mc grapevine

Post on 20-Jul-2016






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MC Grapevine


What is Grapevine? To hear something through the

grapevine is to learn of something informally and unofficially by means of gossip and rumour.

The usual implication is that the information was passed person to person by word of mouth, perhaps in a confidential manner among friends or colleagues. It can also imply an overheard conversation or anonymous sources of information.

Harold koontz and Cyril O’Donnell observe,”The most effective communication results when managers utilise the informal organisation to supplement the communication channels of the formal organisation”.

Grapevine follows no set lines, nor any definite rules, but spreads, like the grapevine, in anydirection,anywhere,and spreads fast.

The creation of Grapevine may create complications for the information system of organizations.

ORIGIN The term grapevine communication is often used

interchangeably with the term informal communication. The term originated in the 1860s during the American Civil War. It was used as a term that described the telegraph lines that were strung through the trees in a manner that resembled grapevines. It also came to mean informal communication that was not very effective because the telegraph system was not a reliable source of communication at the time. Almost a century later, it was discovered that the path of grapevine communication does resemble a cluster of grapes.

It has been shown that informal communication or grapevine communication occurs when formal communication is not sufficient. Research and studies have concluded that informal communication occurs either when insufficient of ambiguous information is transmitted through formal communication. Some organizational theorists feel that some informal or grapevine communication is needed in organizational life.

The way grapevine communication works is one person, Person 1, sends a message to Person 2 and Person 3. Then, Person 2 tells Person 4 and Person 5. And Person 3 tells Person 6. Not all participants within the grapevine send messages. Some participants are just receivers. Liaisons within an organization usually help facilitate grapevine communication. The use of this type of communication is common among managers as well as subdivision employees.

The types of rumors that are spread through grapevine communication can be classified into two groups, spontaneous and premeditated.

Spontaneous rumors are spread when people are stressed or in an untrustworthy environment.

Premeditated rumors spread within highly competitive environments.

Surprisingly, 75% of all organizations’ practices, policies, and procedures are shared through grapevine communication. Though there is a negative thought about grapevine communication, studies have shown the employees find informal communication such as grapevine communication to be more effective than formal channels of communication because it coexists with the formal communication system.

FEATURES Flexibility: There is no formal

control over grapevine, so it is more flexible than other forms of communication.

Rapid communication: It is faster than any form of communication.

No record: There is no evidence which can be documented for future reference

Distortion: The message which is passed gets distorted when it passes from one person to another.

Spontaneous: Grapevine communication is spontaneous as it is passed automatically from the top level of the organization to the bottom level without any difficulty in delivering the message.

Grapevine is used by management to spread the information that either can not be shared officially

How the Grapevine operates ?


The single strand chain involves the passing of information through a long line of persons to the ultimate recipient.

GOSSIP CHAINIn this, A actively seeks and tell

everyone,this chain is just like a wheel where A is the center and the information passes along the spokes of the wheel to others stationed on the rim.

PROBABILITY CHAINIt’s a random process in which A

transmits information to others in accordance with the laws of Probability and then these others tell still others in a similar manner. This chain may also call Random.

CLUSTER CHAINIn this, A tells selected persons who

may in turn relay the information to other selected individual . Most of the informal communication follows this chain.

IMPORTANCE A Safety Valve Grapevine acts as a kind of

safety-valve for the pent-up emotions of the subordinates

Organisational Solidarity and Cohesion

Grapevine may increase the morale of workers

Supplement to other Channels If there is some useful information

unsuitable for being transmitted through official channels, it can be transmitted through Grapevine.

Quick Transmission The speed with which Information

transmitted through Grapevine is just unbelievable.

Feedback Grapevine provides feedback to the


Disadvantages Inadequacy Changing interpretations Damaging Swiftness

How to Use the Grapevine effectively?

The Manager should Keep an eye on rumour-mongers Use it primarily for feedback Contradict rumours promptly Involve the workers in the decision

making process




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