manual to build a cultural territorial system plan

Post on 01-Nov-2014






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  • 1. Manual to build a Cultural Territorial System Plan Manuale per il processo di formazione di un Piano Territoriale Culturale Integrato (CITP)

2. Manual to build a Cultural Territorial System Plan Paolo Colarossi Sapienza Universit di Roma Sibiu 14.06.13 3. CONVENZIONE EUROPEA DEL PAESAGGIO 2000 EUROPEAN LANDSCAPE CONVENTION 2000 Art. 1. Definizioni. "Paesaggio designa una determinata parte di territorio, cos come percepita dalle popolazioni, il cui carattere deriva dall'azione di fattori naturali e/o umani e dalle loro interrelazioni; "Landscape" is defined as a zone or area as perceived by local people or visitors, whose visual features and character are the result of the action of natural and/or cultural (that is, human) factors. This definition reflects the idea that landscapes evolve through time, as a result of being acted upon by natural forces and human beings. It also underlines that a landscape forms a whole, whose natural and cultural components are taken together, not separately. 4. Articolo 2 - Campo di applicazione Fatte salve le disposizioni dell'articolo 15, la presente Convenzione si applica a tutto il territorio delle Parti e riguarda gli spazi naturali, rurali, urbani e periurbani. Essa comprende i paesaggi terrestri, le acque interne e marine. Concerne sia i paesaggi che possono essere considerati eccezionali, sia i paesaggi della vita quotidiana sia i paesaggi degradati. Article 2 Scope Subject to the provisions contained in Article 15, this Convention applies to the entire territory of the Parties and covers natural, rural, urban and peri-urban areas. It includes land, inland water and marine areas. It concerns landscapes that might be considered outstanding as well as everyday or degraded landscapes. 5. A Cultural Territorial System Plan (CTSP) design landscape. A CTSP is a multiscale process of planning and design. It could be elaborated as a stand alone project or with other projects, An Cultural Territorial System Plan to be effective must possess seven qualities of performance: 1. It has as its object both the physical landscape and the social landscape (socio-economic) of a given territory, both tangible and intangible assets and their relationships between 2. It is a structural plan organized by projects. It identifies in a sort o fhierarchy: components of real systems, integrated components, the primary projects of intervention, intervention priorities 3. It could be incrementally built processing parts that may each have meaning and functional self-efficacy, while being inserted into a unitary overall methodological framework 6. 4. It could be is implemented in time by time: you do not need immediately a " perfect and completePlan" the various parts can be articulated, and in-depth complessificate for subsequent additions and amendments, 5. It is flexible, that is, not just a plan "hard" and "normative", but above all a "multiscale scenario", thats to say a program of spatial addresses for the area and identification of possible projects at the local scale (historic centers or systems of scattered goods), with guidelines for developing the projects components in a coordinated manner and in accordance with prevailing objectives of conservation and development of resources; however, if useful or necessary, some specific areas or projects or parts of projects may be subject to normative planning or design rules. A CITP is also flexible in time, as also conceived as a process, has to be verified through monitoring on the state of implementation of the projects and on the effects produced by the interventions, with any necessary corrections during construction; 6. It is a strategic planning process (shared, participatory, concerted, communicative). A CITP is a process that is trained in both the top (institutions), and from below (associations, scholars, universities) 7. It must be managed ("accompanied" by public authorities, operators and associations). Its not enough to draw a beautiful plan. 7. A CTSP can be constructed by following a process that involves the development of seven points in sequence and with successive iterations (drafting process for future implementations: the seven "layers): 1. Starting the process (initial knowledge base) 2. Charter of the landscape; 3. Scenario of the future physical and social set; 4. Addresses, guidelines and rules for the preservation, enhancement and transformation projects; 5. Operational Programmes and Plans (action plans); 6. Projects; 7. The management of the CTSP. 8. 1. Starting the process (initial knowledge base) Processed essential to be prepared for this first phase are: Mapping and profiling of the tangible assets Mapping and recording of intangible assets As it has already been said about the quality of implementation that must have a CITP, mapping and profiling can be performed initially and also given in an incomplete or reduced form. This phase of gathering knowledge base can be finalized and organized for the formation of an "Atlas of cultural and natural heritage" to conceive as a gathering place, open and implementable, news and information on the shareholders of properties of a given territory. In this phase can be important the contribution from the bottom of associations and scholars in the formation of a base of a first draft of Atlas. Operation that can fully be considered as a first step to start the process of forming a CITP.Elaborati indispensabili da approntare per questa prima fase sono: 9. The natural morphology 10. The botanic values 11. Charter of the forest heritage 12. The historical and archaeological values 13. The historical and archaeological values. Design specifications 14. The historical and archaeological values. Design specifications 15. 2. Landscape Chart In this second phase (or layer) of the processing of the CITP, of course, also on the basis of basic knowledge gathered in the first, are found the Landscape Zones" and defines the scale of the heritage values of the area (the "hierarchy of values heritage "). The set of such content defines the "Charter of the Landscape" physical and socio-economic (tangible and intangible) of a given territory. The Charter of the landscape should be the "structure", the axis of a CITP, the reference base (although, as mentioned, integrated and modified over time) for the process of elaboration of the successive phases of the same CITP. 16. 2.1. Landscape zones The scope of term landscape can be defined as the optimal size and minimum recognizable with given characteristics of perception, physical and socio-economic unity and / or homogeneity. The scope of the landscape is found in relation to the opportunity or need to identify policies and addresses structure and adapted to the specific characteristics of the given scope. In general there may be difference between the area affected by the CTSP and Scope of landscape. In fact, the area of the Plan (generally identified with Administrative criterion) can also be identified as an Area of landscape unit, but in general provide a system composed of several landscape zones. 17. Landscape zones chart 18. Criteria for the identification of landscape zones Possible criteria for the identification of a landscape zone, and that should be taken into account at the same time, are: Criterion of "visual basin" (perceptual criterion) Criterion of "morphological boundaries" (rivers, roads, railways, built margins, etc.). Criterion of physical, historical, cultural and social homogeneity Criterion of local perceptions Criterion of existing and possible uses Criterion of environmental relationships and interdependencies Administrative policy 19. Criterion of visual basin The perceptual criterion is themost immediate and comprehensible criterion for the identification of a landscape zone (the landscape is also what we see and how we see it :). To deal with the perceptual criterion is necessary to consider three types of perception of the landscape, resulting in three types of landscape: Distant landscape (the bottom, the scene) Middle landscape (the landscape of everyday spaces meaningful experiences, or memories of experiences) Near Landscape (the living spaces, the "rooms" of the landscape) You can find yourself in situations of contemporary perception of the three types of landscapes. But in the context of perceptual criterion must be considered not only visual perceptions, but also the perceptions that the inhabitants of its territory could have. 20. Perception of the landscape 21. Perception of the landscape 22. Perception of the landscape 23. Perception of the landscape 24. Perception of the landscape 25. Perception of the landscape 26. Perception of the landscape 27. Perception of the landscape 28. Perception of the landscape 29. Perception of the landscape 30. Perception of the landscape 31. Perception of the landscape 32. Landscape zones The inhabited campaign 33. Landscape zones The inhabited campaign 34. The inhabited campaign (building grainy) 35. The inhabited campaign (building grainy) 36. Landscape zones - perception criteria and use 37. The hierarchy of heritage values Landscape values survey in a specific field: the criteria to define the scale of the values of present cultural and natural heritage : consistency, numerically, significance, rarity, usability perception of the inhabitants For the definition of hierarchies can be used multiple criteria. 38. Definition of factors to investigate the landscape values of a field: environmental (mountain system, hydrological, geological, botanical, agricultural, wildlife, fish, ...), aesthetic (values of image, perception and identification of the values of beauty and related areas - scale scope - territory - and its places - a local scale - both on the part of expert knowledge than local knowledge) functional and social (traditions, know-how, local identity, actual or potential use, generally immaterial aspects of culture that need to be considered full-fledged part of the qualities of a landscape). 39. 3. Scenario of 'physical structure and social "Charter of the current cultural structure of the territory": Framework of opportunities, critics (description of strengths and weaknesses) and objectives for the heritage conservation and enhancement. "Scenario of the future physical and social set " As the proposed structure which includes both physical and social arrangements, the scenario consists of communication design and a text of "guidelines" that have no normative value, but only indicative .. A sort of "guide" to the future scenario. To be effective, the scenario must be formalized as a program to be adopted by the local administrative level (associations of municipalities and / or Province and / Region) which includes the part of the territory affected by the scenario itself (ie the area of the ICTP). 40. The scenario is not a plan or a project, but the representation of a vision (shared) of the future where the territory should tend, such as physical structure (the drawing itself) and the social and economic structure (patterns of relationships and configurations of social and economic) could become. The contents of the Scenario are basically of two types: rules for the conservation of relevant quality in the area (identification of areas not convertible, convertible and levels of transformation) and a list of projects for the implementation of Scenario (Scenario for projects ). Scenario, in short, contains the objectives, actions and things to do ie the list of actions related to tangible and intangible assets and tangible and intangible assets. Actions, projects and addresses are identified (by location and type), and defined in objectives and content of the maximum contribution of the inhabitants, associations and local authorities. The identification of the scenario and related projects can be reached by processing multiple (two or three) alternative scenarios to be put under discussion between experts and local people, to get to the identification of a scenario to be adopted, even as a composition of parts of the scenarios discussed. 41. Phisical Asset scenario 42. 4. Guide Lines, transformation rules Implementation and integration with the guidelines previously as part of the scenario. Processing, and claims processing, regulations, manuals, project type, procedures and tools to control the quality of interventions, etc.., Such as: Regulations for planting trees Manuals for building restoration Intervention Manual of bioengineering In the implementation phase, this phase can be processed even later stages 5 and 6. 43. 5. Plans-Operational Programmes (action plans) This phase is the strategic part of the ICTP. Based on the scenario, action plans are identified through participatory processes-consultation (every three years, every five years, or with continuity over time), interventions identified in the setting of physical and social structure, which are considered a priority and that should be promoted, or those that mature in terms of political and administrative will, of available operators, used resources and for which projects can be processed. In any case, the criteria for inclusion of a project in the operational program are those of the congruence with the scenario and the degree of feasibility. Action Plans may affect operations of historic centers and/or systems of scattered goods planning-designing. 44. Action Plan to rebuild a landscape system or historic centre. Defining the scope. Urban, territorial, social and economic diagnosis, which answers to the problems identified in the analysis phase. Objectives and strategies Determination of actions, projects to be undertaken in a comprehensive. Management Model to perform. Public-Private relationships. Participation of actors, agents, companies, associations. Citizen participation. Financing systems. Administrations Commitment acting. Alliances and agreements 45. Analysis for Action Plans in the areas of the old town. Uses of the building. Buildability level and building heights. Protection level for the equity. Making a catalog of protected buildings. Public facilities. Public Spaces. 46. 6. The projects The actions and related projects may be targeted to only a part of a larger idea identified by the physical structure and social scenario, or even a single element of the assets as part of a project. This is also why there needs to be coordination dependence of relationships between project preparation and its contents and scenario planning, with particular attention to the conditions and characteristics of the system in which it is inserted every single item of tangible or intangible heritage. The preparation of the projects is based on the rules of conservation and transformation of points 3 and 4; The control of the quality of the projects is based on the same guidelines and rules and in accordance with procedures defined within the guidelines of the Scenario. 47. Project types in historic centre External treatment of materials, construction systems (roofs, walls, woodwork, color chart, etc..) Furniture Accessibility and mobility. Systems connected to public transport. Pedestrian areas. Activities permitted to regenerate the city, sightseeing, shopping ... Signaling systems, creating tours of historic interest. Urban regeneration strategies. Connecting to pray parts of the city and / or territory. Specific actions in degraded areas citywide. 48. Project in a territorial system 49. Designing walks 50. Landscape streets the street as a public room 51. Landscape streets the street as a public room 52. Landscape streets the street as a public room 53. 7. The accompaniment of the CTSP Key factor for success (the effectiveness and usefulness) of an ICTP is its management. The government management skills ("accompanying" the CITP) the levels of involvement or expertise, but also by the point of view of operators and associations concerned. "Handbook to manage ICTP" is one of the entries in an ICTP also be implemented over time, in parallel, and therefore the implementation of the previous six operating points. 54. Handbook to manage ICTP. Technical requirements

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