciences is

important, not only to secure the con-

tinued social acceptance of Life Sciences

as scientific disciplines, but also to ensure

the ethical approval of their scientific en-

quiries. This platform hopes to contribute

to this process by:

• Qualifying the scientific and public


• Realizing the University of Copenha-

gen’s commitment to communicate

its research and reflect on its relations

with society

• Strengthening the University’s teach-

ing and post-graduate education

programmes within Life Sciences,

scientific theory and research ethics.

Due to its size and tradition for interdis-

ciplinary collaboration, the University of

Copenhagen is in a unique position to

realize these ambitions. If successful, this

platform will be the first of its nature in

the world.


The platform is subdivided into six

themes that each seek to address a

number of challenging questions:

Research ethics under new conditions

Which new challenges arise when re-

search is funded by large strategic grants

and depends on the collaboration with

commercial partners?

Rethinking the contract between

science and society

How should scientific enquiry be orga-

nised if we are to preserve the virtues

of scientific enquiry and meet society’s

legitimate demand for effective resource

utilisation, political management and de-

mocratic participation?

The social life of proteomics

How is the emerging field of proteomics

constituted? Which ethical, legal and

social issues does proteomic research give

rise to?

Conditions for public engagement

with Life Science and biotechnology

How do Life Sciences and biotechnology

communicate their activities and find-

ings? How does the integration of social

and aesthetic disciplines increase the level

of public engagement with Life Sciences?

Rethinking the role of the expert:

Public negotiation of the scientific


How do the scientist’s performance, ne-

gotiating skills and credibility influence

his/her construction as an expert by the

media and society in general?

Global risk, national expertise,

local trust

How do culturally specific values and dis-

courses interact with scientific facts? How

do culturally specific discourses influence

the conception of science, scientific ex-

pertise and risks in different countries?


Associate Professor, Klemens Kappel

�2 Meeting the Future

The Universe of the Cell


Cells are the building blocks of life; in

the communication between cells lies the

key to understanding – and preventing

– many serious diseases.

Unicellular organisms include pathogenic

bacteria and organisms that in turn pro-

duce fuels and nutrients. In multicellular

organisms – humans and animals, for

instance – the interaction between cells

and the tissue they compose is coordi-

nated by signals. All cells in multicellular

organisms produce signals. They commu-

nicate growth and death to other cells


A number of sophisticated and very ex-

pensive techniques are needed to unravel

the mechanisms behind normal and

abnormal cell behaviour. These costly

techniques are applicable to organisms

as diverse as bacteria, plants and human

and animal cells. The techniques in que-

stion are:

• Imaging of the life processes in situ,

using whole organisms, organs, tis-

sues or cells

• Robotics and cytomics, proteomics

and metabolomics

• High throughput and high resolution

characterisation of genomes

• Sophisticated studies of signalling re-

gulation in health and disease

• Computer-based modelling of cellular

behaviour based on data from dif-

ferent omics technologies (systems


By bringing together scientists working

in these different fields, the University

of Copenhagen builds a unique and in-

ternationally competitive technological

platform that can significantly further

research into new biologically targeted

therapies for cancer and other diseases,

microbial adaptation, infectious diseases

and vaccines, and the production of

healthy foods and feeds.

and receive signals from the acellular

matrix that surrounds them.

Defects in the signalling between cells

can be the cause of neurological illnesses,

immune system diseases, diabetes, obesi-

ty and cancer. Recent studies have shown

that cancer can be cured or controlled by

therapies targeting deviant signalling

pathways. In the treatment of breast

cancer and leukaemia, remarkable results

have been achieved by using certain

forms of signal therapy.

�2 Meeting the Future

Meeting the Future ��

The Universe of the Cell

Adaptation in the microbial univers

Omics and system biology


Cell signalling and interactions

Infectious diseases and immune protection

Novel validated targets for new cancer treatments

Plants taking on new tasks


The Universe of the Cell platform draws

on researchers from four different facul-

ties at the University of Copenhagen, as

well as scientists from the Danish Biotech

Research and Innovation Centre (BRIC).

This platform has been subdivided into

seven themes that represent distinct, but

interrelated research areas:

Adaptation in the microbial universe

Research projects on microbial adaptation

- from specific molecular mechanisms in

model organisms to multi-species inter-

actions in complex environments.

This sub-theme also assesses the role of

Horizontal Gene Transfer (HGT) in ge-

nome evolution.

Omics and system biology

This theme combines omics technologies

and systems biology to reveal the dyna-

mic connections between genomes and

proteomes, proteomes and metabolomes,

and ultimately between the molecular

information and phenotypes/function of

the whole organism.


Epigenetic regulation governs crucial

processes such as proliferation, develop-

ment, differentiation, stem cell renewal

and genome integrity. Deregulation of

epigenetic mechanisms is causally related

to a number of human diseases. This sub-

theme aims to unveil and understand the

epigenetic gene-regulatory mechanisms

that are so fundamental to health and


Cell signalling and interactions

Normal cell interaction processes are

mapped and compared to deviant signal-

ling processes. On this basis, the specific

biological questions relating to homeo-

stasis, exemplified by tumour develop-

ment and defence against infectious

diseases, are addressed.

Infectious diseases and

immune protection

The target for the research activities in

this sub-theme is to understand host-

pathogen interaction and present immu-

notherapeutic strategies for prevention of

viral and non-viral infections and dis-

eases. Vaccine projects are taken from

fundamental immunology and micro-

biology through vaccine formulation and

delivery to pre-clinical testing in appro-

priate animal models.

Novel validated targets for the

development of new treatments

for cancer

By using novel screening approaches and

cellular and genetic systems, this sub-

theme hopes to discover and understand

fundamental molecular mechanisms

underlying the development of cancer,

and to translate this knowledge into

clinical tools for diagnostics and treat-

ment of cancer.

Plants taking on new tasks

Plant biotechnology and genomics can

be used to pave the way for a bio-based

economy. This theme has a number of

different targets for its research activities:

• To secure a healthy and health-pro-

moting high quality food supply

• To improve plant yield potential

• To improve the genetic diversity of

crop plants

• To reduce the environmental impact

of agriculture

• To develop renewable materials

• To develop more efficient biofuels.


Professor Lars-Inge Larsson

�4 Meeting the Future



The concept of identity is not only of

central concern to a number of disciplines

within the Humanities, Theology and So-

cial Sciences. Visions of identity have also

played – and continue to play - an impor-

tant role in the historical constructions

of national, religious and other types of

collective identity. Collective identity has

served as lever for the formation of states

and the progress of civilization; however,

it has also triggered wars and caused the

repression of minorities.

In a period of economic, political and

cultural globalisation, an understanding

of the historical and contemporary role

of ideas of identity seems to be of crucial

significance – particularly in Europe.


This research platform presents a number

of critical enquiries into the notion of

identity and how it is used – and misused

– for scientific or political interpretation

of historical and cultural phenomena.

The Identity research platform aims to:

• Present the historical background for

the conceptions of identity that

influence current debates in individual

nation-states and in Europe in


• Enhance the level of research, educa-

tion and public debate on national,

religious and cultural communities

– real or imagined – in a rapidly

changing world.

• Analyse the historical background for

identity issues related to the meeting

between European culture and the

Islamic world (including the growing

Muslim minority in European socie-

ties), with a view to developing more

precise concepts and theories for the

identity-related aspects of this


• Create a better basis for the public

debate – and for political decision-

making – on how to handle our ge-

netic identity legally, ethically, philoso-

phically and medically.


The Identities research platform is organi-

zed into five sub-themes:

The cultural history

of European identities

A study of the distinctly ’European’ in a

global context, focusing on some of the

dichotomies that have crucially influenced

Europe’s development and the visions of

European identity (for example, secula-

risation versus religion, tradition versus

modernity and inclusion versus exclusion).

Identity, nationalism

and cultural policy

An analysis of the role cultural politics has

played - and still plays - in Europe. Under

scrutiny is the political, institutional, and

ideological framework for cultural initia-

tives as well as the significance of

national identity in a globalised world.

Islam in European culture – Historical

and contemporary perspectives

An enquiry into Islam’s historical and cur-

rent role in European culture. This sub-

theme looks into the interaction between

European self-perception and Islamic

culture and politics through the ages,

and studies current aesthetic expressions

of migrant experience from writers and

artists with Islamic backgrounds.

Meeting the Future �5


The cultural history of European identities

Identity, nationalism and cultural policy

Islam in European culture

Picturing Scandinavia

Genetic identity

Picturing Scandinavia

This sub-theme examines the formation

of Scandinavian culture, values and ex-

perience from both a European and a

global perspective. Specific attention will

be given to the outsider’s view of Scan-

dinavia – particularly the socio-political

impression (e.g. the Welfare State) and

the cultural image (e.g. design).

Genetic identity

An interdisciplinary enquiry into the con-

cept of genetic identity, taking as its point

of departure recent scientific acknow-

ledgement of genetic individuality and

what this means for our conception of

individual and collective identity.


Professor Peter Madsen

�6 Meeting the Future

Pharmaceuticals / Medicines

In vivo models

Translational sciences

Genomics / Bioinformatics

Sociological / legal / economic / ethical aspects

Lifestyle: Food / Nutrition / Exercise

Food, Fitness and Pharma for Health and Disease

Food, Fitness and Pharma for Health and Disease


In recent years, the world has witnessed

the development of an obesity epidemic.

Overweight and obesity not only reduce

the quality of life for the individual; they

also cause serious illnesses such as cardio-

vascular diseases, certain forms of cancer,

metabolic and musculoskeletal disorders

and, in particular, Type 2 Diabetes. Glo-

bally, the prevalence of these diseases has

grown exponentially over the past de-

cades. For this reason, obesity is at the

top of WHO’s chart listing the greatest

health problems facing the world today.

In 2006, more than �0 per cent of the

adult population in the United States was

obese and 65 per cent were overweight.

When examining the status of obesity in

Europe, scientists estimate that Europe

is only five years behind the US. Figures

from various European countries sup-

port this estimation: In Great Britain, for

example, the prevalence of overweight

people tripled from �980 to 2000.

But we are not only dealing with a We-

stern phenomenon. In countries such as

China and India, the proportion of obese

children is increasing at a frightening

rate. Among pre-school children in urban

areas of China, the prevalence of obesity

exploded from �.5 per cent in �989 to

�2.6 per cent in �997! Drastic develop-

ment on a similar scale is seen elsewhere

in Asia.


The radical increase in lifestyle-related

diseases is the result of a complex inter-

action of genetic and lifestyle-related fac-

tors. Some factors are obvious: Changes

in diet and advances in technology and

transport, which reduce our daily level of

physical activity. Others are far more com-

plex, relating to metabolic abnormalities

and intricate genetic dynamics.

Many questions concerning the correla-

tion between genetic and environmental

factors remain unanswered by modern

science. What are the social, economic

and cultural reasons why people react so

differently to the self-evident appeal to

put an end to unhealthy habits? Why are

the drugs available for the treatment of

diabetes and related cardiovascular dis-

eases not as effective as we would wish

them to be? To answer such questions,

we need to approach the field from dif-

ferent angles, employing approaches that

cut across traditional scientific disciplines.

Based on the existing collaboration be-

tween academia and industry, the Food,

Fitness and Pharma platform aims at

building an interdisciplinary powerhouse

for research into, and prevention of life-

style-related diseases. One of the ambi-

tious goals of this research platform is to

analyse the origins of lifestyle

diseases and use this knowledge to de-

velop effective medical remedies as well

as recommended procedures that may

affect behaviour among stakeholders (for

example, patients, politicians, therapists,

the food and medical industry, etc.).

Meeting the Future �7


Denmark already holds a strong position

internationally within the field of lifestyle-

related diseases. Based on this strong-

hold, the platform aims to make science

on lifestyle-related issues a brand – not

only for the University of Copenhagen

but for Denmark as such.

The platform’s various projects and

themes interact at many levels, forming

an integrated matrix of approaches to

understand, prevent and treat lifestyle-

related diseases. It consists of two main

‘vertical’ themes and four ‘horizontal’


Main themes:

• Lifestyle: Food / Nutrition / Exercise

• Pharmaceuticals / Medicines


• Genomics / Bioinformatics

• Translational sciences (for example,

bio bank, epidemiology and bio-

medical research)

• In vivo models (such as animal testing,

and clinical trial units to assess effects

in humans)

• Sociological, legal, economic and

ethical aspects

By providing a common platform for the

collaboration between experts and insti-

tutions, the platform centralises activities

within this area, allowing synergies be-

tween disciplines to develop into effective

results that benefit professionals, the

industry and not least patients suffering

from lifestyle-related diseases.


Professor Thue W.Schwartz

�8 Meeting the Future

Migration – Movement of People and the Development of Societies


New communication technologies and

improvements in transportation systems

have fundamentally challenged the idea

of a global order based on separate and

independent nation-states. The world is

now conceived in terms of social, econo-

mic and cultural flows and networks, and

the image of stable, grounded cultures

and societies has given way to notions

of mobile ethnoscapes, creolisation and


A central aspect of globalisation has been

the escalation of voluntary and forced

migration – particularly along a North-

South axis. This calls for a total rethinking

of migration processes and the concep-

tual framework within which they are

examined. Migration needs to be seen as

a fundamental characteristic of modern

social and cultural processes - not as a

parenthesis in the history of an otherwise

stable and rooted civilization.

�8 Meeting the Future

Meeting the Future �9


The global fields of mobility, flows and networks

Belonging and cultural diversity

Societal conditions and institutions in everyday life


This research platform focuses specifically

on mobility, place-making and processes

of identification and belonging within the

context of globalisation.

The overall objectives of this platform are:

• To investigate the nature of migratory


• To study the impact of migratory

movement on both sending and re-

ceiving societies, including places of


• To examine ways in which migrants

manoeuvre as individuals, families

and communities in relation to local,

national and transnational contexts,

and how these contexts become

sources of identification.

Denmark will figure as a prominent,

but not the only reference point for the

research programme. Thus, one of the

programme’s specific aims will be to un-

derstand how population movements in

and out of Denmark in a historical and

contemporary perspective have shaped

the development of Danish society.


The research agenda is organized into

three sub-themes:

The global fields of mobility,

flows and networks

Exploring the migratory moves between

the South and the North, this theme

examines people’s motives for moving,

the role of social networks as frameworks

of movement, and the way in which the

complexity of movements and links influ-

ence the character of sending as well as

receiving societies.

Belonging and cultural diversity

This theme studies the nation-specific

conditions for belonging, social inclusion

and participation. Do these conditions

suggest that human mobility relies on

more universal constituents of identity

formation? How are belonging and iden-

tity processes affected by the increasing

ethnic and cultural diversity that charac-

terises nation-states?

Societal conditions and institutions

in everyday life

The third and final sub-theme presents

an in-depth, cross-sectional study of

everyday life in a local community. The

study includes detailed analyses of the

ways in which immigrants and their

descendants interact with the local

community and its key institutions (such

as schools, day-care and health services,

sports clubs and labour markets).

Reinterpreting societal development from

the perspective of movement, networks

and transnational flows involves the col-

laboration of researchers from a variety of

disciplines and backgrounds. The Migra-

tion platform includes researchers from

six different faculties at the University of

Copenhagen as well as a wide range of

collaborative partners outside the Uni-



Professor Karen Fog Olwig

20 Meeting the Future

Future Technologies for Life


New technologies emerge as a response

to a specific need or challenge. History re-

flects how certain new technologies have

had such a profound influence on human

life that they have provoked the onset of

a new era. The development of the steam

engine sparked the industrial revolution.

Information technology revolutionised

worldwide communications, creating the

information society.

The challenges of the 2�st century are

already many and various: Pollution is

threatening the stability of our planet;

quality of life and the standard of health

in the world’s population could be far

better; a wide range of diseases are still

neither preventable nor curable with cur-

rent forms of medicine. These are all chal-

lenges that call for new technologies to

improve life – technologies that might in

time define the era of globalisation.

Meeting the Future 2�

Future Technologies for Life




Chemical biology



Risk assessment of nanotechnology


Three central questions constitute the ba-

sis for all research activities in the Future

Technologies platform:

• How can we efficiently harvest the

energy from the sun deposited in

plants in ways that are environmen-

tally friendly?

• How can we employ new techno-

logies to enhance the quality of life

through better food and health?

• Can we develop technologies for

targeted delivery of drugs and early



To address these questions, this platform

has been divided into seven sub-themes,

all of which are interdisciplinary and con-

tain visions for the development of new

technologies in different fields. All seven

themes represent areas of great scientific

potential that have already attracted a lot

of international attention.


How can we use atom and molecule ma-

nipulations to develop better food, mate-

rials and medicine? Finding the answer to

this question is central to the Nanotech-

nology sub-theme.


Bioimaging refers to the pictorial repre-

sentation and the quantification of living

organisms at work. This sub-theme seeks

to find ways of tracing single molecules

through living systems.


Metabolomics is the systematic study of

the unique chemical fingerprints that

specific cellular processes leave behind.

This sub-theme attempts to follow these

transformations directly in living tissue.

Chemical biology

Can we tailor biomolecules with new

properties? This sub-theme will attempt

to find the answer to this question by

studying applications of chemical synthe-

sis in biology.


The sun deposits tremendous amounts

of energy in plant fibres, but how do we

harness and harvest this solar energy, and

what are the consequences of this utilisa-

tion for our environment?


Using mathematic modelling to describe

complex data sets, this theme examines

the possibility of acquiring a complete

picture of a disease from, for instance,

a blood sample analysis by instant data


Risk assessment of nanotechnology

What happens to nanoparticles in living

systems? This theme explores the risks

associated with nanotechnology.

This platform draws on scientists from

five different faculties at the University of



Professor Thomas Bjørnholm

22 Meeting the Future

Global Challenges

Urbanisation and territorialization


Figures of authority


Global imaginaries

Global Challenges: Spaces, Powers and Cultures


The study of globalisation is most often

concerned with the effects of economic

globalisation. However, globalisation

brings more than larger markets, cheaper

goods and new global production pat-

terns. Images, religious perceptions and

ideologies travel across the world, as

do tourists, business travellers, migrant

workers and refugees.

This flow of ideas and people creates

significant transformations that call for a

redefinition of the concepts of identity,

community and legitimacy.


The Global Challenges platform is orga-

nized around three core concepts: Power,

space and culture. Earlier, these three

concepts coincided almost completely

with the framework of the nation-state.

But that is no longer the case.

National authorities are challenged, as

economic and social relations are being

shaped and controlled by forces beyond

their reach. Fixed space loses its signi-

ficance in favour of space produced by

relations between citizens, businesses,

organizations, government bodies, etc.

Culture, as a national mode of behaviour

or way of thinking, is dissolving into a

number of distinct and diverse cultures

that traverse national borders.

Through the prism of power, space and

culture, this research platform reflects the

changes and challenges globalisation ge-

nerates. Turning power, space and culture

into plurals, as this platform does, is per-

haps the first conceptual manifestation of



Understanding globalisation demands

a three-dimensional approach that cuts

across traditional disciplines and perspec-

tives. Research in this platform will invol-

ve the collaboration between researchers

from different faculties and departments

at the University of Copenhagen as well

as the participation of other international

scientific institutions.

The Global Challenges platform presents

itself as The University of Copenhagen

Centre for Globalisation Studies. The

centre’s research activities fall into five

interdisciplinary themes:

Urbanisation and territorialization

This theme studies the territorial impact

of globalisation processes. Under scru-

tiny is the rise of mega-cities, particularly

those in the Far East.


The community theme explores the ten-

sions and ambiguities that arise in the

interface between traditional ways of

constructing political identities, commu-

nities and ideologies and the emergence

of new global forms of social and political


Meeting the Future 2�

Figures of authority

How is authority produced and legiti-

mised in the era of globalisation? This

theme looks into the coexistence of new

and traditional forms of authority with a

view to mapping the political, legal and

cultural changes of authority.


This theme explores the implications of

three dominant trends in the globalisa-

tion of law and politics: Legalisation and

delegalisation, transnational regulation

and ‘the effects of Europe’, also known

as Europeanisation.

Global imaginaries

How do new communication media

change our relationship with fellow citi-

zens? How do traditional art forms help

us understand a globalised world? This

sub-theme examines the role played by

cultural imagination in the construction

of a globalised world.


Associate Professor, Hans Thor Andersen

24 Meeting the Future

Welfare and Democracy


In developed, democratic societies, issues

relating to welfare and democracy have a

natural place on the agenda in the politi-

cal and the academic arenas.

The fact that the state is experiencing

increasing difficulties in delivering welfare

services that meet citizens’ expectations

raises questions about the relationship

between citizen and state in the 2�st

century. The democratic system faces a

number of similar challenges: Globalisa-

tion has meant that transnational struc-

tures within the media and the labour

market have significant influence upon

some of the well-established domains of


Current developments within nations af-

fect welfare and democracy in different

ways. At the same time, tendencies and

structures are becoming increasingly

related internationally. This is why issues

pertaining to welfare and democracy

need to be analysed from a European and

a global perspective.

Meeting the Future 25

Welfare and Democracy

Europeanisation, welfare and democracy

Where citizens meet systems


Welfare and democracy in a global perspective


The Welfare and Democracy platform ad-

dresses a number of central issues related

to the area of welfare and democracy.

Most importantly, the platform wishes to:

• Highlight the Europeanisation of Den-

mark and the Danish public sphere in

areas that are crucial to a democratic

welfare society in a globalised world.

• Present new theoretical and empirical

knowledge on the role of citizens,

their rights and not least their experi-

ence of a welfare society undergoing

significant change.

• Provide new knowledge on flexicurity

models, their strengths and weaknes-

ses as well as their limitations and


• Cover the relation between welfare

and democratization globally, ana-

lysing the dilemmas that arise and

present possible solutions to these.


The Welfare and Democracy platform

represents interdisciplinary collaboration

between researchers from six different

faculties at the University of Copen-

hagen and a number of experts from

other research institutions in Denmark

and abroad. The platform covers 20 dif-

ferent research projects, all of which fall

into four major themes:

Europeanisation, welfare

and democracy

This sub-theme represents research into

the Europeanisation of national demo-

cracies and public spheres, and enquires

into the media’s role as an intermediary

between the national and the trans-

national public sphere. The political pro-

cess, democracy and the role of the

media – at both a national and a Euro-

pean level – is analysed in relation to

the huge social and cultural significance

Europeanisation has had.

Where citizens meet systems – New

challenges in the welfare state

This sub-theme presents analyses of dif-

ferent welfare systems, focusing on the

meeting between clients/patients/users

and the system. The theme takes, as its

point of departure, the viability of the

universal Danish welfare model in a time

of globalisation, multiethnicity, demo-

graphic changes and pervasive organiza-

tional and management changes in the

public sector.

Flexicurity – New balances in the

regulation of work and welfare

Based on critical analyses of the Danish

flexicurity model, this theme focuses on:

• The model’s (social) economic effec-

tiveness in relation to other regulatory


• The possibility for mutual exchange of

knowledge between the Danish and

other flexicurity models

• Inclusion and exclusion in relation to

the model

• The model’s regulatory basis.

Welfare and democracy

in a global perspective

Under this heading, researchers will look

at the paradoxes and dilemmas that wel-

fare and democratization processes pro-

duce all over the world, and, through a

more comprehensive understanding, seek

to find possible solutions to these issues.

Special emphasis is given to the transna-

tional prevalence of norms, institutional

responsibility and democratic processes,

such as international support for demo-



Associate Professor,

Carsten Strøby Jensen

Research Assistant, Tea Malthesen

26 Meeting the Future

Brain, Mind and Medicines


The human brain is unique and by far

the most complex organ in nature. �00

billion nerve cells (neurons) form an intri-

cate network of more than 7000 billion

interactions (synapses). Such complexity

is not only intriguing, but constitutes the

basis for human intelligence, behaviour

and physiology.

Malfunctions in the brain often result in

serious diseases. The most well known

of these are Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s

disease, schizophrenia, epilepsy, Hun-

tington’s disease, stroke, depression and

anxiety disorders.


In addition to the trauma suffered by

patients and their relatives, brain-related

diseases inflict a huge economic burden

on society as well. To reduce personal suf-

fering and bring down societal costs, we

need to increase brain research, expand-

ing our knowledge of the well-function-

ing and the malfunctioning brain.

Given its strong research environments

within neuroscience and its related

disciplines, the University of Copenhagen

has the expertise and vision necessary to

create a centre of excellence within the

field of brain research.

26 Meeting the Future

Meeting the Future 27

Brain, Mind and Medicines

Molecular and cellular neuroscience


Consciousness, cognition, sensation

Learning, memory and plasticity

Movement and motor control

Psychiatric diseases and drug abuse

Headache, epilepsy and pain

Neurodegenerative diseases


The Brain, Mind and Medicines research

platform has been divided into eight sub-

themes, each of which relies on inter-

disciplinary collaboration between

researchers and units from six University

faculties as well as a number of external


Molecular and cellular neuroscience

This topic seeks to unravel intercellular

and intracellular signalling in the brain.

By understanding the complex communi-

cation patterns of nerve cells, researchers

hope to identify new therapeutic strate-

gies and medicines for a large group of

diseases in the central nervous system.


The premise for the research in this sub-

theme is to uncover the exact roles of all

brain-related genes and map their inter-

actions. This will provide a basis for the

diagnosis and cure of brain diseases and

support many areas of research that de-

pend on a deeper understanding of the

brain (for example psychology, computer

design and robotics).

Consciousness, cognition, sensation

This group investigates sensation, cogni-

tion and subjective conscious experiences

at psychological, cellular and biochemical

levels – both in the normal brain as well

as in brains affected by neurological and

neuropsychiatric disorders.

Learning, memory and plasticity

Under scrutiny in this sub-theme are

human learning, problem solving and

memory as well as mental and neural

plasticity. Advances in these areas are

extremely important to a variety of ap-

plications, such as pedagogy, clinical

treatment strategies, rehabilitation

therapy, and the development of

effective medicines.

Movement and motor control

This sub-theme studies movement and

motor control from the molecular and

cellular levels, over animal models to

healthy humans, and finally to patients

with debilitating movement disorders.

Research is undertaken with a view to

finding better treatments for debilitating

movement disorders.

Psychiatric diseases and drug abuse

Research in this group is directed towards

bridging the gap between basic neuro-

biology and clinical psychiatry. By enhanc-

ing our understanding of the biological,

social and psychological mechanisms

behind psychiatric diseases, this group

hopes to pave the way for better treat-

ment of these diseases.

Headache, epilepsy and pain

This sub-theme brings together leading

experts within migraine, pain and epilep-

sy research to find sufficiently specific and

effective medicines that may alleviate, if

not cure, conditions of “disturbed neuro-

nal signalling”.

Neurodegenerative diseases

By studying the entire spectrum from

molecular and cellular mechanisms to the

diagnosis and treatment of neurodegene-

rative disorders, this research group pro-

vides essential insights into mechanisms

behind neurodegeneration, regeneration,

repair and plasticity.


Professor Kristian Strømgaard

28 Meeting the Future

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