marketing study s

Post on 04-Jun-2018






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  To determine potential customers.

  To analyze existing markets and future customers.

  To determine what do this customers prefer on a shirt.

  To respond to the demand of customers and meet supply requirements of

the demand.

  To set reasonable price for our product.

  To formulate effective marketing strategies.

  To determine accpetability of the product.


The researchers need a wide variety of sources to complete this study

including primary and secondary research

  Surf the internet (websites, news and articles)

  Informal Interviews

  Distribution of questionnaire to respondents who are:

  Resident of Taguig City

  Ages 15 and above

  Male and Female

  With varied economic status

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  The researchers made use of the questionnaire primarily to acquire

necessary information in relation to its market. It has been disseminated to the

respondents in the distribution place of our product, to Polytechnic University of

the Philippines  –  Taguig and to Taguig City University, universities within the

vicinity of our distribution area, to have more precise results.

The researchers also conducted informal interviews regarding to the

determination of the product demand and supply. They also consider some

internet research in order to collect relevant information.

3.2.1. Sample Population 

Since the enterprise is located along Gen. Santos Avenue, Taguig City,

the researchers decided to use the sum of population within the following area:

Lower Bicutan, Upper Bicutan, North DaangHari and Tanyag.

Using the sum as total population, the researchers obtained the sample size

using the Sloven Formula such as follows

Lower Bicutan –  45,641

Upper Bicutan –  39,605

North DaangHari –  10,682

Tanyag –  21,161

TOTAL 116,489

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399 people jointly from Lower Bicutan, Upper Bicutan, North DaangHari,

Tanyag, Taguig City University and Polytechnic University of the Philippines  – 

Taguig served as our sample population.

3.2.2. Market Segmentation

The researchers used the market segmentation as another instrument to

enable them to define the characteristics of their consumers in terms of

geographic, demographic and psychographic aspects.

This leads the company to focus on the range of consumers / identify

other opportunities. This is also of great help in efficient and effective

communication of marketing programs and distribution of consumer goods.


n=sample size

N=Total Population

e=marginal error

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Segmentation Description Illustrative Categories




Location of Distribution

Density of Area



Taguig City

Gen. Santos Ave.






Civil Status

Economic Status

15 years old and above

Male and Female

 All Status

Students, Blue Collar workers



Social Class

Taste / Preference

Practical, attention seeker, appearance

conscious and modern

Lower, Middle and Working Class

Practical, Trend Setter

3.2.3. Market Survey

Figure 1: Age

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Figure 1 shows that among the 399 sample population 74% is having the

ages between 15 to 20, mostly teenagers, while 19% is composed of 21 to 25

year old respondents and 7% is having the ages between 26 to 30,mostly


Figure 2: Gender

Figure 2 shows that there are 160 Male respondents composed of 40% of

the sample size while there are 239 Female respondents that is equivalent to

60% of the sample size.

Figure 3: Survey Question #1












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Figure 3 shows the percentage of acceptability, it says that 98% of the

respondents like to wear T-shirts while only 2% of the sample size does not like

T-Shirts. This implies that the market acceptability is equal to 98%.

Figure 4: Survey Question #2

Figure 4 presents the frequency of wearing t-shirts. This says that 78% of

the respondents wears a T-shirt everyday (7 days a week), 13% says they are

wearing it about 4 to 6 days a week while the other 9% wears it 3 days and


Figure 5: Survey Question #3



1.) Do you like T- shirts?

Yes No




2.) How often do you wear T-shirts?

0-3 days

4-6 days


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Figure 5 declares that most of the respondents buys a new Shirt every

month, this composes the 49% of the sample size, while 15% said that they agre

buying new Shirts 6 to 11 times a year and the other 36% says that they are

buying new shirt 5 times and below.

Figure 6: Survey Question #4

Monthly (12Times)


6 - 11 Times


0 - 5 Times36%

3.How frequent do you purchase a shirt? (Yearly Basis)



4.) What method do you prefer?





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  Figure 6 shows the preferred method of the respondents regarding t-shirt

printing. This shows that 55% of the respondents chose Digital Printing, 23% of

the respondents prefer Silkscreen Printing, 14% chose the embroidery and the

remaining 8% says they like embossed printing.

Figure 7: Survey Question #5

Figure 7 shows the extent of the respondents that are willing to pay the

following range of prices; 56% of the recipients are willing to pay P150 to P200,

16% answered that they can afford to pay P201 to P250 for a quality shirt, the

other 24% says that they are willing to pay P251 to P300 for a quality shirt, while

the remaining 4% is willing to pay P300 and above to avail a quality shirt.

Figure 8: Survey Question #6




5.) To what extent are you willing to pay for a quality shirt?



P300 above

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Figure 8 shows that majority of the respondents prefer Statement Shirts, this gives a

result of 38% of the sample size, 35% says they want a customized shirt and the remaining 27%

said that they would rather prefer Shirts with printed images on it.

The whole summary of the survey results can be seen on Appendix.


Demand refers to the ability and willingness to buy the object he/she

desires at a particular price, time and place. In determining demand, there are

factors to be considered such as the population of the target market, the prices of

related goods, price expectations and income of customers.

The researchers will provide forecast on the future demand of the target

market for the proposed service, through studying the demands of the past


3.3.1. Demand For The Past Year




6.) What designs do you prefer?




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  The researchers need the historical demand for printed T-shirts. The

researchers conducted a research on two existing Printed T-shirt producing

enterprises; PUPian Lifestyle and who is currently producing organization shirts

for JPIA.

Table 1: Past year demand

Past year *Population Market




2008 92,059 98% 90,218

2009 96,496 98% 94,566

2010 101,147 98% 99,124

2011 106,022 98% 103,902

2012 111,132 98% 108,909

*Projected using 3.82% population growth rate

Source: Taguig City Business Permit and Licensure office

Statistics from Municipal office are used to calculate the past demand. The sum

of the population within areas of Lower Bicutan, Upper Bicutan, North DaangHari

and Tanyag is multiplied by constant 98% Market Acceptability to avail the


3.3.2. Major Consumer of the Product

The major consumers of the product are the residents within the following

area: Lower Bicutan, Upper Bicutan, North DaangHari and Tanyag; Also,

students from PUP - T and TCU. Every individual who knows or is near the

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location can be a consumer. Based on the conducted survey, students from the

said universities is the major potential patroniser of the business


Table 2 : Projected Demand

 Year Estimated







per year



2013 116,489 114,159 12 1,369,908

2014 122,104 119,662 12 1,435,908

2015 132,654 130,000 12 1,560,000

2016 144,634 141,741 12 1,700,892

2017 151,605 148,573 12 1,782,876

2018 158,912 155,734 12 1,868,805

To compute for the demand over five years we used the average annual growth

rate of 3.82% produced by the municipality of Taguig City. The population

projection is based on [(past population)(1%+3.82%)+past population]. 

Estimated population was multiplied by the market acceptability, which the

researchers acquired through the survey conducted that showed 98% of the

sample population is willing to patronize the product

The frequency of Availment per year is 12 because majority of the sample size

(49%) answered that they are purchasing a new shirt every month.

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Projected Demand = Estimated Market Population x Market Acceptability x

Frequency of Availment per year


Supply is the amount of the commodity available for meeting a demand for

purchase at a given price.

It is considered a fundamental economic concept that describes the amount of

product or services available for sale on the amount that sellers are willing to sell

to consumers at a specific period. This spells the capacity of the business to

produce products to secure its market.

Supply for the past years is based on the competitors’ contribution to the market


To analyse and interpret the current supply of our market, the researchers

used informal interviews. The researchers found out that there are two existing

competitors within the area of distribution: 1) PUPian Lifestyle (located at PUP

branches) 2) A home-based entrepreneur; Mr. Ricky Toledo located at Paembo,

Makati City, but is currently producing PUP-T JPIA Org Shirt.

3.4.1. Supply on the Past Year

Table 3: Supply on the Past Year

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Competitors No. of


No. of



No. of


Product per


Days of

Operation per



PUPian Lifestyle 1 5 8 240 9600

Mr. Ricky


1 8 2 240 3840


3.4.2. Projected supply

the projected supply is the determination of the capacity of the business to

produce products or provide services for the years of its existence. In the case of

GrafiTee, projected supply will determine its possible share on the market being

enjoyed by its competitors.

Table 4: Average Projected Supply of GrafiTee

GrafiTee Plant capacity

per days

No. of Days of


Projected supply

Express Tee

Ordered Tee







TOTAL 86 25,969

Projected Supply = Plant Capacity x No. of days of operation

In 2016, an economic event will occur which is the 2016 National

Elections, based on informal interviews and researches the events expected to

increase the existing growth rate of 3.82% to 7.64% due to an increase of

demand for shirts, because it is used as traditional election paraphernalia.

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Table 5: Projected Supply of GrafiTee

 Year Projected supply

2014 25,969

2015 28,213

2016 30,651

2017 32,128

2018 33,676


Table 6: Demand and Supply analysis

 Year ProjectedDemand

Projected Supply Demand/SupplyGap

2014 1,435,944 25,969 1,409,975

2015 1,560,000 28,213 1,533,787

2016 1,700,000 30,651 1,669,349

2017 1,782,876 32,128 1,750,749

2018 1,868,805 33,676 1,835,129

The projected demand represents the customers who are willing to avail

the products of GrafiTee while supply is the capacity of the business to provide

quality products that will satisfy the demand. On 2014, the projected demand is

1,435,944 while the supply is 25,969 having the difference of 1,409,975 as their

gap. On 2015, 1,560,000 is the projected demand while the supply is 28,213

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having the difference of 1,531,787 as their gap. On 2016, 1,700,000 is the

projected demand while the supply is 30,651 having the difference of 1,669,349

as their gap. On 2017, 1,782,876 is the projected demand while the supply is

32,128 having the difference of 1,750,748 as their gap. On 2018, 1,868,805 is

the projected demand while the supply is 33,676 having the difference of

1,835,129 as their gap.

3.6. Market Share 

The determination of projected supply and projected demand of the

GrafiTee will help in arriving at the Projected Sales on Market share. The formula

in getting the market share on the projected sales is:


Market Share for 2014



Market Share for 2015



Market Share for 2016



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Market Share for 2017



Market Share for 2018



The annual market share percentage will yield the same number of customers

from their respective market population. This is due to the constant supply that

GrafiTee can provide.

3.7. Projected Sales

Projected sales are formulated by the researchers through examining the

sales projection produced by the competitors through the conducted informal

interviews. These are based on their average sales projection and their

determined, by experience, peak periods and growth rates. These conclusions

were brought by the market and competitor’s observation. 

The analysis is divided into GrafiTee’s two product line: 1.) ET   (Express

Tee) shirts and 2.) OT (Ordered Tee) shirts.

Table 7: Monthly Sales Projected of Express Tee

Month Units Produced Selling Price Sales

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per Month

January 99 250 P 24,750

February 102 250 25,500

March 106 250  26,500

 April 110 250  27,500

May 114 250  28,500

June 170 250  42,500

July 176 250  44,000

 August 264 250  66,000

September 273 250  68,250

October 283 250  70,750

November 424 250  106,000

December 637 250  159,500

Total P 689,500

Table 8: Monthly Sales Projected of Ordered Tee

Month Units Produced

per Month

Selling Price Sales

January 201 150 P 30,150

February 208 150 31,200

March 215 150  32,250

 April 222 150  33,300

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May 230 150  34,500

June 346 150  51,900

July 358 150  53,700

 August 537 150  80,550

September 555 150  83,250

October 575 150  86,250

November 862 150  129,300

December 1,294 150  194,100

Total P 840,450

Due to the peak periods of February  (on which Valentine’s Day is

celebrated), June (opening of classes), July to August (start of the preparations

for Q4B, the foundation celebration of Polytechnic University of the Philippines),

and November to December  (on which Christmas day is to be celebrated).

Table 9: Yearly Sales Projection of Express Tee

 Year Sales

2014 689,500

2015 724,250

2016 760,500

2017 798,500

2018 838,500

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Table 10: Yearly Sales Projection of Ordered Tee

 Year Sales

2014 840,450

2015 882,450

2016 1,065,533

2017 972,900

2018 1,021,500

The yearly Sales Projection is based on the 3.82% growth rate that has

been presented on the Demand and Supply Analysis. The years 2015 to 2016

has been doubled due to the upcoming National Elections.

Table 11: Sensitivity Analysis of Sales

 Year Bad Economy Normal Economy Good Economy

2014 819,035 1,529,950 1,581,968

2015 1,446,030 1,606,700 1,661,328

2016 1,643,429 1,826,033 1,888,118

2017 1,594,260 1,771,400 1,831,628

2018 1,673,550 1,860,000 1,922,723

The sensitivity analysis were computed parallel to the following


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  The growth rate increased at 3.4% during good economy, this is based on

the highest growth rate achieved by the Philippines for the past 10 years.

  The decrease of rate during bad economy, which is 10%, is based on the

common inflation rate stated by the International Monetary Fund.

  The decimals were rounded off to the nearest whole number.

  The 15% increase on sales during 2016 is due to the 2016 National

Elections. The assumption was based on data gathered on informal

interviews with Mr. Ricky Toledo- a house based entreprenure for 16



The researchers conceptualized the establishment of GrafiTee because of

the need for good and stylish clothes for everyday use. T-shirts are the most

convenient everyday clothing in the Philippines, aside from being convenient it is

also the most comfortable clothe considering our tropical climate.

The ultimate objective of the business is “Customer’s  Satisfaction” 

regarding its needs and wants followed by gaining profit. In order to fulfil this

satisfaction, the firm will first identify its target market. After identification of the

service and the market, the next step is the formulation and implementation of

different marketing strategies for the services and the market to compete with.

3.7.1. Product

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  GrafiTee are personalized T-shirts with customized printed designs. The

T-Shirts used can be either 100% cotton on polycotton, the T-shirts sizes also

varies form extra small (XS) to Large (L) and the customers will also have a wide

range of choices regarding T-shirts style: 1) Neckline can be either round neck or

v-neck. 2) Sleeves can vary according to customers’ performance; GrafiTee

offers short sleeves, ¾ sleeves and long sleeves. 3) Bodice can be either

straight cut, which is preferably for male, and patterned for female. Since

GrafiTee is offering customized designs, the customers wil have the freedom to

design his/her own shirt using GrafiTee Design Software, where the customers

can upload authorized photos and can type desired words. The full instruction on

using GrafiTee software can be seen below… 


Make your own GrafiTee in Just A Few Easy Steps...

1. Choose A Shirt

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Start making your shirt by selecting what you like from different shirt styles,you

may choose from for men, women, and kids! After you select the shirt style, you

will then pick a color and size for your shirt.

2. Add A Shirt Design 

 After you have chosen a shirt style and color, you can start adding designs to

personalize your custom shirt! Choose from 1000's of customizable designs!

Picking a design color, then choose what type of print type for your design. You

can choose a print that goes well with your shirt's style. Choose from an elastic

type of feel, an inked in print, or even nice felt velvet. Then you can move and

resize the design to your desired results. If you want a very personalized design,

you can add a text or even your own name along a design you want.

3. Upload Your Own Shirt Design or Photo

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Want to use your own photo or shirt design? We have that option for you too!

Just choose upload photo from the shirt designer and upload you own photo or

design right form our computer! Once uploaded, you can choose where you want

to put the design on the shirt. This allows you to make shirts for special events

like family reunions, parties, sports teams or just your group of friends!

4. Add Text to Your Shirt 

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If adding your own design wasn't enough... you can also add your own text to the

shirt with the custom text editor! Type in your own text, choose a font type, then

style your personalized text with color, size, italics, bolds, and alignments. The

GrafiTeeshirt designer has everything you need to make an awesome shirt!

 Your Custom Shirt! 

Now that you have completely customized your shirt.... we start preparations for

individually making your shirt. Every order is custom and special, so we make

sure to take care so that we can produce the highest quality shirt possible for

you! If it is ordered as ET (Express Tee) it will take at least 30minutes to finish-

this varies per order volume size-. But when ordered as Bulk Order it will take it

will take at least a week to finish, which also varies per order volume size.

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If the customer doesn’t prefer to design his/her own shirt he/she may just

as well choose a pre-made design using the software or choosing from our

sticker prints.

These designs are presented on a sticker like form and are available in

our store. Walk in our store and you will see a range of sticker like prints just

above the clothes line of our t-shirts. Indicated there is “step 1: Choose your

print”. After choosing your preferred design, you have to choose a T-shirt, if it

happens that you don’t have your size on preferred style available, you can

always request our sales agent who will be always around. After choosing your

design and Tshirt, present the 2 items to the counter that says “Step 3:

GrafiTeecation”; this will be the printing process. If it is just a single order it will

take at least 30 minutes to finish. Then sales agent will ask you to please wait

and settle the couch while waiting for your printed shirt to be GrafiTeecated.

Once done, you can now enjoy your very own GrafiTee. But, if it is a bulk order

consisting of 10 shirts and above you will have to come back after 1-3 days or as

instructed by the sales agent.

GrafiTee are divided into 2 categories 1) Express Tees (ET) and 2)

Ordered Tees (OT). Both categories will undergo the process presented

previously, both are customized and will use the same range of T-shirts but will

undergo different printing procedures, ET will undergo digital printing while OT

will undergo silkscreen printing or as preferred by the customer can undergo

digital printing.

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  Express Tees (ET)  –  ETs are digitally printed T-shirts (100% cotton or

poly cotton shirts) which were either originally designed by the customers

themselves or chosen by the customer form a wide array of designs

provided by our software. Designs made through our special software will

be printed and attached to the shirt, the customer also picked, and is

ready to wear after thirty minutes.

Note: Originally made ETs are not to be reprinted and is solely for the maker’s

usage, unless the user will request for more orders.

ETs can be ordered through single purchase up to a bulk purchase

consisting of not more than 10 pieces. (10 pieces and above are to be ordered as

OTs that would take more than 24 hours to finish)

  Ordered Tees  –  OTs are often digital or silkscreen printed shirts,

according to the customers’  preference, which were also originally

designed by customer. OTs are bulk orders consisting of not less than 10

pieces of shirts, it will take 1-3 days to finish when done digitally, but will

take longer if it is done through silkscreen printing, and it may also vary

according to order’s size and complexity of t-shirt design. 

Note: Procedures on making ET is also applicable in making OT  

8/13/2019 Marketing Study s 27/36 Brand

The researchers conceptualized the name through the two words that

completely defines the product.

Graphic which resonates style and Tees that indicates comfort, therefore

when Stylish Graphics and Comfortable Tees collide it will create GrafiTee. Logo

This logo shall be placed at the uppermost portion of the shirts backside.

8/13/2019 Marketing Study s 28/36 Packaging

The researchers support environment conservation, therefore they

decided using a paper bag made from recycled materials. It is containing

GrafiTee’s  logo including contact information for additional advertisement and

accessibility of the store for queries and feedbacks.

3.7.2. Pricing

The researchers decided to use Market Costing,  where the enterprise

depends their pricing or selling prices to the current year’s market cost of the

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product. It is used if the enterprise is within the competitive market, which the

GrafiTee is currently facing.

The assumption is based on the data gathered from the competitors’ 

current market prices. Both competitors were ranging their prices from P150.00

to P350.00 .

Table 11: Cost per Unit of Express Tee

Cost per Unit Cost in Pesos

Direct Materials: T-Shirt


Transfer Paper




Direct Labor:

Indirect Labor:

Printing 8.316


Manufacturing Overhead: Software

Heat Press


Digital printing





Total Cost P 76.73

Table 12: Cost per Unit of Ordered Tee

Cost per Unit Pesos

Direct Materials: T-Shirt 49

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  Paint 0.38

Direct Labor:

Indirect Labor:

Printing 8.316


Manufacturing Overhead: Software



Heat Press


Silkscreen Printing







Total Cost P 59.06

Selling Price per Unit of Express Tee

Selling Price = P250.00 

Selling Price per Unit of Ordered Tee

Selling Price = P150.00

3.7.3. Place of Distribution

GrafiTee is located at Block 28 lot 4 Gen. Santos Ave, Taguig City. We

are located between two universities (Polytechnic University Philippines -Taguig

and Taguig City University) which compose our target market.

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3.7.4. Promotion

The researchers of GrafiTee embrace the function of advertising which is

to inform and to persuade. To inform- the target markets and the potential market

awareness of the existence of the business in the Philippine industry. And t

persuade-for them to try and have repetitive action of availing the service. The

GrafiTee has an objective of having 70% awareness to the people within the

target market and its neighboring areas. To be able to achieve this objective, the

GrafiTee will have the following promotional and advertising strategies.

 Aside from the traditional flyers and other promotional paraphernalia

GrafiTee will solicit to University officials and organizations and give them

discount rates for bulk orders.

Signage- Signage is a general term for any sort of graphic display

intended to convey information to an audience. It is usually placed in front of the


Multi-media- Grafitee shall also use social media  like Facebook, Twitter,

Google Sites and Tumblr, where customers can see GrafiTee’s  ready-made

designs and where they can send their feedbacks and inquiries.

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  GrafiTee custom designs


Post to Social your Recent Purchase directly after creating it. The

GgrafiTee Designing Software can immediately post your currently purchased



The GrafiTee T-shirt design software may post to customers’  facebook,

twitter and other accounts his/her recent GrafiTee purchase (if the customer

would want it). This will create another way of advertising.

Viral Marketing- Viral marketing and viral advertising refer to marketing

techniques that uses social media/networks to produce increases in brand

awareness or to achieve business objectives.

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  Communal Marketing- Communal marketing refers to a marketing practice

that incorporates public involvement in the development of a marketing

campaign. So the researchers involved the consumers on making their own

purchased product and also to the advertisement itself. This gave the birth of the

GrafiTee, it’s my TeeCampaign. 

GrafiTee, it’s  my Tee Campaign is GrafiTee’s  most innovative kind of

promotions. The researchers concluded that most people likes to show other

people their personalized items and most people, even for once, though of

becoming a model someday, and it is the reason behind extravagantly prepared

poses for their social media profile pictures, covers and wall papers.

The researcher believes that this is a demand to be fulfilled, so GrafiTee is

launching a modelling contest.

Participants must comply to the following:

1) Participants must take a picture of themselves modelling their own


2) Write a short caption (within 1 to 2 sentences)

3) Upload the picture together with caption, participants’  name, age,

address and contact numbers to GrafiTees’ website

The best two entries will have the chance to be GrafiTees’ model of the

month. Their pictures will be posted on our store as well as on website

and social media accounts.

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Note: GrafiTee maintains a wholesome image to the public; that means we are

prohibiting obscenity towards the campaign. Obscene inappropriate post shall be

deleted on our websites and social account pages.


(a) The sole shirt printing business in Taguig City which used state-of-the-art

Kornit Avalanche 951 DTG Printer.

(b) The use of advanced technologies in shirt printing produces excellent quality

product, high level of efficiency, flexible production systems and lesser cost of

waiting, which can add to our business reputation and customer value.

(c) Human resource strengths such as well-trained workforce or designers, a

creative and motivated workforce and good employer-employee relationships.

(d) The good management skills of the owners and their ability to extract

information will result to a well run business.

(e) The continuing effort of the business to build an excellent reputation.

(f) No-minimum order strategy.

(g) Promotion-oriented by offering promos and giveaways.


(a)  As a “new player” of digital shirt and sillscreen printing industry in Taguig,

credibility problem may affect our initial sales. At first, we might suffer from

difficulty in disseminating the business products and services.

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(b) Our sales will become occasional and dependent with the occasions, events

or celebration of our prospective customers.

(c) The business entail bigger amount to start thus we may suffer financial

weaknesses such as high levels of borrowing and low rates of return.


(a) The growing number of businesses and educational institutions in Taguig

such as the establishment of Taguig City University, Polytechnic University of the

Philippines has expanded probable market segments that our t-shirt printing

(aside from the local households nearby) should have to provide attention.

(b) The increase of festivals, celebrations and events in the city and schools

such as the foundation day, Quest for the best and other political and school

related activities.

(c) Promoting the business with the use of internet and social media such as

Facebook, Multiply, MySpace, or having blog sites at,, etc. in order build online presence and to be connected to wide

range of customers without being affected by the geographical barriers.


(a) The increasing number of manual silk-screen printers in Taguig like Ricky

Toledo and the PUPian Lifestyle.

(b) The increasing number of stores and boutiques that sell ready to wear shirts

might impede the revenue generation of the business.

(c) The increase of web to print services wherein the customers will be the one

to design their shirts online and have it printed and delivered to them days after

they submitted the design to the website.

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