managerial communication (non verbal communication)

Post on 06-May-2015






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In This presentation i included that the whole non verbal communication topic in easy language & easy step




Learning ObjectivesMeaning of Non Verbal Communication

Forms of Non Verbal Communication

Types of Non Verbal Communication

MeaningCommunication: Communication is an

exchange of facts , thoughts, ideas, and information by two or more person.

There are two types of Communication 1) Verbal Communication 2) Non Verbal Communication

Non Verbal Communication Many times we communicate without using

spoken or written words,

Communication through facial expressions, body movement, gesture, posture, symbols, eye contact, touch, graphs, diagrams is called non verbal communication.

Non verbal Communication plays a major role in our lives.

We communicate not only through words but also through means other than words.

A research ( Mehrabian’s research) showing impact of speaker’s message on receiver’s as follows :

Words spoken (7%) Tone of voice (38%) Facial expression (55%)

It shows receiver derived 93% of meaning through non verbal communication.

Forms of Non Verbal Communication Non verbal communication can involve (1 ) Conscious communication, (2) Subconscious communication.

(1) Conscious communication: Sender of conscious non verbal

communication are aware that they are sending a message and also aware of the general meaning of that messages.

EX. The individuals extending a hug know that they are embracing someone and that the action is normally perceived as indicating affection.

Receiver of hug also realize that the message is a sign of friendship.

(2) Subconscious Non verbal Communication:

Subconscious messages are communicated to the mind of the receiver unintentionally.

Receiver of such messages are not consciously aware of the message.

Some messages are listed as follows,

• 1. Police and Military uniforms subconsciously communicate the authority of those wearing them.

• 2. Well dressed executives project and credibility.

• 3. A poor sense of dressing up transmit a message of failure and lack of credibility.

Types of Non Verbal Communication 1) Kinesics (Body language)

2) Haptics (Touch)

3) proxemics (Space distancing)

4) Para language (Vocalics )

5) Sign language (Audio/ Visual)

6) Chronemics

Types of Non Verbal Communication1) Body Language/ Kinesics:

It is derived from the Greek word kinesis, meaning movement.

Our body communicates different messages through its physical movement. It is called body language.

The study of body language is called Kinesics.

Effective body language plays an important role in situation like Interviews, Group discussion, Meeting, and Presentations.

Different elements of Body Language (A) Personal Appearance: It is said that, “

First impression is last impression”.

A research shows that interviewers make half the judgment by the appearance of candidate.

Personal appearance contains 3 things: clothes, accessories, and grooming.

If our cloths are dirty or crumpled, they can create a negative impression. But if we wear clean and ironed cloths we can create a positive impression.

Perfume, Belt, Tie, Watch, shoes are the accessories, which show the status of person.

Grooming means how we look. Combed hair, clean shave face and trimmed nail create a positive impression.

(B)Facial Expressions: For a speaker the face is the most expressive of all parts of body.

Face displays different feelings, happiness, anger, fear, enthusiasm, disappointment, tension etc.

(C) Posture: Posture is an important element of body language.

It shows the way in which person holds himself, stands, sits and walks. It tells something about the personality of a person.

Graceful posture is great asset in any profession.

Standing Posture: Standing Posture is essential to be successful in speaking.

A good speaker stands tall and keeps feet together.

Sitting Posture: The posture of sitting may indicate optimism or depression or a sense of failure or of inattentiveness.

A speaker can measure the success of his communication by observing the posture of the listener.

Walking Posture: The ability of a person to walk on the stage with ease creates a first impression on audience.

The walking Posture shows whether a speaker is confident, energetic and nervous.

(D) Gestures: Moments of hands, shoulders and head are called gestures.

They add meaning to our words. Gestures make our talk more interesting and impressive.

Different gesture communicate different message as….. Yawing Boredom, lack of interest scratching the head Frustration Palm rub Excitement Nail biting Anxiety, Tension,


(E) Oculesics/ Eye Contact: Oculesics is the study of role of eyes in non verbal communication.

Eyes are perhaps the most expressive features on human beings.

Eye contact can indicate a lot of emotions ranging from interest, attention, and involvement.

A good speaker looks at his audience while speaking and not elsewhere.

Types of Non Verbal Communication(2) Haptics: It comes from the Greek word

‘haphe’ pertaining to the sense of touch.

Haptics is the science of touch.

A handshake is a non verbal category of haptics. While shaking hands with someone, we also receive feedback from that person.

Different types of Handshakes Type Equal

Politician handshake


Tight Informal

grasp handshake

Limp handshake

Types of Non Verbal Communication(3) Space Distancing / Proxemics:

When we communicate with somebody, we maintain some distance with him – knowingly or unknowingly.

This distance communicate some message. The study of space distancing is called Proxemics.

Proxemics tells us about two things: 1) Sender’s relationship with receiver and (2) How close they are

There are 4 zones of space distancing.

1) Intimate Distance: We allow very special and closest people to enter this distance. (0 – 18 inches )

Ex. Our spouse, kids, parents, very close friends etc.

2) Personal Distance: We use this distance while interacting with familiar people. (18 inches – 4 feet)

Ex. Friends, Peers, Relatives etc

3) Social Distance: we use this distance while communicating with strangers and less familiar people

Ex. Customers, Visitors etc. (5 feet- 12 feet)

4) Public Distance: When we have to talk with many people at a time we use this distance.(> 12 feet)

Types of Non Verbal Communication(4)Paralanguage: (How do we speak?)

The word ‘para’ means ‘like’ so, paralanguage stands for ‘like language’. ‘How you speak’ is more important than ‘what you speak’.

It associated not with the content of a verbal message but the attributes of speaking, which include the pitch, tone, volume, tempo, rhythm, and even accent of speaker.

(a)Voice: Voice is the first signal that we receive or use. It tells us so much about speaker’s gender,

background, education etc.

(b)Pitch variation: Most of us introduce wide variations in pitch while speaking.

These variation are necessary to catch the listener’s attention and to keep him interested in us.

(c) speaking speed: We should speak different speed at different occasions and while conveying different parts of a message.

(d) Pause: The speaking speed is also accompanied by pauses. We should not speaking without pausing.

But the pauses have to be at the right moments, incorrect use of pauses can create problems.

(e) Word stress: Proper word stress is very important in communication.

By putting stress or emphasis on a word here or a word there in the same sentences we can change the meaning.

Types of Non Verbal Communication(5) Sign Language: Communication is a

process in which people exchange messages through mutually understood signs.

Types of Non Verbal Communication(6)Chronemics / Time Language: Chronemics

is the study of time usage in non verbal communication.

Chronemics states that the way in which we perceive time, structure our time and react to time is a powerful communication tool.

Time perception can be expressed through punctuality, willingness to wait, speed of speech, amount of time listen to people.


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