measuring what you manage the presentation is broken into three parts part one: why create metrics...

Post on 15-Dec-2015






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Measuring what you manage

The presentation is broken into three parts Part One: Why Create Metrics Part Two: How to Create Metrics Part Three: How to Analyze, Trend and Report Metrics

John Parker: Data Center Operations Management - Esri

Part One: Why are Metrics Important“How can you manage what you can’t measure”

Benchmark your goalsDid you meet your goals?

Creates efficienciesCost savingsEliminate subjectivityManageability of resources and workloads

Part Two: How to Create Metrics

I. Understand what is important to measure

II. Metrics formula - Workload + Performance = Goals or Results (see Table One)

III.Know your audience

How do I do this Stuff !

Tangible Day to day

activities(workloads) Tickets

Incidents, requests, changes

Facilities testing and PM’s

Monitoring and Alerts

On call

Intangible Cost savings Time savings Proactive initiatives

I. What to MeasureWorkloadPerformance( SLA’s)GoalsSubjectivity to Objectivity

II. The Metrics FormulaWorkload + Performance = (SLA’s or Goals)

Workload Metrics (what you do)

Performance Metrics (how well you do it)

SLA’s or Goal Metrics (Are you meeting or exceeding expectations?)

III. Know Your AudienceCustomize metrics for yourself, your

colleagues and your customers based on:Your requirements (what is important to you?)Their requirements (what is important to them)Toot your Whistle…

It’s time to prove with numbers how well you provide services

Part Three: Analyze, Trend and ReportWeekly MetricsMonthly MetricsQuarterly MetricsAnnual Metrics

Weekly MetricsTickets

Ticket Type

C/F from Last week

New Create



during week

Total Worke




Weekly Resolution score

YTD Resolution Score

Incidents 0 77 3 74 71 3 95.95%


User Requests

2 24 1 25 23 2 92.00%


3 14 0 17 14 3 82.35%

Total 5 115 4 116 108 8 93.10%Other (N

ot Consider


7 6 0 13 6 7 46.15%

Change Type Total Changes

Completed Successfully

Success Rate


Scheduled 6 5 83%RFC-2387, 2429, 2426, 2421,

2433, 2418

Standard 6 6 100%RFC-2435, 2437, 2436, 2432,

2440, 2438

Emergency 0 0 NA  

Totals 12 11 92%  

1.RFC Totals (Production)

Part one –Metrics building blocks – How well you do it (Monthly)Support

Weekly “workload” numbers combined

Applications & Hardware

Users & customersData centersProjects Completed

PerformanceAvailabilityService Level

Agreements (SLA’s) Target and Stretch

Monthly MetricsItem Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

Hosted Applications

43 43 44 43 45 42

Web Applications 30 29 29 30 30 29

Services 899 902 915 915 921 903

Physical Servers 101 106 106 106 106 106

Virtual Servers 173 175 175 175 175 165

Cloud Instances 50 67 67 68 68 71

Deliverables Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec AVG YTD

Events & Alerts 18146 22527 25612 24790 21626 18465 21884Incident Tickets 358 388 331 346 418 251 352User Request Tickets 93 120 127 106 128 107 152

Response SLA (%) 97.56% 99.02%100.00

%99.26% 99.27% 98.84% 98.76%

Average time to respond (in min) 7:01 2:48 1:09 2:06 4:02 1:35 2:59

Tickets Escalated 3.55% 4.72% 5.46% 2.09% 4.31% 0:81% 6.06%

Ticket Resolved 99.07% 97.64% 98.54% 97.22% 98.63% 99.60% 98.05%Ticket Resolved within SLA 98.13% 95.72% 97.57% 95.36% 95.69% 95.97% 96.08%

Basis Support Alerts 174 242 143 257 34 38 -

Basis Tickets 2 4 3 6 8 1 -Afterhours Helpdesk Call/Tickets 2 2 5 3 7 0 -

Quarterly MetricsMonth Apr May Jun

Total Ticket in GOC scope 526 581 593

Tickets Resolved 520 568 576

Tickets Resolved within SLA 519 565 567


No KB Restricted Access

Out of IOG Scope (DB)

Out of GOC scope(In IOG Scope)

Hardware restrictions

Training Gaps

Apr1 10 6 28 10 0

May0 5 8 33 0 0

Jun1 3 10 32 0 0

Total2 18 24 93 10 0

Annual Metrics ReportsSummarize:Easy to readWorkloadYear to year comparisonsPerformance


SummaryWorkload + Performance = SLA’s or

GoalsWeekly Metrics meetingsCentralized Metrics repositoryDelegate tasksAutomationAccuracy

How to use Metrics to advance your career

How can metrics help youAccuracy and consistencyCreates visibility for yourself and your

team(s)To toot your whistleJob performanceAdd/promote StaffGrow teams

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