managing content online

Post on 03-Dec-2014






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Managing content online by: Eyad Sejari


Managing Content onlineContribute Guide

By : Eyad Sejari

IT Manager @ Febc International

Before you start, we must understand some termsSEO is short for search engine optimization or search engine optimizer.

Search engine optimization is a methodology of strategies, techniques and tactics used to increase the amount of visitors to a website by obtaining a high-ranking placement in the search results page of a search engine (SERP) -- including Google, Bing, Yahoo and other search engines.

SEO helps to ensure that a site is accessible to a search engine and improves the chances that the site will be found by the search engine.

• 1. Content is King

• The quality of the posts you write is the single most important factor when it comes to Search Optimization on a Blog

• 2. Anticipate What People Will be Searching For

• Every time you write a post you should be automatically be considering what words people might be putting into search engines to find that type of information

• 3. Titles Titles Titles

• There are a number of things to keep in mind when it comes to titles. Google pays particular attention to titles – so make sure you get them right:

Some Tactic while you write a post to increase SEO • Choose One Keyword or Phrase, and then Write or Tweak Your


• While you want a keyphrase with little competition, you’ll also want it to have some search traffic (greater than zero). Then, either write a post that targets that keyphrase or go back through some of your older articles and tweak them for a specific phrase.

• I’m not saying that you should let that keyphrases dictate what you write about. Instead, find a phrase that relates to your topic, and craft a helpful article around it. Remember, quality content matters. The higher the quality, the better chance it will garner links and then rank in search engines.

• For example, if you run a blog about Kangaroos, and one of your researched keyphrases is “what do kangaroos eat”, then you might want to write a blog post about that.

• Use Your Keyphrase In Your Post Title and Title Tags

• Yep, simple as that. Use the keyphrase in the title of your post and in your title tags.

• Repeat the Keyphrase in Your Article.

• You want to build a loyal following, so don’t go crazy with this. Instead, what I mean is, if you want to rank for your keyphrase, you must use it. Avoid creating nicknames or trying to be clever. In the end, clear and concise wins. As a rule of thumb, try to include your keyphrase early on in your article or in a H2 tag. While this may have little impact on your rankings, it will help show your readers that they’re reading the right piece of content.

• Use the Keyphrase in your Meta Description tags

• Using keywords in your meta description tags does not help you rank higher. However, when you include them, when people search on Google for a specific keyword, Google bolds the keyphrase in the search results. So, while it may not help you rank higher, it will encourage people to click on your search results.

• 4. Optimize your image:

• Using an image for your blog posts is good thing, but be sure that the number of images must be kept a minimum.

• If you’re using an image on your blog post, It can generate tons of traffic from Google image search. Here are some ways to optimize your image.

• ALT Text: Alt text is a text that search engines use to understand the image. If the image is relevant to the post topic, you can include your main keyword as alt text.

Guide Content


• logging in

• creating a post

• adding tags & categories

• uploading images

• formatting images (borders, text wrap)

• entering image alternate text

• formatting text (justification, headings, emphasis)

• linking to other articles / references on the same topic / similar topics

• saving drafts & final publishing

Logging in

• First Step go to the link

• Second step you have to type you username and password

Dashboard Screen

Update Profile

Update Profile

Update Profile

Creating a Post

• Create a New Post

New Post Menu

Categories vs. Tags

Categories allowed for a broad grouping of post topics, but when you wanted to describe a post in more specific terms, more categories were required. That led to very long category lists inside the blog and very long lists in Categories Widgets.

So we now have tags, too.

Tags are similar to categories, but they are generally used to describe your post in more detail.

Add Tags

Upload Image

Upload Image

Upload Imageyou can find your upload image in media library and edit it

Upload ImageAfter insert your image you can edit it also

Upload Image

Upload ImageAdvance Setting

Upload Image

Upload Image

Upload Image

Upload Image

Organize your Post

Organize your Post

Organize your Post

Organize your Post

Organize your Post

Organize your Post

Organize your Post


Insert LinksExample TO Understand

Insert LinksExample TO Understand

Insert Links Inside Same ArticlesHOW to

Insert Links Inside Same Articles HOW to

Insert Links Inside Same Articles HOW to

Insert Links Inside Same Articles HOW to

Insert Links Inside Same Articles HOW to

Insert Links Inside Same Articles HOW to

Insert Links Inside Same Articles HOW to

Insert Links Inside Same Articles HOW to

Insert Links Inside Same Articles HOW to

Insert Links From Out ResourceHOW to

Insert Links From Out ResourceHOW to

Organize your Post

Organize your Post

The End

I Hope this Guide will help All to start Post through our Blog

For Any question and Help Please Feel Free to contact me Any time

Email :

Skype: Febc_eyad

Best Regard For All .

Eyad Sejari

IT Manager

FEBC International Copyright © All Rights Reserved to Febc International

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