make your about us page interesting for visitiors

Post on 26-Jul-2015






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Make Your About Us Page Interesting For Visitors

A successful website needs to be fully functional, beautiful and filled with important information. ‘About us’ page of any website plays a very significant role when building a successful website. This page makes the website very human.

It is page that informs the visitors about the company’s history and who the owners are. This page is vital, as it lets the customers know what is being sold, who they are why to trust them as an online merchant.


Hence, in order to create a reputed presence of a company, ‘About us’ page becomes necessary. Here are few things that should be included in this page:

Pictures are a fantastic way to convey complex message that a website intends in a limited space. And also helps to visually break up the text content. The only presence of the pictures makes everything easier to read. Pictures can be used to convey any message, no matter what the topic of the site is. For instance, using photos of the company’s team, using CG graphics that somewhat defines the business or the brand, or anything that is relevant.


Conveying about how and when a company began brings a personal touch to the ‘About us’ page. The main purpose of this page itself is to talk about the company. Talk about the company’s history and how it was established, this would help visitors build trust in the company. Give a brief story about the company this would help visitors to understand its vision.

Make it Personal:

Make sure the contact information of the company is easily visible. It is recommended to place this information on the top of the page, make this information handy for the visitors so they are not wasting time to look for it, if they need to contact the company.

Contact Information:

Give proof about past successes, achievements, social proof, etc. Providing testimonials will help the visitors understand the site better. Including testimonials show that the business has many satisfied customers and these customers have agreed to be the advocates of the site. Try including testimonials that show different kind of customers and scenarios to appeal the widest audience and how impactful the company is.

Provide Testimonial, Social Proofs and Other Authenticity Statement:

After gathering all the information, one might realize how lengthy the page has become. To break this content up, it would be good idea to include descriptive subheads, it would help organize the copy and make it easy to scan by the visitors. Use bullets to list down the services or products; also describe various steps in the process. Bullets are a great way to convey the company’s information without overwhelming the readers.

Subheads, Bullets and Graphics:

+91 265 653 5602 +91 98250 96949

+49 89954 57230

+31 222788105

+1 585 310 3829

802 Iskon Atria 2, Gotri Road,

Baroda.Gujarat. India.

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