media evaluation question 3

Post on 15-Apr-2017






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QUESTION 3What have you learned from your

audience feedback?

QUESTION 3What have you learned from your audience

feedback?As I look back at the feedback that was given before and after the three different products were made. I have learned from my audience feedback and tried to take forward their ideas. In this question, I will be explaining what I learned from my audience feedback when creating the three different products: the trailer, the website and the poster. All three of these products were made and created with the thoughts and opinions of our target audience in mind.

At the very start of this coursework, questionnaires were sent out to the people around school, with these questionnaires, we the makers of the film would get a honest opinion on the direction of our film. On the questionnaire there were questions, for example, my questionnaire asked about the genre for our horror movie. With these questionnaires filled , I was able to use our market research and plan ahead on the film. Our questionnaires were taken in and the results were counted. All the questionnaires that were made, were designed on survey monkey. Here the audience was able to answer the questionnaires quickly and precisely. Survey Monkey is free to use and is a great way to design and ask questionnaires. With all the questionnaires in, Survey Monkey counted the results and made the results into a pie chart. With these results, I was able to learn more about the opinions of my target audience. From the audience feedback, I learned about the genre for the film and the location for the trailer. From my audience feedback, I also learned more about them as individuals, I learned about when they watch horror movies and who they watch them with.

With the trailer, poster and website taking place I was able to get audience feedback from school friends and teachers. For example, when I was taking the photos for the website and poster, I got feedback and my group and friends before I decided that the photo was good enough. As I putting the website together, I wanted feedback from the teacher on the poster and website. With this feedback I was able to improve the website and poster further. From this feedback I learned that audience feedback is their opinion and that you do not always need to go with them. However, through most of this coursework, I did go with the audience feedback because it helps improve the likeness and interest of the product. With the feedback from the audience I was able to make the changes that were suggested, with these improvements I feel that the product looked good at the stage it was at.

QUESTION 3What have you learned from your audience

feedback?Towards the end of the creation of the trailer, there was improvements that was suggested by the teacher and the target audience. For example, most of the audience suggested that the trailer lacked the idea of sympathy towards a character. In the trailer there was little parts where the watching audience would show sympathy towards a character. With that advice, myself and the group decided that we would add in some extra points to get across the idea and follow what our target audience want and desire. For this audience feedback I learned that to have a successful horror movie trailer you need to show the difference between the moral character and the immoral character. With these parts included in the horror movie trailer I was able to relate to a professional horror movie trailer and look at ways to further improve the trailer. For example, I thought that our horror movie lacked horror moments, therefore I showed to the rest of the group and others the trailer, everyone agreed. With this feedback, we as a group decided to add more horror moments to the trailer. From this feedback, I learned that a successful horror movie trailer will only succeed when there is many different horror moments.

When finishing off the trailer, website and poster, our teacher thought that the product title was too similar to the recent James Bond film that was released last summer. With the teachers improvement in mind, we decided that we would gather other opinions of the film name and start to create a new name. With the feedback collected from the audience, our group decided to go with the audience feedback and change the name, this would help us from copyright issues and make the film stand out to a wide range audience.

With these changes to the title made, we then included the title into the trailer, website and poster. From the feedback, our group thought that the decision made by us, and the opinion from our audience was correct. This was because we did not want to live up to a classic film like James Bond. From our audience feedback, we learned that when you create a horror movie you need to make the whole product your own. From the audience feedback, we also learned that you need to have no obvious links to other horror movie trailer because this would stand out to our target audience. As a group, we felt that we had produced a high quality product, we also felt that from our target audience we made the product better than it would have been without the opinions from them.

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