maple ridge pitt meadows times october 9 2012

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Maple Ridge Pitt Meadows Times October 9 2012


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Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Sunshine makes a boy’sdream of frolicking withpenguins come true.

Page A7

Online, all the time...


Participants must enter their poems online at, go to “More Ways toConnect,” and click on “send us your letters, photos, video.” Fill in your name, email, and phonenumber, then insert a copy of your poem. Please note your community and include keyword“Veterans” at the top of the note. Deadline for submissions is 5 p.m. on Friday, Nov. 2.

Scribes are once again invited to honour ourveterans in a poetry contest…


QuarryproposalremovedDistrict staffrecommended notapproving gravel pit.

by Maria

An application for agravel pit in Yennadonhas been pulled back bythe proponent.

On Wednesday,the District of MapleRidge received wordthat Dave Telep andDonada Industrieswere withdrawing aproposal to mine up to400,000 square feet ofgravel from a propertyat 124th Avenue and237th Street that is inthe Agricultural LandReserve.

The application wasscheduled to comebefore council onTuesday for a decisionwhether to forward itto the Agricultural LandCommission or not.

Maple Ridge staff hadrecommended that itnot be forwarded to theland commission.

“I don’t think itwould have been sup-ported [by council],”said Maple Ridge MayorErnie Daykin.

He said he hadreceived several emailsasking whether theapplication could comeback, but, if the propon-ent wanted to applyagain, he would haveto submit a completelynew application, heexplained.

Colleen Smith(left) and Deborah

Hoisington are puttingon a fundraiser

to show theirappreciation for

search and rescueteams, for example,

Ridge Meadows Search& Rescue, headed by

Rick Laing (centre).

Maria Rantanen/TIMES

A fundraiser on Oct. 20 willbenefit local volunteers.

by Maria

The fear Deborah Hoisington feltduring a night in mid Septemberat Pitt Lake waiting while searchand rescue teams combed the for-est for her daughter was like a“living, breathing monster.”

But if it hadn’t been for thecalm, reassuring demeanor ofthe search and rescue team, shewould have been “screaming andyelling and pulling out my hair.”

The team members talked to herthroughout the night, smiled ather, and reassured her.

“If it hadn’t been for that,I would have lost my mind,”Hoisington said of the night when

her 25-year-old daughter StefaniePuls was lost north of Pitt Lake.

Hoisington and family friendColleen Smith will hold a fund-raiser for both the Ridge Meadowsand Coquitlam search and rescueteams, who spent the night look-ing for her.

While many people read andhear stories in the media aboutsearch and rescue teams, until itbecomes personal, most peopledon’t realize what they really do,said Hoisington.

Within an hour of getting the911 call that her daughter wasmissing, Ridge Meadows Search& Rescue was at Pitt Lake with acommand post set up late in thenight, and they were still therewhen Hoisington and her daugh-ter left at 3:30 p.m. the next day.

“I just don’t think they getthe recognition they deserve,”Hoisington said.

After Puls was found and givensome basic first aid by the volun-teer search and rescue members,Hoisington wasn’t able to speak tothe members as they just quietlywent on to their day jobs.

But she would have wanted totell them “thank you for spendingthe night in the forest looking formy daughter.”

Hoisington wanted to do thefundraiser soon after the incidentwhile it was still fresh, and shehopes the community comes outto support the volunteers.

The Ridge Meadows Search &Rescue team consists of 22 activemembers as well as a few who arein reserve or training.

They are all volunteers and theyrespond to dozens of calls a year,typically in Golden Ears RegionalPark, Blue Mountain, and the PittLake area.

Rick Laing, manager of Ridge

Meadows Search & Rescue – alsoa volunteer – said in addition togetting to “play with a lot of neattoys,” search and rescue volun-teers do it because they like help-ing people.

“Stefanie’s case is a perfectexample of why we do it,” Laingsaid.

Ridge Meadows Search & Rescuereceives yearly funding from theMaple Ridge, Pitt Meadows, andMetro Vancouver as well as gam-ing grants for new equipment andtraining.

The fundraiser will take placeon Oct. 20 at the Ranch Pub andGrill. Tickets are $20 for a buffetdinner and a drink. There willalso be a 50-50 draw, door prizes,and chair massages by donationgiven by Hoisington who is amassage therapist. To buy tickets,call Hoisington at 604-763-7857 orColleen Smith at 604-617-8735.

Search and rescue

Mother grateful to rescuers

A2 Tuesday, October 9, 2012 Maple Ridge & Pitt Meadows Times

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UpFrontMaple Ridge & Pitt Meadows Times Tuesday, October 9, 2012 A3

Drop, cover, and holdMaple Ridge and Pitt Meadows are

encouraging their citizens to get ready forthe big one. ShakeOutBC takes place onOct. 18 and aims to get people preparedfor a possible earthquake.

The earthquake awareness programtakes place at 10:18 a.m. on Oct. 18.

For more information, go to

• More at

Jobs the focus of fairA jobs fair will be held at the Maple

Ridge Library on Friday, entitled “BC JobsStart Here.”

The purpose of the job fair, runningfrom noon to 7 p.m., is to connectjob seekers with potential employers.Exhibitors will include select employersfrom a range of sectors, as well as post-secondary institutions, industry associa-tions, training authorities, and the healthauthorities.

• More at

All lights recycledAll types of lights and fixtures that are

used in homes, institutions, businesses,and industry can now be recycled. TheRidge Meadows Recycling Society acceptsall lights at their depot on River Road.Also, some retail stores that sell lightingin Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows willaccept lights and fixtures.

• More at

Clickfor community

Mayors offer opinionsThe Urban Development Institute is

holding a Fraser Valley lunch featuring amayors panel with Maple Ridge MayorErnie Daykin and Pitt Meadows MayorDeb Walters discussing why the develop-ers should invest in their communities.The event, which takes place in Langley,has been sold out

• More at

A WhonnockElementary studenthas been fundraisingin memory of hermom, who lost herbattle with breastcancer six years Troy

Alexis Fulton designatesa sizeable space on oneof her bedroom walls fora poster that inspires herevery day.

The poster shows hermom Theresa, adorned ina bright pink shirt and alight pink ball cap, beam-ing with joy at a Weekendto End Women’s Cancersfundraiser.

Theresa, mom to Alexisand Jason, was diagnosedwith breast cancer in2001 and lost her battlewith the disease six yearsago.

Alexis is determined tofinding a cure for breastcancer in honour of hermom. She has put herentrepreneurial skills towork, making cards andbraiding bracelets to helpraise funds to supportbreast cancer researchtaking place at the BCCancer Agency.

“I support research fora cure so no more chil-dren have to lose theirmothers to breast cancer.If you even donate a littlebit, every dollar can makea difference,” said Alexis,who donated proceeds ofher bracelet sales to theBC Cancer Foundation.

Alexis remembers hermom as a very enthusias-tic person with “a lot offaith.”

“I’d consider her asoutgoing,” Alexis said.“She had a good senseof humour, and lots offriends.”

Theresa was diagnosedwhen Alexis was a yearold and Jason was five.She battled the diseaseto the end. Not long afterher diagnosis, Theresa

underwent a mastectomy.Years later, Alexis is

keeping her mom’s mem-ory alive through herfundraising efforts.

Now 11, Alexis isa Grade 6 student atWhonnock Elementaryand along with her broth-er lives with co-guardiansRon and Kathy Stubley.

Theresa spent her finaldays living with her chil-

dren at the Stubley resi-dence.

“She lived here for thelast months before shedied,” said Stubley, whodescribed Theresa’s pass-ing as “extremely sad.”

“She was determinedto live,” Kathy said. “Shedid every single possibletreatment and just finallyran out of options.”

To help find a cure for

the disease that took hermother, Alexis has beenhard at work creatingmore than 100 braceletsout of twine and embroid-ery thread.

She sold the braceletsand the homemade greet-ing cards to family andfriends. In a letter datedSept. 16, Alexis informedthe BC Cancer Agencythat, through the sale

of the bracelets and heraunt’s family quilt pro-ject, she collected “$184exactly” to the cause.

“I would like to donateit to breast cancerresearch because when Iwas one my mom foundout she had breast cancer,then when I was six shedied,” Alexis wrote. “Sheparticipated in the firstthree Weekend Walks toend Breast Cancer.”

While major advance-ments have been made inprevention, early detec-tion and treatment, breastcancer still affects 3,200B.C.ers each year.

October marks breastcancer awarenessmonth and BC CancerFoundation president andCEO Douglas Nelson saidAlexis is making a differ-ence.

“Her mother’s story is apowerful reminder of thework yet to be done andAlexis’ hard work anddonation are an inspira-tion to all of us to get thatwork done,” Nelson said.

Anyone who would liketo purchase bracelets andgreeting cards, or wouldlike to donate to Alexis’scause, can email

Thousands will gatherwith the foundation onApril 13, at Bust a Movefor Breast Health, afundraiser featuring sixhours of fitness sessionsto improve outcomes forpatients diagnosed withthis disease.


Bracelets reflect girl’s labour of love

Troy Landreville/TIMES

Alexis Fulton draws inspiration from her mom Theresa, pictured at a Weekend to End Women’s Cancersevent. Theresa died six years ago after a long battle with breast cancer.

Troy Landreville/TIMES

Alexis Fulton creates braidedbracelets and homemadegreeting cards, with proceedsgoing to breast cancer research.

Assistant fire chief Brad Perrie shows whatto do during an earthquake.

There are different tolling systemsfor the new Port Mann Bridge andthe Golden Ears Bridge, but driverswill be invoiced together.

by Sylver

Starting in early 2013, drivers whocross the Fraser River will be able tomanage their Golden Ears Bridge and PortMann Bridge tolls together.

“The Golden Ears Bridge transponderwill always work on the Port MannBridge, and the Port Mann Bridge decalwill always work on the Golden EarsBridge,” explained Sany Zein, TransLink’sdirector of roads.

But eventually, it willbe more cost effective tojust have the TReO decalinstalled on the wind-shield.

Tolling on the PortMann Bridge will beginin December.

Then everyone – regardless of enrollingin either tolling programs – will receivea discounted rate of $1.50 when crossingthe Port Mann Bridge between Decemberand the end of February.

For those who register for the decalsbefore February, that $1.50 rate will con-tinue until December 2013.

“After that, if you want to get the bestrate on the Port Mann, you must have adecal,” Zein elaborated.

And to qualify for a further bonus,TransLink is also offering a $30 credit(equivalent of 20 free trips in a car) fordrivers who have a decal installed and apayment method on file before Nov. 30,2012.

Each motorcycle, small vehicle, ormedium vehicle listed on the account

will receive the credit. But this offer doesnot apply to large vehicles and is limitedto personal accounts with four or lessvehicles listed.

Those credits expires on May 31.For drivers who currently use the

Golden Ears Bridge and have transpond-ers, Zein explained that once the tollingof the Port Mann begins, travel on bothbridges will be tracked, correlated, andautomatically billed together unless other-wise requested.

Drivers may choose to opt out of inte-grated billing by calling the customer ser-vice centres, which will mean motoristswill then receive a separate invoice fortravel on the Golden Ears Bridge.

“If you have the decal, you will get thebest rates on the Golden Ears and PortMann bridges,” Zein said. “But if you

have the transponder,you only get the bestrate on the Golden EarsBridge, not the PortMann.”

Golden Ears Bridgewas the first electron-ically tolled bridge inWestern Canada when

it opened in 2009, and Zein explainedthat the two bridges are using differentsystems because the decal technology isnew.

“When we were choosing the tollingtechnology for the Golden Ears Bridgearound 2007, this technology wasn’tavailable. It was only in a prototypestage,” he said.

If drivers prefer to only have a TReOdecal, they can turn in the transponder inDecember.

As a Quickpass transponder is no long-er needed after tolling on the Port MannBridge starts, it can be returned after Dec.1, Mondays to Fridays, 8 a.m. to 6 p.mto either of the Golden Ears customer ser-vice centres in Pitt Meadows or WalnutGrove.


Two bridges, one bill

Tolling for theGolden EarsBridge is donewith a Quickpasstransponderand soon withthe new TReOdecal that goesinto effect inDecember.

TIMES files

“If you have the decal,you will get the best rateson the Golden Ears andPort Mann bridges.”Sany Zein

A4 Tuesday, October 9, 2012 Maple Ridge & Pitt Meadows Times

Maple Ridge & Pitt Meadows Times Tuesday, October 9, 2012 A5

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October 3, 2012

From: Ken Johnson Trucking Ltd.To all our neighbours, and Emergency responders;

We wish to extend our deepest thanks to everyone who came to our aid after October 2nd’s horrific event.To the firefighters and local emergency responders, you are second to none. We are grateful for the supportand assistance from our community, especially our immediate neighbours. You helped save a terriblething from becoming much worse. From helping with traffic control, supplying water, personal cell phones,opening your businesses and your hearts to our staff, and anything else that was required at our time ofneed, you went the extra mile.

We would like to thank you once again from our Management team, office staff, drivers, and mechanics.

An accident that happened in MapleRidge involved a child falling.

by Sylver

A Maple Ridge child was airlifted to BCChildren’s Hospital Thursday night. Theinjuries are unknown at this time, butwere thought to be non-life threatening.

Both a ground and air ambulanceresponded to a home at the 23100 blockof 124A Avenue at around 5 p.m.

The air ambulance helicopter landed atHarry Hooge Elementary on 230th Streetto transport the child to hospital.

“Unfortunately, the dispatch does nothave any idea as to the criticality [ofthe injury],” said BC Ambulance Servicespokeswoman Catherine Bianco.

Harry Hartwig lives down the streetfrom the home where the accident hap-pened and told a reporter that “a childfell down the stairs and they took himaway in an ambulance.”

Other reports indicate that the child fellfrom a window.

Emergency services

Child airlifted to hospital

An Air Ambulance landed at Harry Hooge Elementary in Maple Ridge on Thursday night to transport a child whowas injured in a fall.

Westview Secondary isplanning a sixth exchangewith Mexican students inspring 2013, and an infor-mation meeting will beheld on Wednesday.

High school studentsfrom Westview have beengoing to Guadalajara,Mexico for five years run-ning, and, in exchange,they have been hostingMexican students in MapleRidge.

An information meetingon next year’s exchangewill be held in the school’slibrary on Oct. 10 at 6:30p.m. Students in grades8 to 11 and their families

are invited to attend themeeting.

For more information,

contact Westview PEteacher Dennis Schmidt at604-467-3481, local 1071.


School promotes exchange

TIMES files

Mexican students have been visiting Westview for five years.

David Cooper photo

The Number 14 bus will be back in Maple Ridge this week.

A play has been put on in 13countries over the past 20 years.

by Maria

The Number 14 bus arrives at The ACTon Thursday evening and promises totake its audience on a wild ride.

Based on research on the #14 bus thatrides through downtown Vancouver, TheNumber 14 play has been performed for20 years in 13 countries, and will be atThe ACT for the second time, but thistime with four new actors out of a total ofsix cast members.

“My great pleasure and challenge asdirector is to create an ensemble outof the group while letting their individ-

ual talents shine through,” said WayneSpecht, one of the original creators andcurrent director.

He describes The Number 14 as a “veryphysical play in a style we call contem-porary commedia dell arte.”

Riding the bus is a universal activ-ity and Specht said he’s heard time andagain from audience members that theyrecognize themselves or somebody elsethey’ve seen on the bus in this play.

“Happily bus drivers have come to seethe show in great numbers and haveloved what we’ve put on stage,” headded.

The show will take place Oct. 11 at7:30 p.m. in the main theatre of The ACT.Tickets are $38.50 for adults, $35.50 forseniors, and $15 for students.

• More online at


Theatrical bus ride mirrors life

A6 Tuesday, October 9, 2012 Maple Ridge & Pitt Meadows Times

Maple Ridge/Pitt Meadows Community Services11907 - 228th Street, Maple Ridge, BC V2X 8G8Phone: 604-467-6911 •

Maple Ridge/Pitt Meadows Community Services

Do you have an inspirational story to share?

Maple Ridge/Pitt Meadows Community Services wantsto recognize people in our communities who makea difference, have overcome a challenge or that havedone something special for others.

The top five stories selected will be published in TheTimes newspaper; authors of the stories will receivepublic recognition, and presented with a CommunityServices gift basket.

Please submit typewritten stories with contactinformation, limited to one page and submitted toCommunity Services at the address shown below orby email to no later thanOctober 31, 2012.

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Sunshine Foundation

Gala marks yearsof dream deliveryTickets are on sale for 25th anniversarydessert gala at Meadow Gardens Oct. 25.

by Roxanne

fter losing his teenage son tomuscular dystrophy, a griev-ing father resolved to honour

his boy’s memory. He hopedto brighten the lives of other

children and families by ful-filling their most cherished

dreams. He gathered friends fromhis hometown of London, Ont. to help him, andthe Sunshine Foundation of Canada was born.

Fast forward 25 years, and Sunshine is stillproviding dreams to kids across Canada livingwith severe physical disabilities and life-threat-ening illnesses, including children from MapleRidge and Pitt Meadows.

They deserve the chance to live their dreams –dreams that can bring them hope, strength, andinspiration to face the lifetime of challenges andmedical concerns that may lay ahead of them,said Maple Ridge’s Daryl Stone, a retired RCMPstaff sargeant who remembers signing on withthe Sunshine Foundation 22 years ago.

Since that fated day in 1991, when two womenwalked into the Maple Ridge police office askingfor Mounties to help, Stone’s been hooked.

He started out by assisting at the annualChristmas party in Vancouver where Sunshinedream recipients are partnered with police offi-cers for food and fun.

“When you see [the children’s] eyes when thatdream comes true, there’s nothing more satisfy-ing, more rewarding… These kids don’t spendmuch time in their life smiling, and then you seetheir eyes light up and they light up the entireroom with their smile, that really warms thecockles of your heart,” Stone said.

Instantly committed to the cause, it didn’t takelong for Stone to become embroiled, for instancehelping fellow Mountie Marc Alexander with theannual golf tournament held every September atMeadow Gardens Golf Course, getting involvedwith a bi-annual garden tour, assisting withnumerous dreamlifts where large groups of kidsare jetted to Disneyland for a day, and hosting acelebrity ball game every spring. In fact, he wasso devoted, that a dozen years ago he took overas president of Sunshine’s Lower Mainland chap-ter and never left the post.

“It’s not a hard sell… We’re about helping sickkids… how can you turn a blind eye to that.”

The local chapter – one of 11 across the coun-try – is holding a special 25th anniversary cele-bration this month to raise money and awarenessfor this cause so dear to Stone’s heart.

It’s the Bright Night, Big Dreams dessert galabeing held at Meadow Gardens on Thursday,Oct. 25, starting at 7:30 p.m. Tickets are $25 perperson from Daryl Stone at 604-467-4408.

The evening will include a spread of sweettreats, wine tasting, and entertainment from the16-member Golden Ears Jazz Band and RickValiant performing a Frank Sinatra tribute. Therewill also a speech from Sunshine alumni MarcoPasqua, a Surrey man born with cerebral palsy,who will talk about the importance Sunshineplayed in his life and the life of other kids.

Ryan Jephson, his motherAnnette, and older brotherMatthew, recently travelledto England, visiting theLondon Zoo and the HMSBelfast warship. The tripwas made possible thanks tothe Sunshine Foundation.

Sunshine Foundation fulfilled ayoung Maple Ridge boy’s Roxanne

Ryan Jephson’s a pretty easy-going young lad. At age 11,like most of his peers, hegravitates to his computer,

loves video games, and prides himselfin being a master in the online ClubPenguin game.

But life in general has been a littlerough on Ryan and especially duringthe past year.

His father Darren, a baggage handlerat the Vancouver airport, was hurt onthe job and been unable to work sincelast August. Then Ryan was ordered toundergo surgery in April to repair dam-age to his spinal cord.

But Ryan’s world just got a wholelot brighter, thanks to Sunshine –Sunshine Foundation of Canada that is.

The Grade 6 Glenwood Elementarystudent was granted a wish by theSunshine Foundation, and just lastweek returned from a 10-day trip toEngland to meet family he’s neverknown.

“After the surgery, he was prettydown… Ryan really needed [a dream]now,” said his mother Annette.

Ryan, his mother, and older brotherMatthew, 14, travelled to London,Suffolk, then Annette’s hometown ofNorfolk, where 25 family members(some she hadn’t ever met) cametogether for a reunion in Ryan’s hon-our.

“Ryan doesn’t really look forwardto a lot of stuff,” said Mom, describ-ing him as depressed after the surgerycaused a severe loss of mobility. “Hewas feeling pretty defeated and prettymiserable.”

But in July, his parents tookSunshine Foundation up on their offerof making a dream come true for Ryan.

While most kids ask to meet acelebrity or travel to Disneyland orDisneyWorld, Ryan asked to travel toEngland.

“He needed to have something totake his mind off things,” Annette said.And planning the trip across the oceanto the United Kingdom did just that.

While the family reunion was mean-ingful and fun, a highlight for Ryanand Matthew was touring the SecondWorld War navy cruiser the HMSBelfast – which is docked in London

along the Thame River.But the best part of the trip – hands

down for young Ryan – was a trip tothe London Zoo where he was givenone-on-one time with the penguins.

“He was the king of the penguinswhen he was in the penguin enclos-ure,” explained his father. “It was awicked good time. He enjoyed it total-ly. He’s still talking about it… he’s stillsmiling.”

Ryan was born with mid-range spinabifada and had his first surgery whenhe was 36 hours old, then two morebefore he was five weeks old, and atotal of 11 by the time he was justthree and a half.

The most recent surgery confinesRyan to a wheelchair almost full time.He’s able to get around home andmuch of school on crutches. But it willlikely be two years before he’s able towalk without aids again, according todoctors. In the meantime, however, hecontinues to suffer repeated headaches,and must undergo regular physio tostrength his legs and back again.

But this trip was a game changer,Darren said. “He’s a totally differentkid. He’s enjoying life and it’s beenbrilliant… he’s been a really, really,really happy kid.”

Trip to England

Penguin powwow restores smilewww.m




OpinionA8 Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Our View

Get beyond‘Lock ’em up!’

Sometimes you still hear people say,“Lock ’em up and throw away the key.”

But that refrain is getting fainter andfainter – except in some redneck circles– and people are starting to realize thatprisoners should be treated with com-passion and dignity.

Terms like “reducing recidivism”and “rehabilitation” were used overand over last week at the opening ofthe new maximum security area of theAlouette Correctional Centre for Womenin Maple Ridge.

Attorney General Shirley Bond, whowas at the opening, said she’d like tosee the number of times women returnto prison reduced.

Many women who come to theprison are in very poor health, oftenunder-nourished and with serious addic-tion problems. Programs in place at theprison help them manage their emotionsand work on relationship skills. Thereis also talk of getting more educationalprograms at the prison, as literacy ratesamong inmates are low.

The ACCW inmates also have accessto health care professions – nurses, doc-tors, dentists – looking after them, andaddiction programs to help them on theroad to recovery.

Women are especially vulnerablewhen they get on the wrong side of thelaw, and having these services in placeto help them prepare for their eventualrelease just makes sense.

Each woman in prison is someone’sdaughter, sister, or niece, and some-times someone’s mother – like theirmale counterparts who often have fam-ilies waiting at the prison gates for themwhen they leave – and seeing and treat-ing them with humanity will help themon their road to recovery and awayfrom a life of crime.

No one is saying criminals should notbe duly punished for their crimes, but ifwe can help them stay clear of that pathwhen they are released, and get on withproductive lives, everyone wins.

- M.R.

Who we are

As I sit and think about howthis week is Fire PreventionWeek an’ all, it occurs to me thatI’m lucky to be alive.

I don’t mean just because Ihave a beautiful wife, kids anddogs who love me, a fair-to-mid-dling garden in which to relaxand enjoy the reasonably fineweather we’ve been experiencingthis fall…

All those things and many moremake me feel thankful to be alive(which is kind of fits nicely withThanksgiving Day just past, too).

But I’m not just “thankful” that I’m alive. Ireally am lucky to have survived my childhood.

I know practically every kid with any gump-tion at all has managed to squeeze out of one ortwo self-inflicted tight spots on the road to adult-hood.

Doing stupid things – and hopefully, learningsomething from them – is part of being a juven-ile member of any species.

If you get a chance to watch a baby crow toolaround in your backyard, or just watch kittensand puppies at play, you’ll know what I mean.It’s been posited that risk-play is part of develop-ing intelligence, and the smarter a species is, themore risk the youngsters will indulge in at play.

Consequently, human kids can get extremelyrisky when they exercise their stupidity on theway to greater intelligence. So when I think backon some of things I did as a juvenile humanbeing, I feel particularly intelligent!

One of my especially brainless moments has adirect bearing on Fire Prevention Week.

Firefighters want you to ensure that, in theevent a fire ever breaks out, you always have atleast two escape routes.

To engage children actively, fire officials areinvoking the phrase “rabbit ready,” an allusionto the way rabbits always have at least twoexits from their burrows, to ensure that they canalways escape predators.

Now, rabbits are nowhere nearas smart as people, so conven-tional wisdom would have it thattheir kits (the little ones) don’tengage in excessively risky play,so one can only assume that theirsurvival strategy is instinctual.

Being a particularly intelligenthuman child, I apparently had nosuch instincts – and consequentlyhad to rely entirely on my afore-mentioned luck.

I tell the following fire-relatedstory on the basis that, not only

do smart kids learn from their own stupidity, butthe really smart ones can also learn from the stu-pidity of others.

I grew up on a farm with lots of wide-openspaces – and that’s probably the only reason Ididn’t burn down several buildings while experi-encing a quantum leap in my intelligence quo-tient.

At this point, I would advise my 98-year-oldDad to turn away and stop reading, as I wouldreally love for him to make it to 99 and beyond.

I took a tin can of gasoline behind the barn,and standing back at what I thought was a rea-sonable distance, threw a lit match at it.

I was quite surprised at the size of the fire thatspewed out of that can, and fearful that someonemight see those flames shooting over the top ofour (very large!) barn, I took immediate action.

I had prepared myself for this eventuality – Ihad a pail of water at my side.

Remembering the explosion makes my heartquake to this day. I was surrounded by fire.

Fire was everywhere, except – to my continuedamazement – on me.

Kids! Don’t throw water on a gasoline fire!Better still, try to learn that lesson without

being as stupid as I was. There is no second wayout of that.

Fire isn’t a toy, in any context.I don’t want to have to write about you on the

front page.


Odd Thoughtsby Bob Groeneveld

More space desperately needed.

Don’t know, never been.

Yes, great educational tool.

Money better spent elsewhere.

Let us keep our tax money.

This Week’s QuestionAre you planning to get a flu vaccination?

■ Your ViewLast week’s question, results…

Does Maple Ridge need a new museum?


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Maple Ridge & Pitt Meadows Times Tuesday, October 9, 2012 A9Mailbag

LETTERS POLICY: Copyright in letters and other materials submitted voluntarily to the Publisher and accepted for publication remainswith the author, but the Publisher and its licensees may freely reproduce them in print, electronic, or other forms. Letters are also subjectto editing for content and length. The Maple Ridge-Pitt Meadows TIMES is a division of LMP Publication Limited Partnership.

Dear Editor,Residents of southwestern B.C. are

pleased with the motion against tarsandsshipments passed by the Union of BCMunicipalities on Sept. 27, but wonderwhere their mayors stood in the voting.

Councils around Metro Vancouver andsouthern Vancouver Island recently passedmotions against tarsands exports, but may-ors and councils in other parts of south-western B.C. are apparently fence-sitting.

The crowd applauded loudly on hearingthe news about the resolution at an eventcosponsored by Cinema Politica and PIPEUP in Maple Ridge on Sept. 27.

However, I wonder why none of the may-ors are expressing concern about the currentshipments of bitumen. Kinder Morgan hasbeen increasing shipments of tarsands, andthe company is denying it increases risks.

This should be of great concern to Citygovernments, which are the first respondersin case of a tarsands spill.

Langley resident Susan Davidson said hermayor, Jack Froese, said he had not votedon the resolution at the UBCM to expansionof oil tanker traffic through coastal waters.

She reported that he also said that,although he has already had a meeting withKinder Morgan representatives, he does notconsider the pipeline carrying diluted bitu-men from the tarsands through Langley to

be part of his jurisdiction.Enbridge’s Michigan spill cost more than

$800 million; more than 300 people werehospitalized, and the river was closed fortwo years, affecting business, tourism, andproperty values. Further remediation on theriver has been ordered by the EPA.

Chilliwack resident Sheila Muxlow saidthat, when she asked Kinder Morgan pres-ident Ian Anderson about the risks of abitumen spill, he said it was no different toclean up than other forms of crude oil.

“The company seems unaware of the les-sons learned in the Michigan tarsands spill,”said Muxlow.

Besides the destruction caused by tarsands extraction and the risks of transport-ing it, there are no net economic benefitsfor B.C. If subsidies currently going into thetarsands were stopped, and incentives pro-vided for renewable alternatives, B.C. couldbecome a world leader in energy.

Michael Hale, Maple RidgeSheila Muxlow, Chilliwack

Lynn Perrin, Abbotsford[Note: Muxlow, Hale, Perrin, and Davidson

are members of The PIPE UP Network of resi-dents of southwestern B.C. concerned aboutthe implications of shipping tarsands alongKinder Morgan’s Trans Mountain Pipelinefrom Edmonton to Vancouver. A fuller versionof this letter is online at]


Mayors silent on tar shipping

Dear Editor,I’m tired of hearing from

militant anti-smokers aboutthe disgusting habits ofsmokers who are “killingthem slowly.” Especiallyfrom ex-smokers!

I am not talking aboutpeople with asthma or otherserious health conditions,where breathing in smokecan cause serious issues,but the average Joe whojust seems to pick some-thing to be offended about.

We know that the risklevel is higher if non-smok-ers spend many hours in anenvironment where cigarettesmoke is widespread, but anoccasional whiff of cigarettesmoke isn’t going to putanother nail in a person’scoffin any more than walk-ing down the street inhalingexhaust.

Why aren’t peoplecomplaining about thatmore pervasive issue: carexhaust? Due to the natureof many vehicle exhaustsystems, people walking

down the street may experi-ence acute health effectswhere diesel particulatematter concentrations arehigh enough.

Why don’t people spendtheir time lobbying for afaster move from gas powerto electrical power?

When I quit smoking,I surely wouldn’t havewanted to be in a confinedspace where smoking wasallowed. But standing at abus stop or passing some-one on a street is not goingto affect my life expectancy.

I refuse to be like somewho take every opportunityto look down their noses atsmokers as if they had justspit on the street. (Actually,there’s nothing more dis-gusting than that, as far asI’m concerned, but I’m notgoing to let it ruin my daywhen I see it happening.)

Another pet peeve I haveis people who don’t neces-sarily have allergies, butrather a fear of dogs.

Dogs aren’t allowed in

many businesses anymore.There are people who rushto insist on rules being cre-ated that take away moreof our freedoms when oneincident occurs.

I was walking my pugoff leash on the dike (yes, Iknow it’s against the rules)and a lady and her threedaughters were walkingtowards me. My dog wasignoring them completely,but the lady looked athim like he was a rabidRottweiler (no offence to theRotties) and rudely told meI was breaking the rules.

From the look on her face(like she had just bit into alemon) I must have ruinedher day. I just know herdaughters will inherit herbehaviour, perpetuating ouranal, rule-making society.

How about that banon ice cream truck music(noise, to some), the iconof summertime, banned inWest Kelowna. That’s justthe beginning, folks.

There are so many peoplewith various dislikes andquirks that we are endingup in a society that has toomany rules.

There are reasons to havea few rules in society so wecan get along. I believe inrespecting people and livingtogether in a civilized fash-ion. I allow people to mergein front of me in traffic, Imake sure I take my properplace in a lineup, I makesure I clean up my dog’spoop, and so on.

I just feel we spend toomuch time worrying andfussing, and not enoughtime accepting and enjoy-ing. Let’s do more living!

As Oscar Wilde once said,“Life is too important to betaken seriously.”

Anne S., Maple Ridge


Toomany rules in way of living


New experience in cabinetDear Editor,

When I look at the new B.C. government cabinet, I seetwo lawyers, two doctors, a veterinarian, a teacher, a bank-er, a college business instructor, an accountant, several verysuccessful business owners, a few former executive direc-tors of community organizations, several experts in muni-cipal government and law enforcement and an ex-Harvardeconomics professor.

The group is led by a premier who is an outstanding com-municator with a sincere interest in helping families, creat-ing jobs, and balancing the budget.

Collectively, they must have at least 200 years of legisla-tive experience.

The group looks very solid to me, and those of us on thepolitical centre-right had better think very carefully whenwe consider replacing this current, competent team with thebickering BC Conservatives as a free enterprise alternativeto the NDP.

Harvey Grigg, Coquitlam

The fourth Eid celebration was heldat the Maple Ridge Library.

Muslims celebrated the end ofRamadan at the Maple Ridge Library,and were joined by a host of dignitariesand guests.

The Islamic Society of Ridge Meadowsand the Maple Ridge Library put on theirannual Eid Festival on Sept. 15.

The event was opened by Maple Ridgelibrarian Jo-Ann Sleiman, who welcomedthe guests on behalf of the library, say-ing she appreciated the collaborationwith the society and was glad of theirsupport in putting together the event.

On behalf of the District of MapleRidge, Councillor Corisa Bell welcomedall the guests.

In addition, Councillors Cheryl Ashlie,Al Hogarth, and Mike Morden were inattendance, later joined by Maple RidgeMayor Ernie Daykin.

Mayor Deb Walters of Pitt Meadowssaid she was very happy to be represent-ing her community at the event. Waltersstressed the need for more exchanges tohelp learn about each other’s culturesand beliefs.

On behalf of the Islamic Society,Shakeel Gaya thanked the guests forbeing present and also thanked Waltersand appreciated her being the first mayorfrom Pitt Meadows to grace the occasionwith her presence.

He also acknowledged the partnershipof the Islamic society and the library andcommended the team at the Maple RidgeLibrary as pioneers.

“They are the first library to celebrateEid Festival on an annual basis,” Gayasaid. He mentioned that larger commun-ities are taking heed and learning from

what the team at the Maple Ridge Libraryhas achieved, adding that the Eid Festivalwas celebrated for the first time at theNorth Delta Library.

The keynote speaker was Dr. MuftiAasim Rashid who talked about fastingfor the Muslims as commanded by God inthe Quran.

The celebration included food pre-pared by the Muslim community. Thecuisine was from Afghanistan, Pakistan,Iraq, Iran, Sri Lanka, Singapore, Japan,Malaysia, India, Morocco, Yemen, Sudan,Egypt, and Somalia.

The Islamic society is planning to holdits fifth Eid Festival in 2013.


End of Ramadan celebrated

Islamic Society of Ridge Meadows photo

There was food from around the world at the Eidcelebration at the Maple Ridge Library in midSeptember. More photos online at

A10 Tuesday, October 9, 2012 Maple Ridge & Pitt Meadows Times

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For more information or to register for an info session pleasecontact the Coordinator at 604-467-7644 or by

Maple Ridge & Pitt Meadows Times Tuesday, October 9, 2012 A11

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604.466.6555 ext. 203

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BUILDING SERVICE WORKER CERTIFICATEMon.-Thurs., Nov 26-Dec 19, 6:00-10:00 pm$789/15 sessions $40 material fee

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General Interest &Personal Development


Course descriptions available atwww.rmcollege.caHOW TO GET BETTER GRADES IN SCHOOL– With Terry SmallStudy smarter, not harder!Mon: Oct 15 7:00-8:30 pm$45/family 1 session

COMPUTERS FOR ABSOLUTE BEGINNERSAn introduction to the basic applications on yourcomputerSat: Oct 13-Nov 3 10:00 am-noon$109/4 sessions

HOW TO WRITE & PUBLISH YOUR OWN BOOKIN 40 DAYSWith Bob BurnhamTues: Nov 6 6:30-9:30 pm$49/1 session

ZUMBA© - NEW SESSIONS!Tues: Nov 13-Dec 18 7:00-8:00 pm – With

Shannon & SandiThurs: Nov 15-Dec 20 7:00-8:00 pm – With

Kathy White$48/ 6 sessions $10/drop-in

PILATES – With Kathy WhiteWed: Sept 19-Nov 21 6:30-7:30 pm$10/drop-in

THE RAPIER – With The Ring of Steel: Braun McAshSword master for “Highlander” TV series!Sat: Oct 25-Dec 8 1:00-4:00 pm$199/6 sessions

PHOTOSHOP: ELEMENTSBring your laptop and software and learn to use thispowerful tool.Thurs: Nov 1-Dec 6 7:00-9:30 pm$149/6 sessions

HOW TO MARKET & BRAND YOUR BUSINESSFlahmeri Marketing ServicesTues/Thurs: Oct 23-Nov1 7:00-9:30 pm$119/4 sessions

INTRODUCTION TO PROJECT MANAGEMENTPeter ValbonesiTues: Nov 6-Dec 4 7:00–9:00 pm$129/5 sessions


Sat: Nov 17 9:30 am-12:00 pm$49/1 session

IMPROVISATION SKILLS – with Maria GalloSat: Oct 27-Nov 3 10:00 am-12:00 pm$79/2 sessions

ASSERTIVENESSWith William N. DuncanThurs: Nov 1-22 6:30-9:30 pm$149/4 sessions

BE HEALTHIER AND LOSE WEIGHTThurs: Oct 18 7:00-9:00 pm$39/1 session

DOWNSIZING & CLEARING CLUTTER(or How to Organize Your Life)Tues: Oct 23 6:30-9:00 pm$39/1 session

CREATIVE WRITING FOR BEGINNERSMon: Oct 22-Dec 3 6:30-8:30 pm$99/6 sessionsNotice of Disposition

The City of Pitt Meadows hereby gives notice of its intention of disposition of landunder Section 26(3) of the Community Charter. The City of Pitt Meadows hereby givesnotice of its intention to sell to Onni Development Group of Companies fee simple titleto a portion of the land located south of Airport Way, PID: 028-874-125, Lot 1 DistrictLot 254 and 282 Group 1 New West District Plan BCP50931, which portion is shown onthe drawing below, for a sale price of $12,250,000.00. If you have concerns about thedisposition of this property please contact Kim Grout, Director of Development Services,City of Pitt Meadows, telephone 604-465-2420, email

There will be an open house atFire Hall #1 in Maple Ridge onOct. 13 from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.

by Sylver

Fires are real, not just events inthe news or movies. Fire is fast, hot,and spreads rapidly. It creates thick,black, toxic smoke that is evenmore deadly than flames. Whenfire strikes, seconds are important.Everyone needs to know what to do.

Smoke alarms provide the earlywarning of the problem and a homefire escape plan will provide time toescape safely.

This year’s theme for FirePrevention Week – which startedSunday and runs until Oct. 13 – isHave Two Ways Out.

The campaign focuses on how toplan and practise escaping from ahome, should a fire occur.

Both Maple Ridge and PittMeadows firefighters and localteachers have introduced a new toolto help kids and families be bet-ter prepared in case of fire called:cute and fuzzy bunny rabbits. Thetheme builds on a rabbit’s instinct toalways have at least two exits fromits underground home leading tosafety.

Although firefighters hope peoplenever have to use it, planning andpractising a home escape plan mayone day save lives.

“An escape plan helps familiesrespond more quickly and calmlywhen faced with a real fire situation.When a smoke alarm sounds, every-one needs to know what to do andwhere to go. Planning two ways outof each room, ahead of time, greatlyincreases your chances of gettingout without injury,” said fire chiefStephen Gamble, president of the

Canadian Association of Fire Chiefs.Among the Have Two Ways Out

activities will be a week of homefire escape lessons taught to stu-dents by their teachers, followed byhomework assignments encouragingfamilies to prepare and practise anescape plan.

The effort extends through theentire month of October.

Families can print out a free homeescape plan from They can also watchfor it in the Have TwoWays Out homeworkpackage, which wasdesigned to help par-ents, teachers, andkids work hand inhand.

Families whoregister their com-pleted plan onlineare rewarded with aHave Two Ways Outcertificate and thechance to win morethan $10,000 in priz-es, including KiddeEscape Ladders,smoke alarms, andcarbon monoxidealarms.

Teachers can also register theirclassrooms for a chance to winDomino’s Pizza Parties, glow in darkKidde Sparky smoke alarms, andSparky the Fire Dog plush toys thatspeak fire safety messages.

Every evening during FirePrevention Week, firefighters willaccompany a Panago delivery driveron randomly selected orders madefrom 6 to 9 p.m.

If all of the customer’s smokealarms are working and they candemonstrate a family escape plan,their Panago order will be free. Ifnot, after they pay for their Panagoorder, the firefighters will install aworking smoke alarm for them and

provide information about familyescape planning.

All Maple Ridge students in kin-dergarten through Grade 3 willreceive a booklet with activities toteach them about preventing homefires and escape planning with theirfamily.

Once these activities are complet-ed, teachers will give them an entryform to take home for a parent’ssignature and then be submitted toenter them in a draw for a laptop

computer.From the same

entry forms, theMaple Ridge firedepartment willselect one boy andone girl to be FireChief for a Day.Entries can be sub-mitted to the schooloffice or to Fire Hall#1. Contest closesOct. 22.

An open housefor the public takesplace at Fire Hall #1from 11 a.m. to 3p.m. on Saturday,Oct. 13.

In other news, on Saturday, Sept.29, firefighters from Pitt Meadowswere around the community raisingfunds for the Muscular DystrophyAssociation of Canada.

The community answered the callfor assistance and helped “fill theirboots” with more than $5,600.

“Again some of our retired honor-ary members came out to help fund-raise. It shows the strong feelingsthe members have for this cause,”said chief Rob Chatton.

“We all enjoyed a visit from thetwo boys who live here in PittMeadows and are affected with aneuromuscular disorder. We alllooked forward to their visit,” hesaid.

Fire Prevention Week

Children get ‘rabbit ready’

Pitt Meadows Fireand Rescue safety

technician Scott Kyleused the Hazard House

to teach fire safety toa kindergarten classat Edith McDermott


TIMES files

A12 Tuesday, October 9, 2012 Maple Ridge & Pitt Meadows Times Tuesday, October 9, 2012 A13

Apartments and fireThere are somespecial fire-protectiontips for apartmentbuildings. All tenantshave a duty to keepstairways clear andemergency exitsunblocked. Never usean elevator duringa fire, because theelevator shafts canbecome full of hot gases, and the elevatorcontrols can quit or malfunction. Also, thedoors could open onto a hall full of flamesand smoke.Know where the fire alarms are and learnthe locations of fire extinguishers andhoses. Never toss a lit cigarette from abalcony, because it could blow into an openwindow below. And never barbecue on abalcony – it’s too dangerous.If there’s a fire, feel the hall door beforeopening it. If it’s hot,leave it shut. If smokeis entering under the door, plug the gapwith wet towels. And remember, becausesmoke usually rises, it may be easier tobreathe at floor level, at an open window,or out on a balcony. If you do leave theapartment, be sure to close the door behindyou, and leave windows closed too.

Know the fire extinguisherPASSword• PULL the pin.• AIM low.• SQUEEZE the handle.• SWEEP from side

to side, keeping theextinguisher aimedat the base of thefire.

If your clothes catch fire...• Stop where you are. Don’t fan the flames

by running.• Drop to the ground.• Roll over and over in a rug, blanket or

coat to smother the flames. Protect yourface with your hands or a damp cloth.

Be careful; be preparedNo home is immune to fire. Althoughpreventing fires is preferable to fightingthem, you should always be prepared forthe worst. Use a multi-purpose, listed fireextinguisher that is right for your kitchen.Fire extinguishers must only be used onsmall, contained fires.

Break the fire triangleMost fires need heat,oxygen and fuel.Break the triangle atany point and you’llextinguish the fire.(1) Cooling removes

heat.(2) Smothering removes oxygen.(3) Removing combustible material removes


Plan your exitMake an escape plan. Practice firedrills. Every member of your household(babysitters too) should know the exits andhow to use them. Try to think of two waysout of every room of your home. Remember,keys to double-cylinder doorlocks should beeasily reached. Learn your fire-emergencytelephone number and keep it handy tothe phone. Program that number into yourphone, if you can. It is usually best, however,to get out of a burning building immediatelyand phone for help from a safer location.Give your fire department early warning,because a small blaze can become a majorfire in minutes. If seniors are often homealone, advise them to subscribe to anemergency alarm service. Never allow thefire to get between you and the exit!

Maintain smoke alarms andcarbon monoxide detectorsSmoke alarms andcarbon monoxidedetectors savelives, but an alarmor a detector witha dead or missingbattery, or one that iswired to a switchedcircuit, is worse than none at all, becauseit builds a false sense of security. Smokealarms and carbon monoxide detectorsshould be installed outside bedroomsand on each additional level of the home,including the basement. Avoid placingthem near bathrooms, heating appliances,windows and ceiling fans. Keep alarms anddetectors clear of dust, and never paintthem. Remember to test your smoke alarmsand carbon monoxide detectors monthlyby pressing the test button. Never userechargeable batteries, because they canquit without warning. Change the batteriesin your smoke alarms and carbon monoxidedetectors in the spring and fall when youadjust your clocks.

Fuels, solvents and other flammable materials• Fuels and solvents should be stored in approved,

correctly marked containers. Gasoline, in particular,should be stored in a container that will tolerate thepressure of expansion as temperatures change.Gasolineshould never be stored in your home.

• Don’t tempt arsonists by leaving fuels and solvents inplain view.

• Be particularly careful around pilot lights, which canignite paint or solvent fumes.

• Oily rags can ignite spontaneously. If you must keepthem, store them in a small, sealed, metal container.Even lanolin- based hand cleaner can cause cloths toignite.

• Never use gasoline as a solvent. Even the friction of acloth can ignite it.

• Don’t use an open flame instead of a flashlight,especially anywhere that dust or vapour could ignite.

• Never use gasoline as a fire starter.• Use a heat sink or shield when soldering plumbing close

to combustible surfaces.• Be cautious when refueling gasoline cans in the back of

lined half-tonne trucks. Since the can is not grounded,there is a high possibility that static electricity will comeinto contact with the gasoline.

• If you must use a propane tank indoors, use one thatis no larger than 400 grams. Remember that propaneis heavier than air and can accumulate in floor drainsand other lowlying areas. Never use propane or othercompressed fuel without a regulator. Don’t park apropane-powered vehicle in an underground garage.

• Do not put foam and/or rubber articles in clothes dryers.• Treat hair-spray, nail-polish and remover with respect,

because they contain a high proportion of solvent. Theseproducts and smoking don’t mix.

Home, Sweet Home?A










{ }

A The chimney’s too short, so fireplace sparkscould easily reach the second-storey roof orblow through an open window.

B Inspect and clean chimney flues regularly,especially when burning oil, coal or wood.

C This old flue access should be covered withthe same materialas the rest of the chimneyor filled in with concrete.

D A fireplace screen will keep sparks fromsmouldering on the floor and carpet.

E Never exceed recommended bulb wattage.The wattage label is usually on the inside ofthe shade.

F An electrical shock could render youunconscious and unable to escape a fire.Ground-fault interrupters are a good ideain bathrooms (and are compulsory in newconstruction).

G Never smoke in bed.

H An attic full of junk is a definite no-no!Never give fire a place to start.

I Where are the smoke alarms and carbonmonoxide detectors? It is importantthey be installed outside bedrooms.

Carbonmonoxide poisoning is the numberone cause of accidental poisoning in NorthAmerica.

J Lightning arresters can be a worthwhileinvestment for houses on high ground or inexposed locations.

K Only fire-rated doors with automatic closersshould connect garages with living areas.

L A properly wired light fixture and switchis a better solution to a temporary extensioncord arrangement.

M There are safer places to store gasoline!Never store more than you need in a month.Apart from being dangerous, stored gasolinegoes stale and gummy.

N Old newspapers stacked next to a gas canunder a dangling light bulb? This is a goodrecipe for a fire.

O Correct fuses or breakers? Enough circuits?(Check aluminum wiring occasionally, evenif it has been correctly installed.)

P Dry leaves and rubbish should never beallowed to accumulate next to the outer wallof the house, especially if the cladding iswood.

Q Solvents and rubbish stored close to thefurnace? Don’t be an “accidental arsonist.”

R Have your furnace checked and cleanedregularly. A clean, properly adjusted furnaceis safer and saves fuel. Don’t interfere withthe draft hood or damper.

S Don’t dry laundry next to a furnace! Itcreates a fire hazard.

T Watch that extension cords don’t run underthe carpet. A better solution might be morewall outlets.

U Candles are pretty, but they should never beleft unattended.

V A wastebasket next to the stove is definitelynot a good idea.

W Pot handles should be turned inward overthe stove.

X Always clean grease from the range hoodand fan filters.

Y Ensure that curtains on kitchen windowsdon’t blow over the burner!

Z Be careful not to leave the iron plugged in.


19240-122A Avenue, Pitt MeadowsSaturday, Oct. 13, 12:00 pm - 3:00 pm

There’s all kinds of great special displays!This year we are featuring displays from SAR, RCMP, CPRPolice, BCAS and the Pitt Meadows Fire Rescue Service.

* FREE REFRESHMENTS & FACE PAINTING.*KIDS! Come by for a hot dog and enter to win greatprizes. You can even try the mini combat challenge!This year’s Fire Prevention Week theme is “Be RabbitReady, Have 2 Ways Out” focuses on keepingyou, your family and your community safer from fire.Building on the theme on 2011, which stressed theimportance of smoke alarms and educating the publicon installing, maintaining and testing smoke alarms,this year’s theme focuses on how to plan and practiceescaping from a residence, should a fire occur, and theimportance of a working smoke alarm.

We willhave safetyexperts on

site to checkyour baby

seats & childrestraints.

All students in Kindergarten through Grade 7 will receive a booklet with activities to teachthem about preventing home fires and escape planning with their family. Fire fighterswill deliver them to all elementary schools in Pitt Meadows. Once these activities arecomplete parents and student must sign acknowledging they have completed their“Home Fire Safety Checklist” then they can submit the form to the fire department toenter them in a draw for a laptop computer offered by the Office of the Fire Commissioner.As a “thank you” to schools and teachers for teaching safety in their classrooms duringFire Prevention Week, the BC Office of the Fire Commissioner is also offering a $500 cashprize for one lucky school. This cash prize is to be shared by the classroom and the schoolfor the purchase of educational materials and/or activities. The Pitt Meadows Fire RescueService will send your entry to them to be entered into the draw. From the same entryforms, the Pitt Meadows Fire Rescue Service selects one boy and one girl to be Fire Chieffor a Day. Entries can be submitted to the Pitt Meadows Fire Rescue Service at our open

house or Monday to Friday 8:30 am - 4:30 pm before October 26th 2012 . Ifyou win, not only will you be picked up from school and taken for lunch in afire truck, you will receive the special prize listed below.


Prize Package Includes:• 1-Sparky Smoke Alarm• Official Chief Certificate• Picked up at your school in the City of Pitt Meadows fire truck• Spend the day with local firefighters• Lunch at Boston Pizza

Ensure your home hasworking smoke alarms.



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A14 Tuesday, October 9, 2012 Maple Ridge & Pitt Meadows Times


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On Deck

Send your scoresand game reports to

MRSS victoriousMaple Ridge Secondary girls

volleyball team won its secondleague game recently againstCentennial.

Going into the match, downthree key players, the girls had tobattle hard and leave the offencein the hands of Grade 9 MikaylaTinkham.

Stepping up to fill the hole inthe middle was Rae Samualson,Grade 10, who played well andhelped the offence score.• More online:,

click on “Sports”

Waterston winsAfter a long two-year layoff

due to a shoulder injury andsurgery, Maple Ridge resident andCarlson Gracie MMA fighter KurtisWaterston finally found himselfhealthy enough to step back intothe ring again.

The fight was scheduled forthree rounds, however, only onewas needed as Waterston madequick work of his opponent.• More online:,

click on “Sports”

SportsMaple Ridge & Pitt Meadows Times Tuesday, October 9, 2012 A15


Bruins win oneIn the third week of BC Rugby

Union action, all three RidgeMeadows Bruins teams took part.

The Bruins men’s squad tookon Bayside Athletic Associationfrom White Rock in their homeopener. The Bruins’ effort was allaround as the forwards displayedrelentless support and the backsbroke through the line at will. Theeffort resulted in a 52-19 victoryfor the hometown Bruins.• More online:,

click on “Sports”

Students from a pair oflocal high schools put theirresilience to the test at GoldenEars Provincial Park earlyThursday Troy

Maple Ridge and Garibaldisecondary students started theirThursday by running and cyclingmore than 20 kilometres throughGolden Ears Provincial Park.

The autumn chill, anchored bythe shade of the large trees nearAlouette Lake, had both volunteersand participants shivering leadingup to the 9:20 a.m. start of theRam-Tough Duathlon, organizedby Maple Ridge Secondary.

For the second consecutive year,the duathlon had Grade 11 and12 students from Garibaldi takingpart.

MRSS participants were fromGrade 11 exclusively, with theschool’s Grade 12 helping outalong the route.

Students ran four kilometres,hopped on bikes to cycle a 14-km

route, and then ran for anotherfour kilometres to complete therace.

The 22nd annual test of endur-ance has altered both venues anddates through the years.

“We’ve changed it from fall tospring, fall to spring,” said MRSSphys ed teacher Don Herman, oneof the organizers.

Herman has been part of theduathlon since its inception – thefirst 10 years, the race was a tri-athlon involving a swim in theindoor pool at the Greg MooreLeisure Centre.

He said, despite the chilly earlymorning temperatures, conditionswere perfect compared to pastyears.

“We’ve had pouring rain, we’vehad really hot [temperatures] inthe spring…,” Herman said.

The race moved east as theyears passed by. Organizers chosea much more remote location, toavoid the growing traffic in down-town Maple Ridge.

“It just got so busy,” Hermansaid. “They’d come out of thepool, they’d hop on their bikes,they’re racing and we had theRCMP and traffic guards, but I wasjust worried [about the students’

safety].”When it was

a triathlon, itwas a muchmore seriousrace than it istoday, Hermansaid.

“We’ve kindof downsized ita bit,” Hermansaid.

For the MRSSGrade 11s, thisduathlon is amandatory partof their P.E.

curriculum.“They have to do this race to

pass the course,” Herman said.“So kids who are sick or injured,

we’ll have a make-up day.”The key is simply completing the

race.“There’s no time requirement,

it’s just complete the race,”Herman noted.

There are a few competitive stu-dents who want to win.

“I’d say about a dozen or so arereal competitive, and they want tofinish first,” Herman said.

Roughly 120 Grade 11 and 12students from Garibaldi joinedtheir MRSS counterparts for therace. The Garibaldi group hadtrained for a month for the duath-lon.

Top male MRSS finishers:1st Ewert Van Rensburg – 44:332nd Marc Becker – 53:403rd Kolton Burdett – 54:39

4th Cameron Umlah – 56:455th Zach Bliss-Philpott – 58:296th Adam Bannister – 59:14Brandon Spencer – 59:148th Cody Davies – 59:309th Daniel Clarke – 1:02:0010th Derek Johnston – 1:05:00Scott McKenzie – 1:05:0012th Greg Mckenzie – 1:05:4513th Robert Robson – 1:06:00Carson Cordes – 1:06:00Robert McLennan – 1:06:0016th Jordan Severinski – 1:06:4817th Steven Veerman – 1:08:0018th Muhamad Noor – 1:11:00Peng Zhou – 1:11:0020th – Chris Richards – 1:11:15William Pukila – 1:11:1522nd Jerome Haar – 1:11:5023rd Daniel Dabrowski – 1:13:00Adam Pulleybank – 1:13:0025th Jeremy Van Veen – 1:16:0026th Keegan Skankland – 1:17:00Johanas David – 1:17:00Lucas Henninger – 1:17:0029th Brent Strong – 1:18:00Yongyi Shen – 1:18:0031st Emmanuel Barrios-Rienzi – 1:20:00Lukas Carr – 1:20:0033rd Matthew Gattreau – 1:20:40

Top female MRSS finishers:1st Kelsey MacDonald – 52:332nd Brooke Spinelli – 1:01:433rd Gabrielle Bachand – 1:05:00Risa Yorizane – 1:05:00Denise Bohn – 1:05:006th Cristina Baptista – 1:06:007th Chantel Sauve – 1:08:008th Jessica Davidson – 1:11:009th Hinano Murayama – 1:13:0010th Marlo Bellamy– 1:18:00Brittany Sweet – 1:18:00Christine Boatman – 1:18:00Hayley Williams – 1:18:00Taylor Prokopich – 1:18:0011th Anna Strzalkowski – 1:19:0012th Danielle Pesut – 1:20:0013th Yuwen Kong – 1:25:00Ji Wu – 1:25:0014th Jia Yun Liu – 1:28:30Jordan Donnelly – 1:29:00


Ridge teens prove they’re Ram Tough

Students fromMaple Ridge andGaribaldi secondaryschools were offto a running startto the Ram-ToughDuathlon held earlyThursday morningat Golden EarsProvincial Park.The staggeredstarts had the morecompetitive runnersand cyclists startingfirst, followed bythe rest of the field.

Troy Landreville/TIMES

Troy Landreville/TIMES

Future duathlon racer Allyson Hudson-Gibbsvisited Golden Ears Provincial Park to takein the fun.

Among theMaple Ridge


were, left toright, Marc

Becker, LiamPukila, and

Jerome Haar.

Troy Landreville/TIMES

Logan Martin, Kurtis Waterston,and Toby McEachern celebratedWaterston’s return to the ring.

Titans beat PittThe old cliché “take it one

game at a time” may hold truein professional sport, but whenit comes to high school sports,those emotional “grudge” match-es are circled on the schedule assoon as they comes out.

The annual Alouette Cupbetween cross-town rivals SamuelRobertson Technical and PittMeadows Secondary took place atRotary Turf on Wednesday.

The men took the field andafter four hard-fought quarters,the brand new Rotary scoreboardread Titans 48, Maruauders 28.• More online:,

click on “Sports”

October 9• Whonnock Weavers andSpinners Guild meets atWhonnock Lake Centre at7:30 p.m. Info: Marie at 604-462-9059.

October 9• SongStage takes place in

the lobby of The ACT from7 to 9 p.m. featuring singer-songwriter and former MapleRidge resident Donn Tarris.Open mic to follow.

October 10• Maple Ridge Library willbe hosting Finances for

Newcomers at 3:30 p.m.Anyone new to Canada canjoin Jeffry Frison of EdwardJones to learn the financialbasics to get by. Topicsinclude borrowing, debt,budgeting, investment, insur-ance, and planning for retire-ment. Info: 604-467-7417.

October 10• Maple Ridge Library pres-ents a BiblioCommons work-shop at 7 p.m. Learn aboutthe best tips and tricks of thelibrary’s new online cata-logue. Find out how to writereviews, summaries, andhow to connect with otherlibrary users in this fun newsocial-media platform. Info:604-467-7417.

October 10• Maple Ridge-Pitt MeadowsParkinson’s Support Groupmeets from 1 to 3 p.m. atRidge Meadows SeniorsActivity Centre. This meetingis open to all persons withParkinson’s, their caregivers,families, and friends. Info:Peta Purdy at 604-463-1332or

October 11• The Maple Ridge-PittMeadows chapter of HUB:Your Cycling Connectionmeets in the Maple RidgeLibrary’s Greenside Roomfrom 6:45 to 8:45 p.m. Info:email Jackie at or go to

October 11• SFU Philosophers’ Cafemeets at The ACT, 11944Haney Pl. at 7 p.m. Thismonth’s topic: “Philosophyand religion: How are theysimilar and how do theydiffer?” This event is co-sponsored by the MapleRidge-Pitt Meadows ArtsCouncil. Everyone welcome.Registration and experienceare not required.

October 11• The Ex-Service Women’sgroup meets at the RoyalCanadian Legion, Branch 88,12101 224th St. Lunch is atnoon and the business meet-ing and a “bring and buy”takes place at 1 p.m.

October 12• Golden Harvest, pre-sented by the Maple RidgeAgricultural AdvisoryCommittee, will be held atThe ACT from 6 to 8 p.m.Tickets to this fourth annualevent are $25 and are avail-able at The ACT. Info:

October 13• Bantam A3 Rustlers hold abottle drive from 9 a.m. to 1p.m. To book a pickup, call604-715-7527. Pickups canbe arranged up to the day ofcollection and will be accept-ed until 12:30 p.m.

• Full list:

Post events 10 days in advanceby email to:


A16 Tuesday, October 9, 2012 Maple Ridge & Pitt Meadows Times

Carrier of the weekTyson J.

Congratulations on doing a fantastic job. Aswinner of one of our Good Sport Awards you get


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(Comox Valley)Human Resources Coordinator/HRIS Special ist. Effect iveFebruary 1, 2013. School District71 (Comox Valley) is located onthe east coast of VancouverIsland approximately 100 kmsnorth of Nanaimo and is locatedon the traditional territory of theKomoks First Nation. Qualifiedindividuals are invited to apply inconfidence by submitting a coverletter outlining how they meet thehiring criteria, a chronologicalresume with the name, phonenumber/email address of threeprofessional references under thes e c t i o n M a n a g e m e n t &Professionals by 1:00p.m. PSTon Wednesday, October 31st,2012.

WAREHOUSE HANDLERThomson Technology is a designer and manufacturer of electricalpower generation control systems and switchgear. We have animmediate opening for a full Time position of Warehouse Handler atour Langley BC location.Qualifications for this position are:• Will possess high school graduation as a minimum.• Must have 2-3 years warehouse experience.• Must be flexible, highly motivated & organized, willing to practice 5S.• Able to work independently without direct supervision.• Crown Reach / Forklift certification a must.• Capable of lifting 50 pounds frequently.Thomson Technology offers a competitive salary and benefitspackage. Please submit cover letter, resume and related workreferences to 9087A-198th Street, Langley, BC V1M 3B1 or sendyour resume directly to:

jobs@thomsontechnology.comreference # PROD/MAT-12/10 in the subject line.We wish to thank all applicants for their interest –

only selected candidates will be contacted.Recruiters, do not contact this job poster.Please do not contact job poster about other services, products orcommercial interests.

To find out more about our company and industry,please visit our website:


1248 Home Support1248


The Maple Ridge Times is acceptingapplications for the following routes:

4010209 – 11700 blk. 225 St, Brickwood Close4010103 – 220 St, 222 St, Selkirk Ave, 119 Ave4030401 – Hardy St, 215 St, 126 Ave4030506 – 122B Ave, 123 Ave, 204 St4030514 – 121 Ave, Telep Ave, 123 Ave, 201 St4020220 – 216 St, Spring Cres, Exeter Ave,

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1293 Social Services1293


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Maple Ridge & Pitt Meadows Times Tuesday, October 9, 2012 A17

To advertisecall


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Job Listings, From A-ZFrom advertisingexecutive or bankerto x-ray technicianor zookeeper,you'llfind it in theEmployment Section. @place ads online @

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2035 Burial Plots2035

Above Ground plot in amausoleum $29,000. Located inprestigious Forest Lawn MemorialPark in Burnaby. Above ground,plot in a garden mausoleumsetting. Permits burial for family offour. Incls two exterior decorativevases. Priced at market value.604-272-7250 or 604-874-2423

OCEAN VIEW Cemetery PlotBurial plot in Calvary 6 section

of Ocean View Cemetery.Plot will hold 1 casket plus

1 urn or 2 urns. $9800.Call: (604) 557-0506

2 SXS Burial Plots in ValleyView Memorial Gardens, Gardenof Last Supper area. Priceincludes plot, vault, and openingand closing for each site. Asking$7000 each. Call: (778) 574-0717 email:

VALLEY VIEW MemorialGardens Burial Plots

2 SxS burial plots in Valley ViewMemorial Gardens, Garden ofFour Prophets. Each plot can be1 burial and 1 urn or 2 urns.Currently selling at Valley Viewfor $6500 + HST each. Asking$5500 each. Call: 250-769-3895email:

2055 Food Products2055


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2100Tools &


10' drill press $100, 12' Ridgidcop saw w/stand $100, portercable biscuit joiner $125, quickgrip clamps $50, craftsmen router& bits $45, Stanley mobile work-stain $60, wood working stand$25, 8' Dado blade set $75, 6.5'skill ciruclar saw $20. 16ft extladder $40, obo, 604-847-3370



BUESCHER SOPRANO $2500;Super King 20 Alto $2500; ConnBaritone $1500; Alto Bueschersilver origion $750. 604-534-2997

2115 Plants & Trees2115

CEDAR HEDGING $1.00/foot&up. Dug in ready, installation &delivery avail 604-795-1999. Nowis the best time for planting!

2135 Wanted to Buy2135

STAMPS wanted Collectorlooking to buy stamp collections.


Sudoku puzzles are formatted as a 9x9 grid, broken into nine 3x3 boxes. To solve a Sudoku, the numbers1 through 9 must fill each row, column and box. Each number can appear only once in each row, columnand box. You can figure out the order in which the numbers will appear by using the numeric clues alreadyprovided in the boxes. The more numbers you name, the easier it gets to solve the puzzle!


ACROSS1. Free from danger5. Dull in appearance9. Mothers14. Grand __ racing15. Department in France16. Into a state of difficulty17. Two-toed sloth18. Printing liquids19. Genus Bouteloua grasses20. Jagger’s band23. Pulls24. No longer is25. Waldorf and tossed

28. In constant agitation33. Actor Ladd34. Spanish diacritical mark35. No (Scottish)36. Fruit pastries38. A male ferret39. Strike with fear41. Australian flightlessbird42. ET says, “_____ home”44. Minerals45. Personal backgrounds47. Purplish red

49. Major division ofgeological time50. Chapeauxs51. Guitarist in 20 across57. Ivanhoe author Sir Walter59. New Rochelle college60. Scoring area61. Donate income regularly62. Carthage queen63. Beige64. Cow emitted sound65. Endymion, 1st King of66. Japanese rice beverage

1. Cowboy’s boot prod2. River in Florence3. Small liquid container4. Triumphantly happy5. Deeds, actions or events6. Surrounds7. Requests8. Superlative of “good”9. Tycoons10. Start anew11. Extinct ratites12. OM13. Patti Hearst’s captors21. Method of birth control

22. Indebted to25. Dulled by surfeit26. l836 siege of U.S.27. Gull genus28. Imaginary perfect places29. Czech & German River30. 3rd largest Finland lake31. Nostrils32. Long necked birds34. Norse god of thunder37. Lively & energetic40. Prom flowers43. Degree of warmth46. Boil over with anger

47. Chocolate trees48. Israeli airport code50. Official language of India51. Japanese stringedinstrument52. Prevent from being seen53. Churn up54. Cape near Lisbon55. Not light56. Change direction abruptly57. Immediate memory(abbr.)58. AFL-___:labororganization



Oct. 9/12

MILITARY Medals &Collectibles Wanted

Especially collections ofCanadian & British Common-wealth medals, orders, badges,swords, etc. $250,000+ availablefor immediate settlement. Re-search & Appraisal Service.Collecting since 1975. MemberMCC of C, OMRS 604 727-0137

3505 Boarding3505

LIVESTOCK Property Lease2.5 acre fenced with barn.192 & 76 Ave. 778-388-9970

3507 Cats3507

KITTEN for saleb&w tabby born July 31. $80.

Call: (604) 505-2062




3508 Dogs3508

2 BOXER PUPPIES, 5 monthsold, pb with cert, tan with whitemusk, $800 obo. 778-998-0355

BOXER PUPPIES CKC Reg’dPurebred. Fawn w Blk Mask 3males. Ready now. Vet checked$1000. Call: (604) 852-1673

CKC CHOCOLATE lab puppies 4males/4fem. Exc pets. 1st shotsincluded, $1000. 604-454-8643

BERNESE Mtn Dog Puppies,family raised, $1000.

Call 604-940-2218

FEMALE BASSET Hound, CKCreg, 1st & 2nd shots, dewormed,tri color, fam raised, 1/2 parents$650 call Linda 604-820-0629

P/B YORKSHIRE Terrier TeacupPup 1 tiny Male with breeding rightsCKC microchipped healthy smartadorable view parents $2000.


POMERANIAN PEKINGESE. 2pups - 1 male - white, 1 female -black. 2 months. Playful & verycute. $500/each. 604-464-9485

SAVE A LIFE. Wonderful rescuedogs from Foreclosed UponPets. Spay/neutered, regularv a c c i n a t i o n s & r a b i e s ,microchipped. $449 adoption fee,avail at your local Petcetera stores.

4020Health Products

& Services4020

GET 50% OFF - Join HerbalMagic this week and get 50% Off.Lose weight quickly, safely andkeep it off, proven results! CallH e r b a l M a g i c t o d a y !1-800-854-5176.

4060 Metaphysical4060

TRUE ADVICE! TRUE Clarity!TRUE PSYCHICS!1-877-342-3032 or

1-900-528-6256 or mobile # 4486(18+) $3.19/min.

4515 Camping4515

THOUSAND TRAILS PlatinumMembership, all USA + CultusLake; $3000. HOLIDAY TRAILSMembership (Canada only);$2000. obo. 604-882-1246



GREAT FALL SPECIAL3br - 1700ft - Perfect Getaway inthe Valley of Sun! (Phoenix, AZ)Accommodations: House,3 Bedrooms, 2 Baths (Sleeps 6)Located in the wonderful GardenLakes community of 2000 homes,located in a spectacular setting 12miles west of Downtown withgreat access to interstate 10 andhighway 101. Great location closeto all Major Sporting arenas. NHLCoytoes, Nascar, NFL Cardinals,and MLB Diamondbacks. Not tomention close to lots of golfcourses, shopping and numerousother outdoor activities.TheGarden Lake community boastsgreat walking trails, North Lakeand South Lake. This wonderfulfully furnished 3 bedroom 2bathroom home is located on acorner lot with its own privateoutdoor pool and patio!Great rates this fall from $2500per month! - Perfect for thesnowbird!

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VISITING ARIZONA for theWinter? Meridian RV Resort.Good Sam-Trailer Life Top 100RV Resorts in America. Check usout at www.meridianrvresort.comor call 866-770-0080.



#1 IN PARDONSClear Your Criminal Record! StartTODAY for ONLY $49.95/mo.Our Accredited Agency offersFASTEST, GUARANTEEDPardon.For FREE Consultations,


A18 Tuesday, October 9, 2012 Maple Ridge & Pitt Meadows Times

Sudoku puzzles are formatted as a 9x9 grid, broken into nine 3x3 boxes. To solve a Sudoku, the numbers1 through 9 must fill each row, column and box. Each number can appear only once in each row, columnand box. You can figure out the order in which the numbers will appear by using the numeric clues alreadyprovided in the boxes. The more numbers you name, the easier it gets to solve the puzzle!


ACROSS1. Free from danger5. Dull in appearance9. Mothers14. Grand __ racing15. Department in France16. Into a state of difficulty17. Two-toed sloth18. Printing liquids19. Genus Bouteloua grasses20. Jagger’s band23. Pulls24. No longer is25. Waldorf and tossed

28. In constant agitation33. Actor Ladd34. Spanish diacritical mark35. No (Scottish)36. Fruit pastries38. A male ferret39. Strike with fear41. Australian flightlessbird42. ET says, “_____ home”44. Minerals45. Personal backgrounds47. Purplish red

49. Major division ofgeological time50. Chapeauxs51. Guitarist in 20 across57. Ivanhoe author Sir Walter59. New Rochelle college60. Scoring area61. Donate income regularly62. Carthage queen63. Beige64. Cow emitted sound65. Endymion, 1st King of66. Japanese rice beverage

1. Cowboy’s boot prod2. River in Florence3. Small liquid container4. Triumphantly happy5. Deeds, actions or events6. Surrounds7. Requests8. Superlative of “good”9. Tycoons10. Start anew11. Extinct ratites12. OM13. Patti Hearst’s captors21. Method of birth control

22. Indebted to25. Dulled by surfeit26. l836 siege of U.S.27. Gull genus28. Imaginary perfect places29. Czech & German River30. 3rd largest Finland lake31. Nostrils32. Long necked birds34. Norse god of thunder37. Lively & energetic40. Prom flowers43. Degree of warmth46. Boil over with anger

47. Chocolate trees48. Israeli airport code50. Official language of India51. Japanese stringedinstrument52. Prevent from being seen53. Churn up54. Cape near Lisbon55. Not light56. Change direction abruptly57. Immediate memory(abbr.)58. AFL-___:labororganization



Oct. 9/12


From the City to the Valley



TOP FLOOR quiet side of bldg650sf 1br+den condo nr Hosp,& Sky train $259K 778-241-4101see id5580

5010 Business for Sale5010#1 JANITORIAL FRANCHISE

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5017 BusinessServices5017


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5035 FinancialServices5035

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IF YOU own a home or realestate, ALPINE CREDITS canlend you money: It’s That Simple.Your Credit / Age / Income is NOTan issue. 1.800.587.2161.

MONEYPROVIDER.COM. $500Loan and +. No Credit Refused.Fast, Easy, 100% Secure.1-877-776-1660.

5040 Business Opps/Franchises5040

*Annual starting revenue of $12,000-$120,000*Guaranteed cleaning contracts*Professional training provided

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5060 Legal Services5060CRIMINAL RECORD? Don’t let itblock employment, travel,e d u c a t i o n , p r o f e s s i o n a l ,certification, adoption propertyrental opportunities. For peace ofmind & a free consultation call1-800-347-2540.

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7005 Body Work7005

9916 Lougheed Hwy., Bby.604-421-5161

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6002 Agents6002


EMMERY LEUNG604-728-7170

Have qualified BUYER!Realtor speaks English,Cantonese & Mandarin.

Homeland Realty

6005 Real EstateServices6005

CANCEL YOUR TIMESHARE.NO RISK program. STOPMor tgage & Main tenancePayments Today. 100% MoneyB a c k G u a r a n t e e . F r e eConsultation. Call us Now. Wecan Help! 1-888-356-5248


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Avail in North Vancouver★ with DEALERS LICENSE ★

■ all equipment included■ Ready to operate■ Established business

Serious Inquiries onlyCall OWNER604-612-5536

for further information.


Avail in North Vancouver★ with DEALERS LICENSE ★

■ all equipment included■ Ready to operate■ Established business

Serious Inquiries onlyCall OWNER604-612-5536

for further information.White Rock Tea & Giftshop

$60K + InventoryCall Jeff 604-889-9164 for info

6008 Condos/Townhouses6008

6008-02 Abbotsford6008-02

IMMACULATE TOP fl 963sf 2br condo, insuite laundry, +55building, $124,900 604-309-3947see id5565

TOP FLR 762sf 1br condo, in-stelaundry, 45+ building Mt. Bakerview $89,000. 778-822-7387see id5553

6008-04 Burnaby6008-04

HIGHGATE RIDGE 1 levelground fl tnhse, 845sf 2br 2baw/lge backyd $420K 604- 376-7652see id5550

6008 Condos/Townhouses6008

6008-04 Burnaby6008-04

NR EDMONDS sk/train stn. 788sf2br 2ba condo across from Taylorpk $388,900 604-764-8384 id5571

6008-06 Chilliwack6008-061 BDRM Condo in Chwk, 780sf,55+ bldg, reduced to $85,000.604-219-8485 or 604-583-2510

IMMACULATE 984SF 2br condoinsuite laundry, mountain view40+ bldg $95,300 604-703-3839see id5543

LARGE 2200SF 3br 2.5ba reno’d3 lvl tnhse w/unique loft on 3rdfloor, $269,900 604-799-0213see id5578

6008-08 Coquitlam6008-08

$149,000 1 Br corner ground levelsuite with private patio, laminateflrs, crown molding, in desireableAustin Hts. Quiet secure building,nr Blue Mtn park, shopping etc.P r i c e r e d u c e d . M o v i n g .604-619-3444 or 778-233-6046

6008-12 Langley/Aldergrove6008-12

REDUCED TO sell 1536sf 3br2.5ba 1 owner end unit 6 yr oldtownhome $319K 604-833-4246see id5549

NICOMECKL RIVER hiking trailsnr this1279sf 2br 1.5ba tnhousew/pool, $224,900 778-240-3699see id5512

RENO’D 770SF 1 BR 2nd fl withnew appls insuite laundry, petskids ok $189,900 604-530-6247see id5584

WALNUT GROVE 1311sf 3br1.5ba, on quiet side of complexwith private back yard $293,000see id5539

6008-14 Maple Ridge/Pitt Mead.6008-14

IMMACULATE 2446SF 4br 4bat/h. Incredible view, huge masterbr $414,900, 604-466-3175 id5226

6008 Condos/Townhouses6008

6008-18 NewWestminster6008-18

OWNER SELLING Newly Reno1236sf. 2BR & den, 2 baths,7appls, pets ok, NWest concretehi-rise. (#806 The Woodward)Direct secure access to RoyalCity Ctr Mall. $429,900 obo778-238-1056, 604-271-0777

6008-26 Port Moody6008-26

INLET & Mtn views, reno’d 928sf2 br condo, insuite laundry rentalsok $228,500 604-936-7547 id4642

6008-28 Richmond6008-28

STEVESTON VERY large 1284sf 2br 2ba top fl condo amazingmtn views, $455K 604-618-8362see id5376

6008-30 Surrey6008-30

$10K BELOW assessment, 2br+Den or 3br, 2ba 1083sf condo,Nr SFU $339,900 604-866-7326see id5557

CLOVERDALE UPDATED 696sf1br condo, rents for $650 insuitelaundry $103,900 604-341-9257see id5500

GUILDFORD 650SF 1br 3rd flcondo, pool, exercise rm, partyrm etc, $213,900 778-834-8224see id5576

GUILDFORD QUIET 905sf top fl2br condo, recent flooring paintetc $179,500 604-496-3397 id5593

NEWTON 723SF 1br groundlevel w/private entry, insuitelaundry $139,900 604-984-8891see id5546

NEWTON HUGE 2017sf 3 or 4br 2.5ba tnhouse w/double sxsgarage $393,000 778-218-0389see id5320

6008 Condos/Townhouses6008

6008-30 Surrey6008-30

NEWTON UPDATED 1007sf 2brground lvl, private entry, insuitelaundry, $196,900 604-592-2991see id5598

PRICE REDUCED 1200sf 2br2ba upr lvl tnhouse +55 complxw/chairlift $199K 604-951-7738see id5547

SURREY CENTRE ½ block tomall, skytrain, SFU, 668sf 1br+den $227,900 604-572-9095see id5609

6008-34 VancouverEast Side6008-34

104-2600 E 49th Ave. $308,500Price Reduced! 2 BR, 845 sfGreat loc, nr bus/shops Pat Ginn,Sutton Call for further details6 0 4 - 2 2 0 - 9 1 8 8 o r e m a i OPENHOUSE Sat Oct 7th 2pm-4pm

6008-40 W.End/Down/Yaletown6008-40

FORECLOSURE SALEDistress sale. Receive free listw/Pics $2 Mill and up.

6008-42 S. Surrey/White Rock6008-42

EXECUTIVE LIVING gated1864sf 4bedroom 2.5bath, mainfloor master bedroom, 19+ adultcomplex $568,900 604-575-7636see id5552

HUGE 2650SF 4br 3.5ba 2 yr old3 level tnhse, double sxs garagerec room $649,500 604-560-4109see id5555

PARTIAL OCEAN view, 920sf2br+den 2ba quiet condo, kids,pets ok. $310,000 778-294-2275see id5575

PARTIAL OCEAN view, large1270 sf. 2 br + den 2 ba in a +45building $295,000. 778-809-0769see id5574

6015 For Sale byOwner6015

1 BD top floor in Chilliwack granitecounters, 9’ ceilings, stack w/d.elec f/p. Secure undergroundparking. $149,000. 604-795-7367

6015 For Sale byOwner6015

2BDRM+DEN/2BTH CONDO forSale Owner must SELL. Helen604-762-7412 $269,500.See on

PRICE Reduced Abbotsford35014 HIGH DRIVE

2400 sq.ft. 5 bed, 2.5 bath, suite. Private back yard.$380,000 obo. (250) 702-3415

WILLOUGHBY HEIGHTSOpen, spacious 6yr old home,granite, ss appl. vaulted ceiling,3br 3ba, $ 572k.

2BDRM/2BTH, $274,90038 19797-64 Ave, LANGLEY

Superb location updated upperend unit townhome w/vinyl-

plank flr, bths, appls, paint, newroof. 2 sundecks, s/s+intrcm,

garage. 604-533-6652

VIEWS! 3BD/2.5BTH Top WVancover Location, Lifestyle,Kitchen, Cherrywood Floor, LikeNew, Just Gorgeous $1,599,000.Interlink Realty (778) 882-8381

2BDRM/1.5BTH INVESTMENTProperty in Lower Lonsdale.

862sq ft w/ 800sq ft patio.$289,000. Call: (604) 961-4349

REAL DEPARTURE Bay-Nosteep stairs on cliff front. Just 2blks to sandy, usable beach. 8min to ferry, shopping closer.2,600 sq ft, 2 bdrm suite, activeviews, 3 full baths, sep. laundries.Oversize corner lot w/ access toRV pad behind house. $439,000.Drive by 2895 Fairbanks (cnr BayS t . ) N a n a i m o . V i e w b yappointment. 250-585-1111,250-729-7420

2BDRM/2BTH#308-10186-155 Street

Move in ready! Designer colors,custom bar. Near transit, mall,park. $216,000 (604) 808-6847

QUIET FAMILY AREASouth facing 3861 sq ft customhome (6028 sq ft lot) inFleetwood/Tynehead, Surrey... 6bedrooms, den/study, 3 1/2bathrooms, maple kitchen. Largemaster bedroom has a BIG walk-in closet, and beautiful mountainviews. Neutral colours, brightand light throughout. Sweeping,double sided staircase. In-housevacuum system. In-law suitedownstairs has 2 bedrooms,maple kitchen, laundry, separateentry and a large games/mediaroom. Landscaped garden,private back yard, covered patio,hot tub, cedar deck. Primaryschool is a 3 minute walk, SurreySports & Leisure Complex (icerink & pool) is a 2 min drive.16939 - 84 Ave, Surrey.REDUCED to $689,800

Call 778-227-6253

6015 For Sale byOwner6015


CUL-DE-SAC IN CLOVERDALEExcellent location in desirable

neighborhood. Close to schools,transportation and shopping.Bright open plan. $552,000.

Call: (604) 575-4686THOM CREEK Ranch - House forSale By Owner. In Chilliwack’spremier retirement complex. 2090sq ft finished plus 294 unfinishedready to model. In the top row withsuperb, unspoilable views of theCity, mountains and way beyond.Excellent Clubhouse. Friendlyneighbours $399,000 negotiable.No HST. 604-824-1892


Private Greenbelt Lot2000 Sq.Ft. 3Bed 3.5 Bath

To View 604-838-5958

6020 Houses - Sale6020

6020-01 Real Estate6020-01★ WE BUY HOMES ★

Damaged Homes! Pretty Homes!Any Condition! No Fees! No Risk!Quick Cash! Convenient! Private!


❏WE BUY HOMES❏Any Price, Any Location

Any Condition. No Fees! No Risk!604-435-5555 /

6020-02 Abbotsford6020-02

EAST, STUNNING Mt Baker view2850 sf 5br 3ba bungalow, mn flrMaster, $454,900 250-656-0549see id5456

FULLY finished 4,000+ sf home.Desirable Creekside on thePark. 6 brs, 3.5 bath. Granite/ssappl, a/c. $592 K 604.852.6951

6020-06 Chilliwack6020-06

CHILLIWACK LK 1250sf rancherw/guest cabin, .5 ac lot, 2km tolake, pool $360K 604-824-5687see id5561

CULTUS LK gardener’s dream1160 sf 2 br 1.5 ba rancher, a/c50+ complex $68K 604-858-9301see id5400

OWN THE land, 1092sf 2brrancher style mobile home, kidsOK, $179,900 604-824-7803see id5541

Ads continuedon next page

Maple Ridge & Pitt Meadows Times Tuesday, October 9, 2012 A19

To advertisein the


604-630-3300or fax

604-985-2337 Build Results



6020-06 Chilliwack6020-06

PRICE REDUCED, 1280sf 3br1.5ba ½ duplex, large 4480sflot $229,900 604-792-9287see id5511

RETIRED OR 45+ ? GreatRancher in Qu ie t Ga tedCommunity in Chilliwack, 2 BR, 2f/bath, all appls, 1200sf, a/c, gasf/p, dble garage, maintenancefree yard, strata fee $136mo.Reduced open to reasonableoffers. Mint cond! Open Housecall for date/time 1 604 625-3498

6020-08 Coquitlam6020-08

4BDRM/3.5BTH 2639 DelahayeDr.Coquitlam $974,800.Re/MaxAll Points 604-328-8127 - view!

OFFERED AT assessed value1000sf 3br 2ba home on huge10,000sf lot $414K 778-859-0717see id4272

RANCH PARK 3136sf 7br 3.5bafabulous vu, below assessmenton CDS $699K 604-498-2616 id5595


South Delta6020-12

W. LADNER ½ block from theFraser Riv,1600sf 3br characterhome, $545,000 604-617-3748see id5599



ALDERGROVE SXS DUPLEX65K below assessment. $3K/morent income $535K 604-807-6565see id3428

WILLOUGHBY NEW 3034sf 6br5ba w/legal 2br basement suitequiet cr, $599,900 604-649-6030see id5607

6020-18Maple Ridge/Pitt Mead.6020-18

BY OWNER, 21587 128th St, 6BR hse (legal 2 BR ste) 3 baths,detached garage, .88 acre viewlot, $729,000. 604-250-9007See

6020 Houses - Sale6020

6020-24 North Delta6020-24

OPEN HOUSE SAT 2-47610 Barrymore Dr N Delta

$599,000Fab 3000+ sq.ft. Family Home inRoyal York. DAN SKALNIK604-377-7008 Coldwell BankerWestburn.

UPDATED 4541SF 7br 5½baon large 8264sf lot, basementsuite, $819,000 604-805-6614see id5604



2490 CALEDONIA, North VanOPEN Sat 1-4pm, Sun 1-3:30pm

or by appointment.One of the Best Views in Deep

Cove - $1,390,000Beautiful 3 bedroom cedar homewith stunning, pristine 240 degreeviews over Deep Cove and 2marinas. 3 floors on rare,landscaped 10,000 sq ft lot withstream. 350 sq ft deck. $2,100mth luxury suite to help pay themortgage. Steps to the forest trail,Deep Cove and just 20 mins toDowntown. Lovingly renovated

www.deepcovehome.comCall Deanna 778-829-6993

6020-30 Port Moody6020-30

OCEANFRONT 4700SF 5br 3½bath main fl br, 6286sf lot, suitepotenl $1,949,000 604-469-1813see id5606

6020-34 Surrey6020-342 BR + bsmt house, 1/2 acre lot,rented, 13690 Bentley Road.Reduced. $695K 604-324-0655

BOLIVAR HTS beautifully up-dated 1600sf 3br rancher, 7830sf view lot $399K 778-394-0228see id5562

CEDAR HILLS 2140sf 5br 2baw/bsmt suite, huge 7200sf lot,updates, $549K 778-320-7506see id5568

CHIMNEY HTS 3600sf 7br+den6ba w/2 suites quiet cul-de-sac4600sf lot $669K 604-866-3515see id5597

CHIMNEY HTS like new 4100sf8br 6ba w/main floor bedroom,2 suites, $649K 604-441-9652see id5563

CLAYTON IMMACULATE 3523sf 5br 3.5ba w/bsmt suite acrossfrom park $648K 604-575-7636see id5551

6020 Houses - Sale6020

6020-34 Surrey6020-34

CLOVERDALE 3765SF 4br 3.5ba,on quiet CDS, suite potential inbasement, $575K 604-619-0603.See: id5559

CLOVERDALE 3850SF 6br 5ba3lvl 2/suite potential on 1/2ac GDlot, $849,900 778-549-2056 id5564

FLEETWOOD ACROSS fromSchool, reno’d 2600sf 6br 5baw/suites $579K 604-434-3482see id5577

GREEN TIMBERS reno’d 2400sf 4br 3ba, lg 7800sf lot, bsmtsuite $559,000 604-727-9240see id5617

GUILDFORD MAGNIFICENT4952sf 10br 6.5ba back on creek,main floor master br, $789K

604-581-5541 id5506

GUILDFORD NEW 4889sf 9br6½ ba, main fl br, 2 suites river+mtn vu $899,900 604-649-6030see id5610

INVESTMENT PPTY 2800sf6br 4ba w/2 suites, rent $2,650.5ac lot, $485,000 604-809-1177see id5205

NEWTON NEW 2200sf 5br 3.5ba½ duplex with 2br bsment suite$475K incl. HST 604-728-1419see id5591

QUEEN MARY large 3700sf 7br+den 5ba on 7869sf lot, 2br sidesuite $754,900 604-593-1341see id5615

TYNEHEAD 3800SF 5br 4.5baexecutive home 12,077sf lot, withside suite, $875K 604-575-7311see id5350

6020-38VancouverEast Side6020-38

VCR - Killarney clear titleproperty approx 37x103, mins tobus, skytrain, schools, rec ctre, 10min to downtown. 604-619-0964*604-916-5104

6020 Houses - Sale6020

6020-38VancouverEast Side6020-38

OPEN HOUSE Sat/Sun May 12& 13th, 10am - 2pm, 2396 East39th Ave. 50x140 lot, 1,050 sqftbungalow, asking $1.2 mllion.

6020-46S. Surrey/White Rock6020-46

SOUTH SURREY, 4 bdrm tradi-tion home, 2.5 baths, mediaroom, 3000sf, on 1/3 acre, in-grnd pool, 2 gazebo’s, quiet CDS,under $900k. Call 604-313-1406

6020-52Other Areas


HOPE, FISHERS dream 1850sf4br 2ba rancher on lg ½ ac lotmtn vu $287,900 604-869-3119see id5611

6020 Houses - Sale6020

COMMERCIAL/RESIDENTIAL2300sf home w/suite above 3Comm units $985K 604-882-6788see id5533

VANC DNTOWN medical office672sf+188sf common area nearSt Pauls hp $375K 604-572-2785see id5509

6030 Lots & Acreage6030

358 Pine St, Cultus Lake, BCFabulous & Affordable CultusLake Property. Cleared & withapproved building plans ready togo. Priced to Sell! More info

CHILLIWACK BUILD 5000sfHome, 10,742sf serviced flatbldg lot $279K 604-798-5050see id5536

LANGLEY BUILD your dreamhome, secluded 5 ac view ppty,well inst $649,900 604-825-3966see id4513

LANGLEY NR town fully reno’d2474sf home on 5ac ppty, bsmtsuite $1,270,000 604-825-3966see id5582

PRINCETON, BC 15.78 acresPanoramic views, hydro, well,pumphouse, & septic installed.$384,900.

SURREY TYNEHEAD 1ac dev.ppty into 5.5 lots starting Jan2013, $1,399,000 604-951-8777see id5566

6035 Mobile Homes6035


1-800-339-5133New and Used HomesPark spaces availableService work available

NEW SRI 1152 sq ft, 3 BR, dblwide $77,900. Full gyproc singlewide $66,900. Repossessions1974-2007. Call 604-830-1960

ABBOTSFORD 1100SF 2br 2badouble wide, must be moved offsite $20K OBO 604-850-6498see id5315

6035 Mobile Homes60351998 DARTMOUTH

1340 sf, 3 Bedroom, 2 Bath, a/c.In beautiful in Fernridge Park.Motivated seller. Asking $140,000Open to offers. BrookswoodHomes Ltd. Call 604 530-9566


1996-30 ft. Corsair 5th Wheel.#20 in South Valley RV Park,7th Ave. across from ChristiePark on Skaha Lake. Steps tobeach. Great lot , lease$389/mth. R.V. $15,900 Call:778.867.8735

EXCEPTIONAL LAKEVIEWLots from $140,000. Nice trees.No time limit to build. Ownerwants to retire. Will carry financing.Also: 1 spectacular 3 acre parcel$390 ,000 . 1-250-558-7888

LIVE ON Mayne Island2 lots,one Turn Key house

all for $380.000, 250-539-5011


MERRITT HERITAGE style 3070sf 4br 5ba on 9.9ac lot detachedshop, view $949K 250-378-8857see id5592

6050Out Of Town


1.6 ACRE OCEAN VIEWPROPERTY, in Town, Sointula,Malcolm Island, N.Vanc Island.Assessed $132,000, Se l l$129,500. 5 pm 604-628-4592

BIRCH BAY WATERFRONTREDUCED. Quality cust 3 BR, delmstr, 2 f/p, lrg dck/balc, priv beachw/stairs, amazing views/sunsets!$598,988. Windemere Real Estate

RANDY WEG • 360-305-5704

BUY LAND IN BELIZE - EnglishCommonwealth country inCentral America. CaribbeanJungle lots - 3 miles from sea -Starting at $11,000. All typesavailable. For information callPatrick Snyder (778-403-1365.)

CRANBROOK 2060SF 4br 3bareno’d home w/side suite on 2lots $239,900 778-887-4530see id5304

6050Out Of Town


COZY 2 bdrm on 10 acres in LoneButte, barn, 2 car garage, new, nosteps, complete reno, oak beamsin L/R, large deck, drilled well,outbuildings. Close to Horse,Watch and Green Lakes.$250,000. Call 604-462-7292

MEXICO SAN CARLOS BeautifulExecutive retirement home 5 hrsfrom Arizona! 3000sf incls sepguest hse.$229k 1-480-478-2939

OCEAN FRONT Lux Contemp.private home on 2.73 Acres-Quadra Island.

PORT ALBERNI reno’d 2000 sf5br 2 ba with 2 br basement suite2 laundries $210K 604-542-1995see id5537

RIVERFRONT RESORT, South-ern BC. Lots available as low as$61,900. Year round park, indoorpool & spa. Low maintenancefees. Inquiries:

Jan 250-499-7887Caroline 250-499-4233;


Anacortes - Biz Pt.$899,000 USD

4,100 sq.ft. on .5 acres, 5 br within-suite bath, oversized 4 cargarage 38’ long x 16’ High RV

garage. Custom home ICFexterior walls, geothermal heat

system. MLS# 313575Alan Weeks

3688 Birch Way, Anacortes,ZIP 98221-8440(425)691-9515

6052Real EstateInvestment6052

90FT WATERFRONT, SointulaGuest Beach House Malcolm Is.N. Vanc Is. 2 BR, water, sewer,hydro. $229K.

INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITYLarge property near OCP LowerCap Marine Drive Village Centre.9,000 sq ft lot 3 OR 4 Bed/2bath in excellent condition. Re-development area forthcoming.$1,020k Lisa Gordon MacdonaldRealty. Call: (604) 626-1298

6052Real EstateInvestment6052

LANGLEY RENO’D sxs duplex+1/2ac lot, rental income $2,200/month $479,900 604-807-6565see id3186

TRIPLEX- SOINTULA B&BGuest House, Malcolm Island,N.Vancouver Island. New reno,on view half acre. cost $900,000,sell $525,000. 5pm 604-628-4592

6060Real Estate


REAL ESTATE INVESTORlooking for, All Types of Property& Fixer Uppers www.atsbc.comCall: Calum (604) 532-1923 or


CULTUS LAKE beautiful year roundRV site grt location, low fees, allament., $117,500. 1-604-795-9785


Exclusive & Private Lake ShoreCottage, for all info: $329,000★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★

GET AWAY or PermanentLiving close to Manning ParkCommunity, wilderness & rec, 3BR, 1.5ba, 6appls, sleeps 12+,$250K by owner, 604-795-3663

HATZIC LAKE 1 hr drive fromVanc, 2 vacant lots 1 is lakefront$70K is for both 604-240-5400see id5588

HATZIC LAKE Swans Point, 1 hrfrom Vanc incl lot & 5th wheelski, fish, $148,500 604-209-8650see id5491

LOT & Trailer. This little gem islocated 120 miles from Van, pool- C.H, hiking, fishing, history of1860’s gold rush. Caretaker,maint $775/yr, $40,000 obo. Lot33 - 30860 Trans Canada HwyYale BC. Ph 1-604-792-6764

OCEAN FRONT boat access only2 yr old 1600sf 3br 2.5ba 30minfrom W Van $799K 778-998-9141see id5424

6075 Sunshine Coast6075

3BDRM/2BTH #67 - 4500Claridge Road, Powell River

All new carpets, paint andcurtains. Eat-in kitchen, largebedrooms, office, workshop andmore. New fridge/stove, w/d andd/w. Immediate possession.$99,999 Call: (604) 483-3688email:

Like brand-new andready to move into!

A20 Tuesday, October 9, 2012 Maple Ridge & Pitt Meadows Times

To advertisecall


1971 CHEVY Suburban, 3 dr 350automatic, body work all done,needs paint and interior, aircared. $4500 obo. 604-769-4799.

6508 Apt/Condos6508

AMBER ROCHESTOR545 Rochester Ave, Coq

Close to Lougheed Mall,S.F.U. & Transportation.

office:604- 936-3907

AMBER (W)401 Westview St, Coq

Large Units.Near Lougheed Mall.

Transportation & S.F.U.

office: 604- 939-2136cell: 604-727-5178

ARBOUR GREENE552 Dansey Ave, Coq

Extra Large 2 Bedrooms.Close to Lougheed Mall &S.F.U.

office: 604- 939-4903cell: 778- 229-1358

BBY, BRENTWOOD. Spac 1 BR,top flr, $830/mo incls ht & h/w.Adult oriented bldg. Close toBrentwood skytrain, N/s, N/p,Avail Nov 1. Call 604-841-6984

BBY • GOV’T & LOUGHEED.2 BR Garden Apt, fireplace, W/DHookup, Sec prkg & entry. Extraprkg. Onsite Manager. By skytrn.Lease. $950. Nov 1. NS/NP.604-585-8500 or 604-816-1412

BBY NORTH, 2 BR newly reno’dste, 5 new appls, 2 balcony, sec’dprkg. Avai lnow. $1200. NS/NP.Near SFU, transit. 778-240-7023

BBY/COQ, across Lougheed Mallskytrain, hirise, quiet side, 1 BR +lrg den, (could be 2nd BR) 2 fullbaths, all appls, balc, sec prkg,storage, all gym facilities, Pool.NS/NP, Refs, $1250, avail Nov 1.Lease req’d. Taz 778-997-4786

CALYPSO COURT1030 - 5th Ave, New West

Near Transportation &Douglas College.

Well Managed Building.

office: 604- 524-8174cell: 604 354-9112

COQ CTR, 1 BR, top flr, gas f/p,w/d, d/w, new hardwood flr, u/gprkg, quiet, N/S, lease, refs,$900/mo. Showing Saturday &Sunday, 2 - 4pm. 778-998-9690

COTTONWOOD PLAZA555 Cottonwood Ave, Coq

Large units some with2nd bathroom or den.

On bus routes, close toS.F.U. & Lougheed Mall.

office: 604- 936-1225

JUNIPER COURT415 Westview St, Coq

Close to Lougheed Mall, allTransportation Connections,

Schools & S.F.U.

office: 604- 939-8905cell: 604- 916-0261

KING ALBERT COURT1300 King Albert, Coq

Close to Transportation,Schools & S.F.U.

office: 604-937-7343cell: 778-829-3567

M. RIDGE Haney’s Landing, topfloor 2 Bdrm condo, n/s, avail Nov1, $1100/m. Call 604-463-7405

PARK TERRACECall for Specials!

Spacious Bach, 1 BR, 2 BR& 3 BR Apts. Rent incls heat& hot water. Resident Mgr.


POCO, 1 BR Apt, in very quiet 6unit bldg. Coin laundry. $800/moincls heat, light & H/W. N/P.604-941-4877 or 604-240-2562

6508 Apt/Condos6508


22588 Royal Crescent Ave,Maple Ridge

Large units. Close to GoldenEars Bridge. Great view of River

office: 604- 463-0857cell: 604- 375-1768

6510 Co-ops6510115 PLACE CO-OP

Located in Burnabynear Lougheed Town Centre

Accepting applicationsfor waiting list for

2 BR’s - suits couples.Very reasonable unit fees.

Adult oriented high rise. Pool,exercise room & workshop.No pets. Participation mandatory,

$2000 share purchaserequired.

Enquiries toMembership CommitteeCall 604- 421-1222


(Pitt Meadows)2 BR, $1030/mo, $2500 sharepurchase. 3 BR, $1134/mo,$3500 share purchase.By bus & schools. No subsidy.Pets ok. 604 465-1938

6540 Houses - Rent65403 BR East MRidge, nr all schls,w/d, lrg yard, pet ok, $1900 + utils,avail Now, 778-863-5858

3BDRM/2.5BTH 624 GodwinCrt, Coquitlam tile/wood floors,carport, fenced rear yard, utilitiesextra. No Pets $1,495 Monthly.Call: (604) 809-7796

5BDRM/3BTH EAST MR HouseBright clean onste/walk-in mstr 6appls 2 gas f/p, New sun rm/deck/hd flr s/gar closed amens/Sch, Rf’s reqd $1750 MonthlyN/S N/P Anytime 604-760-8277

BBY LAKE, Just reno’d 3+ BRtownhouse, 3 bath, very bright,2000sf, Townhse, all appls.$1795. Immed. By amens, transit& SFU. NS & NP. 778 838-3686

BBY N. VIEW 4 BR + Den, 2 lev,2 kitchens, w/d. $1990. N/P.121 North Warwick 604 299-0403

COQ WEST (Rochester area)5 BR, 2lev, 2 ba, 2 kitch, lrg backyard, huge deck, all appls, $2,350+ utils. Oct 15. 778 865-6696

CENTRAL Coquitlam housewith Outdoor Pool & HotTub on Large, Bright &

Sunny Lot, well maintained3 Bdrm/2bth home, locatedat the top of Thermal Drive.Stunning lot backs ontoprivate green space withbeautiful North Shoremountain view. Pets OK.$2,295 Monthly.Call: (604) 733-4923

6590 Rooms6590BBY ROOMS avail, w/d, n/s, n/p.Prof person. $475 & $500 inclsutil, pkng. Av now. 604-434-5578

6602 Suites/PartialHouses6602

2 BDRM suite for rent. W/D.No Pets $750/mo, share utils.

BBY, CUMBERLAND/13TH. Big1 BR, g/lvl. F/ba. Ns/np. $750 inclhydro/cbl. Immed. 604-527-7793

BBY1BR SUITE , d/w, w/d, nr allamens, $625 incls utils. Availimmed. 604-434-5578

COQ, COMO LAKE. Newer 1 BRbsmt ste. Priv laundry & entry.$700/mo + sh’d utils. Avail Nov 1.Near bus & amens. 604-939-6765

COQ WEST New 2 BR bsmt, n/p,n/s, $800 incls utils & cbl. Immed.604-937-6692 or 604-727-4549

6605 Townhouses -Rent6605

MRIDGE BROOKSIDE Gardens3 BR newly reno’d, 5 appl, fencedyard, Oct 15 & Nov 1. ★PetsWelcome ★ 778-835-0748

PITT MEADOWS 3 BR T/H, quietfamily complex, Rent geared toincome, n/p, 604-465-4851

6625 Workshops6625EAST MRIDGE, 700sf shop with220, high ceiling, $600 + utils,avail Now, 778-863-5858

9102 Auto Finance9102FIRST TIME AUTO BUYERSWANTED. Friendly staff will guideyou through the process.



In House $$$

Call Today 1-888-861-3841DL#8214

9110 Collectibles &Classics9110

1956 Q13 Oldsmobile Sedan, exclcond 324/ Rocket 88 78,000 org miles.A must see $13,000. 604-702-1997

1958 FORD Sunliner convertible,Fairlane 500, rebuilt 352 cu in,auto, lots of newer goodies, liketires, battery, upholstery & roof(not installed yet). Project 3/4+c o m p l e t e d . $ 2 5 , 0 0 0 .778-837-1459

1964 FORD FALCON 289, auto,2 door, hardtop, totally restored,$6,900. Call 604-585-2397

1964 IMPALA Super Sport. Rare.133,000 miles, 283 motor.$17,500. Ph 604-392-3950

1966 CADILLAC Coupe de villea/c, pwr pkg, nr new tires, runswell. $6500 obo. 604-793-5520

1966 FORD Thunderbird. 390,rebuilt trans. Lots done, littleneeded, runs great. M.Ridge.$6600 obo 604-710-5192

1968 Chevrolet Corvette427-390 Hp, 15,000 kms newengine 60km, 4 speed, matchingno’s, New tires, brakes, clutch &shifter. $39,000.

Call: (604) 758-1914

1968 THUNDERBIRD 429 quadrajet, 2 dr cpe, reblt mtr, new brakes&lines & paint, $9,500 604-376-8363

9110 Collectibles &Classics9110

1969 FORD Falcon Futura 302auto, fully restored, immac paint &body, numerous high perform-ance options. $13,500. Photos

Call 604-307-0201

1970 Jaguar E-TYPEIn excellent shape and ready togo for sunny summertimedriving. Too many upgrades tolist. Pictures and invoicesavailable. REDUCED - $64,

1973 MERCEDES BENZ 350 SLSoft/Hard tops 170kms, MayTrade $7900 obo. 604-575-7468

1976 MGB Roadster. Britishracing green colour. 4 speed.New top and carpet. Engine workdone. $6,995. 604-591-8566

1977 OLDS Cutlass, RareCollector plates, 350, T-Roofs, 1owner, newer paint. 93,000mi.$11,900 obo. 604-530-2855

1979 Chevrolet CorvetteCoupe Auto,152,000 kms,asking

$10,000 OBO. 604-492-2220

1979 MERCEDES Convertible350SL, totally rare model w/4sp,good cond, $8400, 604-795-5068

1981 LINCOLN Town car,signature series, stock, collectorplates, $3500 obo 604-792-6367

1985 CHRYSLER 5th Ave, newtires & alt, aircared rwd 318,$1500. no rust. 604-510-2559

1985 MERCEDES 500 SEL, V8 ,4 dr, heat lthr frnt/rear, s/roof, grtcond, recent work, RARE mustsell $3000. 604-910-1139

1986 CHRYSLER New Yorkerw/collector plates, 66,000 orig km,loaded, $2950 obo 604-855-0633

1986 CHRYSLER TC WoodyWagon, Town & Country, allo r i g iona l , l oaded . $2400604-534-2997

9110 Collectibles &Classics9110

1987 ROLLS ROYCE SilverSpirit, Blue, 1 owner, low miles,LIKE NEW, Asking $28,000.Langley. Ralph. 778-988-2055

1987 OLDS Delta 88 V6, 209,000 k’s,a/c, a/cared, collector plate. Mint cond$2500 obo Will Deliver. 604-392-3950

1988 FORD Bronco XLT, 5L, 5spd, 1 owner w/serv records, norust. $8900 obo. 604-530-2855

1989 JAGUAR XJS coupe, V12159 K, pristine cond $7,500 obo.Priv sale, call Bob 604-986-8516

1989 PORSCHE 944 Turbo,white on burgundy, all rcrds, newexhaust, 5 spd, a/c, Ltd slip, greatcond! $15,900 Call 604-943-0945

1991 Pontiac Grand Prix 4 DRFully loaded,kept inside,in familyfrom new $2995.604-899-6119

1997 BUICK RIVIERA 1 owner,loaded, 52,000 km, $7,495 shwrmcond, no accid Cwk604-793-5520

9125 Domestic9125

1976 THUNDERBIRD, 1 owner,no accidents, serious inquiries.only. Call 604-465-7997

1977 DODGE Daytona Charger,2 door, auto, V8, 2 tone blue,1 owner, $10,500. 604 576-0836

1989 CHRYSLER New YorkerLandau special model, like newloaded. $7000. 604-534-2997

1996 CHEVROLET Z28, LT1,6spd, 159 mkm, local car, headrs,strt pipe, 19 in wheels, #’s match,$9,500 obo 604-908-2464

2001 LINCOLN Town Car SIG 1owner, new tires, 165k mi, runsgreat, $3999 obo. 604-536-4293

2003 LINCOLN Town Car,63,000 org miles, garage kept,immac, $8,800. 604-534-0242

2008 CHRYSLER SebringConvertible. Grey interior/greyexterior. Loaded, priced to sell.$10,900. Please call Richard,778-222-0140 or 604-454-4000.

9125 Domestic9125

2004 DODGE Neon, 2.0 SX, a/c,power windows, standard tran,2 0 0 k , e x c c o n d . $ 3 2 0 0604-824-6792 or 604-855-1406

2006 CHEVY MALIBU, veryclean, auto, a/c, 4 cyl, 100k, runsgood, $7,500. 778-855-5206

2006 CHRYSLER SEBRINGTOURING (2.7L), 96,000kms,Fully loaded: auto, air cond., p/w,tilt/cruise, keyless entry, pwr.driver seat, am/fm CD, dualairbags, fog lights, new battery.No accidents / good cond. Asking$7,500 (Surrey) 604-715-7469

2006 Ford Freestyle Ltd Blackleather interior - 7 Pass. 114Kkms. LOADED WITH OPTIONS.$12,500. Call 604-786-6001

2006 FORD Fusion, 73,000 km, 4cyl, grt cond, 2nd owner $8800.604-852-0533 * 778-241-3528

2007 Ford Mustang GTConvertible fully loaded,automatic, 140,000km, local.$17,000. (604) 721-8411.

2008 Chrysler SebringAutomatic 32,400 kms. Granniesummer driven. No accidents.

Reduced price! $13,900.Call: (604) 820-1002

2010 DODGE Calibre SXTHatchback, 4dr, auto, a/c,40,000K, $11,995. 604 313-9502

2010 NISSAN Sentra fully loadedcars #4372 Sale Price $11,988.1 888 861 3841 credit DL#8214

2010 TOYOTA Corolla LE CPackage/ Ful ly Loaded #4364Sale Price $12,988. 1 888861 3841 credit DL#8214

2011 CADILLAC SRX luxuryAWD, 15,800 k’s, like new cond$42,900 obo. 604-793-5520

2011 Dodge Charger SE 1,700kms. Very cool,mint,smells new!$24,600obo. Gord 778-300-25382011 DODGE Charger SXT, fullload cars #4155 Sale $19,780.1 888 861 3841 credit DL#8214

2011 FOCUS S SEDAN 4DRSDN silver $ 11,950 #1109552AWWW.KEYWESTFORD.COM

1-866-549-8503 301 StewardsonWay, New Westminister

2012 FORD Flex Sel leather/Sunroof/loaded #4311. Sale Price$26,988. 1 888 861 3841 creditapproval www.ergmfinance.comDL#8214

9125 Domestic91252012 FORD Focus TitaniumTopof the line #4314 Sale Price$16,998. 1 888 861 3841 creditapproval www.ergmfinance.comDL#8214


In House $$$

Call Today 1-888-861-3841DL#8214

www.BurrellAuto.com3094 Westwood St, Port Coq

604 945-4999.2925 Murray St, Port Moody

604 461-7995.

9129 Luxury Cars9129

1987 JAGUAR XJS Cabriolet, 1owner, lady driven, V12, ps, pb,pw, rebuilt ac, new tires, $8900obo, Don 604-826-7012

1993 Mazda MX-6 LSAutomatic 171,000 kms.Restored. V6, Auto, AirCrd, Ladyowned. Receipts, too much tolist. $4,500. Call: (778) 689-6094

1997 Lincoln Town CarSignature 268K. $5,000

Call: (604) 316-2527 Great Car

2001 CORVETTE Z06 black onblack, absolute mint cond, 55k.Must sell! $32,000. 604-574-7629

2003 Mercedes-Benz CLK430Cabriolet 84,000 kms Black onblack, AMG package, windscreen, wheels, spoiler,Bosestereo! Mercedes serviced fullrecords, garage kept, $18,900Call: (604) 916-7402

2004 Jaguar X-Type Automatic93,500 kms Excellent condition.$10,500 Call: (604) 786-0941email:

2005 ASTON Martin DB9. 'JamesBond style car!' Silver metallic.23,000 km. 6.0, V12, 450 hp. Newtires. 1 owner. You deserve thebest! $86,980. 604-781-7614.

2007 BMW 525I, black, loaded,leather, sunroof, very clean,130K, $24,900. 604-999-4097

2007 BMW 335 coupe62km 1 ownr, mint cond,

leather, auto, sunroof,Sports Package & Prem

Package $28,900. 604-616-7727

2009 Audi Q7 3.6 Automatic80,000 kms, silver ext, black

leather int, sunroof, tow hitch,nav, bluetooth. $40,000.

Call: (604) 913-9221

Ads continuedon next page

Maple Ridge & Pitt Meadows Times Tuesday, October 9, 2012 A21

1991 MERCEDES BENZ 300C.Auto, new tires. 111,000 km. Exccondition. $7,500. 604-786-6495

9130 Motorcycles/Dirt Bikes9130

1998 HONDA Goldwing SE +Champion Daytona 2+2 conv.sidecar, loaded, 36K, new cond,classic, $14,900. 604 945-0376

2004 KAWASAKI Vulcan Nomad1500cc, Vance/Hines pipes, lotsof chrome, heated storage,service records, 30,000 miles,new tires/clutch, lots of extragear, $7500 firm. 604-761-7491

2006 HARLEY Fatboy, 88', fuelinj, 5sp, stage 1, 19K km, loaded,$15,999 obo, 778-896-8850

2007 KAWASAKI Vulcan 900,new saddle bags/batt, w/shield,bike cover. $5,500. 604-209-1039

2007 YAMAHA RI- Dark Red & Black- Double & Single seat cover- 12600 KM- Custom Front & Rear Lights- Twin Black Carbon FibreAkrapovic Exhaust

- Very fast and awesome,Mint Condition (Cloverdale)

$7900 Call 604-788-0060

2008 HARLEY D, Nighttrain, 11K, cost $31K, ask $20K,604-847-9353 (Chill) after 5pm

2008 HARLEY D, Sportster,1200low, 4400km, cost $14K, ask$10K, 604-847-9353 Chill aft 5pm

2010 TRIUMPH American Motor-cycle, 900 cc, never driven,$8700. 604-533-4962 morn/eve

9135 Parts &Accessories9135

GREY CANOPY, 3 sliders, fitsFord p/ups 1988 to 1994 models.Gd cond $375obo. 604-581-6511

9145 Scrap CarRemoval9145


#1 FREE Scrap Vehicle RemovalAsk about $500 Credit!!!

$$ PAID for Some 604.683.2200

#1 FREE Scrap Vehicle RemovalAsk about $500 Credit!!!

$$ PAID for Some 604.683.2200

AAA SCRAP CAR REMOVALMinimum $150 cash paid for fullsized vehicles. 604-518-3673


604-790-39002 HOUR SERVICE

9155 Sport Utilities/4x4’s/Trucks9155

1994 FORD F350 dually XLT, auto,a/c, ext cab exl cond, only157,000k’s, $5895. 604-793-5520

1988 FORD TRUCK, dual fuel,good running cond, air cared, newparts, $1650. 604-531-5345

1993 FORD Explorer Ltd. 6' lift on35' tires, running gear dannastraight front axel, fully rebuiltw/chrome molly inner and outeraxel shafts, new universal &brakes, motor replaced with anewer less km V6 that runs great.All leather interior with powerseats, $4800 obo. 604-220-0910

1995 GMC 1500 Sierra SLE Z71350V8 4x4 auto loaded 220kms$3500 obo. 778-908-5164

1997 FORD F150 4x4, 8ft box,liner & canopy, good condition,$4800. 604-856-4371

9155 Sport Utilities/4x4’s/Trucks9155

1995 SUBURBAN LT, 8 pass,4x4, leather 188k, new tires/brakes/front axels, recentradiator/cat conv/02 sensor, norust. $4800 obo. 604-377-4860

1999 SUZUKI Grand Vitara, fullyloaded, 4 door, all wheel drive,white, $8500. Call 604-518-3166

2000 NISSAN Xterra, fullyloaded, 4x4, Call for details,604-832-1635

2002 Ford Escape Black w/Grey Auto, V6, 2 WD, A/C 6 discCd, 199,500 Kms Clean GoodCond. $6,500. (778) 772-5513

2002 Nissan Pathfinder172,000 kms, Chilkoot Edition,power everything, A/C, $6,500Call: (604) 591-7526

2003 FORD F250 4x4 XL $8500o b o , 1 8 7 , 0 0 0 k m , a u t o ,604-323-3662 or 604-315-9384

2003 Nissan Xterra, 162,000kms, 5 Sp. A/C Power Grp, NewTrans/Clutch, New Exhaust, NewBrakes, 17" Wheels, Tow Pkge.$7,900 Call: (604) 218-5460

2004 GMC Yukon XL, auto,244,000 Kms, 2WD, p/s, p/w,cruise.$8,350. 604-377-5751

2005 Acura MDX 122,700 kmsExcellent Condition, many niceluxury features. 3rd row seatingmakes this a very reliable andsafe family vehicle $16,000email:

2005 HYUNDAI Santa Fe, 108K,Auto,air cond.,FWD, Hankooktires, silver. Clean, well maint.$10,500. Phone 604-792-4517

2005 JEEP LIBERTY wht, trailrated, no acc’d, a/c’d, dealerserv’d, loaded, all options, n/s,excl shape $6500. 604-819-2710

2006 BMW X3 2.5i Auto,117,000 kms, AWD, Premium

Pkg, $17,000 negotiable,Phone 604-760-3390

2006 Chevrolet Equinox LTAutomatic 86,000 kms 6cylinder,leather seats,sunroof,airconditioning 5x cd player 6 waypioneer speakers $12,250.

Call: (778) 859-7204

2006 NISSAN XTRAIL Black, 4dr,alarm, all power, good cond, 167kkms, $13,900. 604-440-2662

9155 Sport Utilities/4x4’s/Trucks9155

2006 Ford F150 XL, 4X4, 5.4L,extended cab, seats 6, long box,canopy, A/C, 107K. $12,950.must sell! (604) 773-4235.

2008 FORD Pickup Lariat,49,000km, loaded + +, $37,500Must Sell! 604-313-2763

2009 MAZDA Tribute, all wheeldrive, moon roof, mint, 45k kms,wrty. $19,300 obo. 604-582-3078

2010 HYUNDAI Veracruz GLFWD, 33 KLM fully loaded, wellmaintained in pristine conditionretiring no need for 2nd vehicle.$23,900 obo. 604-897-7386

2011 MAZDA CX7 Fully loaded/big select #4353 Sale $21,888.1 888 861 384 1credit approvalwww.ergmfinance.comDL#8214

2011 MITSUBISHI Endeavor 4wdbest deals in BC #4188 Sale Price$19,995.1 888 861 3841 creditapproval www.ergmfinance.comDL#8214

2011 MITSUBISHI RV4 4wd auto,air, loaded #4293 Sale $19,995.1 888 861 3841 credit approvalwww.ergmfinance.comDL#8214

2011 NISSAN Xterra 4wd BiggestSelection in BC #2895Sale Price $23,995. 1 888 8613 8 4 1 c r e d i t a p p r o v a DL#8214

2011 TOYOTA RAV4 4wd auto,air, loaded #4403 Sale $21,888.1 888 861 3841 credit DL#8214

2012 FORD Escape 4wd GoodSelection #4279 Sale Price$21,995. 1 888 861 3841 creditapproval www.ergmfinance.comDL#8214

2012 LEXUS RX350, V6, fullloaded, 6/mo, no accidents, navi,rear camera, top model, 6 yr wrty,$52,800, obo, 604-925-3111

2012 NISSAN FRONTIER CREW4wd Fully Loaded Trucks #4405Sale Price $27,888. 1 888 8613 8 4 1 c r e d i t a p p r o v a DL#8214

9160 Sports &Imports9160

1980 TRIUMPH TR7 convertible,$3,000.Phone 604-859-9932

1990 Acura Integra 5 spd, veryreliable,great on gas.Some rustbut looks good in and out. 288kkm. $1,100 obo. (778) 227-4999


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$491 private party photo auto ad,3 lines in 3 community papers.1 online auto ad,5 photos, many lines.It runs till you cancel,for up to one year.


1994 MERCEDES C280, 85K,grey, fully loaded, extras, exccond, $10K obo, Ladner604-940-6460

1994 MERCEDES E320. Silver,blue leather, 269K km. Aircared, 4snow tires. $4,500. 604-521-0691

1994 PONTIAC Trans Am GT redwith grey int., well maint., ladydriven $4800. Serious inquiresonly. Ph 604-997-2583

9160 Sports &Imports9160

1997 ACURA TL, 3.2, 190K, 4dr,sunrf, srs/abs, exc cond, loaded$4900, 604-984-4229

1997 TOYOTA Camry LE. 4 drs,4 cyl, auto, a/c. Well maintained.Aircared. $2900. 604-936-1270

1999 CHRYLSER Cirrus 4 Dr,auto, 91000 kms, sunroof,leather, loaded, aircared. 1 ladyowner. $3300 obo. 604-575-2534

1999 VOLVO, red sedan, leather,sunroof, auto, $4500. Langley.R a l p h . 7 7 8 - 9 8 8 - 2 0 5 5

2000 AUDI S4 2.7T, 6sp, 4wd.Black with black leather interior.Upgraded exhaust, turbos, andmore. 219,000 km $9800778-229-0283

2000 HONDA Prelude, 2 dr,$5,500, auto, runs well, 124,000km, 604-614-1342

2000 MERCEDES E55 AMG,beautiful, exc cond, 113K, price tosell, $12,900, 778-846-2933

2001 Toyota Celica GTAuto 138,000 kms -many extras

$8,950. Call: (604) 690-6235

2002 C240 Benz, 4dr, auto, silver/blk leather, lady driven, 280K,excl cond, $4500. 778 893-8151

2002 HONDA Civic, 4 dr sedan,auto, prestine cond, 151 K, fullyserviced, a must see, asking$5400 obo. 604-852-3506

2002 INFINITY I35 4 dr auto,Luxury model, 1 owner, loaded,exc cond. Moving must sell.$7,800 obo. Sry 604-541-0018

2002-HONDA CIVIC Si G199,000 kms, auto, aircared.NEW tires, brakes, & battery.$5,900. Call: (604) 626-1780

INFINITI G35 2003, exc. cond.power all,, 83,000 km.$13k OBO. Call: 604.721.4414

2003 INFINITI M45,excellentlocal, no acc, loaded, luxury, fast,auto, $12,500, 778-995-3862

2004 MAZDA 3 GS, auto, exccond, 143k, aircared Sep2013,$6700. N.Delta. 604-594-6787

9160 Sports &Imports9160

2003 MAZDA Protege 5, 5 spd,140K km, new water pump, timingbelt & front wheel bearings,sunroof, pwr windows, locks,cruise, aircared, nice cond.$7,000. 778-227-2010

2005 AUDI S4. Quattro (AWD).102,000 km. Blk leather. Incl 2 setof wheels & tires. 6 speed. Powereverything! Exc cond. $19,500.Call/text Rick @ 778-847-2975.

2005 PONTIAC Sunfire 2 drcoupe stnd, 119,000k’s, $4800obo. Ph 604-798-0767 lve mess

2005 VW CABRIOLETautomatic, immaculate, no

accidents, 85500 km.$9,999 obo. 604-341-6543

2006 ACURA 3.2 TL custom fullyloaded, 300 HP 6 spd. 125,000km on body, only 44,000 km onengine $15,500. 604-241-0357

2006 BMW 325i 79,000kmImmaculate condition!! $16000OBO - Moving & need to sell(778) 388-0007

2006 HYUNDAI TIBURON SE.103K km. Leather, mint, sunroof,a/c, CD, alarm. 2.0 L, 4 cyl. Noaccid. $9600. 604-839-6253

2006 VOLKSWAGEN PASSAT.46,000 km. Grey. 4 drs, auto, p/w,p/l, leather heated seats, sunroof,mag wheels. Good condition!$16,000 obo. 604-240-9912

2006 VW JETTA 2.0T 73k,original owner, hid headlights,auto, $14,900. 604-307-9159

2007 BMW 525i88,400km Premium Pkg, loaded$21,900 obo. 604-532-9292

2007 FORD MUSTANG GT, fullyloaded 22,000 kms, $29,500.604-721-4228

2007 KIA Rio 5, 5 dr, blk, 5sp, 1owner, 72K, exc cond, incls wintertires, $7500 obo, 604-603-2548

2007 Volkswagen Rabbit129,000km Single owner. Fullyloaded, sunroof, heated seats,5speed $10,500 604-329-67352007 YARIS 4DR SDN AUTOpw pl green $7,888 #2791785

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2009 Suzuki SX4 Sport, Auto,58,000 km. 4 cyl., Power all,$9920, @ (604) 845-0802 Chwk.

9160 Sports &Imports9160

2009 VOLKSWAGEN BEETLE/BUG 35,500kms, automatic, fullyloaded, sunroof mfgr., warrantycar proof available, $16,500serious buyers please, Call604-836-1014.

2009 Volkswagen GTI Golf.DSG/18" rims/leather/powerS/R. New tires. 65,000 kms.Factory warranty. $21,600.(604) 731-9739

2010 Ford Mustang GTPremium Manual 12,000 kmsLimited Edition Roush Stage 3,4.6 liter, 540HP, 510 ft/lb torque,warranty to 2016, mint condition!$46,000. Call: (604) 540-7036email:

2012 MITSUBISHI Spyder Cov-ertableAuto, air, loaded #4394Sale Price $22,888. 1 888 8613841credit approval DL#8214

2012 NISSAN SENTRA, auto, air,loaded #4387, Sale Price$15,995. 1 888 861 3841 creditapproval #8214


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9173 Vans91731975 GMC Vandura 16,000 kms1975 Camper Van, tires, brakes60%. New gaskets, seals.$1,500. Call: (604) 758-1914

2000 Dodge Caravan 60,000kms HANDICAP Van with Side

Entrance Ramp. $15,000.Call (604) 294-6971

2001 GMC Safari SLT, new MichTires, well maint, leather, loaded,$4900 obo, 604-793-8692

2002 SIENNA 4DR LEgray $ 8,888 #2299506

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Way, New Westminister

2002 WINDSTAR (Ford) 145 kms,good cond., $2975. 604-392-3909after 4pm or all day wkends

2003 CHEVY Venture, 7pass,red, good cond, 128K, incls snowtires, $3500 obo, 604-946-4725

2003 KIA Sedona EX 2tone silver/grey, 3.5ltr,auto, pw/ps, am/fm,cd, 5dr, 7pass, cloth seats, roofrack, 171K, $3900 604-820-0486

2005 PONTIAC Montana Ext’d,SV6, 4dr, 6 pass, new frt tires,new brakes. 137,000 kms,Beautiful. $8350. 604-533-4760

2006 Honda Odyssey EX-L Wellmaintained, Perfect for Families.$13,900 obo. (604) 908-3323

2010 TOWN & Country luxury Vans/loaded vans #4207 Sale $16,888. 1888 861 3841 credit DL#8214

Ads continuedon next page

A22 Tuesday, October 9, 2012 Maple Ridge & Pitt Meadows Times

2011 GEORGETOWN 337 ClassA M/H, V10 Ford, slides, king bed,full loaded, 8500miles! Full 3 yrsextended warranty. $85,000.604-888-1033 or 604-250-2396

9173 Vans91732012 DODGE Avenger SXT auto,air, loaded #4380 Sale $17,488.1 888 861 3841 credit DL#8214

2012 DODGE Grand Caravan Stown Go/ Loaded #4347 Sale $18,888.1 888 861 3841 credit DL#8214

9515 Boats9515

1989 19’ Bayliner Capri Blue, 2.3litre IB Fresh water cooled Exccond. Well maint. Lots of extras,c/w trailer . $4,695. 604-837-7564

19FT SEARAY, 165 merc in-board, w/trailer, runs awesome,$5500 obo. 604-817-9004

24’ RENNELL with trailer runsgreat, must see reasonable price$8500 obo. Ph 604-794-3920

24’ SEA RAY 240 turn key & go,eng i/o, GM V8, surveyed, goodshape. $6500. 604-552-3961

Aluminum Boat Wanted, 10, 12or 14 ft, with or without motor ortrailer. Will pay $. 604-319-5720

BOAT FOR SALE 17’ bowrider/144hp io/ready to go $5,000Call: 604-703-0133email:

1989 Prowler/Cooper 19’, 4.3Merc. inboard, dry-storage kept,loaded, like new, $18,000 oboCall: (604) 921-9433

SAILBOAT/CS 27 Deep CoveNV. $12,000 Call: (604) 929-5278email:

9522 RV’s/Trailers9522

02 PLEASURE Way B class Ford350, 5.4 V8 51,973k’s, N/S. Keptunder cover $44,500. 604-858-8046

’06 25’ Nash trailer, exl cond, micro,a/c, lge fridge, dble bed, nice layout,loaded. $13,900. 604-792-6943

1977 DODGE camper van. Goodcond. Stove/fridge/furn. 200,000km. $3,250 obo. 604-599-3835

1983 GOLDEN Falcon travel trail-er, 19.5’, works great $2700 obo.Cultus Lake. Terry 1-604-800-3230.

1988 CLASS A Triple EREGENCY motorhome, lenght 32ft, gmc 450, stored 4 yrs, updatednew michelins, bathroom fixtures,freezer, fridge, laminate flrs,carpet throughout, sell due tomedical cond. $15,000 must beseen. 1980 AQUA STAR ski boat115 hp evinrude, in exc cond, fullyequiped depth sound, sonar, shipto shore radios, water skis, wetline tubes for towing, new top towbar, remote docking all onshoreline trailor, sell due toh e a l t h , $ 1 5 , 0 0 0 . C a l l604-793-0124

TOYOTA HIACE CAMPERVAN90 2.8l deisel,auto, camp incomfort $15,400. 604-275-3443

9522 RV’s/Trailers9522

1989 32’ Argosy/Airstream, 2 dr,rear bed, sleeps 6, well-built, gdcond. $8500 obo. 604-317-7886

1992 CLASS-A 34ft WinnebagoElante M/H, 454 Chev motor.Only 42,000miles! Low profile, topof line! $16,900. 604-536-2899

1994 - 11 ft Timberline Camper.Electric jacks & more. Excellentcond. $7,950. Call 604-576-6598

1995 FLEETWOOD Coronado,very low miles, new tires, sleeps6, excellent cond. $13,950 obo,Call 778-822-2475

1996 29’ Seabreeze, 454 Vortec, O/Dtrans, 15mpg, 76,472 miles, loaded,incl. solar, $14,000. 604-791-3758

1996 31’ Motorhome retiring fromRV’ing, exc cond, mechanicallysound, all papers, loaded, Reasoffers accepted. 604-746-5898.Abby

1997 30FT AIRSTREAM Mo-torhome 454 auto, 5000 wattgenerator, no slides, exc cond,81,000 miles, $17,500 obo.604-531-6875

1998 NOMAD 5th Wheel 25 ft.1 slide; Standup/walk aroundBdrm $12,000 604-796-2866

1998 SLUMBER queen 7.6’ Im-port camper 520 kg, new propane2011, folding alum steps & handrail, 3 brn stove, porta potti, forcedair furn, hyd jacks - hold downs,pressure 50 ltr water/ 3 wayfridge/freezer. Will fit short boxp/u or import. Excl cond $4500obo. Ph 604-858-5624 Chwk

1998 SLUMBER Queen, AutumSpecial, immaculant cond, lightweight, 8ft camper, toilet, sink,stove, sleeps 4, 3way fridge,$5800 obo, Tom 604-807-0209

1999 Jayco Eagle 5th Wheel28ft Must see, in great shape.$8,400 Call: (604) 240-2793 oremail:

PREVOST RV Prevost RV.8V92DD w/ 5 spd auto trans. Lowmiles. $95,000. 604-313-66942000 FLEETWOOD SouthwindClass A motorhome. Loaded! 33feet. Slide out wall. 1 owner. Likenew!! $32,000. 1-604-855-1335

2003 NEWMAR Dutch Star, 3slides, 39’, 65,000mi, full paintfreight liner Chassis, 330 Catengine. Computer desk, soliddesk oak cabinets. $73,500. Ph604-846-5046 Chwk

2004 PLEASUREWAY PlateauM/H, Mercedes Benz diesel, Mi.61,588K, Immac cond & loaded.$54,900. Ph 1-604-220-5005

9522 RV’s/Trailers9522

2004 TITANIUM model 32E37DS, 2 slides, mint cond,1 owner, $27,900. 604 535-8688

2005 FOUR WINDS Class C 30’sleeps 7, like new cond, 132,000km, $24,888

2005 SIERRA 30ft 5th wheel.Slide. N/S. OBO $18,000.

Call: (604) 888-7717

2006 ALFA Luxury Mtr Home 330CAT Diesel Pusher, 6 new tires,3 5 , 5 0 0 m i . E q u i p e d w i t heverything, too much to list! Exccond. $117,000. 604-767-3894

2006 GEORGETOWN XL, 35’ 9',3 slides, V10, 20k miles, tow caravail, $62,000 604-948-5048

2007 CHEROKEE 18ft trailer,FULLY LOADED. Incls warranty.Sleeps 7, awning, f/bath, A/C, fullsize fridge & stove. Very light &easy to pull. Incls hitch & stablizerbars! $11,000. ★ 604-939-5002

2007 PROWLER 5th wheel, 32 ft,grt family rv, fibreglass, slideout,bunkbeds, air/cond, sleeps 8$19,900. 604-824-1426

2008 31 ft Colorado RL 5thWheel Private sale. 3 slides. 4awnings. Rear living room. Mor/ryde hitch and suspension. Likenew condition! Check this video $27,000. 604-751-15732008 ALPENLITE 31ck Ltd Edi-tion, 3 slides, ex cond, retail $80K,ask: $49,500, obo 604-814-5071

2008 ITASA SUNOVA 29RMOTORHOME 41,000 kmsV10 Ford engine, automatic HDShaw Direct satilite dish, 2 slideouts, Jensen entertainment 12volt HDTV, viper alarm system,2-80 watt solar panels, 2400 wattinverter, 2 awning curtains forback and side, front and sidewindow shields, ducted airconditioning with heat pump,excellent condition ready to go.$69,900 Call: (604) 755-0423 oremail:

2008 NASH 25’ 5th whl, q bed,rear kitchen, 1 slide $19,000. Ph604-792-2201 Chilliwack

2008 WILDCAT 24ft 5th Wheel,slide, all auto, TOP LINE. MUSTSEE! $21,000. 604-534-4807

9522 RV’s/Trailers9522

2009 24RKS Jayflt lk new, 3seasn, slps 6, 1 slide, slr pnl, allapps, $17250, 604-644-8663Chwk

2009 26’ Grey Wolf super lightbrand new trailer, 1 pull out, 3 pcebath, full kit, 15’ awning, used 4x.$16,000 obo. 604-532-0726

2009 BIGFOOT 30MH28TE Topof line, immaculate, loaded, lowkms, $88,650. 604-230-7546

2009 OPEN Range 28ft 5th wheel3 slides, k/island, winter pkg,hitch. $33,000. 604-591-3868

2011 34 FT Allergo Class A,loaded, v10, auto jack, 3 slides,18k, $95,000. 604-856-6198

9522 RV’s/Trailers9522

2010 JAMBOREE Sport Class C25ft M/H, V10, 73k kms, E450,slide, slps 6, gen, awning, loaded.$49,500 obo. 778-388-7510

2011 ARTICFOX 8ft 11', winterpackage, 1 ton short box,includes slide outs, generator, ac,remote jack, sterio, fully loaded,$27,000, obo, 604-793-3399


2011 SPRINGDALE 243RD.Clearance $15,791 w/mfg rebate.604-835-4036.

9522 RV’s/Trailers9522

2011 SPRINGDALE 291RK,Clearance $19,458 w/mfg rebate.604-835-4036.

2012 JAYCO Sport 8. Fridge,stove, awning, stab jacks. $7588.604-835-4036.

2012 PALOMINO Crank up roofTruck Camper, Private Sale.3way fridge, stove, 16kbtufurnace. $10,200. 604-534-0242

40’ MOUNTAIN Aire, Dsl pusherLike new. incl tow jeep. $79,000.Ph 604 795-9967

2008 Seville 38’ 5th. Top of theline-fully loaded. Winter pkg, 4slides. $38,000. 604-870-4799

9522 RV’s/Trailers9522

KEYSTONE 2 slide light lowkm, 2 qn beds, sleeps 8, extkitch,$13,900 Call:604-988-1408

2003 30’ Citation Supreme 5thWhl, 2 slides, exc cond, rearliving, loaded, many extras, newtires & batteries. Hitch incl.$32,000. 604-794-7529 (Chwk)

SNOWBIRD SPECIAL 1999COMFORT trailer 24’ inside lgefridge, big oven micro, new queenmatt., priv. bdrm, 2 syklites, air,shocks on all wheels. Must see.$8900 obo. 604-824-0850 - Chwk


Rear bath, queen bed,new tires. New cond.

$11,950.Call: (604) 325-7871 or


REC Trailer 0 kms restored likenew. Sleeps 6. 18’ awning incl.$4,000 obo Call: (604) 255-7150

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