mariano marcos state university...2008s 16 winners of the pondo sa sipag, puhunan sa tiyaga of sen....

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Volume 1, Issue 10 A monthly publication of the Extension Directorate

August-September 2009

Making MMSU, A University for All


ISSN No. 2012-2152

Extensionist is published by theExtension Directorate

MMSU-UTC, City of Batac,Ilocos Norte

Tel/Fax: 077 792-3501e-mail:

EditorMarivic M. Alimbuyuguen

Lay-out/TypesetMercy R. Gaño

ContributorsMercy R. Gaño

Ruby Saoit, FITS OPAG

Editorial Advisors:Dr. Stanley C. Malab

VP for Research and ExtensionDr. Miriam E. Pascua


MMSU participates in DA-BARs 5th Agriculture and Fisheries TechnologyForum and Product Exhibition and 22nd BAR Anniversary Celebration

Mercy R. Gano

To promote the various services and products of the Mariano Marcos State University (MMSU), the ExtensionDirectorate together with the Sweet Sorghum project, participated in the recently conducted 5th Agriculture andFisheries Technology Forum and Product Exhibition and 22nd BAR Anniversary Celebration on August 26-30,2009 at the SM Megatrade Hall in Manila.

With this year ’s theme,“Enhancing Entrepreneurship ofAgriculture and Fisheriesthrough TechnologyCommercialization”, the activitywas organized in partnershipwith the Ginintuang MasaganangAni-High Value CommercialCrops (GMA-HVCC), GMA CornProgram, Association ofColleges of Agriculture in thePhilippines (ACAP), and thePhilippine Chamber of FoodManufacturers, Inc. (PCFM).

The four-day activity wasparticipated by 85 exhibitorsfrom various locations in thecountry to include SUCs, DAoffices and Regional Field Units,Regional Integrated AgriculturalResearch Centers, BFAROff ices private companies,including financial institutions.Various products with theirpriority commodities wereexhibited. Likewise, productsand by-products of various cropswere exhibited and sold. Theactivity aimed to strengthen thepartnership between researchorganizations and private sector

towards a progressive and moresustainable agriculture.

The opening program and ribboncutting was headed by DA Secretary,Arthur C. Yap who served as Guestof Honor and Speaker. Dr. WilliamD. Dar, Director General,international Crops ResearchInstitute for the Semi-Arid Tropics(ICRISAT) who was also a guest ofhonor and speaker was representedby Dr. Santiago R. Obien, one of DA-BAR’s consultant.

Atty. Yap highlighted in hisspeech the priority commodities inthe Philippines. He presented gapsthat greatly affect thecommercializat ion of various

commodities and reiterated thegreat role of media in promotingthese various commodities.

Activities during the openingprogram included book and videolaunching of various booksproduced and funded by DA-BAR.After the program, guests andparticipants visited the booths.

For the duration of the activity,series of cooking demonstrationswere conducted on various fooditems and in-demand livelihoodsources including sweet sorghumand pigeonpea food products, andmalunggay-based foods, easy to

please MMSU next page.

Nabaknang a Mula ti Kamotig (Kamote)

Nakanginngina ti kaaduan a magatgatang iti agdama kas iti nateng, bagas, ikan ken dadduma pay. Kasapulantayo ngarud ti agsapul kadagiti nalaka ken masindadaan a makita iti aglawlaw a pangsupusop kadagitikasapulantayo tapno makalaka tayo kadagiti magatgatang a nangina. Maysa ditoy ti panagmula ken panagsidawenno pannangan kadagiti nagduduma a natnateng, mairamanen dita ti kamotig.

Maaw-awagan ti kamotig a kas“mula t i sadut” ken “mula tinakurapay” isu nga adu iti manguy-uyaw ken di mangikaskaso iti daytoya kas taraon.

Adu ti mangkatkatawa iti daytoya kas taraon. Ngem ipaneknek metdagiti panagsukisok a ti maudi akatawa, kukua dagiti mangmanganiti daytoy.

Natakuatan iti nabiit nga addalaeng iti arubayantayo iti maysa anabaknang a paggapuan ti naturalnga anti-oxidant a mangitantan itipanaglakay wenno panagbaket ngaawan dakkel a busbosen.

Masansan a maibaga anasustansia a taraon ti kamotig.Ngem uray no kasta, adu latta timadi mangayat iti daytoy aglalokadagiti ub-ubbing ken agtutubo.Babaen ngarud itipannakaiwaragawag kadagiti adu aresulta it i panagsukisok,manamnama a maamiris ti kaaduanti kinaimbag ti kamotig para itinasalsalun-at ken naub-ubing a bagi.

Addaan ti kamotig iti maysa aklase ti anti-oxidant a mangtulongtapno paksiatenna dagitimakadangran a kemikal wenno freeradicals iti uneg ti bagi. Kaaduannanga anti-oxidant ti masarakankadagiti bungbunga ken natnateng.

Dadaelen dagiti free radicals, nomabaybay-anda, dagiti sustansia akasapulan ti bagi. Ti panangdadaeldagiti free radicals kadagiti selula ti

makagapu ti napardas a panaglakaywenno panagbaket ken ti itatanordagiti sakit a kas iti kanser, sakit tipuso, diabetes, stroke, katarata, kendadduma pay.

Nangatngato ti anti-oxidantdagiti natataengan a bulong tikamote no idasig iti ub-ubing arangaw daytoy. Kasta met anangatngato ti anti-oxidant dagitirangaw no ikumpara iti bagas tikamote. Nupay kasta, amin a pasetdaytoy nangruna iti bulong ketaddaan iti protina, l ipid,carbohydrates, calcium, yero,phosphuros, Bitamina A ken C.Nababa pay iti calories ken awananiti taba. Nabaknang pay daytoy itibeta carotene. Maminlima nga ad-adu ngem ti maibalbalakad ngainaldaw a Bitamina A iti maysa laenga kadawyan ti kadakkelna a bagasti kamote. Namsek pay daytoy itipotassium. Dagitoy a sustansia ti

At the MMSU booth. DA Secretary, Atty. Arthur C. Yap, duringthe opening program.

kitaen ti Nabaknang iti maika-7 a panid...

2 7

prepare meat products, and tilapiaproducts. Further, series ofseminars on various technologiesdeveloped with support from BARand other funding agencies under itsTechnology CommercializationProgram (NCTP) including topics onbiofuels, herbal products, post-harvest technologies, GoodAgricultural Practices, organicagriculture, and effects of climatechange were also discussed.

During the closing program, aplaque of appreciation was given toall exhibitors including MMSU as oneof the major sponsors of the activity/celebration (MRG).

MMSU-BJMP sponsors skills training on bamboosouvenir items production

To provide sustainableentrepreneurial activities and toaugment the financial needs of thedetainees, a skills training onbamboo souvenir items productionwas conducted on September 2-4,2009 at the MMSU BambooProcessing Center, Batac, IlocosNorte. This is an off-shoot of theearlier conducted training onbamboo craft production, sponsoredby the Bamboo DevelopmentProject, Gender and Development(GAD), Center for Human RightsEducation (CHRE), MMSU-SIFEand Extension Directorate.

The four-day activity washighlighted by the production ofbamboo souvenir items. Variousdesigns were made by the tendetainees who attended the training.A Memorandum of Agreement was

forged between MMSU and BJMP tostrengthen the business tie up. TheMOA stipulates the following: first,MMSU will provide the raw materialsfor the production of bambooproducts. Second, the detainees toassemble the products and will bepaid according to the agreedremuneration set among BJMP,

MMSU and the detainees.Lastly, MMSU-SIFE and BJMPwill help in the promotion andmarketing of the bambooproducts. These arrangementsmake the detainees productiveall throughout their stay behindthe bars (MRG).

Gawad Kalinga (GK) Project in Namnama Village, Brgy. Talingaan, Laoag City.This is the smaller version of the BIG project. If the BIG project is implemented invarious towns in Ilocos Norte, the BIG was established only in Laoag City. The projectprovides livelihood opportunities for GK beneficiaries. Twenty-one households arepresently assisted. The 2nd cycle of the establishment of a vegetable productionproject has started. Moreover, a financial assistance was also extended to selectedGK beneficiaries through the MMSU-BRDC.

National Rice Seed Production Network (SEEDNET) Project. Four varieties ofimproved rice seeds (registerd and foundation) are maintained in the project. The 3ha production area will serve as the source of rice seeds as planting materials forRice Seedstock Dispersal Project (RSDP) beneficiaries. The crops are now on theirpanicle/fruiting stage.

Goat Breeders Purchased. In support to the Livestock Dispersal Program of theExtension Directorate and the Livestock Program as a component of the ContainerGarden, two goat breeders were purchased with financial assistance from ILARRDEC,amounting to P50,000.00. The breeders were purchased from reputable goat farmsin Tarlac and Nueva Ecija. The breeders will be used to improve the breeds oflivestock dispersed to help augment the livelihood income of extension-beneficiaries.

mangtulong a mangsalaknib itibagi iti atake ti puso ken stroke.Tumulong ti potassium amamagtalinaed iti body fluidsken electrolyte balance kadagitiselula kasta met ti normal apanagtaray ti presion ti dara.

Napaneknekan payen ababaen kadagiti anti-oxidantsnga adda iti kamote, tumulongdaytoy iti pannakataginayon tikinasalun-at ti dara kenpanakaliklik iti colon cancer.

Padasentayo ngarud dagitoya resipe manipud iti kamotetapno agbalintayo a nasalun-at.

Haleya a Kamote

Dagiti ramen:4 tasa a nalingta a kamote,napis-it1 lata a condensada ngagatas, dakkel1 lata a evaporada nga gatas,bassit2 tasa nga asukar4 kutsara a mantikilia


Paglalauken amin a ramenmalaksid iti mantikilya. Ipisok itiparyok. Iluto ti kamote iti nakapsutnga apoy agingga a pumalet. Ilaok timantikilia. Itultuloy a kiwaren daytoy.Adawen kalpasanna, ikabil iti tray kenipinas a nasayaat.

Pastillas a kamote

Saan laeng a ti gatas ti mabalinnga aramiden a pastillas. Mabalinmet ti kamote. Saan pay a parikut tisuplay ta adu ti agmulmula itoy.Dagiti ramen

2 kilo a bagas ti kamote5 tasa nga asukar3 tasa a gatas (kondensada)4 kutsara a mantikilia8 tasa a powdered milk


Dalusan/bugguan a nasayaatdagiti kamote. Lingtaen.

Kalpasanna, ukisan ti kamotig anilingta. Masaen dagitoy agingga alumamuyot. Inayon amin a ramen.Iluto daytoy agingga a mamagaan.Bungonen iti candy wrapper (coloredcellophane).

Turon a kamote (kaong),karabasa,ken balatong

Dagiti ramen:

¼ tasa a kamote, kiaw ken nalingta¼ tasa a karabasa, nalingta½ tasa a balatong, napablad1 tasa a gatas, kondensada¼ tasa, likido a tsokolate¼ tasa a manteka10 a pidaso ti pagbungon iti limpia


Paglalauken ti kamote,karabasa, ken balatong iti malukong.Inayon ti gatas ken ti likido atsokolate. Kiwaren a nasayaat.Sagsangakutsara a bungonen itipagbungon iti lumpia ti napaglalaoka ramen. Reppeten iti agsumbangira murdong. Iprito iti adu a mantekaagingga iti bumalitok a kiote tikolorna. Adawen sa paubosan.Idasar a napudot.

Kamote Cue

Dagiti ramen

3 bukel a kalalainganna tikadakkel a kamote

¾ tasa a brown sugarManteka


Ipapudot ti manteka.Warakiwakan iti asukar daytoy.Ipisok ti naiwa-iwa a kamote itinaipapudot a manteka. Adawen nonaluton.

MMSU from page 1....

The MMSU booth. DA-BAR Dir. Dr. Nicomedes P. Eleazar, (inset) taking a look at theinstant rice coffee of Ms. Sarah Dabucon, from Sinamar, Banna, Ilocos Norte, one of2008s 16 winners of the Pondo sa Sipag, Puhunan sa Tiyaga of Sen. Manny Villar.

Dr. Stanley C. Malab together with thedetainees during the training (leftphoto) and the trainees together withsome MMSU staff and Jail Warden Mr.Rivera (standing 7 from right)

Nabaknang manipud iti maika- 8 a panid...


From Sleepy land to a Productive FarmRuby Saoit, FITS-OPAG

This 5-ha farm area located in Brgy. Paayas, Burgos, Ilocos Norte will soon be the center for dragon fruitproduction in the north. Thanks to the efforts of Magsasaka Siyentista Edita Aguinaldo Dacuycuy who pioneereddragon fruit production in Ilocos Norte three years ago.

It all started frombackyard gardening. Now, MSDacuycuy, has a total of 5,000poles of dragon fruits. In addition,she has just established herScience and Technology BasedFarm (STBF) on OrganicDragon Fruit Production onAugust 7, 2009. The activity wasattended by Mr. Leo Pascua,ILARRDECs Regional TechnoGabay Coordinator, FITS staff ofthe Office of the ProvincialAgriculturist, off icers andmembers of the Saniata FruitGrowers Association in IlocosNorte, some MagsasakaSiyentista from the different FITSCenters in Ilocos Norte, farmer-leaders and AgriculturalTechnologists f rom variousmunicipalities.

MS Dacuycuy is directlyassisted by the FarmersInformation and TechnologyServices (FITS) establishedunder the supervision of theOf f ice of the ProvincialAgriculturist with MMSU as thePartner-Member-Agency (PMA).MS Dacuycuy is more thanwilling to expand and look forfurther innovations on dragonfruit production includingprocessing. MS Dacuycuybelieves that dragon fruitproduction will be the next bestthing that can happen toPhilippine agriculture.

With the establishment of theSTBF on dragon fruit in Burgosand some other locations in

Ilocos Norte by interested farmers,it is envisioned that the famousnutritive dragon fruit or “Pitaya” willbe served in every household inIlocos Norte. The expansion andplanting of dragon fruit in variousareas in the province particularly onsleepy areas will turn unproductivelands into productive ones. To date,a total of 20 individuals have alreadystarted planting in various locationsin the province with a total of 691poles totalling to 2,256 plantingmaterials.

Among the three majorinnovations on dragon f ruitproduction that were introduced inthe STBF include; the use of 0.5meters cuttings instead of theplanting materials raised in nurseriesfor three to four months; use ofplastic mulch along rows for heatsummation and the use ofseaweeds as attractants of fruitflies.

The MS practice of using organicfertilizer is maintained to producechemical-free fruits.

Truly, there’s more than just todragon fruit because of the healthbenefits it can provide. It servesas anti-oxidant for cancer, lowersblood pressure/stress relateddisorders and prevent heart disease,rich in vitamin C and water solublefiber and prevents constipation andgood for UTI. It also improveseyesignt and prevents diabetes andrheumatism.

Like other fruits that farmersoften get involved to, dragon fruit willsoon find its place on top of the listof high value commercial crops notjust because of its nutritional value,but because of the opportunity it willsoon offer to farmers to harvest redgold.


Science and Technology Based-Farm, Bangui, Ilocos Norte. To facilitate theimplementation of the STBF in Bangui, Ilocos Norte on Bamboo Rejuvenation, MagsasakaSiyentista, Mr. Berry Butac together with his family started in August the cleaning andclearing of bamboo poles as well as resoiling of bamboo clumps. Five bamboo clumpsare being maintained by the MS which will serve as the enhanced practice where variousS&T interventions will be applied.

Science and Technology Based-Farm, Brgy. Catuguing, Ilocos Norte. Despite thenumber of typhoons that visited Ilocos Norte for the past months that destroyed MS Honoriode la Cruz S&T farm on organic table tomato production, he reestablished his tomatofarm in August following the various S&T interventions. MS de la Cruz STBF is now on its3rd cycle and is assisted by OPAG FITS Center.

Science and Technology Based-Farm, Brgy. Bacsil South, Ilocos Norte. The STBFon Organic Vinegar and Basi Production in Brgy. Bacsil South, Laoag City is now on its fullswing. The sukang iloko out of the first cycle production is now on its fermentation stage.Prof. Rhoda Garcia, project in-charge, MMSU food processing center and designatedtechnical expert of the project regularly visits the project to test the acidity of the vinegar.S&T interventions like the use of yeast was incorporated.

Science and Technology Based-Farm, Bacarra, Ilocos Norte. After the conduct ofadopters training on organically grown vegetables to include off-season tomato, squash,ampalaya and patola in July, farmer-adopters have already planted and are now harvestingfruits of their crops. Farmer-adopters came from various barangays of Bacarra to includeMacupit, Paninaan, and Corocor. Farmer-adopters were given free seeds of vegetables,organic fertilizer and other planting materials/inputs. Adopters’ training was conductedafter the completion of the STBF on Organically Grown Vegetables in the farm ofMagsasaka Siyentista Nestor Acosta.

Sugarcane Processing Incubation Project. The project located back of the Collegeof Agriculture and Forestry (CAF) at MMSU is now operational. The project was realizedthru funding assistance from CHED in the amount of P1.9 M. A state of the art sugarcanecane facilities and equipment were purchased. Fencing and other necessary activities tooperationalize the project was conducted. Fund used was a counterpart from the ExtensionDirectorate’s Fund 184.

Sugarcane Development Project. This involves the planting of improved varieties ofsugarcane to support the sugarcane processing incubation project. A total area of 2 hawas planted. Sugarcane juice extracted will be purchased by the food processing projectof MMSU. Sugarcane juice extraction is still on-going.

Bio-Intensive Gardening Project. BIG beneficiaries in Bangui and Pagudpud, IlocosNorte were visited twice for August and September. The beneficiaries were advised toprepare their BIG areas. Vegetable seeds were again distributed to the BIG beneficiariesfor their planting materials. These include seeds of eggplant, pole sitao, okra, pigeonpea,ampalaya, squash, upo and others.

Mr. Leonardo T. Pascua, TGPRegional Coordinator, Ms. LolitaRaposas, FITS Manager, OPAG,and MS Edita Dacuycuy(standing) during the STBFestablishment. In picture areILARRDEC RMIS Coordinator,Ms. Lilibeth Paraoan, Ms.Cheryll Rugian, OPAG Staff. (R-photo-A portion of MSDacuycuy’s drago fruit farm.

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Dragon fruit enthusiasts elect officers

In support to the establishment of the Science and TechnologyBased Farm (STBF) on Organic Dragon Fruit Production and tostrengthen the partnership of ILARRDEC, OPAG and LGUs in theestablishment of dragon fruit farms in Ilocos Norte, ILARRDECorganized a group of dragon fruit enthusiasts in Ilocos Norte on August4, 2009 at the University Training Center (UTC), MMSU, Batac, IlocosNorte.

Among the participants to the organizational meeting werefarmer-leaders, farmers, agricultural technicians, and MagsasakaSiyentista from various towns to include Burgos, Dingras, Nueva Era,Paoay, San Nicolas, Laoag City, Pasuquin, Bacarra, Currimao andBangui, Ilocos Norte.

Before the election of officers, Ms. Dacuycuy shared herexperiences in growing dragon fruit. Mr. Leonardo T. Pascua, TGPRegional Coordinator discussed issues on technology promotion andcommercialization of dragon fruit. On the other hand, Ms. Lolita Raposas,FITS Manager, OPAG and Provincial Coordinator, discussed someconcerns on dragon fruit production. After the meeting, election of officerswas conducted. The elected officers of the Saniata (Dragon fruit) FruitGrowers Association:

President: Edita DacuycuyVice President: Dr. Noel Daquioag, 1st district

Mr. Arsenio Valencia, 2nd districtSecretary: Ophelia IgnacioTreasurer: Angel PadronAuditor: Felix ValenciaP.I.O. Mercy GañoBus. Manager: Lorenzo de los SantosRepresentatives:

Teresita Allado, South zoneNancy Balauro, East zoneRobert Doquez, North zoneVillamar Tabios, Central zone

The set of officerswill lead the establishmentof dragon fruit farms in theprovince and spearheadother activities to promotedragon fruit production inthe province with the visionof making Ilocos Norte asdragon fruit capital in thenorth.

MMSU conducts skills trainingon Improved

Cookstove Making

In support to theimplementation of the project“Commercialization of ImprovedBiomass Cookstoves in thePhilippines”, a training on improvedcookstove making was conductedon August 17-21, 2009, MMSU-UTCand at the College of Engineering.The training is one of the componentactivities of the project in thePhilippines.

The project aims to promoteand commercialize the improvedcookstoves in the Philippines, as aclean solution to reduce greenhousegas emission and mitigate climatechange; conduct research,development and extension onbiomass cookstoves, as well aspromote the use and recycle ofagricultural waste as a source ofrenewable energy in heating/cookingsystems; and improve the kitchenand promote healthy living conditionof the women directly involved andexposed to cooking. Specifically, theproject seeks to establish alaboratory, testing and training centeron improved-biomass cookstoves,train potters per province and fieldtest improved design biomasscookstoves to households andstrengthen academic, governmentand LGUs in the promotion andutilization of biomass resources andwaste for clean and sustainableenvironment. The project isimplemented between and amongdevelopment agencies to includeDepartment of Energy,APPROTECH Asia and AsiaRegional Cookstove Programme, aswell as local government units, DTI,DOST and the academe.

A total of 15 potters fromPangasinan, La Union andIlocos Norte attended thetraining. The training aims toprovide the participants withknowledge and skills onimproved cookstove production.

A potter ’s wheel waspurchased to teach the traineesin making the design. This willgive them easier and faster timeof producing improved andbetter quality cookstoves.

The improved cookstove ismade up of clay, rice hull ashand sand mixtures. It burns lessfuelwood for at least 50 to 75percent, produces less smoke,cooks faster, has high efficiencyfor about 30 to 40 percent heatutilization efficiency and cookconveniently. The improveddesign include the inverted conecharcoal fed and the two-burnerfuelwood types.

The highlight of the five-daytraining include the following:

Dr. Stanley Malab, Vice Pres.for Research and Extensionduring the opening programchallenged the trainees to makea cookstove that is moreef f icient than the existingcookstove in San Nicolas/IlocosNorte, La Union andPangasinan. He said that thetrainees must consider theavailable fuel resources andagricultural waste materialsfrom sawdust and rice hull in thedesign of the cookstove.

Engr. Benjamin Mercado ofDOST on the other hand sharedtheir program in assisting the

SMEs in terms of f inancialassistance. According to him, thepotters can avail of their program bygiving fund assistance for theirequipment needs. Dr. BenjaminGarcia Jr., DTI Director discussedmatters on business registration,provision of seminar andconsultancy through their office.

Dr. Carlos M. Pascual, ProgramLeader of the project made anemphasis on the bad effect ofinefficient stove in the environment-denudation of the forest (climatechange), effects of carbon dioxideand particulate matter on the healthof women, children, men orindividual using the stove.

Dr. Marivic M. Alimbuyuguenlectured on Values Education. shehighlighted important Filipino valuesthat can enhance entrepreneurial

capacit ies which can lead tobetterment and improvement in thelives of the potters and their families.

Engr. Samuel S. Franco sharedhis knowledge on the compositionand dif ferent uses of ceramicsmaterials, from the smallest to thebiggest like the pottery products,and other building materials (MRG).

please see MMSU cokstove next page.

MMSU cookstove from page 4

Officers and members of the SANIATA (DragonFruits ) growers association.

ErratumThe article MMSU-Extension Directorate’sITC goes everywhere published on June-July 2009, instead of sponsored by DA-Ilocos Norte, the activity “Farmers’Congress” was spearheaded/sponsored bythe Office of the Provincial Agriculturistheaded by Ms. Norma B. Lagmay throughthe assistance of the ProvincialGovernment of Ilocos Norte through theoffice of the Hon. Governor of Ilocos Norte,Hon. Michael Marcos Keon.

Two trainees areexamining theiroutput during thetraining.

The improvedcoosktove while it isuse in cooking.

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