mØd salts dessertkok katarina · 2020. 3. 25. · nr. 2 7. Årgang 2018 / no. 2 7. volume 2018...

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NR. 2 7. ÅRGANG 2018 / NO. 2 7. VOLUME 2018



FORÅR I SALTAf køkkenchef Rasmus Møller Nielsen

Vejret mildnes og alting grønnes. Udenfor pibler det frem med nye vækster og små skud, og efter en lang vinter, ser vi frem til lysere toner i køkkenet – en frisk og sprød lethed.

Det præger naturligvis vores menukort i SALT, hvor foråret for alvor sætter ind i ugerne efter påske. Stenbiderrognen er på sit højeste. Det er nu, at vi nyder de første saftige rabarber, vilde urter fra skovbunden eller nye asparges. Vores udvalgte oste viser det bedste fra lokale mejerier rundt om i landet – f.eks. rødkit fra Hinge Mejeri, blåskimmel på lollandsk fåremælk eller camembert fra Hårbølle.

Vi lader råvarerne tale for sig selv. Som altid søger vi en balance. En balance mellem den kendte og trygge velsmag og nye toner og overraskende sammensætninger, der både udfordrer og skaber nye oplevelser – både hos os selv i køkkenet og hos vores gæster. Vi griller, salter, steger og marinerer – smag i højeste potens.

På SALT glæder vi os til foråret, og vi glæder os til at byde dig vel-kommen.


SPRING IN THE SALT RESTAURANTBy Head Chef Rasmus Møller Nielsen

As the weather becomes milder and green gradually becomes the dominant colour of nature around us, fresh young plants and new shoots start to appear. After a long winter, we in the kitchen look forward to treating you to a cuisine that is less robust – with the fresh crispness and lightness of spring.

The SALT restaurant’s menus will reflect the change of season, especially in the weeks after Easter when spring will be well and truly under way. Lumpfish roe will be at its most delicate, the first juicy rhubarb shoots, woodland herbs and fresh asparagus – all of these appear to tempt your palate. Our selection of cheeses reflects the best from local Danish dairies – red rind, soft cheese from Hinge Dairy or blue sheep’s milk cheese or camembert from Hårbølle.

We always endeavour to emphasise the characteristics of the produce while creating a balance between recognised flavours and new, intriguing flavour combinations. To achieve results which are challenging and create new experiences, for our guests and for the kitchen. We grill, we roast, we salt and marinate – creating tastes of the highest order.

In the SALT restaurant, we are looking forward to spring – and not least to bidding you a warm welcome.

NR. 2 7. ÅRGANG 2018 / NO. 2 7. VOLUME 2018



Blomsterknopper springer ud, og vin-tergækker kommer frem. Det er forår i København, og byen bliver bare lidt smukkere, og gaderne spirer af liv. Nyd det bedste af København og få inspiration til, hvad du kan opleve på denne tid af året. Også selvom du kun er i byen en enkelt dag.

Noget af det bedste ved København er, at der er gåafstand til det meste – det er den bedste måde at udforske byen på. Du kan også leje en cykel i receptionen, hvis du hellere vil på opdagelse på to hjul.

Vi har udvalgt nogle af vores ynd-lingssteder.

KØBENHAVN ER SMUKKEST FRA VANDSIDENEfter din morgenmad i SALT, bør du gå en tur i Nyhavn, som kun ligger få minutters gang fra hotellet. Nyd stemningen ved vandet, og de charmerende huse. Man siger, at Kø-benhavn er smukkest fra vandsiden, så hop på en kanalrundfart, hvor du kan opleve byen og de fleste topat-traktioner fra vandet.

SHOP AMOK!Efter en sejltur i Københavns kana-ler, kan shoppegenet imødekommes ved en tur i Magasin du Nord,

Illum og i butikkerne på Strøget. I de brostenbelagte sidegader, som oser af charme og historie, finder du også nogle af byens mere specielle butikker med vintage, brugskunst og antik.

DET KULTURELLE HJØRNEKøbenhavn er en fantastisk by for kunstelskere, så tag et besøg på et af Københavns mest besøgte museer, Statens Museum for Kunst, Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek eller National-museet. Museerne huser skiftende udstillinger samt permanente sam-linger af malerier og skulpturer.

GRØNNE OASERByen har mange grønne åndehuller, hvor du kan slappe af på en bænk og være så heldig at fange forårssolens varme stråler. Kongens Have er landets ældste kongelige have. Herfra kan du gå en tur ned til Rosenborg Slot og måske vække din indre monark. I Botanisk Have findes blandt andet et arboret med over 100 år gamle træer, stenhøje, gamle ro-sensorter, stauder og danske planter, og på Kastellet – få minutters gang fra hotellet - kan du gå en tur på vol-dene og nyde udsigten til Den Lille Havfrue og Gefionspringvandet.

Kastellet / The CitadelRoyal Copenhagen (Photo: Morten Bjarnhof)

Shopping in Copenhagen (Photo: Morten Jerichau)

Kanalrundfart (Photo: Daniel Rasmussen)



Snowdrops are flowering and other flowers have buds that are ready to burst open – it is spring in Copenha-gen, the city takes on a fresh beauty and there is a new buzz to the street life. Enjoy the best of Copenhagen and allow us to provide a little spring inspiration, even though you may only be here for a day.

One of Copenhagen’s great advan-tages is that it is no larger than that almost everything is within walking distance – and this is without doubt the best way to explore the city. How-ever, you can rent a bicycle from the reception desk if you would prefer to do your exploring on two wheels.

Below are some of our favourite pas-times and spots.

COPENHAGEN’S BEAUTY IS BEST SEEN FROM THE WATERAfter your breakfast in the SALT restaurant, stroll the few minutes to Nyhavn, soak up the atmosphere and admire the charming houses before stepping aboard a canal cruise. The city’s beauty is even more apparent when seen from the water – the harmony that characterises the mix of old and new architecture – and you will also see many of Copenhagen’s popular attractions.

SHOP AMOK!If your credit cards have been burn-ing a hole in your pocket during the canal cruise, salvation is nearby once you disembark: Strøget with all its shops, the Magasin du Nord and Illum department stores are just 5 minutes away! The charming cobbled side streets, nooks and crannies that ooze history also conceal a wealth of small speciality boutiques with vintage and retro, antiques and applied art.

CULTURE CORNERIf shopping is the wrong culture for you, do not fear – Copenhagen is a fantastic city for art and history lovers. The National Gallery (SMK) and the Carlsberg Glyptotek for art and the National Museum for his-tory each have superb collections as well as presenting changing, special exhibitions.

GREEN SPOTSParks and gardens are the lungs of any city and Copenhagen is espe-cially well endowed in this respect, where you can always find a bench to catch the first, warm rays of spring sunshine. We mention a few: Kon-gens Have is the oldest of Denmark’s

royally commissioned gardens and Rosenborg Palace (which houses the crown regalia) dominates one corner. The Botanical Gardens, which are close by, have an arboretum with centuries old trees, rockeries and old species of roses as well as perennials and Danish plants. At the Citadel – just a few minutes from the hotel – you may stroll on the ramparts and enjoy views of the Little Mermaid and the huge Gefion Fountain.

Ny Carlsberg Glyptoteket (Photo: Morten Jerichau)

Kongens Have (Photo: Martin Heiberg)

NR. 2 7. ÅRGANG 2018 / NO. 2 7. VOLUME 2018


KATARINA FORKÆLER VORES GÆSTER MED DESSERTER OG NYBAGT BRØDPå Admiral Hotel ved vi, hvor vigtig mødeforplejningen er, og derfor leve-rer SALT køkken – med kok Katarina i front - en smagsoplevelse med sans for detaljerne. Katarina har været ansat i SALT restaurant i 9 år, og hun elsker at forkæle gæsterne med sine desserter og nybagte brød.”Når jeg går i gang med at lave dessert eller brød til vores møde- eller festgæ-ster, så tænker jeg altid ”hvad har jeg selv lyst til at spise i dag”. Det skal sma-ge godt, se pænt ud, og præsentationen skal være enkel,” fortæller Katarina. Og hvad er så Katarinas hemmeli-ge ingrediens ved en god dessert?

”Tålmodighed! Det er super vigtigt, når man laver dessert,” smiler Katarina.

SUNDT, SØDT OG SPRØDT FRA SALT KØKKEN Katarina har bl.a. ansvaret for hotellets formiddagsforplejning, som skifter løbende mellem nybagte sco-nes med rørt mascarpone, lune vafler med kompot, ristede nødder i kryd-derkaramel, friskbagte pandekager og hjemmebagt foccacia med oliven og rosmarin.

Men hvad er så Katarinas egen ynd-lingsdessert? ”Helt klart crème brûlée. Den har alt det, som jeg synes, en

dessert skal have. Den er varm, kold, sprød og blød, og alt det får du ved én mundfuld,” afslutter Katarina.

Vil du have fornøjelsen af Katarinas dessert og bagværk under dit næste møde, event eller fest? Så er du altid velkommen til at komme forbi og få en snak med eventteamet, der kan fortælle meget mere om mulighederne, de unikke faciliteter og spændende om-givelser. De har prøvet det hele før – og de er altid klar til at prøve noget nyt.

Kontakt Julius, Chandra, Ellen eller Trine på 3374 1430 eller event@admiralhotel.dk

KATARINA COSSETS OUR GUESTS WITH DESSERTS AND FRESH-BAKED BREADThe importance of conference food and beverage is a topic of which the Copenhagen Admiral Hotel is well aware. Consequently, the kitchen of the SALT restaurant – with Chef Katarina at the forefront – produces exceptional flavour experiences with scrupulous attention to the finer de-tails. Katarina has been with the SALT restaurant for 9 years and takes great pride in pampering our guests with her desserts and freshly baked bread.

“When I start on the task of creating des-serts or baking bread for our conference and banquet guests, I always think, “What would could tempt me today”. Not only must it be tasty and attractive but also the presentation should be unclutte-red and simple,” says Katarina.

So what is Katarina’s secret to a good dessert? “I think patience is the virtue above all others when creating a good dessert,” replies Katarina with a smile.

HEALTHY, SWEET AND CRUNCHY FROM THE SALT RESTAURANT KITCHENKatarina is responsible, amongst other things, for the hotel’s morning catering which varies between newly baked scones with mascarpone, warm waffles with compote, roasted nuts in spiced caramel, freshly baked pan-cakes and homemade focaccia with olives and rosemary.

Which is Katarina’s favourite dessert? “Without doubt, crème brûlée. It has all of the qualities that I look for in a

dessert – warm, cold, crisp and soft and you get all of these experiences in a single mouthful,” concludes Katarina.

If Katarina’s desserts and bakes sound attractive to you for your next meeting or banquet, you are welcome to con-tact our event team. You could always look in to talk over your ideas and they can tell you all about the many possibilities, the amazing facilities and the wonderful environment. They have delivered the goods on many occasions – and they are ever ready to implement new ideas.

You can contact Julius, Chandra, Ellen or Trine on +45 3374 1430 or at event@admiralhotel.dk



• Free Wi-Fi

• No hidden fees

• Choose between a double bed or two single beds

• No cancellation or rebooking fees

• Direct contact to our friendly and professional staff

• No prepayment – pay at the hotel.

FREE YOURSELF FROM LUGGAGEThanks to our cooperation with Airluggage, you no longer need to suffer inconvenience with your luggage on your day of departure. Instead, you can make the most of your time in Copenhagen. Airluggage will collect your luggage from the Copenhagen Admiral Hotel and trans-port it to storage in Terminal 2 at Copenhagen Airport.

You can book the service at airluggage.dk and you will receive an e- mail confirmation and a text message when your luggage has been collected and again when it is deposited in storage at the airport.

Upon arrival at the airport, you can then collect your luggage from Airluggage in Terminal 2 and proceed to check-in. Personnel are on duty in the storage facility during all opening hours.

H.K.H. Prinsesse Benedikte deltog d. 25. januar i 40 års jubilæumsmiddag for The International Women’s Club på Admiral Hotel.

On January 25th, Princess Benedikte of Denmark participated in the 40th anniversary dinner for The International Women’s Club at Copenhagen Admiral Hotel.

(Photo: Hasse Ferrold)

NR. 2 7. ÅRGANG 2018 / NO. 2 7. VOLUME 2018


NR. 2 7. ÅRGANG 2018 / NO. 2 7. VOLUME 2018

CPH:DOX15/3 – 25/3

Københavns internationale dokumentarfilm-festival CPH:DOX er en af verdens største og mest prestigefyldte. Igen i år åbner festivalen sine døre for filmelskere og byder på spæn-dende og særegne filmiske oplevelser.

Hvert år fylder CPH:DOX de københavnske biografer med mere end 200 dokumentarfilm fra hele verden.

Billetter kan købes i de enkelte biografer.


Traditionen tro byder påskeferien i Køben-havn på masser af sjov og aktiviteter for hele familien. Oplev masser af sjove dyr i Den Blå Planet og i Zoologisk Have, som næsten lige har fået en lille ny girafunge. Gå på opdagelse i De Kongelige Stalde eller i ruinerne under Absalons Borg. På Københavns kunstmuseer bliver kunsten trukket helt ned i børnehøjde med familieomvisninger, børneværksteder og kreative workshops.


Louisiana markerer begyndelsen på sit 60 års jubilæumsår med en præsentation af Pablo Picassos originale keramiske arbejder. Med mere end 150 værker fra årene 1947-1964 er der tale om den første store udstilling i Skandinavien af en knap så kendt side af Pablo Picassos virke.


Vær med til at fejre den japanske kultur i København med en kulturel begivenhed, der finder sted i Langelinie Park – få minutters gang fra hotellet. Det er netop i slutningen af april de 200 kirsebærtræer springer ud med lyserøde blomster – et oplagt Instagram-bille-de! På festivalen kan du dykke ned i japansk kultur og kunstformer som trommeshow, folkedans og kampsport. Du kan teste dine evner med workshops, lytte til forelæsninger, eller du kan beundre folkene klædt i smukke kimonoer.

EVENTKALENDERCOPENHAGEN CARD- gratis adgang til mere end 70 museer og

attraktioner i hele hovedstadsområdet

- gratis transport med tog, bus og metro


COPENHAGEN CARD kan købes i receptionen.

MARTS: Indtil 2/3:

Copenhagen Light Festival

3/3 – 4/3: Loppemarked i Remisen på Østerbro

10/3 – 11/3: Loppemarked i Remisen på Østerbro

15/3 – 25/3: CPH:DOX

16/3: SMK Fridays

17/3 – 18/3: Loppemarked i Remisen på Østerbro

17/3 – 22/4:Extract Solo: Lotte Nielsen på

Kunstforeningen Gl Strand

24/3 – 25/3: Lakrids Festival

25/3 – 2/4: Påskeferie i København

28/3 – 30/3: Copenhagen Games

Hver lørdag på engelsk og hver søndag på dansk kl. 16.00:

Omvisning i Det Kongelige Festkøkken

APRIL: 1/4 – 31/5:

Udstilling Kronborgs hemmelighed på Kronborg Slot

Indtil 2/4: Udstilling 7 X RUM X TID på Louisiana

6/4 – 8/4: Designer Forum

7/4 – 8/4: Loppemarked i Remisen på Østerbro

13/4: Fredagsrock i Tivoli

14/4 – 15/4: Loppemarked i Remisen på Østerbro

16/4: H.M. Dronning Margrethes fødselsdag

19/4 – 12/8: Udstilling Hieroglyffer – symbolismens

tegninger 1890 – 1910 på SMK

27/4 – 29/4: 48 timers festival på Nørrebro

28/4 – 29/4: Copenhagen Sakura Festival

Indtil 6/5: Udstilling Art In The Making på SMK

Indtil 27/5: Udstilling Picasso Keramik på Louisiana

Hver lørdag på engelsk og hver søndag på dansk kl. 16.00:

Omvisning i Det Kongelige Festkøkken

CPH:DOX(Photo: Aviaja Skotte)

Louisiana Museum of Modern Art(Photo: Bjarke Ørsted)


WHAT’S ON IN COPENHAGENCOPENHAGEN CARD- free admission to more that 70 muse-

ums and attractions all over Greater Copenhagen

- free transport by train, bus and metro


THE COPENHAGEN CARD is sold at the reception desk.

MARCH: Until March 2nd:

Copenhagen Light Festival

March 3rd – 4th: Flea Market at Remisen, Østerbro district

March 10th – 11th: Flea Market at Remisen, Østerbro district

March 15th – 25th: CPH:DOX – documentary film festival

March 16th: SMK Fridays at the National Gallery

March 17th – 18th: Flea Market at Remisen, Østerbro district

March 17th – April 22nd: Extract Solo: Lotte Nielsen at

Kunstforeningen Gl Strand

March 24th – 25th: The Liquorice Festival

March 25th – April 2nd: Easter Holiday Break in Copenhagen

March 28th – 30th: Copenhagen Games – eSport festival

Every Saturday and Sunday at 16:00 hrs, there are guided tours

of the Royal Festival Kitchens at Christiansborg Palace.

APRIL: April 1st – May 31st:

The Secret of Kronborg Exhibition at Kronborg Castle

Until April 2nd: 7 X SPACE X TIME exhibition at

Louisiana Museum of Modern Art

April 6th – 8th: Designer Forum, fashion market at


April 7th – 8th: Flea Market at Remisen, Østerbro district

April 13th: Friday’s Rock Concert in Tivoli Gardens

April 14th – 15th: Flea Market at Remisen, Østerbro district

April 16th: H.M. Queen Margrethe’s birthday

April 19th - August 12th: Hieroglyphs – Symbolist Drawings

1890 – 1910 at SMK

April 27th – 29th: The Culture of Nørrebro,

48 hour festival, Nørrebro district

April 28th – 29th: Copenhagen Sakura Festival

Until May 6th: Art in The Making, exhibition at SMK

(National Gallery)

Until May 27th: Picasso Ceramics, exhibition at

Louisiana Museum of Modern Art

Every Saturday and Sunday at 16:00 hrs, there are guided tours

of the Royal Festival Kitchens at Christiansborg Palace.


Copenhagen’s international documentary film festival, CPH:DOX, is one of the world’s largest and most prestigious. The festival will again welcome film lovers from all over the world to experience a selection of exciting and distinctive films. Every year, the CPH:-DOX festival presents 200 documentaries from countries around the world at cinemas all over the city.

Tickets are on sale at each individual cinema.


Tradition dictates that Copenhagen is alive with all kinds of fun activities and enter-tainment for all the family during the Easter Holiday Break.

The colourful, underwater world of The Blue Planet, all sorts of strange and not so strange animals at the Zoological Gardens, where a new baby giraffe was born recently. On the other hand, you can explore the Royal Stables or the ruins of Absalon’s Castle at Christians-borg Palace. The art museums of Copenha-gen have also put the spotlight on the family with guided family tours, children’s ateliers and creative workshops.


The Louisiana Museum commences the cel-ebration of its 60th jubilee with an exhibition of Pablo Picasso’s original ceramic works. More than 150 pieces, from the period 1947-64, are on display at what is the first major Scandinavian exhibition to focus on a lesser-known aspect of Picasso’s work.


The Copenhagen Sakura Festival provides the ideal opportunity to celebrate Japanese cul-ture. The festival takes place in the Langelinie Park, just a few minutes’ walk from the hotel. At the end of April, the 200 cherry trees will be in full bloom – the explosion of pink an invitation to Instagrammers! The festival will offer a closer look at Japanese culture and art forms, drum shows, folk dance and combat sports. You may explore your own abilities at various workshops, attend lectures or simply admire the participants’ beautiful kimonos.

Tête de femme, 21.2.1961, Musée national Picasso-Paris. Dation Pablo Picasso, 1979. MP3748. Foto: RMN-Grand Palais (Musée national Picasso-Paris) / Gérard Blot © Succession Picasso/ VISDA 2018 Støtter udstillingen PICASSO KERAMIK

Udstillingen er organiseret med stor støtte fraMusée national Picasso-ParisMed støtte fra:Louisianas Main Corporate Partners:

Sakura festival

NR. 2 7. ÅRGANG 2018 / NO. 2 7. VOLUME 2018


NR. 2 7. ÅRGANG 2018 / NO. 2 7. VOLUME 2018

HISTORIENS VINGESUSFå af Københavns gamle bygninger er så velbevarede som pakhuset, hvor Admiral Hotel og SALT ligger i dag. Hotellet summer af historiens vingesus.

Helt tilbage i 1787 blev pakhuset opført som korntørringsmagasin for handelsfirmaet Pingel, Meyer, Prætorius & Co. og står i dag med sin arkitektoniske skønhed, som et vidnesbyrd om 1780’ernes rige han-delsperiode. Pakhuset kunne rumme 30.000 tønder korn, og en korntør-ringsovn blev installeret for kongelig regning.

Pakhuset fungerede som havnens bankende hjerte og et uundværligt knudepunkt for skibstrafikken til re-sten af Danmark og den vide verden.

KONGER OG KRIGApropos kongeriget, var det i 1794 at Christiansborg brændte ned til grun-den, og kongefamilien blev hjemløse. Heldigvis havde fire rige adelsfamili-er ladet den berømte arkitekt Nicolai Eigtved tegne fire palæer i bedste ro-kokostil omkring en ottekantet plads på den anden side af Toldbodgade tæt på pakhuset. Paladset blev kendt som Amalienborg og ligger stadig få minutters gang fra Admiral Hotel.

Bygningen har i århundreder været brændpunkt for historiske begiven-heder i byen – ikke mindst Slaget på Rheden i 1801 og englændernes bombardement af byen i 1807, der bogstaveligt talt foregik lige uden for døren.

THE PRESENCE OF HISTORYVery few of Copenhagen’s old buil-dings are as well preserved as the old granary, which today houses the Copenhagen Admiral Hotel and SALT restaurant and bar. The hotel positi-vely oozes history.

Built in 1787, the warehouse was constructed as a granary with grain drying facilities for the trading com-pany Pingel, Meyer, Prætorius & Co. Its imposing architectonic presence still bears witness to the golden age of trade in the 1780s. Back in the day the granary could hold up to 30,000 barrels of grain, all dried in the dry-

ing oven installed by royal commis-sion. The granary was the bustling harbour’s heart, vital for the shipping trade to the Danish provinces and the world at large.

KINGS AND WARSAs far as monarchical history goes, in 1794, Christiansborg Palace was razed to the ground and the Royal Family was homeless. By lucky coincidence, four noble families had commissioned the renowned archite-ct, Nicolai Egtved, to draw up plans for four imposing mansions to be

placed around an octagonal plaza, just on the other side of Toldbodgade from the granary. The Royal Family obtained the rights to these mansi-ons and they eventually became the Amalienborg Palace we know today, just a few steps from the Copenhagen Admiral Hotel.

For almost two and a half centu-ries, our building has been in the midst of historic events, not least in conjunction with the 1801 Battle of Copenhagen and the later 1807 Battle of Copenhagen, both of which took place virtually on our doorstep!

CopenhagenAdmiral Hotel

Ofelia Plads



Amalienborg Slot, hvor dronningen og prinsgemalen bor, er bygget i 1700-tallet og anses for et af de største værker i den danske rokokoarkitektur.

Hver dag klokken 11.30, når dronningen er hjemme, marcherer Den Kongelige Livgarde fra Rosenborg Slot igennem byen til Amali-enborg. Der er vagtskifte klokken 12.00 på Amalienborg Slotsplads. Vores reception er behjælpelig med, hvor i byen garderne kan ses.

Ofelia Plads er Københavns nye bylivsplads, der danner ramme for et væld af kulturar-rangementer hele året. Under Ofelia Plads findes et underjordisk parkeringsanlæg, mens der på selve pladsen er en række pavilloner med hyggelige caféer samt scener til underholdning.


Nyhavn – er en malerisk brostensbelagt gade langs kanalen med de karakteristiske smalle byhuse, hyggelige caféer og restau-ranter. Folk samles her hele året for at nyde udsigten til den smukke havn.


For enden af Nyhavn ligger Kongens Nytorv og Strøget, som løber hele vejen til Rådhuspladsen og Tivoli. Strøget er Europas længste gågade. Her finder du butikker side om side samt de tre storma-gasiner Magasin du Nord, Illum og Illums Bolighus. Vi beder vores gæster om at være opmærksomme på lommetyve på Strøget.


Christiansborg er Danmarks regeringsbyg-ning, der blandt andet tilbyder rundvisning i de kongelige repræsentationslokaler, ridder-salen med de kongelige gobeliner samt de kongelige stalde.

Gefionspringvandet, officielt kaldet Gefion, der med sine okser pløjer Sjælland ud af Sverige, er Københavns største monument.

Den Lille Havfrue – en af Danmarks største attraktioner fra 1913 – sidder på Langelinie og skal illustrere figuren i H.C. Andersens eventyr af samme navn.


Amalienborg Palace, the home of The Queen and The Prince Consort, is another immediate neighbour of the hotel – built in the 18th century, it is considered as one of the most important works of rococo archi-tecture in Denmark.

When The Queen is home, The Royal Life Guards has a daily Changing of the Guards at Amalienborg Palace at twelve o’clock. During the changing they also march through the city. Please ask in our reception to know where and when to see them.

Ofelia Plads is Copenhagen’s newest breathing space – a square or plaza that will be the setting for a wide range of cultural events throughout the year. Beneath Ofelia Plads there is a subterranean parking facility and, in the square, there is a number of pavilions with cafés facilities for entertain-ment.


Nyhavn – is the picturesque, cobble-stoned street with its characteristic, colourful town houses, charming cafés and restaurants that line the canal. Copenhageners and visitors gather here all year round and enjoy the view of the harbour.


Kongens Nytorv is located at the inner end of Nyhavn and Strøget, which is the longest pedestrian street in Europe, stretches all the way to City Hall Square and Tivoli Gardens. Lined on either side with shops, it is here that you will also find the large department stores, Magasin du Nord, Illum and Illums Bolighus. To our guests: please beware of pickpockets in the pedestrian shopping areas.


The Christiansborg Palace is Denmark’s seat of government. There are daily conduct-ed tours of the Royal Reception Rooms and the Great Hall with the Queen’s tapestries and, at weekends, there are conducted tours of the Royal Stables.

Gefionspringvandet, named after the goddess Gefion, who with her oxen plows Zealand out of Sweden, is the biggest monu-ment in Copenhagen.

The Little Mermaid – one of Denmark’s most famous and popular attractions from 1913 – is located at Langelinie and depicts the character from Hans Christian Anders-en’s fairytale of the same name.

Amalienborg Slot (Photo: Klaus Bentzen)

Nyhavn (Photo: Jacob Schjørring & Simon Lau)

Ofelia Plads

Christiansborg (Photo: Cees van Roeden)

Gefionspringvandet (Photo: Ty Stange)

NR. 2 7. ÅRGANG 2018 / NO. 2 7. VOLUME 2018


BUSINESS CENTERVed siden af receptionen findes der 3 PC’er inkl. printer til fri afbenyttelse.

EKSTRA SERVICEPå skrivebordet findes en liste med ekstra service, som kan bestilles uden beregning.

INTERNETDer er gratis Wi-Fi på hele hotellet.

CYKELUDLEJNINGCykler udlejes i receptionen.

FITNESSHotellet har særaftale med et fitness- center i Adelgade. Adgangs-kort kan købes i receptionen.

LØBERUTERI holder ved skrivebord findes kort med forslag til 3 løberuter langs havnefronten.

RENS OG VASKVi tilbyder rens og vask. Kontakt venligst receptionen.

ROOMSERVICEVi tilbyder 24 timers roomservice.Menuen findes på sofabordet på værelset.

VI TILBYDERSALT BARI SALT bar shaker vores bartendere elegante cock-tails. Du kan også få lette måltider i baren.

SALT RESTAURANTSALT byder foråret velkommen med lysere toner i køkkenet – en frisk og sprød lethed.

Morgenbuffet alle dage kl. 6.30 – 10.00,weekend og helligdage kl. 7.00 – 10.30.Frokost kl. 12.00 – 16.00Middag kl. 17.00 – 23.00(køkkenet lukker kl. 22.00)

COPENHAGEN CARDCopenhagen Card sælges i receptionen og giver adgang til museer, seværdigheder og offentlig transport.

AUTOMATVed udgangen til havnepromenaden findes automat med slik, toiletartikler, cigaretter mv.

SHOPDansk design, produkter fra Tromborg, gavekort og andre gaveartikler kan købes i receptionen.

WELLNESSVi tilbyder ”privat wellness” med sauna og dampbad. Derudover er der mulighed for at bestille massage og andre behandlinger. Kontakt venligst receptionen.

MØDER OG MIDDAGEVi tilbyder 11 unikke møde- og banketloka-ler med plads til op til 350 personer.

TEAMBUILDING TIL SØSStyrk samarbejdet og kommunikationen.Venligst kontakt event@admiralhotel.dk for mere information

PÅ VÆGGEN VED SKRIVEBORDET FINDER DU:• Brevpapir og kuvert• Serviceinformation A-Z• Kort med løberuter• Miljøinformation• Skema til gæstekommentarer

BUSINESS CENTERThree computers with printers which are free of charge are located next to the reception desk.

EKSTRA SERVICEPlease see the list with complimentary extra services on the desk.

INTERNETComplimentary Wi-Fi is available throughout the hotel.

BIKE RENTALBicycles can be rented at the reception desk.

FITNESSThe hotel has a special agreement with a fitness centre in Adelgade. Admission tickets can be pur-chased at the reception desk.

RUNNINGA map with three suggested routes for running/jogging is placed in the stand by the desk.

VALET AND LAUNDRYWe offer a valet and laundry ser-vice please contact the reception.

ROOM SERVICEWe offer 24 hours room service. The menu can be found on the coffee table in the room.

OUR SERVICESSALT BARIn the SALT bar, our bartenders shake elegant cocktails. You can also or-der light meals in the bar.

SALT RESTAURANTSpring is the season when the SALT restaurant looks forward to treating you to a cuisine that is less robust – with the fresh crispness and lightness of spring.

The breakfast buffet is available daily from 06:30, weekdays until 10:00 and weekends and holidays from 07:00 - 10:30Lunch is served 12:00 - 16:00Dinner is served 17:00 - 23:00(the kitchen closes at 22:00)

COPENHAGEN CARDThe Copenhagen Card, which entitles the bear-er admission to muse-ums and attractions as well as the use of public transportation, is sold at the reception desk.

VENDING MACHINESThere are vending machines with sweets,toiletries, cigarettes etc. by the exit to theharbour promenade.

SHOPAt the reception you can buy Danish design, products from Tromborg, gift vouchers and other treats to bring back home from your journey.

WELLNESSWe offer ”private wellness” with sauna and steam bath. In addition, it is also possible to book massage and other therapies. Please contact the reception.

MEETINGS AND DINNERSWe can offer 11 unique meeting and banquet rooms with a capacity for up to 350 persons.

TEAMBUILDING AT SEAStrengthen the co-operation and the communication will be improved. Please contact event@admiralhotel.dk for more information.

ON THE WALL AT THE DESK YOU WILL FIND:• Stationary• The A-Z Service Information• A map with running/jogging routes• Environmental information• A questionnaire for guest comments

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